posted on Nov, 6 2006 @ 02:27 PM
Been busy for a few days, getting back to this thread today.
As far as abductions, it really seems as if I would be just spinning my wheels going further into it. I was curious as to the responses I would get.
The bottom line that I see is, is that even if I was abducted, it doesn't seem as if I should worry about it. Tracking device? Why would they track
me, and what could, or should I do about it? I've also noted a lot of people on this forum saying "where is the proof" of crashes etc. I'm
sorry, but if they can basically wipe your mind of an abduction, how hard would it be to make things untraceable? We've all read 100's of stories
of the car dieing (my wife’s Dad's brother had it happen in Modesto) all the electronics going crazy, bright lights, UFO's etc. To me, that stuff
has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt. People don't report that stuff to get recognition. Everyone knows you'll be deemed nuts.
I've always thought different from the mainstream from as far back as I can remember, thinking that the way we live is not right. One of my favorite
movies is The Gods must be Crazy. I've also always looked at things like Stonehenge, Easter Island, the Mayans, Pyramids, etc as proof that we have
somehow grown away from something, or a change happened, but that is a whole debate in and of itself.
The more I read and hear about the alien thing, the NWO, yada yada yada, it's amazing how people (sheeple) can remain the way they are today. People
actually "fear" anything outside of a stupid ass Sitcom on TV. Whatever the controlling powers or forces are, they are feeding the population right
into the grave. We traveled to Universal Studios a few weeks back with the family, and I was absolutely disgusted with "Fat" America. The majority
of Americans today are fat slothy pigs. I'm not trying to get on a soap box here, or change the subject, but if I'm going to keep my mind open to
the "big picture" I'll address and notice many things and catalog them so to speak.
I'm by no means a religious nut, and I know man wrote the Bible and it has it's issues, partly that it was put together the way that it worked best
for the church, and many books were left out, but if you look around today, it's hard to completely ignore or dismiss it. I'm not going to go off
on religion, settle down ;-) Just noting that it's not very far off target.
I really hope that all the conspiracy theories about 911, the NWO, the Greys, underground cities, the second coming, etc are all just mankinds over
eager imagination and it's need to always be stirred up and involved in one chaos or another.
My thoughts on life are, learning, listening, remaining open minded and objective to any and all possibilities won't kill you. On the flip side, NOT
remaining open and just sitting in front of your TV with a bag of Cheetos and a diet Coke, well, something tells me those people may already be
I hope I didn't offend anyone with my rambling. Believe me, I'm no where near perfect, and have all the same skeletons in my closet ;-)