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South Park Mocks Steve Irwin

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posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 08:53 AM
When south park first started I was a mad follower. In fact I think I wore out my tapes of the first two seasons, but somewhere along the line south park became less about emphasising the stupidity of the world and concentrating on "how can we gross people out/offend the public this week?".

To me the show ran out of originality very very quickly, and regressed into childish, immature attempts at toilet humour and deliberate attempts to get people worked up. Steve Irwin in hell? I didn't see the episode, and I don't care how he was implicated. The fact is, Steve was an absolutely awesome bloke, that did what he could to bring a bit of the real world to us 'city folk'. He was the last of a dying breed. An (almost) stereotypical aussie. A joker, a larikin, a man who didn't give two hoots what other people thought, who knew what his passion was, and went for it with everything he had. As strange as he was, the world is a sadder place without him. We need more steve irwins in this world

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 09:17 AM
I think the people complaining have missed the point, they were mocking the people who say "Is it too early yet?"

There were Steve Irwin jokes going round within 2 hours of his death. People should lighten up, they mock anyone and everyone. Thats why I like it, they don't care who they offend but they just dot go out there to offend anyone on purpose.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 09:23 AM
No, we have not missed the message. We got it clear and dry.

I'll rephrase my stance.

The fact Irwin was portrayed in the cartoon is not the problem. The manner they chose to portray Irwin is the problem.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 09:26 AM
It was rude, crude, tasteless, and yes, "uncalled for". But it happens every day to some segment of our society.

People get very selective about what offends them, sometimes. Btw, I saw the segment and it wasn't any more over the top than other segments of SP, imo.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by chissler
No, we have not missed the message. We got it clear and dry.

I'll rephrase my stance.

The fact Irwin was portrayed in the cartoon is not the problem. The manner they chose to portray Irwin is the problem.
How else is someone going to turn up in a fancy dress party as Steve Irwin? They needed that for the story line so Satan could mistake him for someone who came in fancy dress.

If you are easily offended, dont watch SP and then you wont have to whine about it.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 03:18 PM
its just a tv show...

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 03:27 PM
South Park defends Irwin sketch

Mr Beyer said of the Mr Irwin sketch: "Mr Irwin's family are obviously still grieving about their tragic loss and it seems inappropriate to me that South Park should be trying to make some capital out of it.

"To lampoon somebody's death like that is unacceptable, and so soon after the event is grossly insensitive and shows a great deal of disrespect for his family."

John Beyer, of TV watchdog Mediawatch, called it "grossly insensitive".

With so many things on Earth to joke about, why choose something that people may still be grieving over.

However I will be watching the episode if it gets aired.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Flyer
How else is someone going to turn up in a fancy dress party as Steve Irwin? They needed that for the story line so Satan could mistake him for someone who came in fancy dress.


Originally posted by Flyer
If you are easily offended, dont watch SP and then you wont have to whine about it.

Oh see you have me mistaken. Easily offended is one thing I am not. Why would I be offended for what South Park has done? I am merely empathetic for the memory of Irwin and his family. If anything, it appears you have been offended by my stance.

Originally posted by they see ALL
its just a tv show...

And that is exactly why were discussing this in the Television Forum. It is just a tv show.

[edit on 28-10-2006 by chissler]

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by chissler
Why do you wish to assume anything?

Am I a fan of the show? Yes
Have I watched this episode? No

Why is it disrespectful?

It portrays Irwin in hell with the sting ray through his chest. Absolutely no need for this message or the drawings.

It is disrespectful.

Its a cartoon dude..

Who honestly gives a damn if it is disrespectful anyways?... get over your self and stop complaining because someones feelings may have been hurt. If someone took this as offensive they should get over their sensitivities because not everyone over reacts as you have.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
get over your self and stop complaining because someones feelings may have been hurt. If someone took this as offensive they should get over their sensitivities because not everyone over reacts as you have.

Quick heads up dude, not every thread on ATS has to become personal. Clearly there are several members who agree that this was disrespectful, you feel its not a big deal. Lets agree to disagree, and leave it at that.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 07:29 PM
How is this any worse then portraying him as a guy with a Croc fetish that likes to stick his thumb up their bungholes?

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by chissler
And that is exactly why were discussing this in the Television Forum. It is just a tv show.


and, thanks to the american constitution, shows like these can do whatever they feel like...

it may be disrespectful, but its "constitutional"...

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 03:55 AM
just to clear up...

The clip

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 04:18 AM

Thats it...well...#e.

Now offensive.

[edit on 29-10-2006 by stigrayos]

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 12:33 PM
Yeah I didn't think that it was right to do that. I think the joke was more to do with the fact that it was an uncomfortable situation ie: too soon. Bad taste though.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 05:41 PM
South Park has seriously gone over the line with this. It is normal to be upset at them mocking religions, people, and institutions. Although crass, South Park is a show that mocks recent events etc and they do an excellent job of making it funny and new. This should show you why your upset might not be best suited to the scenario.


When they sink down to mocking dead people, more importantly recently deceased, they've crossed the line and being enraged is appropriate. Steve Irwin was a true inspiration who brought charisma and enthusiasm into my life, and I shed a tear when watching his ceremony. I am not alone in that assertion. South Park should donate to Steve Irwin's organization for doing this. This is beyond outrage, it's damn evil. This is beyond crass, beyond classless, and beyond horrible. Steve had a wife, a daughter, and a whole world of fans who loved what he did and showed us. How dare you Trey Parker and Matt Stone. First Scientology and now this, you're pieces of #.

If you found Steve on South Park funny; you deserve neither pity nor respect. If South Park doesn't make this right, I guarantee they are going to face intense and serious backlash.

[edit on 29-10-2006 by jaguarmike]

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
South Park has seriously gone over the line with this. It is normal to be upset at them mocking religions, people, and institutions. Although crass, South Park is a show that mocks recent events etc and they do an excellent job of making it funny and new. This should show you why your upset might not be best suited to the scenario.


When they sink down to mocking dead people, more importantly recently deceased, they've crossed the line and being enraged is appropriate. Steve Irwin was a true inspiration who brought charisma and enthusiasm into my life, and I shed a tear when watching his ceremony. I am not alone in that assertion. South Park should donate to Steve Irwin's organization for doing this. This is beyond outrage, it's damn evil. This is beyond crass, beyond classless, and beyond horrible. Steve had a wife, a daughter, and a whole world of fans who loved what he did and showed us. How dare you Trey Parker and Matt Stone. First Scientology and now this, you're pieces of #.

If you found Steve on South Park funny; you deserve neither pity nor respect. If South Park doesn't make this right, I guarantee they are going to face intense and serious backlash.

[edit on 29-10-2006 by jaguarmike]

The bottom line is that steve irwin is in hell for what he did. South Park should be praised for their accurate report on Mr Irwin's afterlife. Leave South Park alone.....

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by ConstantlyWondering
The bottom line is that steve irwin is in hell for what he did. South Park should be praised for their accurate report on Mr Irwin's afterlife. Leave South Park alone.....

What did he do to deserve a spot in hell? Please enlighten us because I know of nothing in his life that would do this...

[edit on 10/29/2006 by djohnsto77]

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Originally posted by ConstantlyWondering
The bottom line is that steve irwin is in hell for what he did. South Park should be praised for their accurate report on Mr Irwin's afterlife. Leave South Park alone.....

What did he do to deserve a spot in hell? Please enlighten us because I know of nothing in his life that would do this...

[edit on 10/29/2006 by djohnsto77]

His stupid accent and he was taking jobs from good honest hardworking Americans.:w:

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by ConstantlyWondering

The bottom line is that steve irwin is in hell for what he did. South Park should be praised for their accurate report on Mr Irwin's afterlife. Leave South Park alone.....

Comments like that are so unnecessary. Your inability to elaborate even adds to the ignorance.

First of all, this thread is NOT to discuss Irwin and the validity of his goals in life. Secondly, why are you in any position to proclaim he belongs in hell?

This is an isolated event with South Park and Irwin. Your attempt to turn this thread into a personal vendetta against Irwin is going to fall short.

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