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"Come out of her my people" Rev 18:4

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posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
What you mean by putting (false messiah) after Jesus Christ I don't know, and would be interested to hear an explanation...

I AM not sure what was meant - or what will be - but yes Jesus was not your savior (at that time) - he died! How can death = life?

We are quickened by his LIFE! Death is always death even when it looks like life!

How do you discern what is man's and what is God's?

As far as I can tell - man's is for man and God's is for man.

I get the impression that holidays you perceive as man's, and not God's, as you seem to a Sabbath day, yet God gave the Jews many holidays.
No - the Sabbath is the weekly day of rest - not only good for us but for some of us it is all that saves our lives from running out hot wax at both ends!
REST ox have fun
God likes to have FUN

If money is being asked for, it is not of God?

Why ask for money for 'God?'

God owns EVERYTHING! That's crazy, don't you think? We ASK God gives. We don't ASK God gives. We never say Thanks (maybe 1% or .5%)

I say thanks and I will tell you this is true: today the moon is only a half moon waxing. And I looked up and saw it and said to myself, 'My cup runneth over at half-full! Tomorrow we drown!'

Say thanks. It pays.
Count your blessings not your 'shortages'!
God WILL do
we must be patient!

Why, then, would Judas have had the opportunity to be in charge of the money?

He invested the groups treasure in the most wisest way - it collected interest for 2000 years and the dividends will be publicized tomorrow or day after! To the world, that is...

How are pastors to eat?

With their mouths, the same as the rest of us.

Why would God have commanded David to collect so much wealth and Solomon to use that wealth to create the Temple? [/qupte]
Future investment for His coming non-limited kingdom (hint: aeon means trip up and down Jacob's ladder and alpha is A - no 'millenial' or '1000 years' mentioned in NT! 1000 years means 'Archangel of the LORD.'

Why would we be commanded to tithe?

It is your Retirement Plan! It is payable not only in money (money last choice) but also time, attention, devotion (to others), profits or product or donation or anything at all - if you have and give the first and best part of it freely away before touching the rest....that is tithing.

And every 7.2 years your investment doubles.

Why did Jesus praise the woman giving 2 minas in the Temple?

Did your bible leave that part out? Dumb lizards. It says that it was all she had and she gave it with a cheerful heart.

How is a ministry to survive if they cannot afford food?

C'mon - even the plantation slaves were given ample food for their forced servitude...don't you think God is as thoughtful as Thomas Jefferson? Duh Jake.


This planet is 70 or 75% water.....and there is more they don't know is there....and our bodies are something like 75% water.....

Who needs to worry about water? Go pottie before you leave the house and take TP and antiseptic hand cleaner. No water required.

A building to gather at?

God doesn't fit in a building - believe me - He doesn't even fit standing on our planet (I saw Him once)


just get together because he can also be small - like Paul....

All those things spoken of throughout scripture?

I'm not sure you read scripture for comprehension, Jake!

JK I love you, truly I do - but I also must say you read to justify your beliefs and your faith - that means all you get is usually a lie or more lie than not.

God won't lie. But we can't keep from lying to self about God. We love Him and crave Him and we think it is hard.

God is WAY cool - He has sinned all the sins already and done all the time. He knows you ALL THE WAY through the middle - better than you - he knows you when you are on the toilet and he knows you when you sleep and when you are in bed not sleeping and truly God does know our EVERY THOUGHT.

ALL of us. ALL the time. GOD is Direct. Call Today.

Why, in acts, does it talk about people giving everything they had to the community, to the church?

Well, because they did!

Noone and I mean NOONE wants to know or for certainly hear the Truth being taught in church today therefore the Truth remains hidden to those who do not have ears to hear and eyes to see!!

I don't follow...

Well, if you are ready to start, I might can point out one of the footsteps so you can start down THE path. The steps are pretty deep - foot shaped and about 3 foot deep. Go to any jail or welfare office or cemetary and look on the ground. You'll find the way. Follow it until you are staring God in the FACE. And you will recognize him, trust me you WILL know Him.

Where did your list of what is not His come from?

The Manual....the Basic Instructions for Beacon Light Earth.

I'll agree on some points, such as idol worship being despised by God, because you're putting something before Him as the Israelites did at Mt. Sinai, just to mention one example.

Fine. Speak to Him about that, though - it's none of my business and neither can I do anything to change it. I don't want to change it, anyway.

A christian is like a light-bulb when it comes to changing.

It really sounds like you expect a perfect church, and if there is any imperfection in it you have to leave it.

Well, only if it makes you die. Then you get a new one and start over.

The fact is, though, that even if you found that perfect church, as soon as you walk through the doors it is no longer perfect.

Not fact! Opinion. Opinion is the opposite of fact and fact is that which is not about God and is quantifiable. God is not quantified.

Even Paul wrote that he did evil when he did not want to. Peter did as well. In fact, every person in the Bible with the exception of Christ did evil in some regard.

Not everyone did evil - but all made mistakes. Christ DID do evil - me first me first.... Trust me, I know my brother QUITE well, thank you. I love him for being just like me which is nothing special or perfect but beloved by God....He was just like you and he was just like Hitler....and Saddam and even Osama BinLaden...

EXACTLY like them. Or same as them....

If they hadn't, we'd not have needed Christ.

Huh? You would need Christ no matter what. I do. Even God needs Christ.

Enoch and Elijah did remarkably well, not dying but instead being taken up into heaven, but even they were stained with at least original sin.

Jake - were you there? Maybe I just am not remembering, but if you weren't there how do you know anything about 'original?'
When was sin born?
How? Where? Why?

All fall short of the glory of God.

Even God.
But not anymore.
He wasn't shining until we could shine - he's just like that - a good father.
In fact, most of the time, God is fighting fires down here - and that helps because less mortal men are in danger and that means less women fearfullyingfully waiting every time their husband and children's father goes to work. That would suck! Can you imagine? Oh yeah - you are a guy, aren't you? Well, ask a gal.

By this criteria, though, Christians can never gather, which is exactly what the enemy would want.

NO enemies! Only adversaries....catalysts....reagents...

Ever hear of divide and conquer?

That is Hitler's battle cry! I know because I cried it, too. And I cried it with many others, too - we killed and we divided and we raped and we pillaged. Sometimes vice versa. Just never knew.

Christ pointed out that a force divided against itself cannot stand when He was accused of casting out demons in Satan's name, yet that's exactly what the enemy is trying to do to the faithful.

That wasn't a false accusation! He was casting out demons in 'Satan's name!' Didn't He admit it?
The biggest enemy to the faithful is their faith. What is faith? Loyalty. Fidelity. It isn't in the church, to God - each church is loyal to itself.

God said it is not good that man should be alone.

Gosh He is SO smart like that! Don't you just love it!

Naturally, though, do not lose heart!

Well, that's not natural for men, but let's try anyway! YEAH!

Time and time again through scripture God has shown that He can take evil and bring good out of it (Genesis 50:20, Exodus 1:11, Exodus 1:12, Deuteronomy 8:15, Deuteronomy 8:16, Jeremiah 24:5, Jeremiah 24:6, Ezekiel 1 to name a few examples).

Yes. But it seems not really anyone really takes it serious!

If you see something wrong with the Bride of Christ, do not flee!

What could be wrong with the bride of Christ?
Even though she starts out as a whore and becomes a has-been prostitute - she has a generous and loving heart and gave of herself until she had no more to give....
she even gave up her son...she never had a family she knew.

BUT He fixed her! And He will fix her again! He will fix all brides, in each's turn.

(bride = soul)

We all have our turn - but just like all the prior seals - each must be opened by the pioneer Christ (there are 'Christs' opening LAMB seals)

there are Christs in each of us....but no instant karma or presto chango on-demand salvation....

I have a map if you have any questions about signposts or details, Jake!
God bless you - I love you.

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