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What's the speed of dark?

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posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 02:15 PM
There is no such thing as dark... "Dark" is in reference to a color. Color is determined by the spectrum of light reflected from a surface. When there is an absence of light, everything is still where it was..... just not illuminated by light. To say that darkness has an equal and opposite reaction to light is silly because there is no substance to "absence of light".

There is either light.... or there isn't... simple as that.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 02:34 PM
If you have a closet and slowly open the door you will see the light move into the closet, but did you see the dark leave.
Like when light is traveling through the universe and gets to it's destination only to find out that darkness was already there waiting for the light. I believe darkness was and has always been here and has no speed. Darkness is what is all around us and beyond our universe and others. When looking at the galaxies through hubble we see light forming the galaxy but darkness is everywhere else. Dark is just there. Zero miles per hour.

[edit on 1/11/2008 by Solarskye]

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Solarskye

Well put, Solarskye.
And it ties up nicely with the opening of the Genesis, by the way.

Of course darkness does not (certainly not necessarily) equal "void" (I know, you didn't imply it did) - but that is a different question altogether...

[edit on 12-1-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 12:01 AM
The speed of dark is the speed of light...

The way to calculate this would be just to simply cut off the light and calculate...
The result is the speed of light.

Its just how fast it takes light to disappear.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 06:06 AM

Everything is made of something, and everything is moving at some speed.

I'm sure you want to believe this, but seriously! Well, if you don't believe me, take this for example.. Nothing, doesn't move! It seems stupid for me to say, but in space, it's Hydrogen, but subtract the Hydrogen, and what do you have? Nothin'. So, on other words, Nothin' doesn't move, as I said before! If I'm wrong please correct me!

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 06:56 PM
dark has no set speed, it is a variable.
light being the essance of energy, and all energy produces heat, thus the begining of my thesis
being that light carryes more particles such as light waves and radioactive rays from the sun, you would think of it as more dence than darkness. but i think other wise. my theory is that the radiant heat/radiation/fluxing magnitism. actually spreads the subatomic particals and bounces them around making light less dences than darkness.

thus having less mass light and dark would react different to gravitaional forces like a planet.

also the speed of dark has to reflect the idea that different abjects obsorbe light in different ways, but alway release that energy in a slower time frame. it takes less time to elluminate than it does to de-elluminate something.

so darkness has a direct influance on it by the things around it.

it is a cunundrum wraped in a puzzle shrouded in a mistery.

if your head just exploded than you thought about this to much

John Skippy Adams

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by loki421

I think you've got that quite backwards. Waves travel at the same speed all the time through a given medium. Particles can travel at all kinds of speeds.

You can slow light (well, sort of.) by shining it through anything that isn't a vacuum, and even bring it nearly to a stop. The light waves don't actually slow to a stop, though, they just take an absurdly complicated route through the material (being absorbed and remitted) that their aggregate speed through it is far lowered.

Aren't there already like three of this thread, though? From early this year, too, not necro'd from 2003?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 03:44 PM

"Without light is no velocity,
no velocity, no movement."

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:43 PM
Slightly off topic but as some knowledgable people seem to be watching maybe someone could answer me this...

If its true that speed is relative, and that the speed of light is absolute, then what is the speed of two beams of light travelling away from each other. Is it not twice the speed of light?

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Man_Versus_AntiMan

From any frame of refrence, the distance between two pulses of light traveling in opposite directions increases at twice the speed of light. That doesn't mean anything special though, because nothing is actually moving over the speed of light. Both light waves are traveling at c, and the observer is traveling at any speed under that.

THere are all kinds of things like that, which are interesting, but physically and mathematically inconsequential. You could, for instance, shine a laser into space, and move it about. Were it to have no divergence, at some arbitrary distance, the spot it creates would be moving faster than light; even millions of times faster than light. This wouldn't mean anything, though, because the spot isn't an object.

From the perspective of either light beam, it is stationary while the other light beam is traveling at C away from it.

As math would have it, light doesn't experience time. in it's frame of reference, it is at it's origin and destination and all points between simultaneously.

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 12:40 PM
i need answers please someone tell me if there a speed of light is there a speed of dark there has to be because light is not called dark nor is dark caleled light they must have separate speeds. i asked a few people i.e my mum my dad my friends my uncles anywy they said that there isnt a speed of dark which i know is wrong there must be a speed of dark if you know there is and ur certain then reply?!.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
i need answers please someone tell me if there a speed of light is there a speed of dark there has to be because light is not called dark nor is dark caleled light they must have separate speeds. i asked a few people i.e my mum my dad my friends my uncles anywy they said that there isnt a speed of dark which i know is wrong there must be a speed of dark if you know there is and ur certain then reply?!.

Well that's just it... you cant, because dark does not exist since it is nothing more than absence of light. Think of it this way, You have a glass of water... you drink all the water... the glass is now absent of water. Its as simple as that. The speed of no water in the glass was as fast as it left it.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 06:37 PM
Does a beam of light exist if there is nobody to observe it? If we are afraid of 'the endless darkness of space' why are we not equally afraid of 'the infinite light out there'?

As for the twits asking if there is a 'speed of darkness' and denying the FACT that darkness is absence of light... Think about it this way: 'darkness' is simply a setting on a progress bar called 'light'. On one end of the scale we have 'bright light', in the middle we have 'weak light', and on the far end we have 'NO light' aka. 'darkness'. Darkness is not a seperate entity, stop smoking the crack pipe and go back to highschool.
It'd be the same as saying you've been attacked by a completely seperate energy form because you're suddenly 'cold' as opposed to being 'warm'...


[edit on 19/2/2009 by nrky]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Satyr

I didn't read every post in this thread but a lot of people here are right to say that Darkness is the absence of Light. However, Darkness is our perception of our world. Many animals use different ways to 'see' the world ( Snakes detect heat, dogs are colorblind, and bats use sonar). Then there are different types of energy; light, x-rays, ultraviolet, radio waves etc.

So, as we 'see' darkness' when there is no light, that doesn't make darkness an actual energy or measurable thing. It is just the absence of pure light as we as humans see it.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 09:45 PM
Already had a thread a while back:

Went pretty well, lots of people hated me for creating it. Others loved it, you decide.


Not as far back though lol

[edit on 22-2-2009 by Nyte Angel]

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