posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 03:54 PM
After reading through all this and finding many of the same observations (photo on wall, hair lines, lighting, etc.), there was one other thing that
kept buggin me and I couldn't put my finger on it. Something about the 'ghost itself'. Dang - what is it?
Then it occurred to me - I also thought early on that the ghostly image looked a lot like those smoke-glass plates they used to film with early in
dugeero0type cameras. Then I looked closer at the 'ghost's face. Check out the expression. Look closeely at the blow-up (thanks guys). Notice
Is it just me, or does this image look a lot like a 'portrait' pose, like you find on paper currency, etc. from a hundred years ago ro so? The
nose, the hair, especially the emotionless expression of the hollow eyes. This is a portrait - not an 'entity'. The figure is too 'static',
lifeless (poor choice of words), wooden, impartial, nonchelant. Like it's posing for portrait ona dollar bill. I guess I'm not explaining myself
very well - but remember those old high scholl history books with Ben Franklin and his buddies sitting around waiting to sign the Declaration of
Independence or stainding around getting drawn for a military ceremony. Like that.
Anyway - not sure what a ghost is "supposed to" look like - never seen one myself. But somehow the 'expression' on this image's face just
doesn't appear 'ghost-like' to me...
kudos to the poster and thread though - very interesting discussion...