posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 03:14 PM
O.K. folks I'm going to put all of your fears at ease.
There are no dangerous effects of going underground at the reactor site. All of the radiation has either subsided, never existed (there is no uranium
at dawson forest, it would be closed if that were the case) or it's source has been moved away. Now the Hot Cell is dangerous, but not lethal. There
are lot's of dangers such as tetnis (rusted pointy metal not good for you) and drowning (there's water in there). The cobalt has all decayed to
natural backgorund radiation, so poisoning is not likely. However, like I said be careful not to get caught digging, looking is perfectly acceptable
to the Rangers, but digging would be tresspasing. Luckily there's not a whole lot they can do, or would do, to any of us. A stern verbal warning or
maybe an escort away from the forest.
Enjoy your exploring and don't fall or slip, bricks hurt like hell when you fall on them, to those of you who found that big hole in the huge wall
next to that field you know what I'm talking about. Peace.