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latest terror message (

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posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 07:46 AM
Okay, we can view this two ways. 1. Yahoo or the feds shut these guys down,


the message is out, their work is done...they folded up camp and are in action.

Whichever it is, here is what I get when I try to visit our US-hate-mongering yahoo website...

"There is no group called Daleel_Al-Mojahid_. "

Check it out for your self:

[Edited on 22-11-2003 by Valhall]

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 07:56 AM
id assume it was shut down (hopefully)
because if they have their message out there then

how many hrs has it been since the latest attacks in turkey??

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 08:16 AM
I want to revisit the original message of this thread:

36 and 25 and 36, east of, west of.

The last day of Ramadan is the 25th, with the "Breaking of the Fast" celebration on the 26th. What if we take the "east of" and "west of" to indicate "before" and "after". Then the 25 represents the 25th and the attacks would go:

36 hours in front of (what time? sunset the 25th? spotting of the new moon? is there another message we have looked at that indicates this time?) then an attack on the 25th and then an attack 36 hours later. The exact time reference on the 25th may not matter at all. It may be a macro-level plan...i.e. 23rd, 25th, 27th.

Just a thought.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 08:27 AM
thats an interesting thought valhall.

assuming theyd attack in the middle of the day.


24th 12am 25th 12midday 26th 12am, but that doesnt make sense

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 08:57 AM
Chemical attack foiled: report
From correspondents in London
November 23, 2003

A terror attack in Britain was foiled after a company financed by "the Islamic community" tried to buy a large quantity of toxic chemicals, arousing the supplier's suspicions, the Financial Times newspaper reported today.


interesting, im glad they caught wind of this plot.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 09:05 AM
And I was about to taunt Valhalle... great theory. foiled on 23... 36 hours before 25... 27th??? what then?

did anyone foil anything in any of the 4 cities listed? is the english incident even related?

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 06:04 PM
it's probably not related, i just thought id post it here instead of starting a new thread.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 10:02 PM
Another thought to add to the list�

36 and 25 and 36 could be interpreted as 36+25+36 as something and something and something adds up to some kind of total. Kind of obvious but the obvious is sometimes the last thing you look for when you are expecting the deviant. It adds up to 97 which is mentioned as one of the code numbers further on in the full quote. 9+7 is 16. On the 24 hour clock 16 is 4pm. another 4.
There is no point here, just another observation of an over active mind.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 10:23 PM
good observation keg,

that does boil down the the whole 4 4 thing.

but would muslim extreamists use Numerology??

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 05:45 AM
Last night was Lailat ul-Qadr, the Night of Power for the Ramadan month. (The night the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed to Mohammed.) As the sunrises around the world the Muslims will have spent the night in prayer. Typical prayer "Therein come down the angels and the spirits by Allah's permission on every errand."...prayed until dawn.

"It is said that when Night of Power arrives then those angels also come down with Hazrat Jibreel (Alaihisalaam) who live on "Sidratul Muntaha" (a stop in the seventh heaven" and they bring four flags with them. One flag is hoisted on Gumbad-e-Khizra (Masjid-e-Nabavi) and the other on Baitul Muqaddas (i.e. Jurusalam), Next one on the roof of Masjid-e-Haraam (Khana-e-Kabaa) and the fourth one on Koh-e-Toor (Toor Mountain)."

"And according to the Quran, this is when God determines the course of the world for the following year."


posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 10:16 AM
I've been thinking... if the govt issues a warning about a terrorist attack on US soil, there probably won't be any in the near future. The reason for thinking this? Since the US govt have the best intel agencies in the world, they probably could foil every major attack planned on US soil. Then why did 9/11 happen? Either they're not as good as we think they are(which I highly doubt) or they gave an open window for this event to happen, so that they could secretly have more control over us. When we think they're protecting us by limiting our freedom, they're actually doing that but more (the stuff we don't know about). I think they're making us blind by thinking that they're protecting the country. They're doing so (when they're allowed to), but giving open windows (when told to do so) so that they could have more control over us. So basically, when they say that more attacks are being planned, they might be telling the truth, but when they don't tell us that another attack is being planned it either isn't or they've been told to let the event happen.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 11:16 AM
XN, while I look at your post with somewhat curiousness, I can tell you this. With our Government being as smart as they are, they sure as hell would not do that... Reasoning being that this discredits them more and more everytime that they make a statement that something might happen, but it never does. If they were to do this out of their own interest, then they would only warn people when it is truely going to happen, that way they can look like they have intelligence on anything that happens. Also, if this was true, i think they would grab a few cells of the sleepers and arrest them now to prove to us that they are still looking out for us, and make us think that we are still not in the clear. Buy making these statements and nothing ever happening, they are basically saying that " we have intelligence, but we are just not sure how intelligent it is"..... I hope you see what I mean... I do believe that the US knows a lot more than we do and maybe behind some of the previous attacks. Like I said on another post, this world is like the Matrix... Now while we are in Zion, the rest of the people are in the matrix only doing what they have been programmed by the Gov. and the media to do. All I can say is... Forget what you know, lets find out how deep the rabbit hole truely is.......

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 12:07 AM
new warnings :- long post possibly

these taken from

Increased Threats of Terror Attacks In The United States

24 November 2003-- On 21 November 2003, the Northeast Intelligence Network issued an advisory regarding the increased threat of attacks by terrorists on US soil. On 23 November 2003, over 48 hours after our initial posting, a story appeared on the PRNewswire as well as at least two additional widely read Internet news sites that echoed our analysis about the increased threat on US soil.

Threats To Our Airliners

Sean Osborne, Network Analyst

Director's Note: The following assessment is extremely important as the US enters into its busiest season for the airline travel industry. Readers are urged to consider the number of flights and holiday travelers between now and Christmas. --Douglas J. Hagamnn

Increased Threats of Terror Attacks Against Our Troops

24 November 2003-- On 22 November 2003, the Northeast Intelligence Network also issued advisories concerning an extremely serious threat against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, including but not limited to the use of unconventional weapons and an increase in the intensity of these attacks. Approximately 24 hours after our posting of this material, additional Internet news and intelligence sites again echoed our previous warnings pertaining to the same threat, much the same as done with the threats on US soil.

New al Qaeda Warning - Threat Specific

During the coming Greater Bairam (Festival) we will break the tyrants necks

22 November 2003-- The "rule" that permitted the two explosions in Istanbul threatened� with the execution of a great work did not take place between the two feasts� as written in an electronic message to a Saudi magazine - it will take place in the Greater Bairam� the declaration of the rule for the responsibility about the explosions he gave in a statement on the Internet about the Egyptian Brigades of Abu-Hafs al-Masri� and in a message from the great Abu Mohammad to the magazine� and he states to be the spokesmen of the Al-Qaeda� as such he warned Washington in a secret notice that was distributed to the police and the security about a likely attack by Al-Qaeda against American interests abroad� but the warning did not cause a change in the Security Alert level, and in Istanbul they arrested persons accused of the involvement in two explosions Wednesday that reached two British targets� I canceled the vacations ???? the police � about what ???� an exponent� by me� the British that one of the explosions aimed is its works yesterday completely� Hurriyet (Turkish Daily News) said that the police recognized the suicide bombers identity and they are two Turks, and it said that they are two terrorists that were caught within the framework of the double explosion that occurred at two Jewish temples last week� hitting Americans, ...

from this we can gather that some sort of large scale attack is imminent, possibly at christmas/other holidays

there is way more including an image that was posted on one of the terrorist forums.

id like to know what other posters opinions are of this.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 07:50 AM
FEDS TO COPS: PREPARE FOR AL-QAIDA CAR BOMBS reports: "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has advised federal agencies to initiate emergency counterterrorism measures to prevent possible al-Qaida car bombings planned during the last days of the Muslim holiday Ramadan, according to a confidential department memo obtained by WorldNetDaily.

Citing al-Qaida's 'increasingly sophisticated' car-bombing tactics, it recommends security guards tow all vehicles parked illegally in and around government facilities, if their owners cannot be identified, and inspect the undercarriage and other areas of vehicles entering sensitive areas, among other high-threat protective measures.

Al-Qaida could also target 'liquid natural gas, chemical or petrochemical sites near major population centers using multiple vehicle-born improvised explosive devices similar to those recently seen in the attacks in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Istanbul, Turkey,' warns the internal department advisory titled, 'Continued al-Qaida Threats Abroad and in the Homeland.'

Marked 'For Official Use Only,' the five-page memo was distributed Friday to federal departments and agencies, as well as state security managers and first responders.

'This advisory is intended to raise the security awareness of the recipients based on recent terrorist attacks overseas and information suggesting al-Qaida continues to plan attacks against U.S. targets,' the memo says.

It notes there has been at least one major terrorist attack resulting in substantial casualties each week over the past several weeks, and that the attacks have coincided with Ramadan.

'These terrorist bombings, coupled with public proclamations regarding al-Qaida's intentions to target Western interests, heighten our concern that a threat against the U.S. homeland and U.S. interests abroad continues,' the document states�"

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
FEDS TO COPS: PREPARE FOR AL-QAIDA CAR BOMBS reports: "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has advised federal agencies to initiate emergency counterterrorism measures to prevent possible al-Qaida car bombings planned during the last days of the Muslim holiday Ramadan, according to a confidential department memo obtained by WorldNetDaily.

Citing al-Qaida's 'increasingly sophisticated' car-bombing tactics, it recommends security guards tow all vehicles parked illegally in and around government facilities, if their owners cannot be identified, and inspect the undercarriage and other areas of vehicles entering sensitive areas, among other high-threat protective measures.

Al-Qaida could also target 'liquid natural gas, chemical or petrochemical sites near major population centers using multiple vehicle-born improvised explosive devices similar to those recently seen in the attacks in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Istanbul, Turkey,' warns the internal department advisory titled, 'Continued al-Qaida Threats Abroad and in the Homeland.'

Marked 'For Official Use Only,' the five-page memo was distributed Friday to federal departments and agencies, as well as state security managers and first responders.

'This advisory is intended to raise the security awareness of the recipients based on recent terrorist attacks overseas and information suggesting al-Qaida continues to plan attacks against U.S. targets,' the memo says.

It notes there has been at least one major terrorist attack resulting in substantial casualties each week over the past several weeks, and that the attacks have coincided with Ramadan.

'These terrorist bombings, coupled with public proclamations regarding al-Qaida's intentions to target Western interests, heighten our concern that a threat against the U.S. homeland and U.S. interests abroad continues,' the document states�"

Forget the government targets, if the terrorists start using car bombs in the U.S. we would be sitting ducks. The perfect time to do massive damage would be this friday (after thanksgiving) when every freaking American is out shopping for the holidays. Malls, Wal-Marts, Targets would be VERY soft targets packed to the brim with glass and people.
That is a scary thought

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 07:55 AM

Did you get to read that whole article? It states that though the general security level has not been raised, behind the scenes security messures are being carried out in accordance with Level Red for an imminent attack. This is a scary article!

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Valhall

Did you get to read that whole article? It states that though the general security level has not been raised, behind the scenes security messures are being carried out in accordance with Level Red for an imminent attack. This is a scary article!

No I hadn't, now I have. Now I wish I hadn't

Why even have a color coded threat level system if you are not going to use it?! I hope this is a rumor that WND is reporting on. It seems that if this is legitimate and there really are behind the scenes action being taken to "raise" security to the Red (or Elmo) level then the public deserves to know.

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 08:17 AM
the reason the site closed down was that it allegedly got hacked....

believe what you like val, i subscribed to them out of pure interest so as to see what they were up to, i recieved many emails which i have saved....
i've done this as a precaution.
im currently living in the city-center,in a flat, and can resort to a winter-lodge/bunker in a fairly secluded area 30km away, what tells me that jews wont be attacked here?? (my father's polish my mother's russianbtw

the ukraine is full of them, which is a risk....they are hated by the arab community, which leads to believe that they are possibly targeted?? now why would the arab community target the U.S.

why would they give a # for them?
seems to me like israel has too big a say in the U.S'es judgement nowadays'.
in other words': you're being controlled by israel

the russians cut an oil pipeline to supply israel with free oil some years' ago...notice the steady decline in israel's resources

just conveying a point, i repeat....they got shutdown coz they got hacked, a new forum has been created, it's the guy's email ending with 1
just thought i'd convey my thoughts on this topic val


ps:another thing, why is every1 expecting a big blast dejavu to come up??? their resources are most likely gone, they need cash quick!!, AND, they're very likely to have lost a lot of money reinstating their bases.
how do i i ever not-visit-aljazeera?? us teenagers' these days

this isnt a matter of proving right or is merely a matter of forseeing consequences, deducting conclusions from these consequences, acting upon impulse and rethinking every step of the way, thinking in a totally unique manner, ergo: your average run-of-the-mill all that and i gurantee you'll have a fairly accurate prediction on the timing/location etc....
just keep focused on all conspiracies' and make sure you have nothing to hide on here...the more info displayed, the more outspread it is, therefore the more likely this info. is to be conveyed to the rest of your www herd....for us sheeple are doomed to walk a miserably blind path*sighs*(the more likely you are to get some1 knocking on ur door but that's beside the point

[Edited on 25-11-2003 by Cyrus]

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
Okay, we can view this two ways. 1. Yahoo or the feds shut these guys down,


the message is out, their work is done...they folded up camp and are in action.

Whichever it is, here is what I get when I try to visit our US-hate-mongering yahoo website...

"There is no group called Daleel_Al-Mojahid_. "

Check it out for your self:

[Edited on 22-11-2003 by Valhall]

Tue Nov 18, 2003 5:03 am
Here is the last message from the group:
this is my Gift to all Muslims around the world for the soon coming of
Eid which will be in the name of god Two Eids together!

alaaah akbaar


anything hiding in the message?

posted on Nov, 25 2003 @ 12:04 PM
Look where the President is today!

Bush makes first visit to Las Vegas as president

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