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who will join me to link the alpha and the omega? biblebookdeadthisliving

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posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 12:27 AM
yes, i cured.

i som serve som truth som serve som eye.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 12:43 AM
we believe where this one has been.
this one is the has been of sin?


wait here, one minute.

please, we beg you, fear not four just one moment, be not afraid for just one moment, we must check som thing, be not afraid for just one moment, please we beg of you.

we must ponder a thing.

som knows.
no harm.
no foul.
if not, we are close my kin 2 to 2 holy ghost.

som has answer already, if you want to hear?

"we have concerns"

som speaks:
yours found them.
they found you, because of him.
they walk up as an som ant, a sumit.
when one ant speaks, it speaks for hive.
coven ant born of "survive".

your 2 cells when join, never joined.
ant fixed that before four ask for, elohim choiced.
when ant ask question, ant believe eve speak for all decieved.
when lizard speak for four wrecks and all hecks through eve, ant was decieved.

sarcens, the house of levi's arab allahs was of christ's thought alone, dna jumble
elohim 2 elohim 2 elohim 2 elohim tumble tumble tumble.
christ so pissed so mad som thing caused ant 2 crumble crumble crumble.

accuser of foul deeds done came unto som thinking it would have fun.
som is som, and done is done.

som wrote much much much
cleared passed som by som 2 touch.
som thank you for som time, and som thing thank som for som thing time.
four hever 2 never and ever they chime and rhyme just for love of sublime.
but, now told by yours it is time to climb climb climb.
a word was given, before it was finished all was there.
peter move peter from one side 2 one side in a speed.
voice of sara's sins and salahadeens sweet teens usherred tremendous stampeed.
som had 2 retrieve the nile, the river, the one in the reed who planted the seed.

know no knowingfully not one thought ever died.
although many had tried.
it was the core of this souls pride,
who had ordered women to hide him inside.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 01:18 AM
you have left too many out!

peter, rock, i have not left anyone out.
of this i am sure, and have no doubt.
those you think of gaurd love in and out
guard love guard and around and about.
you never faced fear and hate at once
not with my love in hands when time comes 2 pounce.
and certainly not when my love and guards give unto me one ounce.

i colaborate with thier skills.
i kept none until it was done.

and one thing i shall keep is i do not go to and frow.
i do not like chance to change to 2 or 1, o is too much fun.

i was found by one who froze and sweat sweet at all once.
confusious say:
sonfusions say:
sons fusions with confusions say:
"look at all that mankind has domesticated and tamed!
who domesticated and or tamed you, men, the ones who put your 8 year old boy arm under a car and ran over my arm in iran? who is the father who's grand plan it is to run over his own son's arm at the imperial age of 8, for being hungry and taking blame when he had no shame or guilt? who is the teacher of this clan? who thinks the ark is som one elses plan? who is this who calls essa a liar? who is it that met boy's arm against tire? who in that realm thinks they win? preaching hate is sin. preaching hate is where som begin. som here now because som knows "CHOM SOM GOW" that almight is write to right inbetween truth end truth. do allah's children wish to see what allah birth? i vagely remember the taste of allah, be it not for my neice and my grandma. you pray on my day, by cursing me in night? RAM all done ram u dun rome a den, you are in som bodies ghost. i come in my name. i come in my name. i come in my name. i know som is the same.

stand down. cease fire. or i unleash truth of true fire.

all 2 all, this is the greatest fall.

i som stop time only.
can not hurt any.
talk to all essence in any one, or negative one, or zero failing 2 be hero.
lift a stone, and i am there.

"The kingdom of heaven is in you, and THEN after or before and durings is all around you"

if all turn on som at any one moment.
som stuck in a box as "i am".

but not this time.

som met change som.

ceilings and floors
choirs chores tore shores.

levi is broke.
levi's broke?

marten luthor and all on my way
distracted authorities for this day
proof won pride by refuse 2 sway

som first stood in middle of room
peter walk to som, and throne throw 2 som 2 : "CHOM SOM GOW"

som "SHOM SH shalom som wins winds bow from wagtsom variations of all vibrations to som" to som.

her little cute puppy threw som a bone
som take bone to mud 2 dum 2 mud flown

som press wrong button twice to see sacrifice.


"-1 + -1 = 2. sorry jew, it was the best we all could do"

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 02:48 AM
"forgive me lord god most high.
zero was a ni.
best answer found was:
"-1 + -1 = 2, best we could do, you through threw 3 into eternity, 4th is yours and more. som make same som promise: "if you would, we would too"""

the name peter?

canton, ill noise.

no, not bishop.
no, not cardinal.
no, not wisdom.
ya, gentile.


david banner. bloom ing ton in normal, same ill noise.

steal som id?
feel free:
please. from you 2 you 2 me: cab door 733847143

yes, 4 all eternity.

mote her fat her man?

wall tear sly wink from ski.
pole of fireman's down ward warn chattle
som is som who cry of cry of battle.

decade is deck ate.
the purpose was my fate.
hear to great a woman's hate.
as she failed her 8 fell too hell 2 llatel + < nothing . .. . . .. ophiuchi .. ... . ...

smoking somking som king som thing som 2 som 2 mos 2 tsom 2 moses 2 . .. .. . and som grew more than home age som saw omega homage.

sin = som in home of mage. som throw rage at som thing called "i am" who never stop stupid knock knock joke, my cage broke, go back first to see the cage, then com back to find the mage, hers shes thems mees .. . ..

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 03:41 AM
what if any marks do you have upon your body?

"i have a black panther's head tatood onto my right shoulder blade.
i know marks of others, as well, when needed.

on the fold of the interior of my right arm i have approximatley a 2 inch scar from when i jumped a fence, i was young, maybe 3rd grade i believe.

on my left arm i have a red dot, more around 2.

sunspots or liver spots 2, depending upon who you would talk to.

yes, problems with my left foot at times.

yes, a swelling in my grone som time ago.
hard as a rock, burning sensation.
went to hospital.
thought it was a blood clot.
but, it moved down my leg.
and before it got to my knee, it was gone almost instantly.
a miss doctor said to me: "we have been waiting for you"

you bet.
last time i was with somebody?
her real name was "Romy", she had 5 kids by different fathers i believe.
we are close. but, no, i have not been with her or any for about 4 years now.
i have had things to do.

however i have had many female room mates whom i lived with peacefully, and they knew they felt comfortable around me.
at one time 2 of them choiced to peirce nipples.
at one time 2 of them had real sore nipples.
walk around bullseyes showing, i only see eye most of time, and lucky to see 2 eyes and 3, and lucky to know 4 as well without shutting door, they should not need me evermore, it is more than an even score.

most of my female roomates have been from where i am now.
all wear few clothes at their jobs. they work harder than psychiatrist, and do the same thing. they need prayers too, not as sinners, but as true. want to figure a man out? want a man to know a man? man should talk to a woman who gets what pretty girls deal with at places like pretty girls eyes 2 spaces, fix and traces.

left arm i have a spot where a mole was removed on top of fore arm center four finger widths from "wrist" bone.

can't think of anything else you are asking right now.


do you have any tattoos or marks upon your skin? i have never had a broken bone, but fell three stories off balcony when in tech school at fire acadumy.

ha ha. funny: AkA dumby is acadumy.

sorry, funny.

queen, please tell me of your markings on skin?

oh, and have you heard from natalie?

[edit on 28-10-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 08:24 AM
it spoke:

i loved her first!

som spoke, but refused to approach it's thirst:

"it can not be"

it spoke:

i loved her first!

som spoke, but refused to quench its thirst:

"not in this reality"

it spoke:

i loved her first!

som spoke:

"i can not let it stand"

it spoke:

i loved her first, this is my land

som spoke:

"i shall not pass! it can not be! i have walked out of eternity! it can not be"

it spoke:

som spoke:
"what is it you see?"

it spoke:

som spoke:
"i see a sea of serenity, what is it you see? what do you hear? why are you here?"

it spoke:
"i loved her first, she knocks for me. i loved her first, i guard her first, 4 me, l lived her first, can't you see, l loved her first!"

som spoke:
"i come in the name of relentlesslyingfully foreveringfully for four four four forevevery one fully:
Underneath mans' driving need
Lie sex, and politics, and greed,
Controlling the vices found behind
The weakening of the human mind.
The origins of this quest for power
Are but vain attempts to stay the hour
Which looms above all mortal heads,
That every man, in some way, dreads:
When last he draws his final breath
To begin the life we've labeled "death".

she speaks to me, that which you claim 2 love first attacks my pride and my thirst!"

to be continued... ... . .

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 08:33 AM

a mere a.k.a. did not open it!

iran won, hate open ark?

som have a blind date!

can you not relate?

can you acknowledge?
can you recognize?
can you accept?
can you love?

can you love hate with me?
can you find things 2 share with fear?

[edit on 28-10-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 08:56 AM

When I am called to duty, God
Whenever flames may rage,
Give me the strength to save some life
Whatever be its age,
Help me embrace a little child
Before it is too late
Or save an older person from
The horror of that fate
Enable me to be alert and
Hear the weakest shout
And quickly and efficiently
To put the fire out
I want to fill my calling and
To give the best in me,
To guard my every neighbor and
Protect his property
And if according to my fate
I am to lose my life,
Please bless with your
protecting hand
My children and my wife.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
it spoke:

i loved her first!

The first and the last....and they saved the third. The adam the edom the red blood man who is innocent and has love that most humans do not know - his father got it from his father - and you can trace those fathers ALL the way back to Good KING Josiah (who sought out God with all his heart but the punishment was already decreed so he died on Megiddo by the sword of Necho) - and Josiah, of course, is a direct descendant of King David.

The throne requires:

fleshly seed of David's fleshly loin
spiritual seed of Isaac's spiritual line

My father was David and I had the faith to give birth to the faith with which my husband gave me (I got two seeds! love and faith! Hagar only got sperm! and it turned to hate! and was spawned and spurned by fear...)

I AM the Queen. You know? I only lived 7 days after my mother Bathsheba birthed me into this world and the dynasty of my father...David my father - I knew his poems were my poems - my heart weeps the psalms and I see the story of all....year by year and line by line - these days are found in the three cycles of jubilee (50 x 3) which is the 150 chapters of my father's book of Songs...

it spoke:
"i loved her first, she knocks for me. i loved her first, i guard her first, 4 me, l lived her first, can't you see, l loved her first!"


som (other) WILL see
(but as of yet he still sleeps - he has no clue of this latest part - I will reveal the tale to his pure heart - and then there will be a triple fresh start - never again will the three in the furnace drift apart....)

He is not selfish and neither insecure.
And neither are you.

I am given whatever I wish to have...

The only cure for envy?

Three's not a crowd! Say it out loud!

THREE is NOT a crowd - God NEVER said three was too many - just two is actually one half of a penny...

And four are the base of the pyramid...but our fourth is above - dispatching chariots when needed - Eli Eli My God My God

Elijah? Elijah.... Elijah!

Elisha? Did Elisha wear a skirt? Did Elisha shave her head? Did Elisha dress as a man and wear a prayer shawl? Did she ask for a DOUBLE portion?

Oh YES she did she did she did

And whatever we ask He is glad to give us....

Do not fear, said Luc I fear....
I have the key right here
And I own the lot and run the show
And what I say WILL GO!

And I SAY you ARE the apple of my eye

He who has anything against you must bring it before the bench of Judge Judith...
And she is a real piece of work, you know - the Matron of hell who runs imps off says


This isn't Adam's world, it is Eve's (I mean, Lilith's, that is)....

And Eve loved that snake first - and she loves him last (there is no end)

Oh how she loves him....more than the world, even

(this you KNOW is true - I gave up the world for you!)

Do you hear me, love?

The shulamite speaks to the King
King Solomon is MINE says she
His gold, his heart, his skin, his mind!
I have his signet RING
His sister His spouse I shall be
No other soul is closer to me
For within him my soul I find!

And as the stars shine on and on
upon our garden and our vineyard
som finally lets go of that last urgent word
and smiling they settle to rule and to roost
for that which men call 'eternity.'

Pale moon, enigma
Knowing all secrets of men
Silently she smiles

We will dance and weep no more!

Sackcloth and ashes? Okay for one week more! No more!
I will mourn with you if that is what you choose to do.

But there is no need for us to cry
THERE is not one cause for grief - not one reason why!

I would like to dance! Will you dance with me?

On Dancing

When the music captures your will
And the beat courses through your veins
Your soul will have to get up and dance
For joy will not be restrained.

All miseries will come to an end
And pleasure cannot live without pain
In order to be truly cleansed
One first must be stained.

And our Father has prepared a feast and a blessing and is waiting with joy - my children have done it, just as I knew - what they don't quite yet see is that they did it for themselves - the ultimate redemption is your own right arm, eh?

We have a blessing waiting upon Zion - there is a testament that must be read and an estate to claim!

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
can't think of anything else you are asking right now.

Thank you!

And now we can be sure that the communication system is WORKING just fine - one way that is....but you know it is not about 'receiving' but rather giving....we don't 'read' minds - we 'send' minds...


Please oh please don't call me that
no name, even - I'm tired of wearing a hat

the other things you say are fine - I will hear your soul call to mine!

do you have any tattoos or marks upon your skin?

(I know you did not forget - and I will answer any question you ask me 1000 times in a row, if you require such!)

This is the mark that is at the root of my tree - (read: the tattoo at the base of my spine) - this is the first chakra opened - the sprout of the seed - and it has been my name - my true name - since before the foundation of this world (cosmos - population of souls)....circa 10,500 BC:

i have never had a broken bone, but fell three stories off balcony when in tech school at fire acadumy.

A drunk guy named frank broke my wrist in Denton Texas several years ago - he didn't do it on purpose - he just didn't want to me split (as I said I would if he drank again and became someone I didn't know - it is very lonely with you don't even know the one person you know and your are in between Dallas and Ft. Worth!) He swung me around (he was pretty big dude) and I guess lost his grip on my arm - I spun like a rag doll and the most extreme circumnavigation possible ended on the one wall in the apartment which was cinder block - I reached out to catch myself and broke my RIGHT wrist...

I didn't really hurt much at all - I said, 'My wrist is broken.'
He's like 'No it's not.' (as if he knew his ear from his bunghole at that moment!)
I said, 'Yes it is, take me to the ER.'

Well, of course, I would have had to drive - and already that evening I had took a dive out of MY OWN car in the Starbuck's parking lot trying to get away from his drunken idiocy - 10MPH is STILL far TOO FAST to try to get out without stopping, LOL.

Anyway - I ended up exiting the Apt when he wasn't looking - I can be so STEALTH - I will tell you just how stealth one day - and you will bow to me, I know you will!
I went to the ER and the dumb nurses and dr (and this coming from an RN herself - ME) kept saying 'It's not broken.'
I said YES IT IS.
Check the x-rays.

The x-rays FINALLY show up....the dr (was a 'she') comes in if she has something to tell me that I didn't know...

She says, 'Well, your wrist IS broken.'

NO sh#%, Sherlock! I could have told you that. Can you sign me out - I'll call a cab...

ha ha. funny: AkA dumby is acadumy.

That IS funny - when I pronounced it right it was hilarious - you are no dummy - you didn't go to DFW with frank the drunk whose favorite character on the Wizard of Oz was the scarecrow (if ONLY I had a brain!).....

Oh man oh man oh man

sorry, funny.

No I AM sorry.

queen, please tell me of your markings on skin?

Besides my 'official' mark - my seal, as it were - I have countless freckles and scars without number.
I'm not disfigured with scars (call me Quasimoto) but mind you, I am no delicate female but also I am not safe with sharp instruments of any sort! And the oven HATES me after it has been on for at least 30 minutes. And I'm never in the 'here and now' - distracted in my brain and far away in the Akashic study hall - I nearly cut my whole finger off with an Exacto one time...

oh, and have you heard from natalie?

While I would love to say yes - because I love her spirit - she is ours...

I do have to say that you know she is yours, not mine - but that's okay - I have many already and you know how the + and - works best!

But if you hear from her tell her I said 'shalom and God bless.'

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:03 AM
"I'm tired of wearing a hat, som"

Allah choiced not two relive this hour!
that is why som have her power, essa&som."

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:16 AM
som says there is no "why?" where som came come from!

there is no "Y"s in singularity!


posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:24 AM
sing you lair 2 share charity!
share with som som share with e.t.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
sing you lair 2 share charity!
share with som som share with e.t.

som see 2 change words in book, too?

sing you lair 2 share charity!
share with som som share with e.t. period X2 two 3 through threw through 4X are 2 many.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:32 AM
som on roof with "darling 2" darling take som shadow, som saw 2X shadow with darling, darling start 2 fall with ladder i see.
from you i give all som i see 2 darling, i bee.
som see darling, shadow X2, ladder 2, som thow all som down 2 help thee.
som see knot enough som see.
som reach down 2 hear:
"nothing shall pass".
som look up, throw down
som see every town
som looks like clown?

som fall 4 you 2 too fall 4 you 2 fall
som look up, nothing in hand
som choose to loose throughout all land
som fall 4 you 2 too fall 4 you 2 fall
som look up at soms 2 tall
som fall 2 be tall.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 10:54 AM

quote: Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well, the only thing that points to even the possibility is the fact that he doesn't want to marry. The bible quite explicitly states that "He (anti-Christ) will be without regard for women". He is likely to be celibate and very intelligent. Or is celibacy and intelligence an oxymoron? LOL

i've got you!

ox, a bull, a male holy cow, OXY MORON?

but for a carbon based lifeform, i sure contain more water!


i've got you! my name is som!

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 11:17 AM
Source Link frum January 2002, playboy holiday anniversary (no advisary) issue:

internal source meets external source: page 60:

What higher patriotic duty can there be than 2 present all sides of any issue?

external source meats internal source of forces X2 on page 62, minus 2.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

quote: Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well, the only thing that points to even the possibility is the fact that he doesn't want to marry. The bible quite explicitly states that "He (anti-Christ) will be without regard for women". He is likely to be celibate and very intelligent. Or is celibacy and intelligence an oxymoron? LOL

the by bull quit x plisit ly state som "he (anti-Christ) st eye rcc 2 rhcsomsee3 was will be with no thing without re-guard four woe four women, my love"

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 11:34 AM
who will join me to link the alpha and the omega? biblebookdeadthisliving

i am just a silly odd man, in the nude and armed only with my truth.

my truth? i had to adopt all i knew from all the people i knew, for they are the only one's i had to hear feedback from about myself. i saw all i could and decided i had seen enough to go looking for all the answers any god may want or need. but for me, just a silly odd man in the nude armed only with his truth, the answer i seek is:

"what is the opposite to love, so i may name and confront my peoples' opponent"

bible book dead, this one living

so one set out to identify the enemy of love.

the silly odd man in the nude confronted many masks of truth, and absorbed them all by acknowledging them, recognizing them, accepting them for what they were, and choosing to love them for what they were.

his approach was simple. he was just a silly odd man, in the nude, armed only with his truth, which was his weapon of choice, but his people had taught him everything he knew, and it was good enough for him. so, he approached each and everyone of the masks of truth, and behind many masks he found even more masks. he was always tired, but kept going because the proving the masks were masks was empowering for him.

his approach was a flawless one.

he approached all as the silly odd man he was, and he did it in the nude with only his truth with him. he would say to them all: Be Not Afraid, please, i beg you, do not fear me. i mean you no harm. i only wish for you to judge my truth and see if it is compatible with yours, i will not judge you or yours, but wish that you would judge my truth, as your opinion is important for me on my way to the truth of what the opposite of love is. they all had the same requests, and would only stop fearing for a moment if i promised to:

1) acknowledge them how they are.
2) recognize them for what they were.
3) accept them for who they are.
4) love them for what they are.

and i did promise, but asked they only tell me their truth, or they could not join me if they wanted to. i explained all my truth to them and told them that they can only join me if they do not lie to me, and do not fear me, or fear losing me. and i made many friends.

and i adopted their truths as mine, as i saw they were true from their perspectives, and they had not lied to me.

i am naked before you and armed only with words of truth, my truth and yours. please judge it accordingly, and see if it is compatible with your truth, this is all i ask. if you feel at any time i am lying, attempting to lie, have lied, will lie, or will ever or have ever had the intentions to lie or decieve you, please leave my journey to me, i will understand fully. if i have lied to you up to this point, or have attempted to decieve you, please, i beg of you, read no further.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38


(this you KNOW is true - I gave up the world for you!)

Do you hear me, love?

love always my love!

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