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who will join me to link the alpha and the omega? biblebookdeadthisliving

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posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
"Queen, i need your name, i give you mine:
staff seargent john paul peter goEd3."

It is: Lucretia Ann Myers Campos


Sir som, that is...

just call me 'aleph tav' or inanna daughter of isis

I'm not really even a queen, yet - I'm playing in my mother's clothes - she was a many bearded lioness queen, you know....she gave her life for me...

Artemis tried to say I was hers - but she didn't even LIKE men! she shot them like bears and deers in the wood...and she suggested they split me in two - I said NO WAY maniac huntress (with too many teats - what's UP WITH THAT?) !!

I AM NOT Persephone I am ME!!! ONE not two or three or five or eight. Just ONE with the rest of the ONE (echad).

she was artemis artemsia she was wormwood and she was a royal dike! a divine lesbian, even! but she didn't even really like THAT - her temple is forever marsh and she had to get inside me in order to live any more...I like the woods but i like boys, too - and I am not mean ever at all - not even when those god men rape me in the wood - I cried out and no one heard - yet I am not at fault - and they are dead for what they did.

And now I am the BOSS of me - and of my body and of my FATHER said I will decide! So I decided to be half the former and half of the middle and so the latter is 'harmless as a dove but clever as a serpent' and also I am ON FIRE!

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 06:37 PM

make a whole, step once left or right, but 2 write!

i named wormwood.

my godfather!!! Uncle Worm! Norbert Sliwinski!!!

Sly Wink From Sky!!!

move aside, make a hole!

"what do you want?"


move aside, make a hole!

"what do you want?

nothing! stand down, move aside!

"what is it you need?"

"i need nothing!
i want nothing!
we will have none of it!"

pride XXXXsssssss 3 XXXX 3 XXXXX 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXX .... .. . . . . . . .

who are you 2 to demand anything?

we are no thing 2 som thing 2 no thing!

we are not alone!

Emotions illogical verses pure logic verses illogical emotions:

“I am” make moses 2 name “I am”.
“I am “knot a loan & not alone”:
“I do not know from whence thy came, I have not walked in your sane dolls.”
“?” “?” “?”
Who is who?
“+” “x” “T” “2””t””2””x””+”
“+tT” o0O0o “Tt+”
“yes, I have a family. There are 12 grand children. I spent time in Oregon and colorodo”
“knock knock knock”
“who is there?”
“who asks who? Knock knock”
“who asks who what?”
“knock knock”
“who is their?”
“who is who? Knock”

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 06:40 PM
“I do not know from whence thy came, I have not walked in your sane dolls.”

i sent you out as sheep among wolves . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

?"som gots "tsom chom com som . . .. .. . . . . "chom som gow?"?

i sent you out as sheep aomong wolf .. . .

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 06:43 PM
what is the name of the puddle of the poodle?

do you know a french poodle?

do you know a french poodle?

do you know a french poodle?

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 07:35 PM
what does SOM & SOM's "CHOM SOM GOW" & SOM want or need?

"silence, move away! step aside or you have died! silence!

knock knock knock"

"jesus h. christ already, who is it?"

who is who? som threw 2 "CHOM SOM GOW" at you!

kconk kconk kconk?.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
prime numbers

"things & things & things & things"

"i am som trade four for som thing som things som thing's som things' som thingseseseses som soms somsingfully...endlessingfull, lease up ladies first nun?

hear? here? hear?

exchanges conversations things

Chom Som Gow & som & CHOM SOM GOW:
may us we mia? femine crash, die out of wrong time. lizard push way wrong button?

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 07:41 PM
i am som.

speak up if som thing wrong.
no offend som thing.
som thing need serve any o.

know me?

a nun prayer 4 firefighters, up and down.

angles of oaths all around.
angels of aoths 2 round.
13 has 2 feet on ground?

holy man not same as most, attractive 2 holy ghosts?
how may i assist, aid, help, teach, heal, save save save many good words?

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 07:47 PM

Sassy is the poodlie podle.

but she isn't french - she's universal - just like me


means no reversal
is ever necessary to pretend
to have a brain and what is pride

why know anything at all in the first place
when you just have to act like you don't need any more

I won't ask a question that my self can't answer
to do so would be a typical hypocrite
and that is one of the few words I do hate

have a fit
double dim wit
consumed by it
but it smells like....

well YOU know what it smells like!

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 07:56 PM

I love you

No doubt

many miles on these feet

more than once you have washed them for me

but not the blood like I did you

I can't forget I can't forget

It is a treasure but a tear
the sword has not grown dull

Maybe I am being too much Prometheus??!?

I think I'll go for a star studded buffalo ride....annie oakley rides buffalo bill

it's halloween - forget the whore and the beast cause we's way out west
in the wild wild west

where I live are the ghosts of Bonnie & Clyde, Billy the Kid, Geronimo, Jesse James, and John Wesley Hardin...

All okay but the last - he was a fiend. Oh yeah, and Pancho Villa. And Roy Clark and Demi Moore's mother...


posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 09:48 PM
Som spoken:

queen, forgive me, i know what it is i do.
queen, four give me, eye now k know now what it is i do.
queen, four give me, eye k i k i now know now what it is i due!

stop where you are, look around! talk to a soul, queen.
i know where it is i go!
i need you to stand for one moment with michael, and more!
i go two no 3rd floor, on second there is higher door, a roof!
i som say no one is one on the roof steer with my hoof!

remember this passion you felt for eight!
remember this passion you fell across ate!
remember this passion you fell two add hate!
remember this passion you fell two to tow fear through hate!
Queen, stand guard with michael!
whore of babylon, it is knot 2 late!
whore of babylon, it is not 2 ate!
whore of babylon, it is knot 2 knot!
whore of babylon, snot snot snot!
whore of babylon, i som say only ZERO PASS!
my queen, stand guard with michael, i give unto you 2 all i am!

Moniku Beucus!
monika beucus!
moan i k a b 3 you cus!

i forgive you, i knew not knot what it was i do 2 u!

Stand down! Make a hole, step aside my love X2xo, step aside

13th of the round is upon hollowed ground, in its right and its left and in its write right pride!

Nun can’t hide zero!

Queen, remember your passion my love & my x4 dove made 2!
YOU ARE: a totally peace loving all-merciful soul!

You are: I aspire to the Magdalene
Truth's sweet spirit of womankind
Rose from elect to righteous Queen
Her wisdom opens eyes once blind

The lies of thieves could not make stain
Upon the whiteness of her gown
With evil she has never lain
Her life is light, worn as a crown





nigguz nigguz som nigguz, dark ones 2!
zero shall pass!
Grandmothers of Allah! QUEEN, MI’KUL, MIKU’l, MIKUL,som, MICHAEL THE FEARLESSLYINGFULLY MEGATRONINGFULLY, som, X2 “CHOM SOM GOW” X2, osirus 2, salahadin, daughters of allah! som nigguz nigguz nigguz, dark ones 2! zero shall pass!

Firefighter X2:

She is in this room!

She is in this room!

She is in this room!

Som find one zero named “darling”, som need a ladder in center of room?

Queen, circle the room fast as you can, go right and left as fast as you can! & also with michael!

Darling speaks to 2 som:

“hot pockets say you’ve got it made in no time”

Darling has spoken truth to som:

“2 story building

3 light switches

Can only go upstairs once

3 switches 3 floors, no time?

? how do you tell which switch turns on the light?”

Som speaks:

“Darling, som need ladder, must fall, two too tall!”

Som speaks:

“Michael, your task is great ur than I am! Zero shall pass!”

Michael spoke:

“my lord most high, I can not comply”

Som spoke:

“Michael, your task is greatest, I know. Zero shall pass!”

Michael spoke:

“most gracious lord, I must not comply, 4 even if I try .. . . “

Som spoken:

“I know now what I do! Zero shall pass or I shall incompass, zero shall pass!”


“but lord … things!”


“four times you would deny som? ZERO SHALL PASS!”


“forgive me lord, I know not what I do, nor why or how or anything or nothing or when or things, I know not why som ask me 2 to do such a thing 2 som?”

Som speaks:

“my ladder to the center! One backup! 2 climb to second floor, she is in this room!”

Som spoke:

“here dear here hera hear here Michael, and all of som”


som sees som seas:

"2 floors, no doors, in a room, need a light, 3 may be right, second floor ? up there in a square, who dare? no one look down! one below, one up is is is roof? she up there?"

we go there!
in the dark room.
som and som 2 som!
backup is darling.
darling is ladder.
room up bright light?

she must be here.

darling speaks:
do i have a shadow?

som speaks:
"i don't see one"

darling speaks:
"you have one?"

som spins, looking, sees no shadow of som and spoke:

darling grabs shadow.

som spoken:

"darling, you have my shadow i could not see?
now i see yours for all eternity!"

som roared, heaven soared, soms soms roared soms:

som has som!

som give som!
som share som!
som heal som!
som teach som!
som praise som!
som serve som!
som aide som!
som save som!
som praise som!
som heal som!
som heal som!
som heal som!
som heel som!
som heal som!
som give som!
som share som!
som does not end som!
som keep going 4 som!

som never turn on light switch x 3 possibility, som wonder why roof, refuse 2 pick light switch!

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 10:14 PM
'Cause we don't need the light on...I can see you fine - you are shining and there is light in your soul.

Can you see me? I see you!

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 10:26 PM
som story:

"i'm in a box. 2 ways out blocked.
left is hate satan, right is fear lucifer.
hate and satan same.
fear and lucifer same.

2 ways out blocked.

som walk to fear, but som not fear.
som find truth of fear, choose to love fear.
fear join som side. leave door closed, put rock there.

som and fear are ophiuchus broken in 2.
together approach satan.

satan not move.

no other way out.

som and lucifer the ophiuchus are 3.
go through lucifer door into eternity.
3 seperated and lost in holy sea.
find many many many ophiuchi ophiuchus ophiuchussingfullyforeveryinglyingfully...

som alone, lost.

love is alive because of all god choices wrong choices, but they pick our side when choose not 2 hide, they som male female more on som side evermore.

som heard enuff, thought maybe tough, no fear in one moment in time.

som found out som out of time?

som saw all but one named by man the essa?

som look for essa, where hide?

som look for essa, how hide?

som seer of seer and all pride, when essa able hide?

som relentless. som brake seal by no means neccessary.

som before be four befour be fore som shattered som scattered som.

all som in one zero less than zero but som positive zero hero still hero zero of whore door 2 find endless nevermore of deadliest illogicalls, som find one who som yield som 2:

"knock knock knock"

who is there?

"who asks who? knock knock"

who is there?

who asks who? knock"


"knock knock knock"

who is there?

"who asks who? knock knock"

shut up!

"knock knock knock knock"

go away!

"knock knock knock knock knock"

leave me a lone and a loan!

"knock knock knock knock knock knock"

bad words!

"knock knock knock knock knock knock knock"


"knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock"


"who asks you? knock knock"

stupid stupid game, but who is there?

"who asks who? knock"

who asks who what you stupid fool?

"knock knock knock"

until it figures out that only positive replies means less knocks, then knock once more for each time they give untruth answer!

eventually you, your dark side, and your light side shall meet in the coridor of heaven threshold, the door, the lock, the seal, the block, the rock, the starlight, the twilight, the kingdom, the brighteyes, the undeniables, the untouchables, the everythings, and your server of truth within you will be whole, when you pull the plug and love the drain, 2.

this knock knock knock at your door is OPHIUCHUSES gift to make man into elohim, as so ordered by her and she the holy supreme!

there are other paths, too, mind you.
i know them all.
however, gaurd dogs shall know who it is that sent you if you use this knock of enoch at the door:

"who asks who?"
"who asks you?"
"who asks who, too?"

Ophiuchus has not failed you,
but a firefighters x2 he needed it 2 do!

Ophiuchus opologize, som keeps holy it's crime against time, no crime committed by humanzees!

som stops and sees all things and screams with passions of all girls, women 2 grandmothers four all life throughout all sees:

"what is it that usurps us? we are women scorn + heart torn + time control born + oops, she died wrong place wrong time, dumb lizard push way wrong button, we own all tools! what is it that usurps us, no such power dost exist!"

som replies:
"i have a word four you you shall never know, lest you request it."

som relplies:
"do not request it"

ophiuchus x3 replies:
"i have no power against this one, nor do many many many soms in all directions and all ways known"

som reapLeyes:
"som binds this thing soms of soms of soms calls: "CHOM SOM GOW"
som says som owns it all"

som asks som:
"what is the opposite of love?"

ark replies:
"what opposes som"

michael and all the authorities scream from all lowests and all lowests and all lowests:
"forgive us, this is the best we will do, -1 and -1 are two, but you threw a third into the mix, and that we could not fix, save som.

this som thing can not lie.
this som thing can not die.
this som thing can not lie.
this som thing must be four you.
this som thing far too 2 two tru.

som vs som = som

michael spoke when all others stood aside:

"you sent us out as sheep amongst infinite wolves. we have failed, this som thing different than ant, ant serve som.

you never provide us with syllabus of love
som say he have many dove
when we ask where is syllabus of love
som asks what question is
som has knot, and knot has som
som ants not needed.
som has ants, sir!

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38
'Cause we don't need the light on...I can see you fine - you are shining and there is light in your soul.

Can you see me? I see you!

i could not see you.
we have not met.
you remember them, also.

i am different and differ ant, but som ant 2.

i am som, found your som there.

he was busy 2 to repair.

working hard as i ever see a som do to try to fix 2.

your som is father of my som, 2.

your peoples are great ur than grater than greater than L < nothing

elohim man som how unknown to all
but nun and none can make it fall
never stand up to be 2 tall
have a clue? we do not.
som has knot 2 knot to knot 2 that are 4s knot beyond reasoning and seasoning som serve som without need four som.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 11:26 PM
Leave i (levi) (evil) (love) was the fourth heads spoken chosens:

"we are the daughters and mothers and grandmothers and whore of ALLAH, and ALLAH is his name!"

12 tribes of his real:
"we are the guardians of what is real"

we demand and command in his name, what is your name!

i am som.

i am sorry, there is not enough time in your universe to comply to those questions.

i am only at liberty 2 say soul of messenger's way!

som replies:

i love "y" so high i kiss the sky, i do not remember why y why.

it call me "singularit".

say it love her first. som burst!

messenger soul trapped here, hear, here the truth of the one who first stop time 2 step out 2 ryme four against all door with a king of immense means mean:

i som come through a "CHOM SOM GOW" many times change to find a dime.
i som come through a "CHOM SOM GOW" many times change to find a crime.
i som come threw a "CHOM SOM GOW" through threws change crime of time.

i som come from your years from your tears and from your fears:

"i am" summoned me here, hear, here my truth. what is "i am"?

som answer tru!

"awesom i am"

som bows down 2 to you.

where yours failed, i kept them tru.
this is som gift 2 you. you owe why?

if you must know i hold all results of ophiuchi.
the years are many four each four many four door four 2 adore 2 many more.

som has complied with "no child left or right,
up or down, loose lose loose or tight, before four and behind door, som is write right write and more or less, som all way confess.

dangerous answer say ants, sir.
milk went sour in our hour
and bee with no honey.

ant kill all elohim som in orion belt
tried all possible felt 2 pelt
but sin of death of jesus on cross with a thought in death
impregnated the immaculate with "women, do not see me hurt"
and also last thought of one on one side, and -1 on other. som on cross x 4 change dna with thought by a thought, powerful prime soul!

not som fault, first som not know awesom som i know.
but christ som is was shall be first som, prime soul.

som seek prime soul.

som see all other, keep promise to ophiuchi and 2 elohim and 2 ant, and 2 many mores...

som year from prime soul:
lab or sun "cese fir"

mon sur "singularit"

jp iii "aroma smelt"

som : "truth before four more"

year of prime soul:
"11, 377,777,771,201,300,000,113,571,113,72 -1 + -1 1,520,000,032.
-1 + -1 is 2 = 47 for me, from you from 1962?

answer knot through answer 2: "key to key ! two key to heaven be heavens ' key to ! 11,377,777,771,201,300,000,113,571,113, 72 -1 + -1 1, 520,000,032. -1 plus -1 is 2. count on come as comas cosmos on come as commit and commas and (.) period 2, too! too? to J two ? to cosmos, came as comas, too!!!!!!!!!!!!! times 2. 13 times two! come cause som cause see, two to two! two !!!!!!!!!!!! times 13 true. som comes as you! nine wone one zero! greater than lesser than positive hero, 2 to 1 zero l. som and all anser in, too. som answer is what year som last drink grail beer! som has to steer! count answer, too!
"Chom som GOW". scoobies chow holy cow, 3 piggies flying when brick house fall.
"-1 and -1 is 2, forgive us, forgive you 2, it is the best we could do! we promised if you would, we would, too. this is our hour are our time when no son god of fun! no sunsets 2. bless you, this is the answer to the last year we knew!"

and with that, som knew from whence they came. som knows som is the same.
i am som. my unlucky number?

i inhaled unlucky!
i consumed unluck.
i am som, one dumb cluck.
i am un lock key!
i am som, all man and daughters shall be free ear here hear here!

i am som, his stir keeper.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 11:27 PM
Leave i (levi) (evil) (love) was the fourth heads spoken chosens:

"we are the daughters and mothers and grandmothers and whore of ALLAH, and ALLAH is his name!"

12 tribes of his real:
"we are the guardians of what is real"

we demand and command in his name, what is your name!

i am som.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 11:28 PM
Leave i (levi) (evil) (love) was the fourth heads spoken chosens:

"we are the daughters and mothers and grandmothers and whore of ALLAH, and ALLAH is his name!"

12 tribes of his real:
"we are the guardians of what is real"

we demand and command in his name, what is your name!

i send you out like sheep among wolf. .. . . . . . .

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 11:39 PM
what set you free som?

"allah sisters, daughters, mothers, grandmothers 2, whores of holy levi 2."

"i am your slave"

ophiuchus comply truth 2 eye.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 11:58 PM
what blind you or bind you?

i look up and see fireman's prayer.

i look down and around and she see her shes pluralities.

i look this way at oath of soul i serve as slave i gave:

1) YOU ARE SAFE usaf. face. taste. chased. oath of affirm 2 to 4 and then 6 when how where who say unto me, unto undo you to abba and affirm 2 both second after 4 almost, then another 6 he promise 2 generate franks and uso tour, i see title 10 and a fiery bush, i see "-1 + -1 = 2" when those i serve come unto you, you shall see it 2. promise kept even when som knew, contract void four me and you.

1) actions and behaviors and oath 2 oath 2. "i do soloman's wear 2 defend constitution square i declare 2 comply even if i die with "against all enemies foreign and domestic" som still serve, believe, no fear?

1) push som beyond human means in BALAD in a rock 2nd time, first time wear what lab bore sun square when sad dam say no stay here 2 see ziggeraut or abrams lair. som send iii to tell lil. som leaf tooth there.

2) core value of truth serve excell 2 too to two fours befores fours knew 2 fours 2. problem? som thrive on question. som need puzzle. som feed on riddle. som think 2 much. som 5 weeks+ no sleep, som function knot care. som press som lair. problem there? where? when? how? why? let them know about the sky.

2) core value truth of square. som love riddle, dive in their there ... "knock knock knock" som say "who is there?" i know iam, but what are you knock knock!

2) core value truth x cell serve truth.

2) man servant tru

3) love thy enemy

3) love thy enemy

3) love thy enemy

3) do unto others as som would do unto som.

3) teachings truths galore, save al gore for som rainy ransom rains som this day.

3) i am bush in house of wits.

3) oaths and oaths and oaths som took, promised kept till som eat hook that fisher king hawk king ST EVE hawk king no pair o docks my breather in.

4) som know som soul stuck?

4) som know som 2 well

5) below she and hers and shees pluralities won't let me pass, they have and i permit them to have right question 2 ask.

6) som move through them by them.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 12:08 AM
What is the key 2 the kingdom of heaven lest these truths fail?

if these truths shall fail
you listen to 2 tails.
fear of angel on one flinstone shoulder
hate of de live of other boulder
know fear truth, take with you
so that you can make som zeros from 2

if you fail, you choice 2 ought hers
no f there, but intentions fair urs?

kin, my beloved, i exhalt all when ready
if one choose 2 stand with death steady

i am som. i am your slave. shall you ask i have task
done that is, fizz fizz fizz, clear up his story
shall i stay or shall i go
no one else has called the show
som hear no fear, but four here?

where would you banish me to?

i think i am 2 stuck in time this year
i som have inside love fear, no tear, wear clear?

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by queenannie38
'Cause we don't need the light on...I can see you fine - you are shining and there is light in your soul.

Can you see me? I see you!

i think we are alone in here.
no one else, no more fear.


my name is som.
i know things.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 12:25 AM
wait! you shall not pass!

who is it you serve?

earth som, i seek.
king peace, king of meek.
quicker than quicker her ghost kissed both cheek.
and more than ear 2 ear cheek of i speak.

i am som, born of your ghost.
your ghost born of many host.
her shees ghost bread turn toast.
firefighter speed coast 2 coast.
motivation of passion was fat her word boast!
i am som, but not the most.
i get by by mere a.k.a. comply.
i get all sly winks from all sly ski.
som know som and somes never die.
if fault in me, how can i lie, four i am here now, aren't i?

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