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New Video: 9/11 Mysteries

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posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by grover
I did watch the whole movie...and do you honestly think this could have been pulled off without govenmental/military complacency?

I'm not sure what you mean by "govenmental/military complacency"?

The movie didn't really get into the questions about whether the government and/or the military were compliant with regard to the physical science behind the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC7, which is the main focus of the film. However, I certainly think that several factors do point in that direction for sure
Military grade thermate was apparently used to melt the steel (Dr. Steven Jones' research confirms this) in addition to precision explosive cutter charges used only by a handful of skilled demolition teams, including the US military, which were placed at an angle along the steel beams of the center core (the steel core ignored by the official explanation in order to make their ridiculous pancake theory plausible).

Outside of the subject of the science & physics of the collapse of the buildings, there is abundant evidence that the US government and military participated in the events of that day on many levels: NORAD stand-down for over an hour. Bush sat reading a story to a classroom full of kids when he knew about the attacks. The secret service let him sit there.. why? Because he knew was in no danger at all. The entire morning's events were likely well planned in advance.

Regarding "complacency", that's a word I'd reserve for the majority of the citizens of the USA (present company excluded, certainly) --becoming so spoiled, apathetic, ignorant, dumbed-down, and complacent. Some people are so frightened by the truth, they'd rather live within a cocoon of ignorance. The 'Big Lie' (that their government is run by liars and murderers) is too much to bear. The familiarity of complacency is more comfortable than the pain of change.

Gradually, the truth is spreading and it'll reach a point of critical mass. Something will happen when enough of us know.

[edit on 9/27/2006 by MrEguy]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 04:30 AM
after watching the video and others like it it dawms on me there seems to be a lot of money to be made from this horrible thing, if it turns out to be true that this was done as a money making enterprise then we do live in most dangerouse times indeed.
how many people would it take to acomplish this act how many poeple knew of it how many people pupertrated the actual planning of this event .what would the cost be to buy of all these people. would the outcome monetry winfall cover the initail cost of all this i have no idea but i ponder the thought , a hand full of pennies.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by terrylm
what would the cost be to buy of all these people. would the outcome monetry winfall cover the initail cost of all this i have no idea but i ponder the thought , a hand full of pennies.

Just throwing this out there but maybe the trillions lost at the pentagon the day before 9/11 could have paid them off? Just thinking aloud.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by Griff
Just throwing this out there but maybe the trillions lost at the pentagon the day before 9/11 could have paid them off? Just thinking aloud.

$2.3 trillion, under Rumsfelds watch as of 1/2002
, to be exact...

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions," Rumsfeld admitted.

$2.3 trillion — that's $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. To understand how the Pentagon can lose track of trillions, consider the case of one military accountant who tried to find out what happened to a mere $300 million.


"We know it's gone. But we don't know what they spent it on," said Jim Minnery, Defense Finance and Accounting Service. ...


I think that woud be enough.

[edit on 27-9-2006 by Slap Nuts]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:29 AM
Please read this webpage and not get too excited over this particular documentary. I know, I know, it's easy to say "yess.. this is the one to present to all newcomers to the 9/11 conspiracy" - but there is a huge possibility the documentary is selling us a BIG LIE.

I gotta admit.. I was excited for this film.. but the more I read about this, the more careful we are all going to have to be here, as this could be a disinformational seed planted in the Truth movement.

Take a look at what the author has to say. He is saying:
1) '9/11 Mysteries - Demolitions' is a cover-up for the REAL technique of the controlled demolition. They are not telling you that mini-nukes were deployed at ground level - the only way to bring the cores down and turn them into dust.
2) Prof Steven Jones is masquerading as a 'scholar for truth' yet is actually a CIA operative.
3) The video has been put together by the same people who detonated the explosives!! They are selling a LIE to cover up an even BIGGER LIE!!

As from now, I'm reserving judgement either way on this. There's a long way to go before we really do get any _truth_ from a singular video. I really recommend all you people who are sold on this film as something quite remarkable to reconsider your position, put your 'skepticles on' (as Phil Schneider would say, haha), and just be wary of what you are seeing in front of you. I know we all want the truth to come out one way or another.. but I'm begging for the good of the ATS membership here.. please be careful. Maybe the nuke theory is bogus too but then again, there was always that suspicion of a micro-nuke in the Bali bombings - the crater and the tell-tale stripped-down rebar. Just be careful, guys.

[edit on 27-9-2006 by RiotComing]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 09:46 AM
I don't remember anything in the video talking about "mini-nukes".

As far as there being an even bigger lie being covered up, unless it involved the antichrist I don't see how much bigger the lie can get. A country sacrificing it's own citizens, private citizens mind you, for purely financial reasons.


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
I don't remember anything in the video talking about "mini-nukes".


Well of course not! The 'lie' is to present 99% truth and omit the one most important fact of them all!! The biggest lie is the one left unsaid.

I'm still working my way through this one - how come electronics and communications etc were still in perfect working order etc, I'm not convinced but I'm willing to consider the scary possibility. Is it like Controlled Demolition Inc. went "ok, you're onto us, fine, the game is up, we'll play along here, we'll make a nice film and legitimatise the CT for you - we'll even go into detail on applying explosive charges.. the works.. BUT .. and here's the catch.. we're not going to tell you which explosive was the most effective of all - and it lived down in the basement!!"

So, did you read the link?

[edit on 27-9-2006 by RiotComing]

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:10 AM
I hear what you're saying Riot, but in all honesty it wouldn't change my mind in any way if they were covering up that one important bit of information or not. The 99% that's being exposed is enough for me. I believe something went down in the basement, what exactly it was is immaterial IMO.


posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 10:26 AM
I do agree. I think the overall message of the film is important - people deserve to know, pure and simple. But I think it comes back to a point Valhall was touching on earlier - that if a film is to be done well, it's important to have the details straight and true - the unequivocal truth - no room for debate.

The collapse time was one of those bones of contention, but I think most people would be absolutely shocked, horrified if they knew that a hydrogen bomb of some kind was used - I mean, it's bad enough what happened but imagine the (*cough* bad pun*) fallout if people caught wind of a micro nuke helping to topple those towers and murdering near on 3000 people...

..the other thing is if it is out there serving as disinfo from the horse's mouth, even if the basic story, the bottom line, is factual.. where does this video stand in terms of credibility? On one hand, it's an excellent film, it leaves one in no doubt in its persuasiveness.. and then again if it's been 'tainted' with a little dash of deception, well, where does one stand after all? I'm gonna stand back from this one for now.

At the moment, I have to say, yes, good film... but jury's out, I'm just gonna keep digging here! This rabbit hole just got hella deeper!

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 11:06 AM
reading the disccusion here about the collapse time question 10sec or 16sec or 1 min and does it matters?

I started an own calculation in this new thread

9/11 Calculated Collapse

Carefully i might have made mistakes so dont take it as garanted.
But when i didnt completly mess up the calculation the result is interesting.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:28 PM
Springer and I will be covering this video in some detail in tonight's "ATS Review" podcast.

We have 20 clips of important points from this video that deserve some increased attention and discussion.

Stay tuned.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:35 PM
Can't wait Skeptic.

Too bad its all going to be that commie-left wing-liberal Cointelserpocontel disinfo that we know ATS secretly is all about.

We're onto you!

Nah but yeah, that video really packaged the general stuff good. But I think what we really need is like a mythbusters experiment, with professionals and a mockup of the buildings. I mean, even NIST did it in theyre simulations, and had to crank up all the variables to get it to happen.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:40 PM
I dont know if anyone has posted this animation on the cores in wtc 1&2 but it reinforces what this film is saying.....The cores did not fail or fall from the jet impact or fire from the fuel.

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
I mean, even NIST did it in theyre simulations, and had to crank up all the variables to get it to happen.

Or cranked up the parameters to get nothing to happen -- again. You think that'd have clued them off to something, but no. I guess it's just the thought that counts, not the supporting evidence (or lack of it).

posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing

Well of course not! The 'lie' is to present 99% truth and omit the one most important fact of them all!! The biggest lie is the one left unsaid.

I'm still working my way through this one - how come electronics and communications etc were still in perfect working order etc, I'm not convinced but I'm willing to consider the scary possibility. Is it like Controlled Demolition Inc. went "ok, you're onto us, fine, the game is up, we'll play along here, we'll make a nice film and legitimatise the CT for you - we'll even go into detail on applying explosive charges.. the works.. BUT .. and here's the catch.. we're not going to tell you which explosive was the most effective of all - and it lived down in the basement!!"

So, did you read the link?

[edit on 27-9-2006 by RiotComing]

You are joking right? Mini nuke...oh come on!

How about this. The mini nuke site you linked is in fact: A COINTELPRO designed to weaken public support for the "Truth" movement by loading in a bunch of...well for lack of better terms BS.

If..and that is a huge IF! If a mini nuke were would have to be so small that it would have been pointless. There is threshold in which the material is too small to attain critical mass. Besides if the weapon was so small as to avoid all the markers of a nuke, why bother. Just use HE. It is illogical.

You would also have to disregard the fact that workers and survivors were in the sublevels. You would also find police, firemen, EMT, construction workers, and others with radiation poisoning. There is in fact no one with those conditions. Almost every case of sickness associated with WTC involves commonly known toxins present in most office building.

And then the point you raised. EMP…there was no EMP. If there was the brothers (name escapes me now) shooting the documentary would have lost their cameras, the radios and cell phones would have gone dark, News crews would have lost their signal, and computers (from the surrounding buildings) would have been fried.

And here I thought the "Missile hit the Pentagon" CT was the worst example of the fringe. See this is they type of crap that keeps me on the fence. Here is another thought: Maybe the towers did collapse and the whole "truth" movement is an attempt to under-cut American confidence in their social/political system. A broad spectrum effort to destroy America from the inside out? Am I alone in wondering that? It would be logical. Bad stuff happens and certain segments try to spin the whole thing as a grand plot by the elite to enslave the World. Not saying that is what I believe...but it sure as hell make more sense than the "mini nukes" theory!

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 07:03 PM
The end of this video is chilling to say the least. That last image of the column with the melting (thermate?) around where the charge must have been, that's awesome.

Thanks for pointing this out.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing
but there is a huge possibility the documentary is selling us a BIG LIE.

[edit on 27-9-2006 by RiotComing]

Riot and everyone else,
I have so many problems with this ridiculous site you linked to I don't even know where to begin. The only thing I will point out is that this site says that CIA is behind the Truth Movement. All I can say is WTF? Are you kidding? Where's the proof of that crazy claim?

No. No. Wait. I don't even care where the proof is...The point isn't how it was done. The point is simply that is WAS DONE . And what's more, it was done to me and mine and you and yours.

Now what are you going to do about it? "Reserve judgment"?!?!?! That site has no bearing on the veracity of this newest (and finest thus far) video.

[edit on 9/28/2006 by deluded]

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 02:46 PM
Understanding the collapse of the buildings requires understanding of the basic structure. The entire support of the building is by the central rectangle of the core, which is about 1/3 the area of a floor. The exterior walls, called curtain walls, do not support anything; they hang from each floor. The interior walls do not support anything.

The floors are canterleavered from the central core.

The fire from tens of thousands of gallons of Jet-A kerosene quickly heated the support columns way past 650 deg F which is the temprature at which steel begins to rapidly lose its strength. The flames would have been more than twice that temprature. No common fireproofing material could have withstood that heat for long, say 30 minutes.

Once a small area of the supporting columns were hot enough to fail, the entire mass of the floors above the fire dropped, with the acceleration of gravity, onto the floors below, each floor adding mass to the falling structure, every foot of fall adding to the speed of the

Cause of Thermite?

So Mr. Eagar has become reluctantly familiar with Mr. Jones's hypothesis, and he is not impressed. For example, he says, the cascade of yellow-hot particles coming out of the south tower could be any number of things: a butane can igniting, sparks from an electrical arc, molten aluminum and water forming a hydrogen reaction — or, perhaps most likely, a spontaneous, completely accidental thermite reaction.

Occasionally, he says, given enough mingled surface area, molten aluminum and rust can react violently, à la thermite. Given that there probably was plenty of molten aluminum from the plane wreckage in that building, Mr. Eagar says, it is entirely possible that this is what happened.

Others have brought up this notion as well, so Mr. Jones has carried out experiments in his lab trying to get small quantities of molten aluminum to react with rust. He has not witnessed the reaction and so rules it out. But Mr. Eagar says this is just a red herring: Accidental thermite reactions are a well-known phenomenon, he says. It just takes a lot of exposed surface area for the reaction to start.

[edit on 29-9-2006 by ferretman2]

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by ferretman2
The exterior walls, called curtain walls, do not support anything; they hang from each floor. The interior walls do not support anything.

Not according to all government reports.

The fire from tens of thousands of gallons of Jet-A kerosene quickly heated the support columns way past 650 deg F which is the temprature at which steel begins to rapidly lose its strength.

No, steel loses half its strength at 600 C, and that's NOT easy to reach, even with fires beyond that temperature, because of a little something called "transfer".

Once a small area of the supporting columns were hot enough to fail, the entire mass of the floors above the fire dropped, with the acceleration of gravity, onto the floors below, each floor adding mass to the falling structure, every foot of fall adding to the speed of the

Nah, sorry, didn't happen that way, and demonstrably so by photographs. Read over this:

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 03:10 PM
I've seen some of it. Totally worth the watch and makes a ton more sense than the Goverment did. But I think they were just trying to keep the public of NYC and DC from completely panicing.

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