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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by's the light wallet..

Go ATM, by the time you're finished you will be the expert!

Now the next hurdle is finding the time...

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Matyas

Originally posted by's the light wallet..

Go ATM, by the time you're finished you will be the expert!

Now the next hurdle is finding the time...

There is a stargazing club here in my hometown. We are out in the desert, and have a fairly dark mountain facing the dark side of the city. Perfect for star gazing.

there are some major sweet homemade rigs. One guy has a 10" do-it-yourself setup with a tracking motor and everything. he has a lens setup that allows quick lens changes, and he views it on his laptop while he is recording everything he is watching. so we will gather around this 21" Dell monitor and watch.

if i only could justify to myself the expense. I have a 9 year old that is 5'1" tall and weighs about 220 that does football, and tennis in the offseason. Between him, and his tennis playing older brother, there is little time or funding. Isn't that the story of all of us here?

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:43 PM

Total Lunar eclipse tonight at 2:51 AM PST!!!

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 01:20 PM
link you'v gone and made me do it, you made me press the button.

Curse you matyas, there I was happily thinking I could stand on the sidelines and just talk about getting a scope and you have to talk me into.

My sincerest sympathies Big I wish you were this side of the pond or vice versa I think I am going to need someones help on this and you could have been the man.

Ok so I have announced I am getting it but please do not expect any pictures posted for awhile I have got to work up to it.

Also I now have an anti-grav wallet.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by sherpa]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Been doing a little document research at:

I can spend all day there looking at stuff, you really can read between the lines on some of the documentation there. Let me share with you a couple of links.
ht tp://

I have a very good question. Is it possible that the term "EXTRATERRESTRIAL BASES" is in reference to the Space Shuttle, Lunar Modual, or Space Station or is it in reference to what I think it is?
Take a look at this link, the report is dated NOV 1964.

[edit on 8/29/07 by housegroove23]

[edit on 8/29/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by housegroove23
I have a very good question. Is it possible that the term "EXTRATERRESTRIAL BASES" is in reference to the Space Shuttle, Lunar Modual, or Space Station or is it in reference to what I think it is?
I don't know what you are thinking, but to me it looks like they are talking about something that we do not have (as far as I know) yet, ground bases not on Earth.

That is why they talk of "minimum weight transported from Earth" and "maximum use of indigenous supplies and materials".

But it was a good find. Do they say if we can get those documents on that site?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 06:32 PM
Good luck with the new telescope sherpa.Once you get into it you may find yourself hooked.
Mine isn't as nice as the beauty you're getting so I can imagine what you will see..
Has this pic been posted on here before?

I'm new here and this site is huge so forgive if it's a double post.If it is I will remove the pic.
I found it here:

It's identified as AS15-94-12741HR
If you save the picture, zoom in.Two objects at the bottom top third of the picture and almost one third apart vertically.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by citizen truth

Thanks citizen, like the avatar by the way I think zorgon might like that as well.

You have obviously caught the moon anomaly bug good for you, however I think you will be hard pushed to find anything on the web that hasn't already been highlighted and as for anything from NASA, well unless it is early stuff that slipped through the net you would be extremely lucky.

But I would like to be surprised.

The above as you might have gathered has helped me to decide to try the diy method, will I get anything only time will tell.

I don't think I have seen that image before what was the source clementine ?

I can't see what your talking about maybe you could highlight it for me and repost it.

Ah..ok they are from Apollo 15 and have actually been highlighted on the the website below, interesting I shall have to check it out.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by sherpa]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by citizen truth
Good luck with the new telescope sherpa.Once you get into it you may find yourself hooked.
Mine isn't as nice as the beauty you're getting so I can imagine what you will see..
Has this pic been posted on here before?

I'm new here and this site is huge so forgive if it's a double post.If it is I will remove the pic.
I found it here:

It's identified as AS15-94-12741HR
If you save the picture, zoom in.Two objects at the bottom top third of the picture and almost one third apart vertically.

That pic you posted has some amazing albiet fuzzy high zoomed content
and all over it. You can almost see tracks between certain features. Thanks for the New Image input and nice find. I wonder if others can see allt he stuff my imager helps me too see?(MS Paint).
But debunkers must have occupants waving at the camera type shots or they declare No Proof.
I think in the very near future we will all find out quite a bit about many of our Space wonderings and Life in Space.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 08:00 PM
Thanks for the positive and constructive input folks.The picture I posted is as found and I thought it might be a CGI.At a certain zoom range it looks pasted over but I'm not not a photo expert.
I thought someone else would have this on another site and I'm happy that curious members found another source.
Like I said, I'm new here and I get the impression that as many links as possible are important so people can corroborate information.I do have photoshop so I'll be sure to highlight future pictures.
I find it refreshing to contribute to a site where very good questions are asked and specific areas are addressed.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by citizen truth

No problem citizen, and I don't know if you have seen this image before but was taken by the Russian satellite Zond 3 in 1965, have a look it is interesting.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by citizen truth

Make sure you visit Zorgon's site, too. It holds more than I can take the time to look at at the time being, so i just peruse the things that grab me. Read a few thousand pages already, and have read many thousand more in other venues.

if you are interested, there is more than you can process over the next couple of years. Then, to compound it, if you start looking down your own avenues (as any reasonable person will do when inspired), then you are looking at a life investment, honestly. I am looking in career options that will more enable me to research this information more than my current high pressure career does.

Glad to have you here. Try this site, for starters:

it is Zorgons, and has a pretty deep level of information in it, all relevent to what is discussed on this site in some of the more popular threads/concepts.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 08:25 PM
You guys are amazing! If I could do this full time and pay the bills I would.When I'm not working I research as much as I can.
I appreciate the link and picture.Rest assured I'll be looking and reading.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by citizen truth
You guys are amazing! If I could do this full time and pay the bills I would.When I'm not working I research as much as I can.
I appreciate the link and picture.Rest assured I'll be looking and reading.

Zorgon, Matyas, John, Bluebird, Undo, et al....they are amazing.

I just follow their leads. My job as an operations manager in a very busy outsourcing call center (we do inbound, as i am ethically opposed to outbound, mostly) keeps me tied up for up to 100 hours a week. And taking on additional projects in my careers (like building and maintaining our site website) really eats up my time.

To remedy this, i am enrolling for classes to get ready for the RN program. I can work 1/3 the time and make about the same, without the extreme stress that this industry provides. Then i will be able to really begin my life as a researcher. Should take about 2 years, as i have many of the classes out of the way.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 02:00 AM
WOW I have a few pages to catch up here it seems...

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
if there was a ' subsantial lunar atmosphere ' as you claim - that definition would be degraded by haze

That would only be true if there was water vapor and dust in the air, not if the air is clean and pristine... besides even John says its low and breathable for short periods without a suit... so I disagree that it would be very hazy...

Clouds have been reported by Astronomers for hundreds of years and NASA tracks these sightings in an official report... we have that file linked in the Infrared Moon Images thread...

But Herr Ape... I would like you to explain to me how the dust plume dissipitates as it does in this Smart 1 impact image set... seems I can't get anyone to explain this to me... The area in each block is several kilometers and the bright flash in image 1 is the impact which was straight on. A minute later image two shows a circular plume as expected, but the next shots show the dust clouds dispersing over a wide range...

I would like your explanation of what is causing this


posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 02:03 AM
I will catch up here tomorrow but in the meantime if you have not visited these threads since I left I would suggest you do...

Infrared Moon Images

Did the Space Shuttle dock at the Secret Space Station tonight?

Both contain valuable information pertinent to this thread

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by sherpa
Thanks for the post and I can see your serious.

Have made contact with two physicists in San Jose... one from Livermore, who was quite impressed with John's Aristarchus presentation and will be in touch
and one from MIT... seems I perked his interest with the "Levitated Dipole Fusion Reactor" seems he works upstairs in the Fission Dept and has heard rumors of what is happening downstairs...

He even described what we are seeing at the Sandi reactor image and at Aristarchus...

for you Matt... Cherkov Radiation..

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by sherpa

Ah..ok they are from Apollo 15 and have actually been highlighted on the the website below, interesting I shall have to check it out.

LOL I guess I will have to hurry with "The Secrets of Tsiolkovski" presentation...

Never enough time in a day... and I still haven't covered that area around Aristarchus fully yet
though we touched on it in the Infrared thread...

That is jack Arneson's page, and is also at The Living Moon... we have been holding off trying to get the videos to play in all Windows versions... seems Vista is a pain in the b....

Good spotting Sherpa

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by sherpa
Thanks for the post and I can see your serious.

Have made contact with two physicists in San Jose... one from Livermore, who was quite impressed with John's Aristarchus presentation and will be in touch
and one from MIT... seems I perked his interest with the "Levitated Dipole Fusion Reactor" seems he works upstairs in the Fission Dept and has heard rumors of what is happening downstairs...

I am assuming they were at the Bay Area Expo is this where physicists get all their new ideas ?

Now I am not sure if going around perking people with a "Levitated Dipole Fusion Reactor" is a very nice thing to do, is it even legal ?

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 06:05 AM
Hey zorgon buddy,

I got a little surprise for ya man. It appears that you're somewhat of a celebrity on NASA's forums. Check this out. I hope it's something worthy of your attention. It's at least something worth noting, as it's on the very website of the people that we get these pictures from. Well, most of them anyway.



P.S. Well, after looking closer, the picture I was looking at is hosted on NASA's website, but the forums I was referring to are on Still a pretty big name to have your name on, aside from ATS man. Gotta love it.

A little tidbit of trivia on Guess who created it?


Lou Dobbs.

[edit on 1-9-2007 by TheBorg]

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