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what form of govt. do you suggest is the best?

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posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:34 PM
hypothetical situation: Somehow you r givin the chance to govern a new country fresh from the start what form of government would u make it and y?

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:40 PM
A govt that you can trust obviously.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:44 PM
i would make it a democratically elected, restricted dictatorship, like have electoins every 3 months, if the person isn't doing what he says they're gone new person in. I say dictatorship because then things can get done. However the dictator would not have control over certain laws, such as their power constarints, these would be decided by referendum and could only be removed by referendum, secondly the dictator would be restricted from controlling the army so he/she cannot use the army to control people, the army would be controlled by the people, all businesses are publicly owned, all people are provided with housing and food so long as they do the job appointed to him or her. I guess it would be a form of communism, but not a true communism, because of the dictator, a true communism would have to be true democracy

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:48 PM
A democratic republic with severe restrictions on the federal government and laws about amending specific consitutional rights.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:50 PM
If i were an American i wouldnt care what govt was elected as long as they can trusted.

Clinton was a good president i thought.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:51 PM
No form of government is perfect. True, some are better then others, but there is no single "Correct" government. I know you didn't claim there was, but later on in this topic, some people might do just that.

I think the government we have now is "As good as it gets", except that the people running it are (rather obviously) doing a poor job of it.

Our founding fathers had a very radical idea, one that is no longer being followed: Separation of church and state. That is the primary problem with our government right now. Personal beliefs cannot, and should not be pushed on people, and wars should not be waged simply because you disagree with another religion and its worshippers. It's as simple as that.

I suppose my answer could be boiled down into the following statement:

"The best government is like the one we have right now, except decisions would be made on a person-to-person basis, and religious beliefs would never factor into these decisions."

Basically, I want a government run by individualists, not collectivists.

[Edited on 4-11-2003 by Kai-Raega]

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:54 PM
Actually i cant really comment on how the way they(the US Govt) run America cos i aint an Ammerican but they arent doing very on the international side of things(e.g a war here a war there)

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:59 PM
the founding fathers described a communism, governing by the people for the people correct?

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by drunk
Actually i cant really comment on how the way they(the US Govt) run America cos i aint an Ammerican but they arent doing very on the international side of things(e.g a war here a war there)

You bring up another point I should have covered.

Our government is stepping on a lot of toes right now. I don't care how dangerous a perceived threat is, you don't build bridges by breaking them down first. Our country is too busy thinking about themselves to worry about what the possible ramifications might be for doing this or that or the other thing. We act first, think later. (Or sometimes never)

It isn't just Bush's fault either. Even Clinton did a little Toe Stomping. (Though not as much as Bush, obviously)

I feel bad for your prime minister, drunk. Poor Tony Blair is getting heat because he was forced to support Bush. I watch C-span religiously and watch the house of commons. Those guys lay into him so bad...and I honestly think, deep in my heart, that Tony Blair didn't want to support Bush...

But he knew he *had* to.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:09 AM
the american government atleast fits in with most of the people in "developed" society, I ME MINE should be their motto i think, all ppl think about is themselves and all the gov thinks about is itself, it's far too obvious that gov'ts are being pushed around by companies, what gov't tahts working for their people would act in such a selfish manner, especially with USA being the "world supeorpower" more like world pain in the ass, i think i rambled

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by banjoechef
all the gov thinks about is itself, it's far too obvious that gov'ts are being pushed around by companies, what gov't tahts working for their people would act in such a selfish manner

That is the biggest problem with capitalism. Those who have the money, make the laws.

No matter who is president, and no matter what party they serve, they will always end up accepting money from at least one big corporation...and then pass laws favoring that corporation. That's capitalism.

The only cure, in my opinion, would be to elect a president who has such high morals that he or she cannot be bought no matter what they are offered. The only people I can think of who fit into this would be the over-achieving "Radical" Green Party candidates or possibly "Old Style" Democrats like Joe Biden or Anne Richards.

Unfortunately, Nice guys finish last. Especially in politics.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Kai-Raega

Our founding fathers had a very radical idea, one that is no longer being followed: Separation of church and state.

[Edited on 4-11-2003 by Kai-Raega]

now here's some one who has never read the declaration of independence or their state's consititution. In the declaration of independece there are numerous references to God, the Al-Mighty, or our Creator.
This country was founded upon God given rights of every man, which are not given to the people from the state but from God.
Some states had State Religions till 1890's (if my memory serves right) so i tell you go back and learn the real history, not the crap you learned from that commie book in the public schools (yes, even i had to read it) But from real sources like old state codes and such.

P.S. there is no "separation of church and state" only, the outlaw of any national church.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by BeingWatchedByThem

now here's some one who has never read the declaration of independence or their state's consititution. In the declaration of independece there are numerous references to God, the Al-Mighty, or our Creator.
This country was founded upon God given rights of every man, which are not given to the people from the state but from God.

Still, this does not make the case for the merging of religion and politics. Nothing good can come of it, and although many people have been duped into thinking our constitution is based on the ten commandments, Bill Mahr recently ran an episode of politically incorrect in which he revealed (Surprise) that essentially only two laws are shared by them both.

Though, truth be told, anyone with a modicum of intelligence has since figured that out for themselves.

I'd never push my religous beliefs on another man, and neither should the government.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:36 AM
If people werent so corrupt, Communism would rule. There has never been a true commie nation ever, russia was a socialist dictatorship. Think about pure communism, the governemt gives you food, shelter, and provides you with a job you got skills at. Thats sounds pretty easy.
We live in the real world and democracy has so far been proven to be the best.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:46 AM
no government, just love thy neighbour, simple as that. then we'd be equal... yet i'm afraid that this is but a dream for our world.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by deafence#
no government, just love thy neighbour, simple as that. then we'd be equal... yet i'm afraid that this is but a dream for our world.

I think that is probably the best thing I've heard the entire thread. You're right, and in my perfect world (And all of ours, really) this would be reality rather then wishful thinking.

It's a crying shame that it simply isn't possible.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 12:59 AM
yeah, too bad we've dug our selves into a grave of hate, greed, and pride. it would literally take a global awakening to get us out of this mess.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by jrod
If people werent so corrupt, Communism would rule. There has never been a true commie nation ever, russia was a socialist dictatorship. Think about pure communism, the governemt gives you food, shelter, and provides you with a job you got skills at. Thats sounds pretty easy.
We live in the real world and democracy has so far been proven to be the best.

in a pure communism the government would be the people

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 04:47 PM
I would love to live in a monarchy, with me as king!

There would be only one law:

Do whatever you want, as long as you do not hurt anyone else.

Wanna get high? go ahead
Buy a prostitute? Be my guest
Have a gay marriage? fine by me

The other side:

Commit murder: and caught red-handed, instant execution

Theft: return goods + 10%

Revenge killings for murder of a family member: frowned upon, but acceptable

Adultery: Spouse and lover given up to husband/wife for whatever punishment they wish

Self defense that results in death of assailant: no punishment.

Thank god i'm not king!!!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by nathraq
There would be only one law:

Do whatever you want, as long as you do not hurt anyone else.

Well, you have my vote, because I've been saying that for years now.

I believe that the more restrictions you place on your people, the more apt they are to rebel and/or become lawless. If you give them a seemingly neverending list of laws and regulations, and then tell them if they don't toe the line they'll end up crushing rocks on a chain gang, then what you get is a country that has no respect for authority.

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