posted on Nov, 3 2002 @ 12:23 AM
i have been lurking aroud this forum for some time,i have enjoyed much of what ive read though have found it difficult that some people in here
actual belive their own nonsence.
most would rather belive that aliens created us over a loving GOD. why?
is it realy so hard to belive in GOD?
i did not grow up as a christian,in fact i honestly belived they were evil (and by some of the posts in here i can see some of you still belive that)
ive tried most of the feelgood idealism belifes,all have fallen short of the grace of my GOD.
i truly sought for an answer to my questions and have found it.i have tested my faith,and it has prevailed.
i can give you the history of many many regelious belifes,and the history of their leaders. and if peopel have actualy done research on these belifes
they would run from them, and into the arms of our savior YESHUA.
though i might add that ive seen quite a few attacks against non-christians as well ,(and i truly hope that you dont take this post as an attack,only
as an observation) this is wrong!and i would urge my brothers to stop such behavior!,though speak the truth in love.
well enough gabbel from me tonight my friends. please feel free to respond.
friend to all,
rember to keep your eyes crossward.