posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 02:28 PM
"Cohorts of mine" is a specific comment directed at me. Hard to slice it any other way. Nevertheless, I don't harbor any ill will toward you, and
I respect your service to this country as a Marine, as well as your continued service on the streets as a peace officer. Feel free to one-up me all
you want, if it makes you feel good about yourself.
Perhaps you could consider for a moment that your past and continuing experiences in the military and law enforcement have and do color your
perception of the world. I mean, you are faced daily with realities of life that most of us don't come up against that often, if ever more than
once. You have chosen to put yourself in the line of fire, to become part of the machine that keeps the status quo in place. You must believe that
might makes right.
I don't. I don't believe that justice comes out the end of a gun, or that the guy with the biggest stick gets to make the rules. I don't believe
in the pecking order mentality of this society at all. I believe it is fatally flawed, and only the positive power of primary partnership and
equitably shared responsibility, as well as benefits, can save us from the mess we have created.
The question that really needs to be addressed is: How do we get there from here? The worrisome answer is: We don't. The chosen few will have to
start over and try to get it right next time.
The meek will inherit the earth.