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TIME: Why The 9/11 Conspiracies Won't Go Away.

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posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 04:02 PM
I like the times but this was a poor article for the fact its so one side I just want them to see the other side and elaborate on what they say is fact I still read there paper.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by KnowItAll

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
Wow knowitall, get off of Ferret's n*ts qill ya. His post didn't say anything. The truth is that pancake theory is BS, and has been disproven. That's the only explaination that they had for the perfect vertical collapse at near freefall speed, so there that goes.

Gosh darn it.....busted us. Whatever....I've seen the vids time and again....looks like they pancaked to me. Has your persuasion actually hindered your own eyesight? I don't understand your point. So now let's, in your opinion, WTC was taken down deliberately. And there are references to how demonlition experts implode bldgs. So...(and stay with me here), if your theory is correct, and the bldgs were taken down on purpose, wouldn't they have pancaked as in the normal practice in demolition of large bldgs? Hmmm?

I for one am not a structural engineer so could you please explain to me why the builing fell at near freefall speed after suffer none leathal impact wounds to the off center of the building? I understand if a few floors fell, I would understand if the whole top tipped off the building and crashed to the streets below.. I do not believe that the WTC BOTH of them fell into their footprints and then, while everyone is looking the other way, building 7 comes down, according to TIME because of face damages and a leaking emergency generator.

To me, believing the "facts" is just as crazy as believing the "conspiracy" because

1) it is an unbelievable tale
2) there was no significant investigation

I do not know why you think it is so hard to keep a secret, our government does seceret military operations, seceret facilities, seceret negotiations, seceret weapons developments.. why not a seceret plan to attack America.

It happend before read about Operation Northwoods and then tell me that there is no such thing as a concpiracy to committ a coup within the government, then read on about REX84 and tell me our government does not have a darkside to keep order, to maintain power.

It is a crazy thing to believe that is sure, just as crazy as a third world terrorist organization pulling it off when you say top industrial and government officials can't, but that is why it worked for them!

It is so unbelievably crazy that no one in their right mind would believe the truth if it walked up and smacked them in the face.

There have been wistle blowers to, there has been alot of evidence but as with this TIME article you can see they work closer with the government then you may think, and no one will give the truth movement the light of day. And that in it's self protects those who committed the attacks.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 04:33 PM
At first I thought this was a bad article to bring the 9-11 conspiracy to the forefront...

but what it did was convince a bunch of people to watch loose change, that hadn't ever watched it.

And for them to call out the one solid piece of disinfo (the pentagon jet IMHO) means that they took the teeth right out of the doubt.

everything else in Loose Change ought to make them feel like they are in OZ...

Seriously folks... this is someone who has managed to give this publicity in one of the few ways possible...

Much like saying..." their is no way they could have set up the pentagon deal, they were too busy remote controlling the jets into the WTC..."

and in the end, any publicity (that isn't awful) will become good publicity.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 04:43 PM
True, if someone really wanted to look up the TIME article they could end up here or on other sites, or if like most people who would read it simply take TIMES word for it.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
and in the end, any publicity (that isn't awful) will become good publicity.

Yeah, all this talk about us being crazy is just them shooting themselves in the foot. They gave the stats for how many Americans are seriously considering this stuff. I don't think coming out and doing all this arm-waving, JFK-style, is really doing them much good considering how much of a solid foot-hold these ideas already have, especially with organizations like Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

Anybody been keeping up with S9/11T, btw?

They now have four structural engineers signed on, including an individual that is also a structural dynamicist, and this is excluding the Mr. Pegelow that was interviewed by Fetzer recently. So that's five that are openly challenging the government, aside from the mechanical engineers, and more relevant physicists and research scientists such as Prof. Jones, etc. I only bring that up because of all the old hoo-ha about how no structural engineers would entertain demo theory. Guess it'll have to be shifted to another field now.

These kinds of articles are just bringing more attention to the issues, and the crowd against the official explanations is constantly growing.

[edit on 6-9-2006 by bsbray11]

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 04:48 PM
lol so 36% of amercian people are idiots huh? doesn't surprise me at all......

Hey maybe the aliens helped bring down the WTC as well....

It's really sad that almost half the country is so retarted they cant comprehend simple things like when an airliner crashes into a building, and then the top part of the building snaps off, the building will collapse on itself.

oh well what are you gonna do some people just cant separate fantasy from reality.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
lol so 36% of amercian people are idiots huh? doesn't surprise me at all......

Hey maybe the aliens helped bring down the WTC as well....

It's really sad that almost half the country is so retarted they cant comprehend simple things like when an airliner crashes into a building, and then the top part of the building snaps off, the building will collapse on itself.

oh well what are you gonna do some people just cant separate fantasy from reality.

why are you here? ATS is about discussion... and debate... not belittling others ideas... you have violated T&C to the point of banning...

if you have the info, then debunk away there stud...

or perhaps you might like to discuss how a building falling is AT ALL relevant to whether our military industrial complex has finally taken over our foreign policy, and gotten the biggest christmas present ever... perpetual war...

And yeah... 36% of America thinks that this whole thing stinks... and doesn't beleive it for good reason...
they can and do read and research... (unlike others who hold whatever opinions they are told to hold by the sexy news woman/man)

Who cares if the WTC was brought down from explosives or not... explosives dont prove an inside job...

Who cares if a missle hit the pentagon, it would be very easy to prove different, if and when THEY want to... so beware the disinfo bait.

But i do care, that many of the terrorists are still alive, and have offered interviews...
I also care that their are so many ties to the lapse of security given by the vice president, and due to the security drill that was going on CONCURRENTLY with the actual attack... talk about the divine opportunity for confusion... that was it...
the terrorists couldn't have picked a better time all around, to:
cause the least death
cause the most shock and awe
cause the most profit for the influence buyers
cause the most confusion by attacking when a national drill has handicapped our national defense (NORAD) with a drill about hijacked planes. (how coinkidinky)
In fact... it seems like the conditions were just right for a false flag op that day...
preconditionally set for an opportunistic attack.

If AQ is truly that good, and has people that far inside our military to do all this "presetting"...
then the only thing that keeps us alive today is their mercy, and we might as well give up now...
For AQ to infiltrate our military command, and plan that drill on the same day as the attack, was perfect. It also illustrates (using the same logic as NIST) that AQ can order our military to stand down...
that my friends means that AQ can nuke us anytime they want, with our own nukes...
aint logic great?

So which would you rather have? AQ in control of our military? (HA) or a corrupt government that finally gave into the mountain of influence that pushed us towards war.

Then you have the Zionist angle...
this whole 9-11 thing has been rather great for zionists...

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 05:41 PM
well no i have not violated T+C to the point of banning because i wasnt reefering to ATS members as idiots, i was reefering to the percentege of ppl in the time magazine poll...that's a bit diff and isn't a T+C guideline violation...thats like if u called bush an idiot, not a t+c violation just your opinion.

no where in my post did i say atsers were idiots or belittle anyone except the third part of the ppl who took place in the survey, which is my right to form an opinion on them can be mad at me for that,...

Yes i may say some harsh things but they were within the boundaries considering i was reefering to a 3d party not directly involved with ats or it's members....

My problem with the conspirocy theories is ppl wanna ignore huge peices of evidence. Like did the top of the building not break off and fall on the other floors? was i high or somehting when i was watching it?

Belive me, i HATe the us gov. I got beat up by the cops and it took my 7 months in a court to proove i was innocent. belive me where i live, we cheer and throw up 2 hands and praise god when a cop dies because we see how corrupt they are every day.

However...nobody has given strong enough evidnece at least in my opinion that 911 was an inside job, or that it was a CD. cuase then, how do u explain AQ attacking other targets around the world before and after 911? are all those government jobs too?

And what about the 1993 bombing of the WTC? he was a us agent to right? So yeah i dunno i get mad because i think it's disrespectful to all the ppl that died to say they own gov slaughtered them.

and still nobody will answer my question, WHAT HAS THE GOVERNMENT GAINED FROM 911.

so far the answer i see is nothing...

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 06:37 PM
You will never get an answer to "What did the government gain?" You see, if it was teh government, they would have allowed another attack to happen and declared martial law. You see, instead, they have fought an uphill battle to allow the DHS to form and make sure that the shortcomings of pre-9/11 intel are not repeated.

As far as the 30so percent who believe, I mean, would you trust any poll where people talked to the solicitors
. I love how people always refer to statistics as proof, when all they are is skewed numbers to fit a point of view. I mean, that is the same attitude as thinking the NIST and FEMA and the 9/11 commission and Silverstien were ALL in on it. You can't hide what is on an Ipod and you think our government can cover up 9/11. when you believe that, the terrorists have won...

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 06:39 PM
Great post Lazarus.

Spawn, you praising cops does not reflect an attitude for the government in general, aside from the fact that you might have some personal issues with local law inforcement....

It is more hurtful to the victims families to tell them a story that was conjured with in the first few hours that Alquada must have done it, then to give them an investigation.

There was no investigation. There was no sending steel samples and other debris to private universities and labs for testing, there was no private investigation of all the video tapes, many are top secret like the pentagon feeds, why?

Somebody had something to hide when he had the metal from the towers carted to China for smelting, for hampering investigations, and is it not amazing so much critical information parished with those 3,000 people that day? Like.. say building 7 which housed alot of criminal investigations, like Enron, and maybe some evidence against some key officials.

There would be no truth movement if the government did not look so guilty, if so much where not tied together, and if there was a proper investigation.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 06:41 PM
Esdad, did you really look for an answer to that question? Because I, and many others, have plenty of guesses, many of which I feel are well founded possibilities.

Never heard of PNAC?

Never heard of Operation Northwoods?

Look them up, figure out yourself how theyre linked, and come back to me to say whether theres no answer to your question or not.

And also, sometimes the illusion of democracy works better then tyranny. Look at Cuba.

You dont need Martial law to squash human rights and liberties. All you need is a synthetic terror attack and to use fear tactics like "terror alerts" to confuse and disorient people as they willingly allow wiretapping and the patriot act to go through.

if theyre on your tracks, start some new terror attempts, throw in some sappy mass media news junk in there way, after awhile they'll just forget and continue theyre small, insignificant lives.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
You will never get an answer to "What did the government gain?" You see, if it was teh government, they would have allowed another attack to happen and declared martial law. You see, instead, they have fought an uphill battle to allow the DHS to form and make sure that the shortcomings of pre-9/11 intel are not repeated.

As far as the 30so percent who believe, I mean, would you trust any poll where people talked to the solicitors
. I love how people always refer to statistics as proof, when all they are is skewed numbers to fit a point of view. I mean, that is the same attitude as thinking the NIST and FEMA and the 9/11 commission and Silverstien were ALL in on it. You can't hide what is on an Ipod and you think our government can cover up 9/11. when you believe that, the terrorists have won...

They don't need martial law yet, they have no reason to.

The ones behind it are making money, and that is what it was about, Bush has gained more power then few other presidents in history with the Patriot Act I and II and along with that his write offs on bills that go through the house. Maybe if the dems win the house they will have another attack, hell we sure have had a few scares... scares with no one actually posing a threat.. now we are not allowed to bring water onboard airliners. People take part in the polls because they may enjoy partaking in them, I personally have been called for a poll on whether GW's brother should run for president, when you get the chance to be in the poll why not eh?

You apparently will not flinch on any other idea then a few men in caves with box cutters took down our top financial center, and evaded the worlds most superior air force to hit the worlds top military command center... and if that is the truth my friend then the terrorist have already won.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 07:31 PM
Isn't it insane that about half of America believes these 9/11 thoeires But WERE THE CRAZY ONES AND THE ONLY MEDIA WE GET IS WERE CRAZY! THERE CRAZY DUMB AND MIND CONTROLED!!!!!TAKE A STAND YOU BE THE ONE TO DO SOMETHING IT ABOUT DRIVES ME CRAZY TO WATCH THE WORLD GO TO HELL RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES! Listen im only 16 years old buy i still try to let everyone know about it no i dont know every thing but i know enough to know that 9/11 was an inside job and the government is trying to give to enslave us. Hell it event says it in the bible motrodomous said the same but simply look at the facts and you will know. As soon as i turn 18 I will get involved with a group sence my parents simply wont listen to me and call me crazy. TAKE A STAND AND FIGHT THE NEW WORLD ORDER

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 08:29 PM
Did you expect TIME magazine to publish an article on September 11 saying that terrorists may not be responsible for the attacks? Of course not. This article won't change anyone's mind about what happened or what they believe. The writer will look like an idiot to some of us and others will believe everything he says. I love how it says CTers live in a different world than others. I believe its true but not how he puts it. We don't believe everything we are hand fed by our government, if that makes me crazy I am perfectly fine with that.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 08:37 PM
well i have a problem with local law enforcement definatley. but think about it, who do the majority of us com in contact with? the local police, while i wont get into a rant im just gonna say that if ppl spent half as much time into researching the corruption of local law enforcement as they did to 9/11, you'd uncover some REAL conspirocys that are much more real and affect local citezens like you and me on a daily basis.

time made a good point, and the above poster kind of back it up unknowingly when he revered to them as some cave dwellers with box cutters. amreicans, dont want to feel that a group of ppl that they dont respect, could outsmart them on such a high level.

some of these 9/11 highjackers may be alive, so why has no one interviewed them? even if it wasnt by a big time news orginization, id think indepented truth seekers would have jumped at the opportunity to interview these guys. so why no interview?

what makes the real 911 plot so genious was how the terrorists carried it out. first off, you used to be able to bring real knives and i think even certain size guns with u on board a plane in the passenger carry on bag, security was very lax before the attacks so yes it would have been extremly easy to sneak something on a plane, especailly a "trivial" item like a box cutter.

And ok fine some tapes havent been released...but what about the hundrends of tapes that have? How do you explain radio transmissions from the hijackers themselves, saying "we have some planes" and so forth,. what about the asian stewerdass who made a cell phone call from the plane? What about the countless other people on all the 4 planes who called they loved ones? Did the gov make up they loved ones and these stories as well??

I understand why ppl might have doubt about 911 being terrorists, but unfortunatley the "evidence" they have produced is shaky at best. and some things are taken out of context. and all these ppl who say "oh eyewitnesses said there was eplosions". well thats not concrete evidence because people remeber things differently, and be real, someone could use the term "explosion" in a loose way. Water mains inside the building was breaking, elevators were being blown out due to many things could have been considered by a lamen an "explosion".

And also, eyewitnesses arent wholly accurate becuase lets say me and u have a guy pull a gun on us.....when we tell the cops, i might say the gun was blue and u might say it was black...peoples eyewitness testimony while it can be accurate, cant be taken for the holy grail of truth.

basically the way i feel, americans dont wanna feel some "stupid sand dwelling indians from a poor backwards country" could attack us the way they did. what im sayin is first off, they not poor. bin ladin is worth millions. they obvsiouly are extremely smart because they have pulled off dozens of attacks around the world.

so yes, the only way americans (at least some) can cope with by saying "well we can get beat like that, so it cant be them it has to be our government because only our government can do something so smart!"

i dunno, the world is falling apart. either way, no matter who the terrorists are, weather they be gov or forgein...they won. the us economy is crippled. bushs 8 year war has cost billions of dollars and completley destroyed the entire worlds trust in us. if anything, the terrorists beat bush to because more ppl hate bush now more than ever.

thats why i say, what did the GOVERNMENt gain..not bush, or a handfull of politicians, they are just PEOPLE. the GOVERNMENT gets nothign out of bush lookin like a fool, destroying our economy, and erasing americas good name.

the GOVERNMENT has nothing to gain by making a few elitests rich. so what they get the patriot act. big deal, they probly would have passed something like that anyway. governments survive on money, and a happy public. the gov had nothing to gain by 911.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 09:47 PM
first of all our economy is strong.......

Second......there is no appeasing CT'ers with actual facts from 9/11.......their negativity (majority) is from the fact they don't like the current administration and haave nothing else to complain about.

Everyone calls GBW stupid.......well if he and his administration pulled off 9/11 within 9 months of being in office, I'd have to say he's a genius!

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 09:49 PM
actually "His" administration had this in the works since 1992 when they released PNACs first report which pretty much outlines the last 5 years from, on, and since 9/11.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Spawwwn
the GOVERNMENT has nothing to gain by making a few elitests rich.

The answer to most of your questions lies in this.

I agree, the government system of the US has nothing to gain by making a few elitists so much wealthier, and more powerful.

However, the elitists have much to gain. And they own the corporations, the banks, and through those, have come to be very, very influential figures on our government's behaviors.

Politicians themselves make very little money, and are relatively powerless, simply from showing up in Washington and voting on laws or this and that, or doing work at the White House or what-have-you. It's their lobbyists, their special interest groups, the guys that made sure they got into power, and can remove them at any time, that make and break politicians.

If you haven't seen the old movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, look out for it next time you head out to rent movies. Very relevant stuff, especially today.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by ferretman2
first of all our economy is strong.......

Now I know he's been brainwashed by Faux News. I seriously hope you're joking here, because this can be disproven from any number of sources.

Second......there is no appeasing CT'ers with actual facts from 9/11.......their negativity (majority) is from the fact they don't like the current administration and haave nothing else to complain about.

Nothing to complain about with this administration? 9/11 is just one of the many many reasons that I have utter disdain for this administration.

Everyone calls GBW stupid.......well if he and his administration pulled off 9/11 within 9 months of being in office, I'd have to say he's a genius!

'GBW' is a moron. It's very obvious that he had little to do with the planning of 9/11, and that it was a Bush sr, Cheney Rummy thing. No one said his administration was stupid.

I don't trust these people who put blind faith in their government. It makes me wonder if they will be the ones walking into American homes, shooting civilians when the time comes, just like they're doing in Iraq.

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
actually "His" administration had this in the works since 1992 when they released PNACs first report which pretty much outlines the last 5 years from, on, and since 9/11.

PNAC did not form till 97, so try again. Do your homework before you state things such as this when you are questioning another persons knowledge.

Operation Northwoods was an 'drafted operation' that was designed by the military, which never even crossed the presidents desk. Read up on it. It is a bold plan and I still believe it's dismissal help to seal a nail in Kennedys coffin.

I do not blindly trust my government, but unemployment is down, there was a housing boom and the economy is slowing rebuilding after 9/11. Are these BAD things?

Finally, I want a final answer just as much as the next person, but there is no conspiracy to WTC collpase. There are questions that need answers, but there is no conspiracy in my eyes. No thermite, no bombs, no holograms, just 2800 dead.

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