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Reptilians...What I know, and what do you think?

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posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 06:31 AM
Just look up Wicca in something like Wikipedia and you will understand that its basis lies in the Occult (hidden) and there is reason why its hidden.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 06:36 AM
"Sleep Paralysis " is real! I have experienced this and so has my friend, I have long believed this to be the reason for so called alien sighting/abduction. I saw A TV programme on this subject a few years ago in UK. Your brain paralyses you during sleep/dreaming so you don’t harm yourself.
Sometimes we awake during this but are still dreaming, a sort of malfunction? Everyone sees similar….Strange figures over them, sometimes sexual! This is not a modern thing…ever seen old paintings of demons/sucubus sat atop someone in bed.
Not aliens/reptilians…..sigh.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 07:06 AM
You guys are all on drugs!

Ayahuasca probably...

Did ya know the Amazonian Shaman using the above mentioned drug sees florescent reptiles, dragons and serpents.
Actually most people do that use this drug.

Worth investigating.
Is there a connection...between ayahuasca and reptiles...does it allow you to enter the 'plane' or 'dimension' of the shape-shifters...?

If such a thing exists.
Well of course it does...we know of at least 3 other dimensions.
We are in the 4th, which is comprised of 3 Dimensions of Space and 1 Dimension of Time, thus the term that Einstein bequeathed us, SpaceTime.

Therefore the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions exist also, these are the building blocks, the stepping stones of creation.
And time, I will suggest is only experienced in the 3rd dimension, where matter is created.
The other dimensions exist simultaneously; we just do not see or experience them.
So the drug ayahuasca helps the initiate experience a backward journey through the dimensions to a higher source.
i.e. 4D = 3D + time > remove time > 2D > 1D > 0 (the source / god)

So it becomes clear that the shortest path to the source is by going inward.
“Know thyself” is the advice that has stood the test of time.
But our corrupt manifestation of a culture is chasing an ‘inflationary’ universe using knowledge,and we will never ever know everything, thus it becomes a waste of energy trying, eventually you reach the point of diminishing returns.
And the efforts to learn and expand the knowledge base thus helps accelerate the process of thermodynamic entropy.
Human activity has a direct relationship with the process of entropy accumulation.

Originally posted by mazzroth
Just look up Wicca in something like Wikipedia and you will understand that its basis lies in the Occult (hidden) and there is reason why its hidden.

Was the information hidden or driven underground by the Vatican and other Temple worshippers as they sought control of the earth?

Cabalah = mystical Judaism

Sufism = mystical Islam

Occult = mystical Christianity

So is it hidden because it would harm us or benefit us?
I say benefit, and that is why 'information' is hidden or obscured.
It is far easier to domesticate the sheeple and the seagulliables using faith and not the truth.



[edit on 2-9-2006 by Kachina]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 07:42 AM

I really don't care, I could care less if you guys didn't believe me or not. I have more important thing to focus on anyways. Im not trying to be mean, I know I don't have any hardcore proof. And i probably never will. But I told you I am who I say I am, and I don't care what you think. So...anyways that's all.

One day, I think maybe..far in the future you'll see that I'm right I'm guessing 2010..0r2012, and if I'm not right then fine.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Kachina
You guys are all on drugs!

Ayahuasca probably...

Did ya know the Amazonian Shaman using the above mentioned drug sees florescent reptiles, dragons and serpents.
Actually most people do that use this drug.

Worth investigating.
Is there a connection...between ayahuasca and reptiles...does it allow you to enter the 'plane' or 'dimension' of the shape-shifters...?

Forgot to mention something here about this Amazonian cocktail of botanicals.

Representatives of the Pharma/Drug Dealer Association Inc. came to the rainforest.
THEY pondered.
THEY asked the shamans how they knew out of the 8000 plants in the rainforest (mother natures drug store), which plants to use for which ailment.
The wise old shaman responded.
The plants tell us.

They take the drug…enter the 2nd dimension or perhaps the 3rd before time exists.
Yes these dimensions may take place solely (souly) in the mind…or maybe it takes place in the heart, the 4th chakra?




posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Thymus

Originally posted by L3X
personally they could exist but they aren't involved completely in the stuff chattered by Mr. Icke. About these there is a lot of disinformation (anyone remember Lacerta's Files?) and we can't say what is true about this kind of alien (also if they could belong to another dimension)

Lacerta Files are supposed to be true. Many parts are actually fake, I mean: what if Lacerta simply made a "Lacerta File", and uploaded it ? Why would she need to come to the surface, being interviewed by a fool, and have it made sure, that this loonatic has everything wrong translated, whatever she said?

So let's just take it seriously: Lacerta has her own internet connection, she made these files , and she is examining what people think of them.

there could be some lines of thruth like every great papers about these things but the story is merely an hoax

[edit on 2-9-2006 by L3X]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by L3X
there could be some lines of thruth like every great papers about these things but the story is merely an hoax

Yes, an hoax created by Lacerta herself. Aliens are good at creating hoax, or making up the truth as hoax.

I disagree with those, who claim that the Lacerta Files are written by humans, or human hoaxers. I seem to know the Reptilians pretty well to make a conclusion, that thhe Lacerta Files were made by one female Reptiliann, annd She just simply wrote them and uploaaded them.

Also, there is a great chance that Greys translated them to differrent languages, and selected out cerrtain peopple who can digest and handdle the Lacerta FFiles the right way. Actuaally, I am amazeed that David Icke knows nothing about the Lacerta Files.

Last year, when a Grey was invited to ATS (insssteadd of David Icke), he gave us great details of things regarding the Reptilians. I'd love to ask several queestions from that Grey who will soon be invited to ATS agaiin, in the name of David Icke.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 12:02 PM
i have an open mind to the possibility but i dont neccesarily believe it as fact. the walking serpent in the bible is strange nontheless. with the amount of planets in the universe i think its highly likely some sort of reptilian hominids exist.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth
Just look up Wicca in something like Wikipedia and you will understand that its basis lies in the Occult (hidden) and there is reason why its hidden.

Or on the other hand I could just trust my gut and heart and go with the loving feeling that my very close and very good friends who are wiccans are emanating. One of my dearest friends is a wiccan, though not a really active one.
Wicca is just as good a faith as any other, and its members are no less righteous or spiritually beautiful than any other. Atheists, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Christians..... its all good my friend.
We all agree there is one god. what is the problem?

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by lysergiclsd25
i have an open mind to the possibility but i dont neccesarily believe it as fact. the walking serpent in the bible is strange nontheless. with the amount of planets in the universe i think its highly likely some sort of reptilian hominids exist.

there could be some lines of thruth like every great papers about these things but the story is merely an hoax

[edit on 2-9-2006 by L3X]

Above I mentioned the 5 foot tall bipedal dinosaurs whose fossils have been found. It is provocative.
I don't have enough damning evidence disproving the existence of this Lacerta, or reptilians in general to agree that it is a hoax for sure. Of course, the majority of people are going to scoff. But not me. Many people have endured ridicule by coming forward and sharing their fantastical experiences. Maybe they are not all liars who just enjoy being derided. I see serpents, dragons, etc. all over ancient sites. And modern ones, the $, the doctor symbol, etc.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 01:11 PM
As I tell my children (ages 11 and 13) believe what ever you want but strive to find the similarities in the various beliefs, do not dwell or focus on the differences.
The similarities are a truth...the differences are an illusion.


posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Kachina
As I tell my children (ages 11 and 13) believe what ever you want but strive to find the similarities in the various beliefs, do not dwell or focus on the differences.
The similarities are a truth...the differences are an illusion.


You have voted Kachina for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month

We each live unique lives, therefore its very likely we will see things differently, and thats good. I totally support your message to your kids. In a home, a family often finds itself at odds, and someone, often the mom, has to become the peacemaker. She negotiates a peace, and finds a compromise, saving the day. Superman is no more heroic to me. I also focus on the commonalities, and accept the differences as a given. Why would I expect others to see things my way when they have lived completely different lives? I wish moms were in charge of the world.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
I wish moms were in charge of the world.

But I am a dad.
A blending is always best.

Pacha Mama and Pacha Papa



posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 02:01 PM
There's been quite a lot of study into Sleep Paraylsis and what happens during.
Basically you are dreaming....I have personally had quite afew of these experiences involving lots of different subjects Aliens, Ghosts etc.
I just think your body is still asleep so you can't move (designed so that your body can't act out your dreams) and you are in some kind of dream state still - a bit like lucid dreaming where you can actually enter a dream and change it even though you know it's not real.

I may be wrong and I am open to the possibilities of Parallel Universes but the beings that you described for me, are just to obvious - too human - obviously thought up by a human.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 02:07 PM
The whole "fallen angle" is the closest to being plauible for me about the reptilian idea. You should check out the "stargates are real" tread.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by AscendedMaster
I have talked to people who have had experiences with Reptilians. I have an open enough mind to accept their existence.

I've had lucid dreams in which I've driven a Ferrari (actually I've had this one several times). Did I *actually* drive a Ferrari? No. Furthermore, there was no such Ferrari anywhere, as this one had 32 gears and was shifted by a weird orb-like mechanism on the dashboard (among other issues). It was completely realistic, though, and if I felt like it I'd come on here and claim that I've driven an astral-plane Ferrari or something.

Well, its not that there is no Reptilians, its just people have such a narrow belief system, they will throw out all kinds of defense mechanisms to keep it from being disturbed.

It's not that there are no Magical Unicorns, it's just people have such a narrow belief system...


posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Thymus

Originally posted by L3X
there could be some lines of thruth like every great papers about these things but the story is merely an hoax

Yes, an hoax created by Lacerta herself. Aliens are good at creating hoax, or making up the truth as hoax.

I disagree with those, who claim that the Lacerta Files are written by humans, or human hoaxers. I seem to know the Reptilians pretty well to make a conclusion, that thhe Lacerta Files were made by one female Reptiliann, annd She just simply wrote them and uploaaded them.

Also, there is a great chance that Greys translated them to differrent languages, and selected out cerrtain peopple who can digest and handdle the Lacerta FFiles the right way. Actuaally, I am amazeed that David Icke knows nothing about the Lacerta Files.

Last year, when a Grey was invited to ATS (insssteadd of David Icke), he gave us great details of things regarding the Reptilians. I'd love to ask several queestions from that Grey who will soon be invited to ATS agaiin, in the name of David Icke.

so in the end the lacerta's files are disinformation created by that alien but why this file can't be made by human? I guess you should have some clear suspicious for claiming that is an hoax created by a reptilian.
omg really an Alien Grey was invited here?

in italian forums these things doesn't happen frequently

can you show me that thread plz?

[edit on 2-9-2006 by L3X]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Kachina

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
I wish moms were in charge of the world.

But I am a dad.
A blending is always best.

Pacha Mama and Pacha Papa



I didn't intend to imply you were a mom, but the thought that I might be taken that way crossed my mind. Of course, dads and moms are both capable of nurturing and raising children. I just used mom as my example because it is my experience that it is most often the mom who is the main homemaker. I should have said that 'people with the mom attitude' are who I wish ran things. I am sure you are a wonderful dad, and agree with you.
Mitakuye Oyasin (to all my relations) We are all family.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII

I didn't intend to imply you were a mom, but the thought that I might be taken that way crossed my mind. ..We are all family.

no problemo amigo
mi casa, su casa



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