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Reptilians...What I know, and what do you think?

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posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 05:02 PM
I just cant see a walking reptilian species...
im not saying that they cant exist just doubt it..
what are the chances that another planet would develop retiles that stand on two legs and are smart,,
i just doubt it...
But hey something bigger could be going down

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:10 PM
What would a species that is a million years older than our own be capable of? Perhaps the Reptoids are just simply descendants of the dinosaurs. Maybe they live under ground and rarely come out. (except at night)

Whenever anyone brings up the subject of "planes of existence" then it becomes a very subjective matter. Basically what you perceive is your plane of existence. I'm pretty sure that SOME dreams are much more than the random firing of neurons.

Perhaps we do live in an "ant farm" and we are the ants. Do we really perceive the beings observing us. Perhaps, just a little. But we don't quite perceive what is really going on. We do know that there is something out there.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:33 PM
This does sound completely outragious, but I've found what they are! They're demonic.. sound weird? try looking up nephilim, which would also explain the interdimentional capability. You might be suprised to know that these "reptilian's" are mentioned in the bible as "An evil spirit that looked like a frog" (revelation 16) try something for me.. if you ever see another one tell it to leave in Jesus name and see what happens! It will rocket out of there so fast whether you believe in god or not. Just because people don't believe doesn't make it not real..

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:39 PM

Acutally...they have been found? Wait you say what you're wrong. No I am not and this is simply why. Take a good look at the Iguanadan dinosaur. And the smaller ones as well. When archeologists dug these things up they had no clue what it "really" was, so they just put the bones together to form some wierd looking creature. I believe that the reptilian humanoids that existed so long ago were dug up today. the Iguanadans hand could be...I'm not saying it is, but it could be.... the reptilans hand...

It's called Radio Carbon Dating, I know at a certain age it has it's limit and theirs some newer version of it, the name currently escapes me; anyways an Iguanadon "hand" is just that the Iguanadon's hand; obviously evolution decided the time of the great reptiles on Earth was over. I won't discuss the possibility of an alien form of reptile creature, because shear statistics shows that anything is possible in the universe; reptile, grey, Annunaki, whatever anyone can dream up in the grand scheme of things could be possible. Although, can someone prove it? Absolutely not, at least not within the next 20-50 generations, or an Independence Day/ Mars Attacks scenario....I'm shooting for Mars Attacks scenario but that is me.

[edit on 1-9-2006 by Baphomet79]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:58 PM
Reptillians dont exist. The only credible possibility if your experience was true and not just lurid dreaming ect.. would be Demonic Posession if you used hard drugs, were unconsious due to excessive alcohol consumption or generally delved into Channeling/Occult practices. These entities that inhabit your body/mind are of the spiritual plane and you can try and scientifically explain it but simply put you cant.

[edit on 1-9-2006 by mazzroth]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 07:24 PM
i beleive in the reptillians as an alien species because people have reported seeing them wen they have been abducted but i dont beleive their anything to do with earths dinosaurs we would have dug up their ruins by now if they were but back to wot i was saying yes i reckon their just an intelligent race which are studying us in a very familiar fashion as the greys they could be interdimensional but their nothing to do with religious mumbo jumbo like spirits why do people try and connect aliens with spirits it gets on my nerves

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by RavenWindfree
By the way, the reptilian event that happened to me occured at 1: something in the morning in my bed, i was parylized. Sort of like, "Sleep Paraylsis" Now, i don't know what the heck happened during that time, but I can say that this was no dream. It was most definetely a reptilan.


I really don't think any more needs to be said really.
If you don't know exactly what happened you can't be sure enough to dismiss something else so readily, especially as you concede that your state was similar to Sleep Paralysis....if that is the case then I would bet the farm on your being in a semi-concious state which caused Hallucinations

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth
Reptillians dont exist. The only credible possibility if your experience was true and not just lurid dreaming ect.. would be Demonic Posession if you used hard drugs, were unconsious due to excessive alcohol consumption or generally delved into Channeling/Occult practices. These entities that inhabit your body/mind are of the spiritual plane and you can try and scientifically explain it but simply put you cant.

[edit on 1-9-2006 by mazzroth]

Hi there, yes I know that my story isn't credible, but I'm sorry to say that even though I don't have hard core proof , I believe that the Reptilians do exist. I forgot to mention the most important thing so that you guys don't mark me as insane. Oh for heavens sake -_-

First of all I DO NOT do drugs. No WAY! That is absolutely disgusting and I would never go there.

Second, Yes I was into "Wicca" but it was a very harmless religion in which I was very close to nature and helped others. I never put any spells on anyone, except for that one time when i made a mistake about making a love spell. Well you know the old words, "What goes around, comes around."

Third,I applause the person who said that reptilians are demons, and you are correct! they are!

So to sum it up. Obviously I am never going to present any proof unless I caught it physically.


I ask you all WHY did I see this SAME exact! REPTILIAN described in David Ickes and other peoples expereinces. Like I said before, CLEARLY that must be a tiny bit of proof. On my behalf I know you don't trust people on the internet, but i am who I am, and I mean what I say. I never lie about these things.

And another thing, are those of who are claiming reptilians don't exist BLIND to the evidence surrounding you? History, symbolism, dragons, movies, television shows, etc!! It's all around you guys. Open your eyes. can't see it you say? Well that is because YOU DO NOT understand the symbolism... OR you haven't payed attention.

Here are my questions, try to answer them.

Why are the dinosaurs purple?

Why do all of the shows that have reptilian humanoids in them always look the same? Star trekm Star wars, Battle star, and even Stargate SG1...

Harmless animated features like "We're Back".. not to mention the villain in that movie has one eye lmao... which symbolizes "The All Seeing Eye"

Why do people like David Icke, Phil Schieder, Peggy kane, and other people admit that reptilians exist?

All of my questions will be answered some time. By the way I hope you don't think I am like Shizophrenic or something, because I'm not. I try to write in a professional and logical way.

Why doesn't anyone talk about reptilians on TV? Hmm? Why not investigate this thing... like Davd Icke.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by RavenWindfree


I ask you all WHY did I see this SAME exact! REPTILIAN described in David Ickes and other peoples expereinces. Like I said before, CLEARLY that must be a tiny bit of proof. On my behalf I know you don't trust people on the internet, but i am who I am, and I mean what I say. I never lie about these things.

But if you are a liar wouldn't you be lying by saying you aren't a liar....we don't know you.

I must say that by suggesting that because you didn't read up on David Ickes experience actually amounts to nothing so CLEARLY it constitutes no proof i'm afraid.

The Idea of Reptilian Extra-Terrestrials is something that has been part of Pop Culture for decades ranging back to those naff but entertaining B-Movies of early Sci-Fi in the 50's.

Your subconsious mind is very possibly the culprit in this and you have interpretted this 'dream' as reality thanks to your Sleep Paraylis. I feel that you should be looking at that more for proof of what happened to you then a Reptilian Race of creatures.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by RavenWindfree

Why are the dinosaurs purple?

Sorry, I haven't read the entire thread, but emm, why are all animals on the planet that are from here any every colour imaginable?

Originally posted by RavenWindfree

Why do all of the shows that have reptilian humanoids in them always look the same? Star trekm Star wars, Battle star, and even Stargate SG1...

Well, see here is your problem with this. Every Sentient Alien Species that is met on these shows has to have Human Characteristics for the purpose of believable interaction.
But one thing this shows is that you watch Popular TV shows/Movies so that adds further credence to my previous post regarding the Reptilian being stored in your Sub-Concious.
You can't in one argument suggest that your creature is based on your own and no one elses interpretation then in another say that this same being is present in all Pop Culture....which is what you did when you suggested David Ickes Reptilian was new to you then you said the Reptilain in all these shows are similar for a reason because they fit the image of your Reptilian.

Originally posted by RavenWindfree

Harmless animated features like "We're Back".. not to mention the villain in that movie has one eye lmao... which symbolizes "The All Seeing Eye"

And that means what exactly?

I could cite feature films both adult and children to prove that Plant Life is actually controlling us.

Originally posted by RavenWindfree

Why do people like David Icke, Phil Schieder, Peggy kane, and other people admit that reptilians exist?

I'm going ABBA now - Money, Money, Money!!
These people have earned money, recognition, fame and notority from what they admit.

Originally posted by RavenWindfree

Why doesn't anyone talk about reptilians on TV? Hmm? Why not investigate this thing... like Davd Icke.

Well, the thing is people have and they come back with no proof. This is left to the Conspiracy Theorists now because of the lack of genuine proof, but it has been checked by people.
The thing is, TV companies don't want to make shows regarding this topic because without proof its all just some silly outrageous thing.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 09:19 PM
I personally think that most people who come to this site have to say that they probably believe something that they cannot 100% provide proof for.

I have not seen a reptilian that I know of but I know that there has been something that has been scaring me for years. Maybe it is a reptilian being who comes into this dimension or maybe I am just dreaming since I saw V as a kid and now incorporate it into my brain patterns when half asleep.

Basically, do I believe in Jupiter (the planet)? Hmm. I have NEVER seen it, and I take for granted that the images I have seen are real. Do I believe God? Hmm. Never seen God but somehow I do. Maybe God is really just a multi-dimensional being. Oh wait. He is. Remember. He is alpha and omega.

Let's respect people's ideas and not use the "show me" idea since I have NEVER seen a UFO yet I believe we MAY be visited by others. NEVER seen a clear video or photograph and there are millions of cameras in the U.S. and world. Hmm.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 10:18 PM

"I really don't think any more needs to be said really.
If you don't know exactly what happened you can't be sure enough to dismiss something else so readily, especially as you concede that your state was similar to Sleep Paralysis....if that is the case then I would bet the farm on your being in a semi-concious state which caused Hallucinations "

here here. if i was lucid dreaming or had what I believe you may have experienced which was an oobe (out of body experience) then it would be possible for me to imagine or 'experience' coming into contact with all kinds of different beings or entities. Do a search on oobes / lucid dreaming and you will find acccounts of 'demons' and evil spirits people have encounterd which have scared the bejeezus out of them. I believe this 'repltilian' you believe you came into contact with was nothing more than a figment of the mind.
If it wasnt what do you think the meaning of this appearance was?
are reptilians going to take over the world?
will my sunday lie-in be ruined by repltilians knocking on my door? sarcasm not intended, just trying to make a point.
This whole reptilian debate is equally as inconclusive as the UFO/alien claims.
while I do believe that it is perfectly feasible for there to be other life forms out there, I am also realistic enough to realise that in my lifetime I have yet to see an iota of conclusive proof of their existence. although I do live in hope that someday I will see something with my own eyes that will prove to me beyond doubt.
Repltilians/aliens/ghosts/beasts etc etc, either present non believers with conclusive proof or else you are wasting your time.

[edit on 1-9-2006 by pmexplorer]

[edit on 1-9-2006 by pmexplorer]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 11:56 PM
There is as much proof to support Reptilians as there is to support the existence of god....a bunch of stories given to us by men.

I believe in both, but I also happen to think that not believing something just because you dont have "undeniable proof", is very naive. There is so much stuff that people believe to be true without a shred of tangible evidence to support it.

My point here is I wont be arrogant enough to claim that there are no reptilians, I am are wrong. Im wise enough to know how much I dont know.... and people seem to forget, there is evidence to support the existence of Reptilians. (the same kind of evidence to prove most other things, eyewitness testimonies.)

If we start thinking the people who talk about Reptilians are liars, then maybe we should start thinking that way about people who talk about how we need to pay taxes...

[edit on 1-9-2006 by AscendedMaster]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by AscendedMaster
Im wise enough to know how much I dont know.... and people seem to forget, there is evidence to support the existence of Reptilians. (the same kind of evidence to prove most other things, eyewitness testimonies.)

If we start thinking the people who talk about Reptilians are liars, then maybe we should start thinking that way about people who talk about how we need to pay taxes...

[edit on 1-9-2006 by AscendedMaster]

You have voted AscendedMaster for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

I've never seen reptilians, and admit that when I first read a couple of David Icke books, I found the reptilian information far-fetched. But, I have now talked with someone who says she saw some, and didn't at all enjoy the experience. She could be lying, but why would she? I have seen some paranormal stuff. Call me a liar... it matters not to me. But, having seen such things, I am much more ready to accept unbelievable accounts of others instead of just dismissing them out of hand. Some people make up lies, there are hoaxers, frauds, and swindlers. I don't accept that fact as a reason to say all people are. I believe people. If I tell people I saw something inexplicable, I almost always get one of two reactions. Either I am lying, or I am psychologically disturbed. In other words what I said happen didn't happen, of that they are certain, so therefore I am either a liar or crazy. I don't care, really, but the one thing that seeing that stuff has done for me is let me accept others as being honest, even if what they are telling me is fantastical. I haven't seen a ghost, but those who told me they have are, imo, not lying. I support them, and when I relate one of my accounts, it is refreshing to have the person say, 'wow, that's amazing, how can that be?' It is nice to be trusted, and no fun being ridiculed. I could just keep my mouth shut and avoid the hassle. I don't enjoy being scoffed at. Other people are likely the same.
Thanks ascendedmaster, good post.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by jimmyriddlerThey're demonic.. these "reptilian's" are mentioned in the bible as "An evil spirit that looked like a frog" (revelation 16) try something for me.. if you ever see another one tell it to leave in Jesus name and see what happens!

yeah i agree with the Bible. Makes alot of sense, really

(btw the Bible calls the devil the great dragon and a serpent)

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:05 AM
It has been documented that there were dinosaurs who were about 5 feet tall and bipedal. The fossils of them have been found which are good evidence of them. In the Lacerta interview, the interviewee, a reptilian, outlines the whole story. they predate man, fear man, live underground, have the ability to holographically disguise themselves and the entries to their underground lairs. The whole thing could be fiction, but read it anyways. Its a good read. They are not aliens, they are terrans like us, but Lacerta says that over a dozen alien species are also here. Its wild stuff, hard to swallow, but life is stranger than fiction, so who knows?

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:16 AM
I believe one reason so many people are quick to dismiss claims of reptilians is,of course,the obvious - lack of proof (as I know has been stated before).Raven asks us to keep an open mind in the first post,but I think when dealing with this sort of subject it is almost necessary to be a skeptic.Otherwise you run the risk of believing what you want to believe instead of believing what is real,or at least provable (is that a word? Jeez I need sleep....).

That aside....sure a reptilian race isn't all that unlikely,,but I doubt that if such a race exists it evolved on Earth.If they did surely there would have been some sort of struggle for power between these races,and some record of them would be left visible.
I also doubt that they would hail from a distant planet/galaxy etc. Think about it...if these reptilians had a planet that they dominated, why would they care about us monkey men?

IF reptilians do exist I'd say the best bet for a point of origin is a parallel dimension (yes...I know) where reptiles evolved as the dominant species from the start.That is of course assuming that they figured out how to open a gateway between dimensions,and even then...why bother with us?

In closing let me just say,I haven't read through all the posts.I just found this thread and it is 3 A.M. here. If I'm repeating something that has been said I sincerely apologize.Thank you Raven for starting up a new reptilian discussion I could chime in on.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 05:02 AM
I must point out to you why and what you have experienced ok freind. Firstly you have been involved in Wicca and this is the hook ok, I have just read a perfect book you need to acquire and read about satanism its called "the Satan Seller" and the author vividly states that through the use of incantations and methodology you command supernatural spirits (evil ones) to do your bidding. These entities despise the fact they have to obey and at any chance or opportunity they will pay you back or try and get to you.
You need to close this door off as soon as you can, and there are only a few ways you can do this. I must point out that I have experienced Astral Travel and it messed seriously with my perception of reality and the supernatural spirit world but I was lucky enough to have some people who helped me back out and block this type of experience.
I ask you to think hard about your experience as it will hit you like a tonne of bricks when it clicks, these entities can only enter your existance plane if you allow them to and they are like a box of matches to a 2 year old will get burnt.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth
I must point out to you why and what you have experienced ok freind. Firstly you have been involved in Wicca and this is the hook ok, I have just read a perfect book you need to acquire and read about satanism its called "the Satan Seller" and the author vividly states that through the use of incantations and methodology you command supernatural spirits (evil ones) to do your bidding. These entities despise the fact they have to obey and at any chance or opportunity they will pay you back or try and get to you.
You need to close this door off as soon as you can, and there are only a few ways you can do this. I must point out that I have experienced Astral Travel and it messed seriously with my perception of reality and the supernatural spirit world but I was lucky enough to have some people who helped me back out and block this type of experience.
I ask you to think hard about your experience as it will hit you like a tonne of bricks when it clicks, these entities can only enter your existance plane if you allow them to and they are like a box of matches to a 2 year old will get burnt.

I have friends who are Wiccans. They and their fellow Wiccans do not at all get along with the local Satanists. In fact, the Satanists intensely dislike them. I never saw them once try to control evil spirits, and they told me that Wicca isn't about hexes, spells, witchcraft, sorcery, conjuring, curses, etc. It is about revering nature. They have one commandment, 'An it harm none, do what thou wilt.' They are herbalists, nature lovers, and peaceful folk. Is that different than what you have seen?

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 05:39 AM
Here's the link to the lacerta interview thread. Lacerta is allegedly a female reptilian who allowed herself to be interviewed and outlined tens of thousands of years of history. She said that reptilians are terrestrial, not alien, and were here far before people. They live underground cause its safer and they find humans to be dangerous. They holographically disguise their lair entrances, and to disguise themselves. Sometimes people see through the holograph. She may well be a fictional character, but who knows?

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