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the Scorpion Planet

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posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 10:48 PM
The Standard of Ur

From Ur, southern Iraq, about 2600-2400 BC

From the British Museum

that's not, I repeat NOT, ancient Sumerian artifact.


And Enki and the World Order says:

Grandiloquent lord of heaven and earth, self-reliant, father Enki, engendered by a bull, begotten by a wild bull, cherished by Enlil the Great Mountain, beloved by holy An, king, mes tree planted in the Abzu, rising over all lands; great dragon who stands in Eridug, whose shadow covers heaven and earth

And Enlil in the Ekur says:

He alone is the prince of heaven, the dragon of the earth. The lofty god of the Anuna himself determines the fates.

These terracota figurines are all dated circa 4000 BC, certainly sumerian by comparison to your 2600-2400 BC Standard of Ur.

[edit on 9-11-2006 by undo]

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 12:32 AM
the standard of ur

that's not, I repeat NOT, ancient Sumerian artifact.

from the link you provided
right at the top

A mysterious object with one of the earliest representations of a Sumerian army

decided to ignore this evidence because it doesnt fit you unproven hypothesis did you

and see how you attempt to twist it with your next claim for Enki and the World order and Enlil in the Ekur which are both AKKADIAN texts
humanised them did they

so basically you've based this entire ridiculous theory on three statues which appear to be votive offerings or grave goods of particularly shoddy workmanship and whatever sci fi film you've read lately

do you have any real evidence that you havent ignored or twisted or is this the lot ?

[edit on 10-11-2006 by Marduk]

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by Marduk
the standard of ur

that's not, I repeat NOT, ancient Sumerian artifact.

from the link you provided
right at the top

A mysterious object with one of the earliest representations of a Sumerian army

decided to ignore this evidence because it doesnt fit you unproven hypothesis did you

and see how you attempt to twist it with your next claim for Enki and the World order and Enlil in the Ekur which are both AKKADIAN texts
humanised them did they

so basically you've based this entire ridiculous theory on three statues which appear to be votive offerings or grave goods of particularly shoddy workmanship and whatever sci fi film you've read lately

do you have any real evidence that you havent ignored or twisted or is this the lot ?

[edit on 10-11-2006 by Marduk]

They call everything Akkadian, sumerian, even though it isn't sumerian. Just like Sitchin does. If you're gonna hold him to the standard, why not the British Museum? It's THEIR date, not mine. And they repeat it frequently on their official site where you got the picture to begin with.

On the other hand, notice I didn't say the Akkadians Textually humanized the gods of sumer, but ARTISTICALLY.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 01:24 AM

On the other hand, notice I didn't say the Akkadians Textually humanized the gods of sumer, but ARTISTICALLY.
heres what you said

In otherwords, the Akkadians humanized the Sumerian gods.

I expect that you think a race of dog headed gods were in charge of ancient egypt as well then

Just like Sitchin does. If you're gonna hold him to the standard,

what like you mean claiming that Nimrod was Enmerkar and we won't worry that Babylon didnt exist then
you're more guilty of twisting the truth and fabricating evidence than anyone I know
take your claim that Enki is a Great Dragon
In mesopotamia the Human race was regarded as being created from the blood of a slain dragon and clay
this means that dragons are regarded as creative forces
Enki and the world order is about creation
like duh
Great Dragon is a title
perhaps you should consider that he was

engendered by a bull, begotten by a wild bull,

or that he's

the first born of An

so apparently what we're looking for is a wild bull that mated with the sun and produced a lizard man huh
maybe you should stick to hoovering in future and leave the difficult stuff to people with at least a fragment of understanding and common sense
Bet you have the sci fi channel on cable in your house don't you Beth

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 01:32 AM
It's funny how you ignore the evidence on the official sites if it doesn't work for you, but complain if I don't agree with everything official. What's up with that? Either you agree with everything official or you don't, otherwise you can't fault those who don't agree with everything official because you do the same thing.

The photographs of the sumerian artifacts are on the site of the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford. They claim the heads of those figurines are lizard-like, not dog-like. They photographed the items in question. It also makes sense that several ancient cultures reference dragon-like, reptilian-like, snake-like, serpent-like, gods.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 01:46 AM

It's funny how you ignore the evidence on the official sites if it doesn't work for you, but complain if I don't agree with everything official. What's up with that? Either you agree with everything official or you don't, otherwise you can't fault those who don't agree with everything official because you do the same thing.

I haven't ignored any evidence
now you are clearly lying in an attempt to save face
its you who has this stupid ridiculous laughable theory based on three statues and your imagination

The photographs of the sumerian artifacts are on the site of the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford. They claim the heads of those figurines are lizard-like, not dog-like. They photographed the items in question. It also makes sense that several ancient cultures reference dragon-like, reptilian-like, snake-like, serpent-like, gods.

errr I did mention that the Dog headed aliens were running egypt didnt I

perhaps you could list for me with evidence all the other cultures that claim that Alien gods with Lizard heads descended from the heavens and created the human race which apparently from palaeontological evidence was developing already
perhaps then you could tell me why not a single advanced artifact of alien design has ever been uncovered from all these civilisations which you claim were started by them

or if you like you could check out what a genome is and how ours is 100% earth bound
or maybe you could tell me if they are so advanced why they arent still here lording it over us
and after that maybe you could work out the odds of a bipedal alien race capable of breathing our atmosphere and travelling across the universe is and factor that in with the time restraints you have placed on it
maybe at the same time you should go out and buy a lotto ticket you have far better odds of winning the jackpot for the next 52 weeks in a row
you'd better learn one simple rule about studying ancient history that you seem to have missed Beth
just because you think that something sci fi happened it doesnt make it true
no matter how pathetic your evidence gets or how much you want to twist some evidence to fit and ignore the vast majority that is left which doesnt agree with the absolutely ridiculous claims you are making based on "3 statues"

really you're scraping the barrel now
next you'll be telling me that Dracula was a lizard as well
he was "son of the dragon" you know
not a description

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 02:19 AM
Contrary to the popular opinions of at least 2 different schools of thought regarding human presence on this planet, there was an advanced civilization of reptilian beings here way before us. This was their planet. They lost rights to it, and it was given to human beings instead, after their creation. It became our inheritance. The laws of the Galactic government of the time and even today, stipulate that they can't interfer with our development unless we ask them to. Which we did. More than once. They created the line of the kings to shepherd the people, which is referred to in many of the ancient texts as the creation of humanity, but which in reality, is simply a reference to the creation of the nephilim (hybrid kings).

Anyway, this planet was entirely reptilian for a very long time.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 02:44 AM

Anyway, this planet was entirely reptilian for a very long time.

been watching Jurassic Park again have ya
where do Fred and Barney fit in with the Galactic government
what about pebbles and bam bam

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