posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 03:28 PM
I must say, here in Missouri, we have all noticed quite a bit of change. Not just with the weather like the 60 degree January and 100 + summer. The
animals are changing. Humming birds and geese are at least 2 weeks early. Ants went crazy but only for 2 days then they dissapeared. However, last
year we all noticed an armadillo here and ther, where as this spring, early summer, we saw quite a few on the side of the road. Quite a few bushes
never did flower this year, and if they did it was one or two puney flowers. And about the sun, my kids started school two weeks earlier this year.
Every year we have had to explain to them that just because the sun is still up doesnt mean you dont have to go to bed. Not this year though, and
they started two weeks early.
I am also finding myself wanting to bake, and make beans and cornbread which doent happen until September
Just going off the animals though, something is up. I dont know if it is because fall will come a few weeks early. They are acting very strange
though. And as odd as it may sound, the ants freaked me out more than anything else. They wernt after water like they usually are, they were after
food, and everywhere. Then the next day they were gone. Just like that no more ants.
As for the geese, I am finding them on land eating like crazy rather than in the water. How strange is that? Every year, we would go out to the lake
because they would be there in full force around Labor day. Oh, and another thing, I though was odd. They wernt flocking south, they were going