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Why haven't the Aliens tried to contact us officially?

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posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 06:15 PM
Why havent the aliens tried to contact us?

Well who is to say there is an alien race advanced enough to do so. Who is to say that we are significant enough in the universe to warrant any attention. I do find it highly unlikely that there would be no other life in the universe than on earth. But I also find it unlikely that the life forms would be much more advanced than us, if there were even life forms equally advanced as us. Furthermore, the universe is enormous. It is much bigger than any of us can comprehend. That makes it extrememly difficult to believe that life in the universe is close by. Even if it were as close as, lets say the nearest star. Thats light years away. why waste the time going somewhere thats going to be gone in short order (as far as the universe is concerned).

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 06:24 PM

From the aliens themselves, during various encounters i've had with them. They knew I was a writer who could influence people a little and I think that's why they chose me?

[Edited on 03-11-2003 by Aztec]

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 06:31 PM
So how often do the aliens contact you? What do they look like. How are you meant to influence us? Or are you being sarcastic? I can never tell.

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 09:02 PM

I think just adding my ideas to the collective pool of info and ideas has some kind of influence in shaping the collective consciousness.

The aliens come from other dimensions, similar to the dimensions that were uncovered during the Philadelphia experiment, and I have encounters with them quite frequently. They know that no one will believe me so they're not worried about showing themselves. There are different types; some are mantis-like, some are reptilian, some are elf-like, some are greys; some have tentacles and resemble sea creatures; and some are human.

I don't have any evidence to prove any of this so all I can offer is my words in the hope that they will help in some way.

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 09:16 PM
Dimensions? What do you mean by dimensions. You must be talking about something else. Dimensions are not comparable to "parallel universes" or anything like that. Dimensions are length, width, height. Some even say time itself is a dimension. String theorists claim on occasion that there are more than 10 spacial dimensions. You cant "come from another dimension, at least how we define that word. Are you talking about other universes? If so, how do I get there. How do they get here?

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 09:17 PM
Oh, and one more thing. You say they know that nobody will believe you, and that is why the talk to you. Why dont they want anyone to know?

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 09:37 PM

everything you said is very true but,

we were created by higher entities than those that control us,

the spirits that are in some of us are more powerful than those entities that try to control us,

and the combination of the fully activated DNA with the human spirit moving into 4d makes us far more powerful than those that oppress us.

thus smoke and mirrors are used to keep us dumb about the truth and the installation of agents amongst us to keep us down.

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 09:37 PM

do theys "aliens" or whatever share any kind of infermation?

such as technoligy? or ANYTHING? somthing to keep us from just thinking your "crazy"?? or at least just "lieing"

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 10:16 PM

Yes I know the word dimensions can be used in various ways. I use it to refer to other realities such as parallel universes. In the bigger picture those places are physically connected to our aspect of the universe even though we can't perceive how without the correct technology. So they are like extra dimensions that we don't know about. Using the word dimensions is a little simplistic but lots of people know what you are referring to when they take it in the context you are attempting to imply.

The way to get to the other dimensions or parallel realities is by using pulsed electro-magnetic energy; just as they used on the battleship during the Philadelphia experiment.

The aliens want people to know about the alien presence but they don't want to rush things as the truth will fry our brains.


Yes we are more powerful that the lower alien controllers and that is why we must be kept in illusion all of the time. Many people couldn't control their own power and would cause catastrophes etc.

The lower type aliens are simply workers with limited powers and we could rise above them with the correct information. I don't think that will happen however because if we do rise out of our lower state then even more powerful beings will be introduced in order to keep us in check.


I don't have any proof of what the aliens have shown me. Plenty of people have said that i'm totally crazy and I can understand why they would think that. I never would have believed this stuff either unless I had experienced it for myself.

[Edited on 03-11-2003 by Aztec]

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 10:51 PM
what have they shown you?

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 10:55 PM
Mm. This theory sounds sort of like Ender's Game. Just the first one, I think the other ones are too freaky. But yeah, whats to stop us from being evil. The government just has to say they attempted an attack, and the world is behind them.

[Edit] One theory did, I lost it in the sea of posts

[Edited on 7-11-2003 by Pherophile]

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 11:18 PM
Basically they've shown me that we exist inside a certain layer of material energy, and that there are many such layers which are all within each other, just like all the colors of the spectrum are within sunlight. They use technology and worm-holes to access the different layers physically, although some of them can see into the different layers at all times.

They have many different worlds like the earth where they breed life forms for their own purposes. They create many types of worker beings to do specific tasks within the different worlds, as well as the dimensions in-between the worlds.

The original beings doing all of this exist in a liquid atmosphere, and I believe this is why the Bible says at the beginning that God manipulated water into layers in order to create the earth and heavens. The Vedas also say that God originated in a liquid atmosphere.

The beings have shown me the technology they use to control various life forms such as humans, however that is quite a complex subject which wouldn't make sense to most people, and it would be a waste of time trying to explain it.

posted on Nov, 23 2003 @ 09:23 PM
i think that aliens have tried to contact us directly, but the shield of ignorance is prevneting us from realizing it

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 02:17 PM
cause they are hostile, if these moon alien mother ships exist an what happened during moon landinds is true then WTF are these aliens up too on the moon, also MARS has alot of lost space probe accidents bit to many if you ask me............

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 05:25 PM
Have you ever noticed that when the military are present at a suspected UFO crash site they always (well almost) have mobile autopsy labs whit them now I wonder why? I was involved with the military for a while and know how they operate to some extent, as the unit I was attached too was used several time�s in cordoning off areas of special interest but explanation to the troops.

Perhaps that might be why �they� keep their existence as quite as possible. They�ve worried that the treatment that they have given abductees would be returned but we haven�t got the ability to repair the damage caused with such treatment.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 05:27 PM
they have better things to do than bother a far less advanced civilization

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
they have better things to do than bother a far less advanced civilization

Then why do we study animals?

We study inf. races or species to gain knowledge about how life formed?
They might want to study us to understand how life formed in our system, galaxy or even our universe.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 11:29 PM
They probably have contacted us and the government hasnt said anything about it that the government for ya tryin to hide anything an everything they can

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Aztec
Basically they've shown me that we exist inside a certain layer of material energy, and that there are many such layers which are all within each other, just like all the colors of the spectrum are within sunlight. They use technology and worm-holes to access the different layers physically, although some of them can see into the different layers at all times.

They have many different worlds like the earth where they breed life forms for their own purposes. They create many types of worker beings to do specific tasks within the different worlds, as well as the dimensions in-between the worlds.

The original beings doing all of this exist in a liquid atmosphere, and I believe this is why the Bible says at the beginning that God manipulated water into layers in order to create the earth and heavens. The Vedas also say that God originated in a liquid atmosphere.

The beings have shown me the technology they use to control various life forms such as humans, however that is quite a complex subject which wouldn't make sense to most people, and it would be a waste of time trying to explain it.

Does anything that you wrote here bother you?

I understand that at one time the earths canopy was a water vapour and that in fact this is a common envelope of a planet. I am not aware that beings of the water are gods or co-creators but who is to say at this time.

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 02:27 PM
They have probably tried. Alot of them may have been destroyed trying to enter our atmosphere. As you know, that any thing without a high degree of protection...would be destroyed, or badly damaged upon entering our atmosphere.

David Bieniek

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