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Why haven't the Aliens tried to contact us officially?

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posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 10:44 PM
Let's accept the facts, some are more intelligent than other and having better chance of success in life.
If people commit suicide, why should we stop them? If it is a child, definitely yes, because children might not even know what suicide is, but mature people who can vote, talk and believe in God, know what are the consequences yet they do, who care? Not me.

Define stupid. Everyone in Earth is stupid, tell me one person who hasn�t done anything stupid, no one.
Consider this situation, you are alone and lost in the jungle. If you want to survive you must adapt to the jungle, right? If you ignore the facts, no one can do anything about it.
I accept "Pherophile's" argument, Conspiracy is like Democracy, and to a certain level they are good. But now we were way past that level in both Conspiracy and Democracy.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 01:35 AM
Oh,aliens have made contact alright, but with our governments. Done either as a means to keep civilian panic lower or for some malevolent purpose that will happen sometime in the near future.

If a singular alien craft landed in a city to make their presence known, that information would never be let out by the press anyway. Full contact will require aliens to do something that cannot be covered up. They've been doing this for a while now with tons of UFO fly-bys.

Its my firm belief that on the true day of disclosure the sky will be quite literally filled with anomalous objects. There will be no ability to hide their presence on that day. If the March 13 1997 Phoenix Lights incident was any indication of what may happen, I would expect that same scenario but on a global scale happening all at once and in broad daylight.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 01:41 AM
holding back information because you have passed a judgement on another life is malevolent...
anything the aliens have to bring to the table is the same as another country, ie. like iraq and its oil...
i mean iraq has oil but the means surrounding the actions were done negatively by us regardless of how "we" want to "paint the enemy"

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 04:01 PM
How long can the government hold the truth from us?
We can going to know it sometime, why not now? Now, I am not even sure Aliens have visited us?

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 04:14 PM
"Why haven't the Aliens tried to contact us officially?"

Maybe because it'd be a waste of time for them, and probably some kind of regression.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by crayon
Maybe they know about the history of the Human race. We find a new land, kill those that are there and claim it for themselves.

I for one would not want to even bother dealing with that. Specially when humans are probably lagging in technological advances. Of course its all just speculation.

Also, whos to say they have not contacted us? There are lots of things the government hides from us.

y do u generalize the human race to europeans

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by banjoechef
y do u generalize the human race to europeans

I accept with banjoecheff to certain extent. Chinese have done that, I think.
Most of our civilization is based on european.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 04:46 PM
They probably have contacted our governments. Our governments just don't want us to know about it...

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 04:53 PM
If they have the ability to travel to our planet, wich would require coming from further than the 7 or 8 planet we know, they probably have the ability to travel much much further, so why would they care to stop here to meet with the stinky race wich is our, unless we could be potential food for them?

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 05:00 PM
they hunt our live stock here

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by m0rbid
If they have the ability to travel to our planet, wich would require coming from further than the 7 or 8 planet we know, they probably have the ability to travel much much further, so why would they care to stop here to meet with the stinky race wich is our, unless we could be potential food for them?

If they are extremely advanced than we are, they might be interested in our resources like Columbus was in the New World.
Maybe they aren't that advanced just above us, they might want to exchange technology. Just because they can travel farther can we do doesn't mean they are advanced than us in other fields too.
Wouldn't you want to explore life, I would no matter how small they are or how pathetic they are

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by m0rbid
If they have the ability to travel to our planet, wich would require coming from further than the 7 or 8 planet we know, they probably have the ability to travel much much further, so why would they care to stop here to meet with the stinky race wich is our, unless we could be potential food for them?
If Robert Dean is right regarding the NATO document on aliens that he saw, then there is a species of aliens that looks just like humans. I'm sure any aliens that look like us would be incredibly interested in their own kin. At the moment I have no reason to doubt Mr. Dean's report on that document.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by surfup
Why haven�t the extraterrestrials attempts to form a treaty or some form contact with the governments?

Have we attempted to create a channel of communications and a collaborative treaty with ants?



They are beneath us, as we would be to advanced space-faring beings. If we have been visited, it has merely been to observe how we should be kept at arm's length.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Winston Smith
Have we attempted to create a channel of communications and a collaborative treaty with ants?

I really believe we are much more than ants in the Alien's eye.
Lets say we are the ants, and Aliens are interested in our resources on Earth, they would destroy us and take our resources us right.
You are right we don't talk with ants, but we study them. We study about almost everything. Aliens might want to do the same.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 03:33 AM
The extraterrestrials that contacted me see this world as a virtual reality zone which they have created and which they operate for the education of their young (us).

Their powers and technology are intricately woven into the fabric of our reality, while we are programmed and altered in ways that prevent us from knowing about it.

This basically means that if the extraterrestrial beings come clean and show us the complete truth about reality then the entire world will lose it's mind in the absolute strangeness and horror of it all.

So i'm relatively certain that the aliens will always keep some secrets from us in order to keep our world's societies relatively stable.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 05:41 AM
If Aliens exist, and they came from another Solar system, they must be so much more advanced that us, that they can't really communicate with us.

Take us and animals, for example. We can go to a rainforest and sit there and observe the animals. For some period of time, the animals will pay no attention to us. They would not understand what we are. They would not understand our presence.

It's the same with aliens. They look at us in the same way we look at animals. We are not clever enough to understand how the universe works, what is gravity, how to break the light speed limitation, etc. They have. We are animals to them, and they sit there observing us, without us understanding that they are there.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 06:32 AM
"how to break the light speed limitation"
I can help you with that opening a hole in time
and space you can travel outside of those dimensions anywhere in the universe without any time/distance constraint..........the first basic publicly known experiments in this area are know as the "Philidelphia Experiment"a product of the research and brilliance of men like.. Tesla.. Einstein ..ect

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 07:01 AM
I agree with what has been said by a few others here, that we are just being studied by alien life. what have they got to gain from us other than knowledge about our way of life? we are more than likely not the first inhabited planet that they have come across and perhaps they have learnt from making themselves known to other races the problems that can occur. Aren't there some tribes where any interference from the outside world is prohibited because of the introdution of bacteria that they have no immunity to.Perhaps that is one reason why they keep their distance.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 08:16 AM
One important reason, I think overlooked so far, as to why Aliens haven't tried to contact us is the fact that a meeting with a more advanced civilization has always been detrimental to the less advanced civilization. To both it's culture and self-identity. This has always occured on Earth resulting in an errosion of unique culture in order to assimilate the new. We realise now with animals, that if we find a new or rare species, we try to protect it by keeping interaction with it to a minimum and letting it develop naturally. Unfortunately, many isolated and indigeonous cultures have been 'infected' (i know that is a terrible word to use) by modern civilization -and I mean the more useless aspects like brand names not healthcare. When I was in India, all I wanted to buy was a nice plain t-shirt but was offered 'nike' and 'addidas' ones everywhere I went!!!

Then again, if humans can't live together how will they accept aliens? Neighbours hate each other, countries hate each other, races hate each the logical next step will be humans hate aliens?

Of course, these are just some of my views and I just wanted to balance out the discussion here.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 08:47 AM
if aliens wanted us dead they'd have done it already, if they are a technologically advanced race anyways, but if they are a truely evolved race then they would have no need in killing us as they would be STO, the government is keeping far more than merely aliens from us, in fact i think the whole alien hype # is all disinforming people, just another tool to distract

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