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911 and the codeword "ANGEL"

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posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 10:06 PM
The Football is ALWAYS with the President. It doesn't "stay in Washington" when the President travels. And Cheney saying "Angel" didn't make Bush or AF1 "run in fear". It simply meant that he was talking about the plane.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
The Football is ALWAYS with the President. It doesn't "stay in Washington" when the President travels. And Cheney saying "Angel" didn't make Bush or AF1 "run in fear". It simply meant that he was talking about the plane.

Contrary to popular belief, the "Football" does not contain the proverbial "go-code" or the unlock codes needed by the launch crews to fire their ground, sea, and airborne weapons. Those authorizing and enabling codes, created and maintained by the NSA, always remain in military custody at the national military command posts in the Pentagon, and alternate sites around the country.

The President carries special codes to positively identify himself to the key nuclear commanders who might be ordered to launch a nuclear strike. But the military does not need these codes to launch the strike, although it may not accept an order from a president or successor who fails to "authenticate" correctly.

So bush really did not have any go codes but its keeped in washington and offutt.
So as I have said before, was the code name "Angel" activated without authentication and thus, Bush raced around the country letting the Places know that it was not he that started the event or what. It gets even greasier from here!

Your second sentence has nothing to back it up except your thoughts, which without hard facts cannot be taken as proof.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 11:52 PM
There IS NO CODE involving the word "Angel". Why is this so hard to understand? Angel is the Secret Service code name for Air Force One. The Secret Service has code names for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE under their protection. It makes it a LOT easier and safer to say "Thumper heading to Angel" instead of "President Bush is heading to Air Force One." And no, this is NOT my opinion or my thoughts, this is FACT. I have known people on the protection detail, and I know that Angel has been the code name for Air Force One for YEARS. They don't advertise it simply because they don't talk about things like that with the public. It's not a "Oh my god there's a threat to the President climb as high as you can!" code.
It wouldn't do any good to climb as high as they can, because it's STILL just a 747 and it's STILL limited to the same flight envelope as every OTHER 747 and commercial plane out there, so climbing just means that they would have farther to fall.

And even if the Football doesn't contain the codes, it doesn't mean that CHENEY has them when Bush travels. CHENEY would ONLY receive the codes if something happened to Bush. And the military would ONLY launch a strike with the proper codes.

[edit on 8/21/2006 by Zaphod58]

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
There IS NO CODE involving the word "Angel". Why is this so hard to understand? Angel is the Secret Service code name for Air Force One. The Secret Service has code names for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE under their protection. It makes it a LOT easier and safer to say "Thumper heading to Angel" instead of "President Bush is heading to Air Force One." And no, this is NOT my opinion or my thoughts, this is FACT. I have known people on the protection detail, and I know that Angel has been the code name for Air Force One for YEARS. They don't advertise it simply because they don't talk about things like that with the public. It's not a "Oh my god there's a threat to the President climb as high as you can!" code.
It wouldn't do any good to climb as high as they can, because it's STILL just a 747 and it's STILL limited to the same flight envelope as every OTHER 747 and commercial plane out there, so climbing just means that they would have farther to fall.

And even if the Football doesn't contain the codes, it doesn't mean that CHENEY has them when Bush travels. CHENEY would ONLY receive the codes if something happened to Bush. And the military would ONLY launch a strike with the proper codes.

[edit on 8/21/2006 by Zaphod58]

How do you know that there is no code called "Angel", citing your quote. How do you know its a fact without some proof of this fact. So the Secret Service tells you about the Presidents personnel movements and what names its gives them or him.
So your certified as to the airforce one limits and specific software that ennables it to fly and manoeuvre(BRIT). Your statement on who has the football does not contain factual information, So if climbing high would do no good then why fly, should bush stay in the armour protected car and seek military protect on the ground. Cheney has the second copy of the codes per the secret bunker complex, he had them on that day, did he try to key them in? The military has the launch codes and can launch per the mention of the Brookings investigation.

As you so stated yourself there is no code "Angel", yet you stated angel is the Secret Service code word for AF1? Rather a slick way to change the subject without biting one's foot in mouth.

Please post information pertaing to FACT, as you have stated it is a Fact.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 12:53 PM
not like this has much to do with the subject, but i just saw some pictures from the russian jet crash that happened today, and all the plane pieces all around, including the humongous black spot on the grass from the fire, and i gotta tell ya, its uncomparable to the pentagon attack. I know one went straight to the ground, and the other "flew into the pentagon wall" (rrrihgt), but still very interesting

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by mondegreen

As you so stated yourself there is no code "Angel", yet you stated angel is the Secret Service code word for AF1? Rather a slick way to change the subject without biting one's foot in mouth.

What Zaphod58 is saying is that there is no code or action implied by the use of the word "Angel". As in the link to "Synthetic Terror" that I posted, Webster Tarpley devotes a whole chapter to why "Angel" was possibly used.

If Bush had received the message "Angel is next", it implies that only certain people in Government would have this information. That phrase is a threat and it also indicates that people high in the Government were in on 9/11.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by mondegreen
How do you know that there is no code called "Angel", citing your quote. How do you know its a fact without some proof of this fact. So the Secret Service tells you about the Presidents personnel movements and what names its gives them or him.
So your certified as to the airforce one limits and specific software that ennables it to fly and manoeuvre(BRIT). Your statement on who has the football does not contain factual information, So if climbing high would do no good then why fly, should bush stay in the armour protected car and seek military protect on the ground. Cheney has the second copy of the codes per the secret bunker complex, he had them on that day, did he try to key them in? The military has the launch codes and can launch per the mention of the Brookings investigation.

As you so stated yourself there is no code "Angel", yet you stated angel is the Secret Service code word for AF1? Rather a slick way to change the subject without biting one's foot in mouth.

Please post information pertaing to FACT, as you have stated it is a Fact.

Way to misquote me. What I said is exactly what scuba said. There is no "Take immediate action now because I'm saying 'Angel'" code. And I never said that they told me the code name for the President, or any other super secret information. However, I heard through another source that Angel was the code name for AF1, and verified it through Secret Service and AF1 crew contacts.

As far as the flight characteristics of AF1, you can make some changes to the engines, and get better performance out of them, but a 747 is a 747 is a 747. You're not going to get a 747 that can fly to 100,000 feet, or at Mach 3. You are severely limited by the shape of the aircraft and the design to the changes you can make.

As far as staying on the ground and getting military protection, sure, let's keep him in the convoy and have him drive across country and take a week to get to California, or wherever he's going, and have a SEVERELY limited route they can take. AF1 gives the President a flexibility and cuts his travel time down SIGNIFICANTLY. You may have TWO routes you can take with a vehicle, but 12 you can take on the plane. And that armored limo won't stop everything. The design is to give it survivability long enough to get out of the ambush, not withstand a massive attack.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 12:47 PM
Way to misquote me. What I said is exactly what scuba said. There is no "Take immediate action now because I'm saying 'Angel'" code. And I never said that they told me the code name for the President, or any other super secret information. However, I heard through another source that Angel was the code name for AF1, and verified it through Secret Service and AF1 crew contacts.

As far as the flight characteristics of AF1, you can make some changes to the engines, and get better performance out of them, but a 747 is a 747 is a 747. You're not going to get a 747 that can fly to 100,000 feet, or at Mach 3. You are severely limited by the shape of the aircraft and the design to the changes you can make.

As far as staying on the ground and getting military protection, sure, let's keep him in the convoy and have him drive across country and take a week to get to California, or wherever he's going, and have a SEVERELY limited route they can take. AF1 gives the President a flexibility and cuts his travel time down SIGNIFICANTLY. You may have TWO routes you can take with a vehicle, but 12 you can take on the plane. And that armored limo won't stop everything. The design is to give it survivability long enough to get out of the ambush, not withstand a massive attack.

I don't feel that I misquoted you. Its my opinion of your statement.
You again state you have contact to the Secret Service and the AF1 crews as to the events that unfolded on 911. This would be in violation of AR 380-5, section 1-323. Information security and 1-327 Need to know. What was your other source so that I might check on that.
What does flying to 100,000 or mach three got to do with the original thread.
AF1 gives the President a flexibility and cuts his travel time down SIGNIFICANTLY and its also why many people fly in the first place so?
So you verified with the SS and AF1 crews heck not even the 911 commission got too do that interview.
Why are you so sure angel is the code word for AF1 and not the movement of nuclear posture within the DOD.
Why not read the Brookings reports and you will see more information.
Not trying to misquote you just trying to get real factual information and not some information that some ne told me this.
You can check these regulation DOD Directive 5100.2 and AR 380-150
they explain why information is not released to individuals unless properly cleared
thru AR 604-5.
The SS officers and AF1 crew should read Executive order 12356, "National Security Information", before releaseing information to friends.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 05:26 PM
Where did I say that I had contact about 9/11? Show me where exactly I said that. Angel was the codename for AF1 LONG before 9/11 and it still is to this day. Quote me one time where I said ANYTHING about talking to them about 9/11.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:56 PM

White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer explains that President Bush went to Nebraska because “[t]here was real and credible information that the White House and Air Force One were targets.” The next day, William Safire of the New York Times writes, and Bush’s political strategist, Karl Rove, confirms, that the Secret Service believed “‘Air Force One may be next,’ and there was an ‘inside’ threat which ‘may have broken the secret codes [i.e., showing a knowledge of presidential procedures].’” [New York Times, 9/13/2001 ]

By September 27, Fleischer begins to backpedal on the claim that there were specific threats against Air Force One and/or the president, and news stories flatly contradict it. [Washington Post, 9/27/2001]

A well-informed, anonymous Washington official says, “It did two things for [Cheney]. It reinforced his argument that the president should stay out of town, and it gave George W. an excellent reason for doing so.” [Daily Telegraph, 12/16/2001]

By 2004, a Bush spokesperson says there was no threat, but Cheney continues to maintain that there may have been. Cheney also claims the Secret Service passed him word of the threat, but two Secret Service agents working that day deny their agency played any role in receiving or passing on such a threat. The threat was allegedly based on the use of the word "Angel,” the code word for Air Force One, but Secret Service agents later note that the code word was not an official secret, but a radio shorthand designation that had been made public well before 2001. [Wall Street Journal, 3/22/2004]


Sept. 27, 2001: The monthly French newsletter Reseau Voltaire writes on its website ( that "extremist American circles attempted on Sept. 11 to carry out a military coup against the U.S. government." In its full printed text, Reseau Voltaire's Sept. 27, 2001 issue goes so far as to state that:

"From 10:00 A.M. to approximately 8:00 p.m. [on Sept. 11], U.S. government officials were not thinking that this was the work of Arab terrorists, but rather that it was an expression of a military coup being carried out by U.S.-based extremists who were capable of provoking a nuclear war."


Now I guess we could look at it like this.

1) President Bush trully feels threatened by a military coup and fabricates a reason to get the military involved in a two front war. The logic being that if he can keep the military occupied with a war and stretch thier resouces as far as possible they won't come after him.

2) The white house is already under a military junta's control, and they are pursuing thier own agenda.

3) The president and the military are making it appear as if a military coup might have taken place. The logic being this is part of a bigger plan to stir the pot and get the American people off thier lazy unresponsible asses and make them want thier own freedom, by threatening to take it away.

4) They (The politicians, the military, and America's corporate CEO's) are all in cahoots with eachother and they are up to no good. Subjegate the little people by means of mass delusions and propaganda.

5) The Bavarian Illuminati and the New World Order have been planning for the destruction of the United States for decades. Part of that plan would be to switch people off of the gold standard and onto a fiat money system which they could control from a central bank. Meaning that when the great depression started in the 1920's they saw thier chance and stepped in to take over with the formation of the federal reserve. They had already determined that a second great depression would be neccessary for them to continue thier plan. On 9/11 there is an attack on the World Trade Centers which is the beginning of the fall of the dollar.

So are thier people within the military who determined that the New world order's agenda is not conducive to America's soviergnty and are not willing to go into a one world government willingly?

[edit on 24-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 11:10 PM
I heard through another source that Angel was the code name for AF1, and verified it through Secret Service and AF1 crew contacts. This is your quote!

You do not show proof of what you say, and if you are just trolling. Well, you reap what you sow!

You have not shown any proof only movement away from "ANGEL" used as a code word to warn the president that the nuke code had activated!

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 11:14 PM
What does that have to do with 9/11? You said that I claimed to have discussed 9/11 with crew and Secret Service, but I never once did.

As soon as you find me a way to quote things not on the net, including private conversations I'll get you all the quotes you want. But if you notice the post right above yours it says:

The threat was allegedly based on the use of the word "Angel,” the code word for Air Force One, but Secret Service agents later note that the code word was not an official secret, but a radio shorthand designation that had been made public well before 2001. [Wall Street Journal, 3/22/2004]

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
There IS NO CODE involving the word "Angel". Why is this so hard to understand? Angel is the Secret Service code name for Air Force One. The Secret Service has code names for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE under their protection. It makes it a LOT easier and safer to say "Thumper heading to Angel" instead of "President Bush is heading to Air Force One." And no, this is NOT my opinion or my thoughts, this is FACT. I have known people on the protection detail, and I know that Angel has been the code name for Air Force One for YEARS. They don't advertise it simply because they don't talk about things like that with the public. It's not a "Oh my god there's a threat to the President climb as high as you can!" code.
It wouldn't do any good to climb as high as they can, because it's STILL just a 747 and it's STILL limited to the same flight envelope as every OTHER 747 and commercial plane out there, so climbing just means that they would have farther to fall.

And even if the Football doesn't contain the codes, it doesn't mean that CHENEY has them when Bush travels. CHENEY would ONLY receive the codes if something happened to Bush. And the military would ONLY launch a strike with the proper codes.

[edit on 8/21/2006 by Zaphod58]

To tell you the truth your nothing but a troll Zaphood58, in your own words you stated as such, thus why such a jeck on this tread, if you don't like it ignore it, however you have tried to highjack this thread at least four times, I wonder why the so called moderators would allow you to do this!

You stated Cheney would only have the codes if something happend to Bush, However you need to read DOD 5200 executive orders. You will find that not only Cheney has codes to the bombs, but there is a line of people as well.
Why were you keying in on Cheney are you trying to protect him against dishonor, because if you are your several years to late.
You need to become more informed on what you try to speak about,
A. Secret Bunkers with codes for running the government in case of such an event happening.
You need to take the time and research information, this way you can contribute to the discussion and not attempt to highjack a thread.

posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 01:46 PM
Ohhhh right. Because your claim that Angel is some top secret codeword that the nuclear codes were active is wrong I'm a troll. Riiiiight.
As far as the football, I was going on memory what I was told before. Maybe I was wrong, I'm not afraid to admit it. Now can YOU admit you were wrong about the code name? I doubt it.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Ohhhh right. Because your claim that Angel is some top secret codeword that the nuclear codes were active is wrong I'm a troll. Riiiiight.
As far as the football, I was going on memory what I was told before. Maybe I was wrong, I'm not afraid to admit it. Now can YOU admit you were wrong about the code name? I doubt it.

Your still a troll even if you state that maybe your wrong and maybe your right, so why troll this thread with your I talked to the secret service and AF1 pilots and they gave you the inside scoop to everything. Your really good being a troll and planting false infromation in threads. You do not know anything zapdogzero, you stated you were going on memory, but it could be that you make things up to feel good about yourself. When you play games and post lies on subjects like 911 and the deaths of americans, you do this country a disservice!
I posted the information about the code word "Angel" just because you don't like the thread is no reason to deny it.
One can tell kids from the new republican movement by what they say.
Its never question the government.
Report your neighbors that feel free.
Remember its democrats that start wars not republicans.
This thread was about a day where Americans freedoms came to a end. If freedom
is to ever gain it foothold again in this country. Then real questions must be asked,
risks must be taken in asking this questions. Why should anyone american have to say their wrong because of 911. This nation was created as a experiment as to whether man can rule himself. 911 is an attempt to take away that right of gains to mankind in its pursuit of freedom. What right have you to tell anyone, they cannot speak with a free mind in this country.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 06:08 PM
On topic discussion... That's what we're here for, not discussing members.

The topic 911 and the codeword "ANGEL" is the focus... Let's keep it that way.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
On topic discussion... That's what we're here for, not discussing members.

The topic 911 and the codeword "ANGEL" is the focus... Let's keep it that way.

Your right Mirthful ME, more on topic and less being yanked by trolls. Will stay the course and thank you for being you.
As we know this site would not be here unless there were things in this World that has produced questions without answers. 911 was such an event but not any more then others before or after. I started out in stating that a attempt was tried on Bushs life, planes were being taken and lifes lost. People here are asking why, how and who did this. Everything on 911 was big and the results makes everyone
not see the events as they happened. Thus, a very simple word picked up and reprinted and more questions asked produced it had involved the presidents plane.
This we know by remarks by the Vice-President, but it also moved the president
to move without protective cover to the nearest nuclear launch base at barksdale.
After refueling there and It makes one wonder why there was no refueler launched
since the 747 can refueled in the air. His being on the ground there was important
to the nuclear code trail. Bush next moved to Offutt where he made sure all exercises were stopped and probably talked to Warren Buffett and members of the Caryle group. The word "Angel" is important because since it has been said it has produced a strom where ever it is mentioned and its been five years.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Griff

there is a book by thierry meyssan 911 the big lie which also refers to the terrorists having top secret accsess codes for telephone communications with the whitehouse etc

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by mondegreen

i have read angel is the codeword to be patched through to air force one?

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 08:50 PM
Oh good grief.

In case some of you havent realized it, EVERY time there is an event like 9/11 (Columbia disaster, OKC, Challenger, etc...) The freaks come out in force and start making crank calls.

On 9/11, some yahoo called and stated that Air Force One was a target as well. As has been mentioned, Air Force One takes a lot longer to say than "Angel". Angel is (was) the code name for AF-1, that the Secret Service and the White House staff used. So when the news got passed up the chain, they used the word Angel. Unfortunately, this caused confusion. Because by the time it reached Cheney, it was thought that someone had called in and said "Angel is next", making them think the caller had used the code word for AF-1. Nothing more, nothing less.

The "football" is not carried by the Secret Service, it is carried by a military aide from the White House Military Office.

And the climbout of AF-1 was a "combat departure". Steep climb to get out of SAM (surface to air missile) range as fast as possible.

No SIOP, no nuclear codes falsely transmitted. Just one more example of someone reading a crackpot post on a conspiracy website.

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