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911 and the codeword "ANGEL"

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posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 05:21 PM
Mr Cheney, a former Defence Secretary, urged the President to head for the Offutt Air Force base near Omaha, Nebraska, which he knew from experience had a highly sophisticated strategic command centre. As the two men talked, Air Force One soared at an acute climb angle to 40,000 feet - its maximum altitude, where it was joined by an escort of F16 fighters from a base near Jacksonville, Florida.

Strange to have escorts when there was no escorts.

Why did bush go to barksdale and offutt? Were nuclear codes being instructed without mr bushes ok or knowledge!
As Air Force One left Sarasota, the president intended to return directly to Washington, Mr. Bartlett said. Mr. Bush initially had ignored advice from Vice President Dick Cheney, calling while en route to a White House basement command center, that Washington appeared to be under attack and the president for his own safety should remain away, according to an official in the vice president's office. Once airborne, Mr. Bush spoke again on a secure phone with Mr. Cheney, who relayed a new message that changed the president's mind, White House officials later said. The vice president urged Mr. Bush to postpone his return because, Mr. Cheney said, the government had received a specific threat that Air Force One itself had been targeted by terrorists. Mr. Cheney emphasized that the threat included a reference to what he called the secret code word for the presidential jet, "Angel," Mr. Bartlett said in an interview

Days after the attacks, Mr. Cheney had said word of the threat had been passed to him by Secret Service agents. But in interviews, two former senior Secret Service agents on duty that day denied that their agency played any role in receiving or passing on a threat to the presidential jet.

Norad fighters stationed at Langley Air Force Base near Hampton, Va., conceivably might have reached the Washington area in time to shoot down the hijacked plane that hit the Pentagon, Capt. Craig Borgstrom, one of the pilots who scrambled from Langley, said in an interview. But the three fighters in Virginia remained on the ground for a full 50 minutes after Norad had learned from the FAA that passenger jets had been hijacked, and 27 minutes after the second World Trade Center tower had been hit, according to Norad. The independent panel, formally known as the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, has said it is investigating the cause of that delay.

Retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Larry Arnold, who was in command of all Norad fighters in the U.S. on Sept. 11, said in an interview that the slow reaction at Langley reflected initial confusion about whether an attack on the U.S. was really under way. He also blamed what he said was relatively late notification by the FAA that one or more hijacked planes seemed to be headed for Washington.The FAA has said that it notified the military immediately when it determined that one or more jets had probably been hijacked. bit of information to the pool. mention of molten steel site material at different areas as much as six miles apart. I hope this is on topic yet nothing about the reference to code word "ANGEL".

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[edit on 16/8/2006 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 16/8/2006 by Mirthful Me]

[edit on 30/8/06 by JAK]

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 08:24 PM
Where exactly did you come up with the code word "Angel"?

And also, what is the purpose and direction of this thread? Which point are you trying to prove?

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Where exactly did you come up with the code word "Angel"?

And also, what is the purpose and direction of this thread? Which point are you trying to prove?

Thats a good Point coming from a Moderator just where did you get that word as if that matters. I read of it and if you had read it you would have found out that code word angel is the air force one plane. Two Cheney states that secret service agents pass information that angel is a target, yet secret service states it did not
pass the information to cheney or anyone.
Did Bush get told through Putin on the red phone that nukes sites in the US were
passed codes by him, and thus did Bush fly to barksdale to let them know that he is there and that he did not pass the information to activate the nukes. He then flies to offutt to repeat he did not authorize the nuke code being passed. I have to wonder why you just did what you did evil elf. Why does someone have to prove anything on this site I thought it was a area where Ideas are tossed in to the ring for discussion I ponder the direction of 911 I also see alot of misdirection here and political correctness in posts.
To put it simplier what direction do you want my posts to be directed. Why can I not have the same right on the board as everyone else. I have a thought about
911 it might not be the way you think but if you have a problem with that you can edit my posts. In editing posts that may or may not need them what end do they serve. If my direction is wrong please point out the proper direction and I will do my be to meet that order

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 10:52 PM
This article is from the
By Dan Balz and Bob Woodward
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, January 27, 2002; Page A01 Staff researchers Jeff Himmelman and Lucy Shackelford contributed to this report.

This article as I understand it is that someone called in somwhere and stated that airforceone was the next target using the code word "Angel".
Even with this warning angel became airborne without fighter protection. Some say angel is not a codeward for airforceone I don't have access to that. What I did get from the story is where was the old america. What would happen if bush was airborne and a nuke war started. No one In america knew where the president was I understand from the article that Putin called the whitehouse on urgent business? But could not talk to him on the planes red phone. Why was the president out of the loop that day. This is all my speculation as to why a flying whitehouse did not have the ability to conduct business from one of the most important planes on the face of the planet. So if bush does not have the nuke codes in his possession who does and on that day were the codes activated and did this force Bush to sites that cordinate such actions to show a heads up display that its not me doing the posturing. If airforceone does not have the sophicated communications systems needed to talk to his government what the heck is he doing on that plane. the above information posted by mondegreen is his or her thoughts garnished from the above cited article plus a few other brain cells added of personnel owernship

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[edit on 17/8/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 12:45 PM
Um, I dunno who youre talking to, but its quite obvious I am not a moderator.

And since I have been to the cooperative research site on several occasions, Im asking again, what exactly does a code word angel have to do with anything here?

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 11:00 PM
Hmm....I just have to wonder about these people who have just joined, don't use periods and IMO don't make much sense coming on here and thinking they rule the site? It really makes me wonder what the F is going on.

First of all, thread starter...skadi is not a moderator

Second, she is (I think) against the "official" story

Third, what is your problem? She asked a simple question and you try and blast her?

Again, I hate to say this...........are you government officials getting so desperate?

If you're not and legit...I appologize. I have seen in the last 2 months at least 3 new people who join, say their peace, don't use proper grammer/punctuation and just plain old jump on anyone who questions/disagrees? It happens from people who are from both sides. Disinfo is a powerful thing.

Mods.....I'm sorry for pointing this out. I know talking about posters and not being on topic is against the rules but I had to point this out.

On topic......I saw one mention of "angel" in your post. I reiterate what skadi asked....what is your point?

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Griff
Hmm....I just have to wonder about these people who have just joined, don't use periods and IMO don't make much sense coming on here and thinking they rule the site? It really makes me wonder what the F is going on.

First of all, thread starter...skadi is not a moderator

Second, she is (I think) against the "official" story

Third, what is your problem? She asked a simple question and you try and blast her?

Again, I hate to say this...........are you government officials getting so desperate?

If you're not and legit...I appologize. I have seen in the last 2 months at least 3 new people who join, say their peace, don't use proper grammer/punctuation and just plain old jump on anyone who questions/disagrees? It happens from people who are from both sides. Disinfo is a powerful thing.

Mods.....I'm sorry for pointing this out. I know talking about posters and not being on topic is against the rules but I had to point this out.

On topic......I saw one mention of "angel" in your post. I reiterate what skadi asked....what is your point?

I say this back if your allowed to attack the messenger then why can you not be a cointelpro, second What has periods to do with a story, third if you want to debate angel then look it if first then post your either for or against it. This is getting funnier by the quote-what is angel and what is your point. what does my point have to do with "Angel" used by cheney and the press.
Fourth since there is a lot of censoring here how can one state something if your not on the A team or is that Bush team.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 05:26 PM
Can you put simply the point your making?

I don't think it's clear, sorry.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 05:43 PM
To the all knowing and far more inteligent mondegreen, please, excuse my ignorance on a topic you must have masterd..

I also fail to see your point except...

Bush flew to these bases to save the world from nuclear war? Right.. well if that is what you think then I say your wrong. And that it has nothing to do with the code name Angle.

The president has a SS agent carry a briefcase that has the ability to launch our nukes, the Vice President, as far as I know cannot over ride the President and I believe there is a number of officials that must be there as well as the President to launch nukes.

Again, like everyone else here that has said it, don't be so mean. And get to the point.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 01:21 AM
Ok so, poster person, is the point of your thread talking about nuclear war and over-riding nuclear codes? If that's the case, what does "Angel" have to do with it? So they have a code name for Air Force One, so what? They have code names for everything. What's the big deal? This is a pointless thread. Delete.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 01:47 AM
Some one say moderator?

*Looks around* Hmm, I swear people were just in here. Dang delayed responce system.

[edit-to make clarification]
Found near the top left of every forum is a list of staff for each, for example;
9/11 Conspiracies
This thread is in a forum moderated by: ADVISOR, UM_Gazz, dbates, Djarums, JAK, Mirthful Me, Umbrax, 12m8keall2c, mrwupy, Intrepid, WyrdeOne

[edit on 20-8-2006 by ADVISOR]

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 02:05 AM
Seems "Angel" is a code for A1, when it is at max. altitude.

This is a protocol to assume the highest order, and alert all forces for immediate response.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by dstarsfan879905
Ok so, poster person, is the point of your thread talking about nuclear war and over-riding nuclear codes? If that's the case, what does "Angel" have to do with it? So they have a code name for Air Force One, so what? They have code names for everything. What's the big deal? This is a pointless thread. Delete.

This is not a pointless thread. It just goes to illustrate how high up the 9/11 plan went.

This is the complete pdf file for "Synthetic terror" by Webster Tarpley. Read chapter 9: " "Angel" is next - The invisible Government speaks" (page 247 or thereabouts)

Very interesting.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by scubadiver
This is the complete pdf file for "Synthetic terror" by Webster Tarpley. Read chapter 9: " "Angel" is next - The invisible Government speaks" (page 247 or thereabouts)

Very interesting.

I posted the section that you mentioned for ease of reference.


From 10:00 a.m. to approximately 8:00 p.m.
(on Sept. 11), U.S. government officials
were not thinking that this was the work of
Arab terrorists, but rather that it was an
expression of a military coup being carried
out by U.S.-based extremists who were
capable of provoking a nuclear war.
Réseau Voltaire, Paris, September 27, 2001
“Sheikh: They [the Americans] were
terrified thinking there was a coup.”
(“Bin Laden” tape of December 2001, Meyssan 2002 197)

The current tenant of the White House most probably was not familiar in advance with a detailed outline of the 9/11 plot. He was assisted in not knowing and not acting by his cognitive impairment, his contempt for detailed, accurate information, and his habitual mental lethargy. Whether or not he suspected that something was coming, whether or not he knew this or that detail, are all matters to be determined with the help of open archives and cross-examination of the subject. The guess here is that Bush knew far less than many of his most severe critics might surmise. Bush’s crime was not the crime of knowing everything in advance; it was rather the crime of not knowing what he should have known, and of then compounding that by capitulating, by turning the US government and polity in the direction demanded by the terror plotters. Better than “Bush knew,” as we will see, is “Bush surrendered.” “Bush knew” makes a good political slogan, but it cannot be a guide to understanding the true scope of what actually happened. Students of 9/11 who build their work around the thesis that “Bush knew” are on treacherous ground.

As I pointed out in my 1992 study of Bush 41, the typical model of a Bush presidency is that of a weak and passive executive who comes into office with few ideas beyond the basic desire to rule and to appoint rich cronies to key posts, and who sits in the White House waiting for his networks to tell him what it is he must do. These impulses, naturally, are mediated through the handlers of the White House palace guard. But here lies the danger: when Bush was running for office, it was widely conceded by his supporters that their candidate was a moron, but a moron who would hire the best advisers available, who would guide him through the crises of his presidency. In this sense, the Bush 41 presidency was an oligarchical presidency, with the chief magistrate in fact functioning as the front man for a committee. The events of 9-11 showed the grave danger of such an oligarchical presidency: what happened if the advisors turned out to be traitors, misfits, or absent, as they did on 9/11: the presidency itself was paralyzed and
incapable of acting, as occurred during the dark eternity of horror the world experienced as Bush busied himself with reading “My Pet Goat.”

If the forces favorable to a policy of open-ended clash of civilizations warfare had been in total control of the government, they might have been able to orchestrate the outbreak of war directly, through an incident involving a target country like Iraq – somewhat along the lines of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. This would have been enough to convince the mass media and the population. But the coup faction, the golpistas, felt that they needed to convince the state apparatus as well. It is significant that they did not pursue this option. Rather, they felt that they had to shake the state to its foundations, threaten the life of Bush in a number of ways, and run the risk of being caught in some highly treasonous activities, in order to get what they wanted. This can be shown through an analysis of Bush’s conduct on 9/11.

As part of his “endless summer” approach to the presidency which had seen him on
vacation for over 40% of his time in office up to 9/11, Bush was spending the evening of September 10 at the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort on Longboat Key, a narrow coral island in the Gulf of Mexico, off Sarasota, Florida. This resort, a favorite destination for plutocrats, was billed as “America’s greatest tennis resort.” Here Bush dined on the evening of September 10 with his brother Jeb, the governor of Florida, and a group of Republican politicians and rent seekers. Bush awoke at 6 AM on the morning of September 11, 2001, and went for his habitual jog. But in the night of September 10 to 11, Bush’s security detail received a warning that he was in imminent danger. The Sarasota ABC affiliate reported on 9/11: “The warning of imminent danger was delivered in the middle of the night to Secret Service agents guarding the President,” said reporter Monica Yadov “and it came exactly four hours and thirty-eight minutes before Mohammed Atta flew an airliner into the World Trade Center. (Hopsicker 2004 40)

“Sheikh: They [the Americans] were terrified thinking there was a coup.”
(“Bin Laden” tape of December 2001, Meyssan 2002 197)

Why would they think it was coup?

Are they aware that they no longer represent the American people?

Are they that terrified that the American people will rise up against them?

[edit on 20-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 05:26 PM
Not only are they afraid of that happening, they know it can and is perfectly legal. If the majority knew this, if they actually read and understood the documents representative to the USA, it would be over.

Our founding fathers encourage such, and the Constitution explains every thing.
Damn right they are worried about a coup, does any one have a clue what a civil revolution would do?!

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Damn right they are worried about a coup, does any one have a clue what a civil revolution would do?!

Nuclear missles would come under the control of the fascists, allowing Jerusilim and Mecca to be targeted, by the newly created rogue state

[edit on 20-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 03:00 AM
Thanks for troops arriving in time.

"Angel" = Single Intergated Operational Plan=SIOP ESI-TS
Transmitted as a ESI msg with top secret markings also with noforn dissimilation.

It is my opinion that a change of government occurred on 911. Period!
Bush was to be assignated before the jets hit the buildings, however even that may just be nonsense. However, Bush was lost for some time that day and without escort protection at the time 3500 planes were still in the air?
No One took claim for issusing the code word angel, however Cheny was assumed
to be safe and and Bush had to be considered paperbag at the time.
Cheney passed to bush the words angel, cheney had to have keyed the briefcase
with the nuclear codes, who else would the secret service allow to do such a thing.
When Cheney keyed the case alarms went off all over the world. Thats part of the Cold War is still alive and well. Many things we witness in life seem to have no meanings at all.
Yet when we apply such things as interactions about events, we can find out that a word when spoken is misunderstood!

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 05:51 AM
Angel has NOTHING to do with SIOP. Angel is the STANDARD code word for Air Force One. AF1 has NOTHING to do with SIOP. The Secret Service has referred to Air Force One as Angel just about from the start of there BEING an Air Force One. It's not the code word for it being at the highest altitude or SIOP or anything else. ANY TIME they refer to it, they call it Angel.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by mondegreen

The vice president urged Mr. Bush to postpone his return because, Mr. Cheney said, the government had received a specific threat that Air Force One itself had been targeted by terrorists. Mr. Cheney emphasized that the threat included a reference to what he called the secret code word for the presidential jet, "Angel," Mr. Bartlett said in an interview

Days after the attacks, Mr. Cheney had said word of the threat had been passed to him by Secret Service agents. But in interviews, two former senior Secret Service agents on duty that day denied that their agency played any role in receiving or passing on a threat to the presidential jet.

(color and/or underscores are my emphasis, & not in the original quotes)

It's really a stretch to make a failed Coup attempt out of the 'Angel' word or even the V.P.s statement & the SS agents rebuff of Cheney's account.

as i see it... both GW and VP Cheney found themselves in a crisis situation & a lot
of urgent, spontaneous remarks were hastily made that morning->>

VP Cheney had a lot of items on his daily menue that day,
there were several war games scheduled on 9-11-01;

Northern Vigilance + Vigilant Warrior + Global Guardian + NRO exercise +

And Then There Is This:
VP Cheney, having all that info in his memory circuits (9-11 war games)
also had the larger Project Amalgum Virgo racing around
his brain synapses:

if one goes to page 6 (of 35 pages) and you look at the graphic you'll see that this ongoing project was comprehensive and touched most every phase of Nat'l security and response...including AF One.
?perhaps VP Cheney, in the urgency of the moment got flustered & confused, and got Amalgum & Angel ~code words~ all jumbled & substituted one-4-the-other??

just putting a ?reasonable? explaination (at least for me) out there

[[Oh, BTW, credit to Fintan & DeepLogos at "break for news" for making public those links ]]

[edit on 21-8-2006 by St Udio]

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 01:44 PM
I wish to thank the people for responces to this thread. Yes, your information is good and shows links to information we are speaking about. It is in your opinion the gathering of information that gives you your thoughts, yet it is your opinion. We cannot say we were there at the time of this double speak.
I like St Udio input and Zaphod 58 both gave information on that day, one about war games that were about plane highjackings, and movement of planes out of the window of events. One was that AF1 has nothing to do with SIOP procedures,
that is a yes and a no. AF1 has to receive the siop for movement to the next event
of such a event, it however is mired in secrecy.
"Angel" can be many things but on that day it made the most powerful man in the world run for his life. Now think about this, we have no one that will own up to why it was spoken, where it came from or why it was used. No matter who spoke the word it became the shot heard around the world, but we find no smoking guns.
The word angel if it was spoken moved the most powerful man in the world away from his responsibility of controlling our national responce. Mr. Bush did not have the aka -atomic breifcase in his possession or am I wrong. The breifcase was back in washington in a bunker with you know who!
So to see where the Invisible Government was speaking from we move to Buffett and 911.

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