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What are the ailens waiting for?

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posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 02:05 AM
Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

One major thing that has my attention about the occurances of the early 90s with respects to the Hubble Telescope is that everyone involved in it took a lot of heat and ridicule for it not initially performing up to par. Why endure so much ridicule for a 2 billion dollar failure if you did not fail?

Just imagine the hostility of those astronauts who found out that the entire Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions were just a cover. Talk about wasted billions!

Did they need to be seen as incapable and incompetent?

Someone had to be blamed.

Did they need to be seen as failing to succeed in a $2 Billion project?

I'll bet it was a bitter pill for some.

What were they doing when they fixed the telescope? Did they really not do it? That is a lot of footage to get the astronauts to "act" while endangering their lives during the space walks, not to mention the work performed.

Yes. And Grissom, White and Chaffee died for nothing.

Your perspective on this issue raises some crucial and pertinant questions for me. If true, could we not extrapulate some truth concerning motives and intentionality of said conspiritors?

There is a group that makes decisions on information not available to the general public or visible government. Without that information we would be hard pressed to come up with their motives. You would be surprised at the disasters they have created in their attempts to 'play God'.

I'll be honest. I know a fairly decent amount of information concerning what is released about our space exploration projects, and i'm always questioning all of it when viewed together with other information.

At any rate, it just raises questions that may or may not lead us down a road that is one that even raises more questions.

Concerning this subject matter i see few absolutes. Therefore as i stated first, i will keep an open mind.

I'd like to add, it's nice to disagree with someone in such a decent and respectfull manor. Seems we all to often endure too much hostility here on ATS, and it is nice to have a productive conversation.

Thanks for your input. You have told me more than you probably should have.

The more I know, the more I realize how little I know.

Respectfully, thanks.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 02:14 AM
MR Johnlear , did you relise that this website condones Anti Americanism
and hate speach towards Americans .

yet at the same time if you mention anything about another country , your banned or at the very least kept from posting messages.

And I bet the fact that im telling you this will get me banned or take away my ability to post .

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 02:15 AM
Hey John,

do you believe that there will be some sort of Alien intervention in 2012 as reported by some tibetian monks? Or do you feel this is Bull, based on what you have gathered over the years? relating article

I myself am a bit skeptical of this but I do hold the monks abilities in a repected light. A little off topic but would love to hear your take.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 10:32 AM
Originally posted by kleverone

Hey John, do you believe that there will be some sort of Alien intervention in 2012 as reported by some tibetian monks? Or do you feel this is Bull, based on what you have gathered over the years? I myself am a bit skeptical of this but I do hold the monks abilities in a repected light. A little off topic but would love to hear your take.

Good morning kleverone. The intervention of 2012, attacks from space, asteroids crashing into earth, Global warming,global cooling, North Korea, China, Radical Islam, peak oil, Planet X all of that stuff is just fabricated to keep you, me and the rest of us poor slobs in a constant state of anxiety hoping that 'our government' will find a way out. Of course we may have to pay a little more in taxes and we might have to give up whats left of our liberties.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:09 AM
Why is that off topic. I thought the thread was, "What are the aliens waiting for?" I don't believe the tibetian monks are part of any conspiracy. Of course, I'm in no position to know. The rest of the stuff John Lear speaks of are fabricated to keep us here in a state of fear to remove liberties and justify the invasions to people's privacy, etc.

Originally posted by kleverone
Hey John,

do you believe that there will be some sort of Alien intervention in 2012 as reported by some tibetian monks? Or do you feel this is Bull, based on what you have gathered over the years? relating article

I myself am a bit skeptical of this but I do hold the monks abilities in a repected light. A little off topic but would love to hear your take.

[edit on 20-8-2006 by grasshopper]

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Snake Pliskin
How people answer the question is usually a reflection of the way they view humanity, and by extension, themselves.

People who feel small and insignificant figure aliens treat us like tagged animals, insects or bacteria.
People who think humanity is too violent and aggressive think aliens are afraid to give us access to superior technology or we'll fight the universe for domination. Or they're waiting for us to destroy ourselves.
People of a more spiritual bent who see humanity as spiritually retarded think aliens are slowly guiding us to greater spiritual enlightenment.

We can only project our own predjuices and insecurities onto the aliens, until they're proven to exist, and are revealed have anything at all like our emotions and motivation. Neither of which is guaranteed.

Good luck. I'm still waiting for our own politicians, many from the extreme right to understand that their own perceptions of other humans, leaders from other countries, etc. are based upon their own projections. You make a good point. Listen to an "expert" on the radio talk about the aliens, especially if he is saying they are evil and you will hear nothing but his own projections. But you can never tell them that they are wrong. And I'm not even saying that they are wrong or that I think the opposite of what they say is right. Just we really don't know one way or another and what is needed is good logic not projection. But before I inflame the political right I must also say that Clinton did the same thing during the buildup to the war in Iraq. He reasoned that Hussein was giving his weapons of mass destruction away because that's what he would do if he was in his place. Well that's some nice projection. But you don't go to war based upon your own projections. (Doing everything I can not to use derogatory terms here.)

[edit on 20-8-2006 by grasshopper]

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 02:33 PM
NICE , ATS has deleted my post about speaking out against HATE speech .

ATS condones Anti Americanism And HATE speech towards Americans.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:10 PM
I'm not kidding about my theory about how the aliens are just renegades from Atlantis of long ago in that we created them except, of course, we don't remember. I think that if such a theory truly does hold true (I mean why would anyone do anything except pass this lonely planet?), than this is purely a political science issue above anything else. I'm that the aliens also have souls because that's what several websites have evidence of as such, let us deal with them in the same vein as the rest of the conundrums that currently plauge this world of ours. I mean really, there are so many sites of paranormal interest out there and the Bermuda Triangle simply isn't the only one.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Mouth

Originally posted by Timeseer
The crusades have been more about political issues then religious ones. In fact some of these politicals are intertwined with religious issues that make the entire calamity appear to be a religious war.
Show what? The conflict between Ireland and Britain? That has more to do with racial issues than religious ones.

The proiblem here, Timeseer, is that racism involves religion.

Philosophical ideas actually... You can be an athiest like Hitler and become completely intolerant of people of different ethnical identities. This has more to do with human behavior and psychology than it does with faith. Anti-theist annoyance...

Originally posted by Mouth
Anti semetism is racism against a religion.

Actually it was against a religion, it would just be prejudicism. Because you are targetting someone's faith, not their race. Their race is just an indepedent factor that coherts to the same group of people. Like if you hate republicans, eccentially you are anti-american or atleast that is what Republicans like to believe. Like if you hate the president, you are eccentially anti-American. Because the president is the represenative of the American people as a whole and thus being angry at the represenative of America is eccentially the same as being angry at America. Even if you have nothing against America as a whole.

Extraterrestrials like to call this form of philosophical thinking as "human stupidity."

Originally posted by Mouth
So, saying historical wars were based on racism and not religion is false

I'm sorry, but that's not true. Because I say political and economic issues as well. Sheesh... get off my back why don't you?

Originally posted by Mouth
since opponents were racist against their enemy's religious beliefs.

Intolerance to someone else's faith is not racism.

Originally posted by Mouth
click here to read up a bit on religious wars.

My History Professor at ODU says that wikipedia isn't a valid source to providing facts to any claims. Unless it is a graph or a chart from another site.

[edit on 20-8-2006 by Timeseer]

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:43 PM
ATS Doesnt want me to get the truth out about this web site .

IN the past few days my accounts have been banned , For speaking out
against Anti Americanism and HATE speech Against Americans.

I have not used Vulgar words or been rude in anyway.

I have used the complaint and sent emails to the Admin , to no avail .

they insist on banning many times for trying speaking out against the Hate speech
against Americans on this web site.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:46 PM
Its a Shame that Somone as promienent as John Lear wont speak up on this subject.

Ive tried many times to post messages to him and my messages have been deleted.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by SavageX
IN the past few days my accounts have been banned , For speaking out
against Anti Americanism and HATE speech Against Americans.

they insist on banning many times for trying speaking out against the Hate speech
against Americans on this web site.

There are other countries too you know. I think that if you'd only watch Lou Dobbs Tonight on CNN than you'll find yourself in excellent company because chances are he knows just how you feel.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by risitar

Originally posted by SavageX
IN the past few days my accounts have been banned , For speaking out
against Anti Americanism and HATE speech Against Americans.

they insist on banning many times for trying speaking out against the Hate speech
against Americans on this web site.

There are other countries too you know. I think that if you'd only watch Lou Dobbs Tonight on CNN than you'll find yourself in excellent company because chances are he knows just how you feel.

Exactly , I have defended other countries -FYI- and relegions .

but defending Americans and America is taboo on this web site .

I can defend Muslims all day -- no problems --- try to defend Americans and I get banned .


posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 03:59 PM
Example ---- I said in a previous post that not all muslims wer bad only the fanatical ones .

I said there are good and bad people every where . - ok no problem.

someone else posted that All Americans wer evil pieces of crap -use other word for crap--.

I replied that - Thats not true and thats a idiots way of thinking .
I went on to say how Americans like to help people and so on , ect ect,

BAM --- I got banned .

and many more times after that , when I try to stick up for Americans I get banned.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 04:07 PM
See its alrdy happend again , they banned my other account , So i have to make a new one .. ATS doesnt want the truth to be told .

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by risitar

Originally posted by SavageX
IN the past few days my accounts have been banned , For speaking out
against Anti Americanism and HATE speech Against Americans.

they insist on banning many times for trying speaking out against the Hate speech
against Americans on this web site.

There are other countries too you know. I think that if you'd only watch Lou Dobbs Tonight on CNN than you'll find yourself in excellent company because chances are he knows just how you feel.

they alrdy started deleting my post !!!! .

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 04:35 PM
Ok, the topic of this thread is not about why we banned this troll. Nothing to see, move along. And stay on topic.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 04:54 PM
Hi John,

I like your sense of writing. I have been an experiencer with the Grey's for many decades and I would like to ask you one question. Do you know of what is within the Moon?

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 05:10 PM
Originally posted by observe50

I like your sense of writing. I have been an experiencer with the Grey's for many decades and I would like to ask you one question. Do you know of what is within the Moon?

Thanks observe50. All I know about are the giant laboratories where they take some of the abductees. Cernan and Schmitt on Apollo 17 took a look at Nansen, a possible entrance, on the South Massif of Taurus-Littrow.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 05:32 PM

I did not know of these towers but I do know they use certain frequencies has anyone been able to discover what frequencies they use?

On one of my expereinces I was shown and told of the tracking device they use and its location do others know of this and are they attempting to do anything about it?

It's not up the nose as they say.

Also he communicated this; We are safe and secure there is no equipment made on Earth that can reach us we are in your waters in the DEEPEST of you waters.

[edit on 20-8-2006 by observe50]

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