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Why No Liquids On Airplanes Is Stupid

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posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by PLUMBER1
Did you here they are building the biggest mosk (muslim church) in north america in Calgary?
That might be a nice meeting place for some people!

What are you suggesting? That because there is a big mosque in Calgary that terrorists are going to meet there and plot to blow up the Calgary tower?

Do you know how big north America’s biggest mosque will be? Big enough for 1000 Muslims to pray. There are about 1500 Ahmadiyya Muslim's (Different branch than Sunnis or Shiites) in Calgary. They have spoken out publicly against terrorism.

"We condemn this thing from the bottom of our hearts…. We definitely sympathize with the people of London and anywhere else terrorism is committed," he says. "It’s just a painful thing, especially when people try to associate the name of Islam with that."

Right now the biggest mosque in Calgary is the Al-Madinah Calgary Islamic Centre. It is in a strip mall. It provides teaching of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims by male and female teachers, free Assistance to new immigrants and refugees, free dinner for homeless and poor, and also acts as a disaster relief centre.
The Al-Madinah Calgary Islamic Centre is constantly being attacked and vandalized by ignorant people who blame them for the wars of the world.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 05:41 PM
"Murdoch uncovered Prince Charles-Gordon Brown plot to oust Blair. Phony terror plan cooked up to derail political coup plans."

"After Blair met with Bush in Washington, he flew to California where on July 30 he attended Murdoch's News Corporation private corporate executive conference at the posh Inn at Spanish Bay golf resort in Pebble Beach. Blair met with Murdoch, Israeli former Prime Minister Shimon Peres, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Newt Gingrich, and various Fox, Star, and Sky News executives. The final touches were agreed to by Blair and Murdoch on how the fake terror plot would play out in Murdoch's media empire."


posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 08:59 PM
Women of the world unite! Get rid of Al Qaeda! They are causing our foundation make-up to be taken from us.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
I don't think you guys get it. Its an inside joke by the government. They have bets between themselves on just how stupid the American public is. And every time the public accepts something even more ridiculous more money changes hands, bets are made and they try again. Side bets are made on how many posters on ATS side with the government and helpfully explain why this latest outrage should be accepted.

So your saying there is no threat? All this is a joke? First a 7 mile high structure on the moon and now you say the US gov is having a joke with us, even though it was the UK who intercepted the terrorists! And all the while I suppose there is no threat from extremists, its all lies. Those millions of people in the middle east who want death to the infadels (you and me) is all BS?

Sorry John, but from here on in, I discredit everything you say!


posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:17 PM
You are more likely to be killed by a drunk pilot than by a terrorist.

Consider this.......

You become a customer of the airlines when you purchase a ticket. With that ticket comes the implied belief that the airline will get you to your destination safely.

Along with being a customer; you are also a "guest". You have a shared responsibility with the other "guests" to conform to the law

(At the least......If you purchase say....... a movie ticket then the other "guests" expect you to be quiet.)

The crux being. If I get on an airplane I expect everyone else to behave themselves.

Blowing up the plane and killing us all is something that I prefer would not happen.

You might as well ban glass eyeballs!

Unless you make the passengers fly under sedation, or naked, then some idiot will somehow figure out a way to crash the plane.

"Step this way Mr. Dude. We have a gown and a shot of Versed waiting for you."

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:26 PM
I don't know how useful it will be to enforce this no liquid rule.
All the things we take as carry on are there so that if our luggage is lost we won't have to run around willynilly purchasing deodorant, mouthwash, fragrance, contact solution, medication--which can't be gotten OTC--hair products, skin products and makeup.
Not to mention, having to check all this carryon, it must take hours to finally get off the ground.
Maybe I'm not seeing something here, but I see flying as one inconvenience I plant to avoid.

And, I'm not buying this huge concern for security and safety.
Just another nail in the coffin of freedoms/rights/individualisms.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

And, I'm not buying this huge concern for security and safety.
Just another nail in the coffin of freedoms/rights/individualisms.

You still have the "right" to, FedEx, next day airmail, all of that stuff to your final destination beforehand.

Send it by ground, addressed to General Delivery about a week before ya go, then stop by and pick it up at your destination's Post Office.

Of course, a person could set up a business selling all of these items at the airport.

This is it.......

TRADE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Write down what you donate (new), or they collect at the airport, then you collect the same (new) items (Or as close as possible) that is confiscated from the other passengers at you're destination.

Wireless computers could download the donation, or credit to your destination and they could have the goods that you need waiting in a sealed bag for you when you get there.

At least you get to take your clothes.

I can replace anything that I need a lot easier than I can some 200 pieces of my burnt, mangled body.

edit for:sp

[edit on 12-8-2006 by RecDude]

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 10:12 PM
Well now banning liquids on planes? My only question is what about liquid medications? Will they ban those along with all liquids? I know several people who are diabetic and need insuline shots. I am on a specific medicine, that is liquid. The concept of an explosive that is liquid form and detonating is not a new one. In World War 2, sabatours used steel pipes with a copper plut in the middle the agents, that were corrosive on either side of the plug. They would eat through and explode. The point being, that if terrorist want to blow up air planes, they will find a way. Banning liquids is just another way for the governments to control the population and limit travel.

Well that is my thoughts.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Trash_Bag_Helmet
couldnt the terrorists use the tried and true method that drug smugglers have been using all these years, and simply swallow packs of liquid explosives (no health risk, since they will die anyway) and puke them out in the bathroom, or just tape them to thier inner thigh.

i think you missed one option these "evil terroists that want to kill everyone who enojys freedom, love, and peace" still would have, surgery
think about it, if they are so dead set on destrying us and our way of life to the point of suicidal bombings, why not surgically implant the liquids, in seperate pouches, inside the body
it'd be completely undetectable and once they are on the plane they could goto the bathroom and rip themselves open and, quickly before they bleed to death, blow the plane to hell

now this proposal is just absurd, i'll give you that much, but that would be the next step taken by these "terrorists" if they really existed.
the people our governments tell us to be afraid of are no more real than the boogey man or the monster in your closet
our governments go stirr up a hornets nest and get people angry at us
some, it's just a statistic, are unstable morons and blow themselves up to kill other people

has anyone else noticed the trend lately?
at first it was the radical arab muslim terrorists
then it was the radical muslim terrorists
now it's just the terrorists

their goal is to focus our anger on one group so we all can stand united against that group as brothers in arms while our freedoms and liberties are stripped away by our leaders for our own protection

terrorism happens, so does rape, murder, abuse, and thieft
these are all crimes with varing degrees of severity, but are all bad things none the less

you can not prevent these things from happening, only deter them and punish those responsible after the fact or if caught in the act or plotting conspiring to commit them

lessening and removing liberties, rights, and freedoms does not make you more secure, it only narrows the methods by which you can be attacked

an example is if you lock your door then a thief will just break a window to get in if he wants in bad enough
bars on the windows? then he steals a car and drives it through your front door and enters that way

anyone determined enough to get into your home can and will, security is for fools
do not "secure" me, PROTECT me
put more cops on the street, pay them more to entice them to catch the bad guys
station our troops at our home borders and airports and on planes to catch the bad guys when they strike, not over in a foreign land grasping at straws.

if (when?) the government takes our guns to secure us do you really think the bad guys will turn them in? heck no, they'll rob the people without guns with complete immunity and absolute certainty that they will get away with it.

locks dont keep bad people out, they keep good people honest
security does not prevent terrorism, rape, murder, or thieft, it only inconveniences ordinary people and keeps them from getting too loud for fear of retaliation

the people who do bad things will still do them with intensified security, they will just do them with more creativity and charisma than they would otherwise.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:32 PM
since we are assuming these terrorists are huge james bond / mission impossible / Die Hard fans,
(but have not even once, to my knowledge, used liquid explosives in the real world, prefering conventional explosives packed with rocks and metal shards for increased damage)

another point is that the "terrorists" could just as easily use the pannels in the floors to gain access to the plane's underbelly and damage the flight controls, or check their "luggage" (liquid explosives), gain access the storage compartment (like they do in so amny movies!), and blow the plane to hell that way

hopefully tom cruse is on your plane so he can stop them 2 seconds till the bomb goes off!

please people, this is nothing more than a movie plot. (and an overly used one at that)
i pitty anyone who actually fell for it
you will propably come back with somehting witty about pittying me for being dilusional, but were you watching cnn the other day when they mentioned they already released one of the "suspects" involved in this case?

the only reason this stunt was preformed was to snatch up a few more of out liberties

terrorists that want to down a plane badly enough will still find ways to do it
it would make far more sense to blow up the terminal anyways as they are far less secured before the plane boarding areas and there are far more people in a terminal than on a plane
think of the impact that would have, people would be afraid to even venture to the terminal
imagine what would happen to air travel if atlanta or chicago were taken offline for a few weeks or worse yet, flattened
people would go crazy, the economy would near collapse, the stock market would plumit, riots would break out as a result of the government not being able to deal with the problems fast enough, the list goes on

attacking a plane may cause fear, but terror (the goal of terrorists) would be achieved much faster by attacking the terminals themselves

this is why i believe this latest liquid explosive tidbit is a hoax perpitrated by our governments
it has all the markings of a movie plot including the poorly-thoughout-ness of it and the sheer absurdity of it as it's impact would be margional at best and would fall way short of causing "terror"

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 11:37 PM
what difference does it make whether u have the liquid as carry on or in the cargo hold? as far as I can tell not alot if the explosive substance was strong enough. I know the old exray question then arises, well, let me ask, just how good are xray machines at detecting to seperate liquid compounds in say a metal shaving foam spray tin? stick in a seal which will break at altitude or with time as corosion occurs. all that's required then is some form of detonation? I just can't see how this carryon luggage cracks a lunatics desire to do the murder they wan't too.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by solidgear
what difference does it make whether u have the liquid as carry on or in the cargo hold? as far as I can tell not alot if the explosive substance was strong enough. I know the old exray question then arises, well, let me ask, just how good are xray machines at detecting to seperate liquid compounds in say a metal shaving foam spray tin? stick in a seal which will break at altitude or with time as corosion occurs. all that's required then is some form of detonation? I just can't see how this carryon luggage cracks a lunatics desire to do the murder they wan't too.

actually if you were using a time degrading memberane to seperate the chemicals then a secondary canister inside that container with another time degrading memberane inside it could hold chemicals that when mixed generate heat or electricity enough to detonate the primary canister

in that case one need only check their luggage onto the plane and then go back home, no need to even board the plane

the membranes would break down in a few hours causing the chemicals would mix and blow the plane apart

this is why i constantly preach to people to not trust security
there is no such thing as security as those who want to get past it badly enough will find a way
all systems are breakable with time

one need only to look to the world of "unhackable things" to see the evidence
*verichip has been hacked
*xbox360's dvd drive has been hacked
*windows vista has been hacked before it has even been released

security is only a means to keep the average joe out
anyone who is deadset on doing soemthing will find a way
this is why taking our freedoms, rights, and liberties will not stop terrorists
don't ask me what right's you have lost, do your own research on that one
i will tell you that in the past few days alone you lost the ability to climb to the statue of liberty's crown
the highest you can now climb is to her feet, grauvel at your will.

[edit on 13-8-2006 by wondernut]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by thepresidentsbrain
"Murdoch uncovered Prince Charles-Gordon Brown plot to oust Blair. Phony terror plan cooked up to derail political coup plans."

"After Blair met with Bush in Washington, he flew to California where on July 30 he attended Murdoch's News Corporation private corporate executive conference at the posh Inn at Spanish Bay golf resort in Pebble Beach. Blair met with Murdoch, Israeli former Prime Minister Shimon Peres, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Newt Gingrich, and various Fox, Star, and Sky News executives. The final touches were agreed to by Blair and Murdoch on how the fake terror plot would play out in Murdoch's media empire."


this is very interesting to me, although i am not sure how much i believe it. could be possible. also, to those of you who brought up the surgery thing, wow... never even crossed my mind. seems it would be easier to swallow something though, and cheaper. good job guys, keep the posts coming.

looks like Mr Jones had the same idea as me,

[edit on 13-8-2006 by Trash_Bag_Helmet]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 12:12 AM
Wondernut, Preytell, are people so media gullable, that they can't think for themselves. How sad that numerous generations can't sit back for a few hours of there lifes & take stock of what is actually occuring around them & too them.

Please people think, begin to use those parts of your brain you have left go too sleep!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by solidgear
Wondernut, Preytell, are people so media gullable, that they can't think for themselves. How sad that numerous generations can't sit back for a few hours of there lifes & take stock of what is actually occuring around them & too them.

Please people think, begin to use those parts of your brain you have left go too sleep!!!!!!

indeed, i believe they are
the really amazing thing i have found is that the majority of the people who i have talked with about this in real life now question it as well
i pointed out the absurdity of the entire thing to them, including how one of the guys was let go less than a day later
to me atleast, that proves that the government is nowhere near as "in the know" on these "terrorists" as they claim to be

at worst i challenged some people's beliefs and at best i helped them open their eyes to what's going on

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 12:46 AM
saw a pretty good movie reciently as well
The Doomsday Clock - Astronomical Precession and 2012 (David Flynn) (2005)
i'm sure you can find it on your own, search google

the guy makes some really interesting points about why the winter solstice of 2012 is revered by many as the end of days.
the video is really about the symbol associations with various groups, like the numbers 33 and pi, circles triangles and squares, angels and demons, aliens, roswell, and how they all tie together
after enough people watch it we should start a thread to discuss it
:end edit:

suposedly it has ties to freemasonary and the skull and bones frat as well
the thing i found scary about this is our [sarcasim]wonderful and astute[/sarcasim] president is a former member of said frat and is quite in a powerful enough position to instigate events leading to the end of the world by 2012

even if all the historical and myhtical connections are false, these guys believe it and may just take matters into their own hands to bring events to that end

this entire fear for your life the evil terrorists sham seems to play nicely into the entire deal as well

this is just a conclusion i came to and is not even concidered in the video, but logically if a secret society wanted to complete an ancient prophesy they would have to take hold of powerful positions in world government, which they have...

[edit on 13-8-2006 by wondernut]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Alexis_Rose
True, we can catch the terrorists at times, but are we really willing to give up our freedoms this easily? What other freedom is going to be taken away from us the next time someone decides to hijack a plane?

If you let the government take away your freedoms then you're just letting the terrorists win. That's why the terrorist hate us, right? Bush said it himself" "We must fight this war on terror to protect our freedoms." Yet we see the government clearly taking our freedoms away. Fear is what drives people to think irrationally. Fear is why people give up their freedoms so easily. Don't fear the terrorist or the government. Stand up for your rights and defend your Constitutions that your for fathers fought so hard for.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 02:24 PM
ya its stupid because now everytime someone brings a water bottle you have to leave it behind because those coward terrorists like to mess everything up.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by wondernut

Originally posted by Trash_Bag_Helmet

you can not prevent these things from happening, only deter them and punish those responsible after the fact or if caught in the act or plotting conspiring to commit them

lessening and removing liberties, rights, and freedoms does not make you more secure, it only narrows the methods by which you can be attacked


How are you going to punish anyone willing to commit suicide? They are either dead or don't care a fig about your punishment anyway. It is all in the name of jihad. The only thing you can do is make sure they don't have their play toys. If that means not taking liquid on board a plane, I don't consider that an infringment on my liberty any more than having to stop at a stop sign. Oh and by the way liquid insulin is ok to bring on the plane. Just provide your prescription.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 06:08 PM
What about lubricated condoms? The lubrication on the condom is a liquid and it might be possible to create an explosive liquid form to be applied to what appears to be a condom but in reality is the secondary component that activates in a few hours after it melts. I don't know about you guys but I don't want to die due to a pack of clevely disquised Trojans. Your thoughts?

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