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Is the UK our enemy?

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posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 03:30 PM
Just came across this post and WOW!!!

I think what alot of people ain't caught onto yet is that there is a right wing element growing in the UK. Before when the old National Front broke, it left a hole which no-one filled. When the BNP started to get bigger they recruited football hooligans, who were the fighting force of the politics and they called themselves C18....Combat 18, the 1 stands for the letter A, and the 8 for H.....

Now these are the initals of Adolf Hitler!!!!!

C18 comprised of around 3000 hardcore football hooligans who caused havoc around the UK and Europe. They've been quite ever since the Oldham/Bradford riots which they started a few years back.

Recently, the word between the 'Casuals' (street slang for football hooligans), is that something big is going on. The BNP are recruiting thousands more people, hooliganism is back on the increase (I bet you Americans are glad you don't have them), the BNP have forged links with Loyalist Paramilitary groups and theres been more BNP members elected to hold local government seats than before.

Now, if history does repeat itself, I can predict a Rightwing uprising, here in the UK, within 6 months.....

I'm not the only one to believe its happening, my good Asian friend, who I've known for 20 years is going back to Pakistan to live as he is starting to fear for his family. He too can sense somethings not quite right.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 03:54 PM
So your saying C-18 really means :

Combat adolf hitler...hmm sounds like a good plan, a bit late but good idea.
I think mabye thier grand fathers forwarded the idea to their US cousins...

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
We're not going to close a thread because its 'dumb'. If you feel that the suggestion that perhaps britain can't be relied on, because it has a huge number of improperly assimilated muslim immigrants who might turn jihadi, is foolish, then explain why, it does nothing to merely say 'thats dumb'.

Ok. Its dumb because the US has a huge number of improiperly assimilated muslim immigrants who might turn jihadi, and ergo they can't be relied on.

Is the US our enemy?

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Pictnation

I'm not the only one to believe its happening, my good Asian friend, who I've known for 20 years is going back to Pakistan to live as he is starting to fear for his family. He too can sense somethings not quite right.

I don't understand Picnation, are UK conservatives like American conservatives? Are UK Right wingers pro US? They are anti-immigration? Anti-Islamic?

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:54 PM
I keep comming back to this like a broken record I know.

But it enrages me everytime some US Citizens think we are their enemy.

To XphilesPhan is you are a US Citizen, and you think the UK sympathises with Terroist, and Is an Enemy of the USA.

Come and take us on if your hard enough. You think Iraq is a push over then you have not seen anything yet.

Imma take a break from this forum man its doing my head in

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by neformore

Originally posted by Nygdan
We're not going to close a thread because its 'dumb'. If you feel that the suggestion that perhaps britain can't be relied on, because it has a huge number of improperly assimilated muslim immigrants who might turn jihadi, is foolish, then explain why, it does nothing to merely say 'thats dumb'.

Ok. Its dumb because the US has a huge number of improiperly assimilated muslim immigrants who might turn jihadi, and ergo they can't be relied on.

Is the US our enemy?

actually, according to some, the US is the US's enemy
in the us the government spies on its citizens
why do this unless the citizens are a potential threat?
as a potential threat the citizens are obviously a potential enemy of the government

ergo, we are our own worst enemies
we are the monsters in our closets

to spin it the other direction

the government is taking freedom from the people to protect the people
the people make up the government
the government is taking power from itself
without power the government will collapse
without a government there will be anarchy which will bring harm to the people

ergo the government taking freedoms from the people to protect them will infact cause them great harm

[edit on 14-8-2006 by wondernut]

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 04:06 AM
I don't understand Picnation, are UK conservatives like American conservatives? Are UK Right wingers pro US? They are anti-immigration? Anti-Islamic?

They are a bit worse than that I'm afraid. They are more like the KKK than anything. We have a conservative party who are tame compared to these guys.

Basically the BNP/C18 believe in a white only GB. And even then within that group there are a hardcore who believe in a White Protestant Only GB.

The BNP (The politcial side), are gaining more popularity and are contesting for more seats in the local offices. With all the recent bomb attacks etc, people are beginning to doubt and look upon Asians/Muslims with some mis-trust.

The killer point here is that since the BNP started they have preached that the Ethnic Minorities in the UK will cause it seems that it s all falling into place for them.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 02:58 PM
Is the UK right wing pro-US? I know there are some parties in different countries that are pro-US and some that are not. Even in Russia. Like the business people, are pro-US. Is that how it is like in the UK?

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
Is the UK right wing pro-US? I know there are some parties in different countries that are pro-US and some that are not. Even in Russia. Like the business people, are pro-US. Is that how it is like in the UK?

Since the second world war, when Great Britain lost its superpower status, some think, rightly or wrongly, as a result of the huge debt incurred to the US over the lend-lease policy which the UK has only just finished repaying, it has been common amongst the liberal left intellegentsia to express a dislike of the USA.

I am sure that most people in Britain feel more of an affinity with the USA than with continental Europe. I say this as someone who has taken advantage of the free movement of labour and capital within the EU.

Whilst I have no objection to Great Britain being a member state of the EU, I always feel on my frequent trips to the USA that I am amongst my own kind when there. We have a great deal more in common with the American people than we do with any other European nation.

It would be interesting to have a referendum to give the British people the right to decide which way they see their future, as a member state within the European Union, or as the 52nd state of the USA after Puerto Rico has joined.

I think that most Brits who have been to the USA and seen the high standard of living and the low prices of just about everything imaginable, when compared with this side of the Atlantic, would vote to join with the USA.

This reply will doubtless attract critical comment, but you can generally guess that it will come from those of a left-leaning political persuasion.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 06:22 AM
May I provide a third option to this referedum?

Most people in britain I speak to seem to resent the idea of becoming anything less than what they are already : IE joining the union or the US.

We are british, nothing on earth can or will change that and I'm happy to say that most people I speak to do NOT wish to join the US or the EU.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 06:28 AM
If i recall more and more are warming to the idea of Europe and our continue support for America has driven the country to the EU. A recent poll said that our future lies in Europe not with America. Plus, the large majority do not want to live the EU because it will be bad for the UK.

Most accept that we will switch to the Euro. Myself, i have no problem with the idea, i see myself as European not British. The idea that we are all mighty and powerful is pathetic, the empire is dead and we have lost most of our influence (cause Tony likes to whisper sweet things in the ear of America)

[edit on 15-8-2006 by infinite]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
You call a shoot to kill policy over reaction when 52 people die?

No, I call it overkill when they shoot a guy 8 times in the head execution style before confirming he is a threat.

Can they kill a british citizen and do they feel they have a reason to?

Of course they can. Alot of things kill British citizens every year.

But the force IS restrained, btw all of those corporations (ie your internet provider and telephone company) collect data with you and can share some of it but are controlled by the data protection act.

yeah, I know they can. And you are not bothered by this?

Yes but it will never reach there, the UK will NEVER reach that stage.

Keep dreamin. People in the U.S. never would have believed whats happening over there, either.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
No, I call it overkill when they shoot a guy 8 times in the head execution style before confirming he is a threat.

If you want someone down you dont become ammo conscious.
How do you comfirm he's a target before he blows himself up? Inspect his underwear at 20 yards?

Of course they can. Alot of things kill British citizens every year.

Yes but these "things" dont always plan to kill british citizens now do they?

yeah, I know they can. And you are not bothered by this?

I am bothered by corporations, I am not too bothered about the government since if they wished to do anything illegal there is NOTHING we can do unless we complicate the government until it ceases to function.

Keep dreamin. People in the U.S. never would have believed whats happening over there, either.

I am not dreaming, the royal family would not allow it and neither would the house of lords or the house of commons.
The government is made up of people, no matter how currupt they are they are people.
Remember the instruments of the policy are still people that obey the law.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 08:55 PM
Ok UK is not Americas enemy ya they have alot of terrorist there but America does too. It really doesnt matter because ther government helps these groups, we funded them and helped them carry out the terror attacks dont believe me just research and when i say research dont watch the news because thats all brain wash. I'll tell you who is are enemy its not the UK its are currupt governments! Its absoluty utterly insane of what they are doing and we all need to opan are eyes to all of this and take a good look at what are government is.

posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor

I don't understand Picnation, are UK conservatives like American conservatives? Are UK Right wingers pro US? They are anti-immigration? Anti-Islamic?

Actually UK conservative would be considered highly liberal in the US. On what are the main issues between the democrats and the republicans in the US such as abortion and the teaching of creationism they are far more aligned with the democrats. Mainstream party politics in the UK are far more centre orientated.

The "right wing" which some people in this post are getting confused with are nothing more than militant groups. The BNP is th only one with some kind of politcal standing and even that is shunned by most people and witht he lack of a proportional voting system it is unlikely that they will be able to gain a seat in parliament unless the geo-politcal landscape shifts significantly.


posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 10:05 AM
From what I've been reading here, I really hope Britain starts building up our nuclear weapons force as soon as possible... because I certainly dont want US soldiers running through my garden (It's taken some time to get it the way I want it! ) just because I dont support the US government..

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by dawa
From what I've been reading here, I really hope Britain starts building up our nuclear weapons force as soon as possible... because I certainly dont want US soldiers running through my garden (It's taken some time to get it the way I want it! ) just because I dont support the US government..

Well technically we have 4 submarines each capable of hitting any target on the US or practically anywhere on the planet but to be honuest I doubt we would need to. The US wouldnt dare invade IMO, could imagine the US army trying to deal with riots in britain?

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
Well technically we have 4 submarines each capable of hitting any target on the US or practically anywhere on the planet but to be honuest I doubt we would need to. The US wouldnt dare invade IMO, could imagine the US army trying to deal with riots in britain?

Yeah, they think Iraq is bad, let them come! Imagine them trying to tame Liverpool or Newcastle, or Belfast even! God knows what those porridge eating, skirt wearing, haggis hunters north of the wall would do to them! Ha! Let them come....

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 06:29 AM
well, according to some crazy article,

Ireland is "apparently" next

Will the USA Invade Ireland?

Tuesday, July 25 2006 @ 12:42 PM PDT
Contributed by: Oread Daily
Views: 428

Anti-War ActivismAn Irish jury today refused to convict some anti-war protesters of damaging a US plane. The Pitstop Ploughshares Five (Deirdre Clancy, Nuin Dunlop, Ciaron O'Reilly, Damien Moran and Karen Fallon) were charged with causing the damage in February 2003.

After deliberating for more than three hours, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty for each of the ten counts.

A spokeswoman for the US Embassy in Dublin said that the embassy was 'very disappointed' with the verdict and would be discussing the implications of the case with the Irish Government officials once it had more information.

[edit on 2-9-2006 by infinite]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by stumason
Yeah, they think Iraq is bad, let them come! Imagine them trying to tame Liverpool or Newcastle, or Belfast even! God knows what those porridge eating, skirt wearing, haggis hunters north of the wall would do to them! Ha! Let them come....

If they invaded Portsmouth, they could do several million pounds worth of improvements from their bombing.

Anyway, I think were pretty from invasion from anyone.

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