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Is the UK our enemy?

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posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by rachel07
As a child, I remember being in school and the whole class was punished for the acts of one person. Isn't it time we grew up and realise that the acts of a few individuals doesn't mean a whole culture is to blame. I didn't like getting punished for the act of another and neither should they.

Perhaps when a groups is so selfish that they use cowardly tracticts to hide amoungst a crowd then the entire crowd needs to have pressure put upon it to alienate those amongst them who would mar the name fo the entire group


posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 04:35 AM
What a stupid thread.

You don't know who your enemy is America! Is it the Mexicans? is it the Muslims? is it the Commies, Is it Iran?? is it Bird Flu? Which one shall we worry about today?

Truth is none of these are your enemies, your enemies hide in the shadows and use these countries/religions as puppets.

I also live in the U.K and it seems like extreme muslims get much more air time on TV then moderates. Wonder why.......

The media is your eys and ears my friends, eat it all up!

BTW, like a poster said before the English are immigrants to Britain. So even the most English of English person on here probably has ancestors raped by vikings or came from the Gaul (ancient France) or somewhere like that.

America itself is a land FULL of immigrants, all beside the Red American Indian, the true American.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 05:31 AM
Who do you think worked to save the US airlines fall from the sky ? - The UK

Who supported the US in the war in Iraq when everyone else wouldnt - The UK

Who has a track history of working with the US for freedom - The UK

It might come as a shock to you that a large proportion of the UK would like nothing better than to see all muslims out - born here or not. There is a movement within the UK that wishes the UK to become a muslim state - The UK never gave anything up without blood sweat and tears and when push comes to shove we'll see about an Islamic muslim state.

The people in the UK are tollerant and live together but you dont have to worry about the UK being 'compromised' we can handle our own back yard mate

Stupid thread,

God save the queen!

[edit on 11-8-2006 by snatchypaws]

[edit on 11-8-2006 by asala]

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by snatchypaws
a large proportion of the UK would like nothing better than to see all muslims out - born here or not...

...The people in the UK are tollerant and live together

For accuracy, please replace the phrase "large proportion" with "tiny minority". If nothing else this would at least make some sense of the second line of the quote.

God save the queen!

If we had the option seeing muslims out or the Queen out I'd be perfectly happy to drive her to the airport.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by snatchypaws

God save the queen!
[edit on 11-8-2006 by snatchypaws]

Even she is an immigrant along with her house
. She is half German, desended from the House of Hannover. Prince Phillip her husband is half Greek.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by snatchypaws
a large proportion of the UK would like nothing better than to see all muslims out - born here or not.

[edit on 11-8-2006 by snatchypaws]

Which in itself is not a good thing. The people that tend to have such "endearing" views are generally BNP troglodytes who can't seem to wait to cripple this nation politically and economically.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by 7th_Chakra
Even she is an immigrant along with her house
. She is half German, desended from the House of Hannover.

Achtung your Majesty!


posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by rachel07
First of all; a person's religion doesn't dictate their character. It may etch their personality. However, you have Christians, Jews and Muslims who live strict secular lives. It doesn't mean that are intent on evil.

Just because a few people of one sect of the population from one cultural background does evil against other people doesn't make the rest of them evil.

I have friends from all secular sects. They are part of the human race. I feel for my Muslim brothers and sisters the same way I do Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters.

Why create animosity over somebody's cultural differences? That is where hatred begins which then breeds violence. I am not in that game.

I am sorry but I think that your perspective is extraordinarily nieve. Neither the christians or the jews in the UK are intent on violently and without mercy, foisting their religious beliefs on other people. A fundamental difference between the muslims and the jews is when the jewish population migrated here in their droves from around the turn of the 20th century, by and large, they very quickly became anglisised - they sought to assimulate into British society. While, of course there will always be an 'orthodoxy' in terms of religions, generally speaking, IMHO there just isn't the fanatasism with the jews that we see expressed with the muslims. The muslims have appear to have no wish whatsovever to assimulate.

What I find most ironic, that in the science fiction series Stargate SG1- there is an evil alien race who would subjegate the peoples of the earth called the 'ori'. The parallels with the muslims are so clear for all to see. Is this a covert warning?

Finally, I would indeed love to live a peaceful and harmonious existance. Sadly, this is just not possible. There will always be those like that 'nice' (sic) Mr Hitler and their followers whom have other ideas.

Thank goodness we have an immense supply of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 06:55 AM
No fanaticism of jews? Sorry, but EVERY religion has its own share of fanatics and zealots - including Christianity. I think your response on this thread is an attempt to rationalise a hatred for a certain sect of people. You obviously have never met many Muslims have you? There is a difference between extremists and ordinary people just trying to get by.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
I have noticed many brits seem to be sympathetic to muslim terrorists or at least sympathetic to muslims in general. I also noticed from my time in London that thgere are a great many muslims living withing the UK. The recent incident with the flights is suspicuous as well.

My question is they knowingly harbor terrorists? or have they been unwittingly subjugated by terrorists?

Should we Americans consider the UK compromised?

so how many muslim terrorists do you know?
the last i heard about a real terrorist plot was a few years back when england's trains got bombed
after that there have been a few arrests and "terrorist plots foiled" but no actual attacks
stories like this one: article?AID=/20060619/NEWS28/306190022&SearchID=73253427631225
make me ask, what the heck ever happened to due process?
3 guys got indited in february 06 and have to wait till may 07 for their trial

i firmly believe these "foiled plots" are a work of fiction
there have been too many of them for the number of attacks that have actually happened
statisticly speaking, there is no way they could catch 100% of the people involved 100% of the time unless they are inventing the people involved.

"terrorist" has become the new buzzword in our culture with arabs as the attached social group
in the 90's it was "hacker" and middle-class, white, suburbanite teenagers
in the 80's it was "communist" and russians

every time they foil another "terrorist plot" i ask, "what just happened or is about to happen that requires distracting the attention of the entire world?"

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by rdx

I am sorry but I think that your perspective is extraordinarily nieve.

A fundamental difference between the muslims and the jews is when the jewish population migrated here in their droves from around the turn of the 20th century, \ they sought to assimulate into British society.

have appear to have no wish whatsovever to assimulate.

What I find most ironic, that in the science fiction series Stargate SG1- there is an evil alien race who would subjegate the peoples of the earth called the 'ori'. The parallels with the muslims are so clear for all to see. Is this a covert warning?

Thank goodness we have an immense supply of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems.

I find your post EXTREMELY uninformed to the point of utter ridiculousness

Check your facts a llttle closer and I,d be more than happy to address them BUT..
You have GOT to lay off the Star Trek Dude ....''ASSIMILATE''

The Borg would disown you

[edit on 11-8-2006 by AGENT_T]

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 07:24 AM
This thread is the biggest joke i have ever seen in my life. The thing is i knew (along with many others) that quality threads were disappearing, but this takes the biscuit.

To the O/P, how dare you say the UK is compromised? The UK is the only real Allie your country has. We are not terror supporters or whatever you want to call us, just because we don't deem all Muslims terrorists. Why don't you tell us your true agenda instead of beating round the bush? Do you want all Muslims dead? or just locked up for life?

Neo-Nazi's like you make me sick, the quicker the world is rid of people like you the far safer it will be. As far as I'm concerned your more dangerous.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by rdx
I am sorry but I think that your perspective is extraordinarily nieve. Neither the christians or the jews in the UK are intent on violently and without mercy, foisting their religious beliefs on other people. A fundamental difference between the muslims and the jews is when the jewish population migrated here in their droves from around the turn of the 20th century, by and large, they very quickly became anglisised - they sought to assimulate into British society. While, of course there will always be an 'orthodoxy' in terms of religions, generally speaking, IMHO there just isn't the fanatasism with the jews that we see expressed with the muslims. The muslims have appear to have no wish whatsovever to assimulate.

What I find most ironic, that in the science fiction series Stargate SG1- there is an evil alien race who would subjegate the peoples of the earth called the 'ori'. The parallels with the muslims are so clear for all to see. Is this a covert warning?

Finally, I would indeed love to live a peaceful and harmonious existance. Sadly, this is just not possible. There will always be those like that 'nice' (sic) Mr Hitler and their followers whom have other ideas.

Thank goodness we have an immense supply of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems.

my god, man how can you be so wrong?
the army of god for example, is a christian organization (terrorist organization) that bombs abortion clinics

various jewish terrorist groups exist

and as for Stargate SG1 (my favorite tv show) and the Ori, i have to ask, do you even watch the show???
*The Ori are ascended beings in a different galaxy, they sent their priors and warriors on a crusade to cleanse our galaxy of non believers and to show them the path of the Ori
*the priors are made to look like old Catholic priests and walk with shepard canes
*Vala "immaculately conceived" a child who rapidly grew into the leader of the Ori, and also contained all the knowledge of the Ori, and was essencially the Ori's way of cheating the rules of ascention

clearly the Ori are modeled in the time of the dark ages after the roman catholic church
did you see the first few episodes of season 9?
daniel and vala use o'niell's (and his barber's) ancient communication device in conjunction with an ancient device found in arthur's treasure vault
using the device causes their minds to jump to the ori galaxy where they inhabit the bodies of 2 people who had also used the device and they find themselves in what appears to be a typical village you would expect to see in the dark ages, with some twists is an excelent source of information for stargate fans

whos perspective is extraordinarily nieve again?
please realize what you are talking about before you talk next time.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by picklewalsh
This thread is the biggest joke i have ever seen in my life. The thing is i knew (along with many others) that quality threads were disappearing, but this takes the biscuit.

To the O/P, how dare you say the UK is compromised? The UK is the only real Allie your country has. We are not terror supporters or whatever you want to call us, just because we don't deem all Muslims terrorists. Why don't you tell us your true agenda instead of beating round the bush? Do you want all Muslims dead? or just locked up for life?

Neo-Nazi's like you make me sick, the quicker the world is rid of people like you the far safer it will be. As far as I'm concerned your more dangerous.

congrats, you found the real threat to security, american idiots who will believe anything their government says!
i'm american but i haven't trusted my government since i was 15 and saw how much $ they took out of my first paycheck
it's been a long time since then...

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 07:39 AM
the Redcoats are at it again! wheres Paul Revere? remember, the shot heard round the world was the the start of the revolution, and the minute men were ready on the move.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 08:25 AM
We become enemies of our self (self-destructive) and enemies to the others when we dont love our neighbor, our fellow citizen apart from any Countries, Religions and Nationalities, Just simple as that.

Now for the Terror Thriller: We all know that its a setting up theatre of the big fishes of the industries of the free world. But as the bible says : u will harvest what u have seeded. The prosecutor one day will become the accused, the killer will be, in his next reincarnation, the victim, on another earth for another time. And thats only because they didnt open the bible or repeated reading it and they only worshiped idols which means literally money $$$. We are sorry for those people that distort our peace and prosperity of all our people in USA and Europe good less good, bad or less bad. We are all brothers. We need a change and this will only come from the Aliens, GOD bless them.

Its the reincarnation of L.Ron Hubbard who is talking, thank you all for listening

And as my good Paul Richard (aka ET Krill's Voice) will say: Namaste, in service to the Light

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
the true UK citizens (the english, scots and welsh) of course we are friends....

And the Northern Irish.

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
but this new group of immigrants in England im not sure about.

New group? Muslims have been coming into Europe since before the 1200's.

Just because you know nothing of British Politics, Police and our History doesn't mean you can go around to alter it.

Fruthermore, the reason we accept Muslims is for the simple reason: Innocent till proven guilty. I know it is a concept, that seems to no longer exist in the United State's with things such as Gitmo. However, over here our Judges make sure that EVIDENCE is needed to convict someone.

At least that way, when INNOCENT PEOPLE are arrested they don't get locked up. Furthermore, we try to stop idiotic profiling by the Police. We have a history of being under terrorist attack and know blaming every Irish person didn't work then and so blaming every Muslim NOW won't help the issue at all.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 09:30 AM
Im just going to close this thread,

I think we all have made our points, and i dont think this thread really can go anywhere other than a flame fest of insults and biteing,

So please u2u me if you have a problem with this and ill be happy to assist,


posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 09:47 PM
That's Politics For You

With asala's permission, I have whisked this thread away to PTS and reopened it.

As long as we honor the Terms And Conditions Of Use, I want PTS to be a welcome home for topics that may not go over so well on ATS.

I believe it is possible for good people to disagree on anything, and to discuss those differences rationally, as long as we maintain an environment of mutual respect and courtesy.

On PTS, I want to put this to the test.

So please, be candid about the issues -- and be nice.

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 08:35 AM
thread should have stayed closed, it is really one of the dumbest things i´ve read on ats. and i´ve read a lot of dumb things here.

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