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corrupt a wish game

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posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 03:31 PM
Flash! You now have a working Xbox 360 with all the neccessary peripherals and games. Unfortunately, you become so addicted to using it that you forget to eat, sleep or excrete. You die clutching the controller.

I wish I could read books as quickly as I can turn the pages.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 05:59 PM
You've got the X-Box 360, but the problem is ..............

It Sux!!!!!!!

I wish for a delicious meal......

And an extra pancake.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 06:04 PM

Isaac you now read as fast as you turn pages. However while actually turning a page you get a paper cut which slices an artery. The rest tells itself.

Rasobasi, you get your meal, and pancake.........which sticks in your throat and causes you to choke to death.

i wish I didn't have to corrupt two wishes!

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 06:07 PM
Jackofblades, now rather than only two wishes, you must corrupt all wishes. You now are a dirty, smelly, funky, genie!!!

I wish my eeyes didn't wander in random directions.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:57 PM
My first act as genie is to grant your wish.

Your eyes are no longer random. You know exactly where they will go. When talking to women they will focus on breasts, and when talking to men, the general crotch area.

I wish i was no longer a genie.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 08:41 PM

I wish my armpit hair wasn't 8 inches long.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 10:25 PM

its all about the yes

who likes to Vote YES or NO

how bout everyone

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 06:29 AM
Seeing as the thread has somewhat deviated.....

Your armpit hair is no longer eight inches long, however another form of body hair, situated lower down and between your legs is now as long as both of your legs put together.

I wish I had gotten more than four hours sleep last night.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 06:59 AM
Granted, but now you are in a coma that you can't wake up from.

I wish my company recognized VJ Day, like every other company in the state.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:30 AM
"HAPPY VJ DAY" your boss cries as you enter walk. "We now acknowledge this joyous occasion. To make up for it we docked your wages, took away all other holidays, sick leave and maternity leave. We also modified all of your contracts so you now are officially owned by us.

But that doesn't matter. HAPPY VJ DAY!"

I wish I knew what VJ day was.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:32 AM
Bang! The genie grants you wish to know the meaning of VJ Day by giving you the link below:

Unfortunately, after reading that webpage you forget everything else you've read...

I wish the current question on Alltheufoanswers was as easy...

[edit on 14-8-2006 by IsaacKoi]


posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 11:19 AM
BOOM The question is now easy, but the answer is ridiculously complicated.

I wish I could have heaps of buttermilk pancakes.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 11:39 AM
10 tons of pancakes fall from the sky and crush you to doughy, buttery death.

I wish I had a light saber.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:23 PM
Okay, but now, here's you

I wish I no longer had to think up wishes.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 01:33 PM
COngratulations! Now you no longer have to all.

I wish I had a penthouse in New York

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 02:11 AM
*Poof - you have a Penthouse in NY, unfortunately it's just a crappy high-gloss spank mag bursting with airbrushed nitwits.

I wish my bed wasn't a lumpy, uncomfortable piece of

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
*Poof - you have a Penthouse in NY, unfortunately it's just a crappy high-gloss spank mag bursting with airbrushed nitwits.

I wish my bed wasn't a lumpy, uncomfortable piece of

poof you just got a new memory foam bed. feels great until you realize you are permanently stuck in one position all night.

I wish I could get the current answer on the game

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by l0rds0fcha0s
I wish I could get the current answer on the game

Ta-da... You know the current answer to ... But as you slap your forehead because it was so obvious, you damage the part of your brain that's used for short-term memory... So every time you figure out the current answer again, you forget it within 5 seconds... So sorry...

I wish I could live on a tropical island, and make a simple living making cocktails.

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 07:49 AM

Welcome to Haiti, the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, and quite possibly the whole world.

Your job here at our aids clinic will be to help us prepare the "AIDS cocktails" for our patients. But since we cannot afford any of the meds needed, and the international donations have all been seized by local politicians, we have to make do with alternative remedies. Here, I'll show you how to mix the flour and water together. The trick is propitiating the loa spirits before they smell your soul. . . .

I wish we could tweak this thread, to bring the creativity up a notch . . .


posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 07:58 AM
BAM This thread is now creative. Unfortunately as this happens an elf materialises in the room with you, proclaims you his saviour and takes you back to a land of magic, wonder and all that jazz. You are forced to fight a powerful evil enemy over a ring and end up an arrow riddled corpse.

I wish ATS gave its members a code deciphering ring like you could get form spy magazines.

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