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Reuters admits photo manipulated.

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posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:49 PM
Oops. This was on Reuters, too:
Lebanon says Israeli air raid kills 40

But now:

The Lebanese prime minister says only one person died in an Israeli air raid on the southern village of Houla, lowering the death toll from 40.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Associated Press/Brietbart

Holy cow! How could it have happened?!

[edit on 8/7/2006 by hogtie]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:03 PM
Mdv2 you seem to automatically look pass the evils of hezbollah because of your bais slant against isreal. Its just the way your posts come out.

why not be more objective?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:07 PM
I think that breitbart article is a lie. I doubt very much that the death of 40 people was even announced. More Israeli psyops to lessen the load of their collective conscience and their image.

Its a lot like their bogus Flyer and Phone call operation which has a dual purpose. Dropping fliers that warn and then right after dropping propaganda flyers, calling people on Cellphones and then calling later to send messages about Hizbollah. Defeats the purpose of the humanitarian end of it.

People will not even bother after a while.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
I think that breitbart article is a lie.

I never imagined that you would have thought otherwise. The AP didn't just get busted for bogus photos, so they must be the big fat fibbers.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
I think that breitbart article is a lie. I doubt very much that the death of 40 people was even announced.

And why, pray tell, do you think it is a lie? I quoted CNN's article about it (the one quoting Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, you know, this one) and Siniora hasn't come out saying he never said that. CNN's kinda popular, and people may have said something if they had a blatantly false quote...You know, like what has happened over these fake photos.

What, again, is your logical reasoning for this article being false?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:14 PM
Cooperating With The Staff

I want to remind members that the Terms And Conditions Of Use apply to all discussions on PTS as well.


1a) Offensive Content: You will not post links to images or use avatars and signatures that are offensive, abusive, distruptive and/or hateful. You will not use images, avatars or link to domains that contain gore, mutilation,pornography or illegal content.

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However, all members who disagree with any staff action are welcome to submit a Complaint which will be reviewed by the senior staff.

If the complaint has merit, appropriate steps will be taken to make things right.

In War, The First Casualty Is The Truth

While who is right or wrong in the case of this war is subject to debate, the fact that a Reuters photographer doctored photographs is not.

The evidence has been presented, and Reuters has openly acknowledged that it has published fraudulent photographs.

What this proves is what I think should be obvious by now: that not all the information coming from Lebanon is true.

As in all cases where deliberate deception has been exposed, I recommend that members maintain a healthy skepticism about the veracity of all information coming from Lebanon.

But that's just a recommendation, of course, and members are free to believe lies if they want to.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
I think that breitbart article is a lie.

Now you're getting off topic, but just to keep you happy here's the same story from CNN. Every article that puts Hezbollah and Lebanon in a bad light is not Israeli dis-info. It's more than likely true. (Unless it's a Reuters photograph

Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said Monday that one person was killed in an Israeli airstrike on the southern village of Houla, not 40 as he had earlier reported.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:36 PM
Dodging The Propaganda Bullet

Originally posted by dbates
Every article that puts Hezbollah and Lebanon in a bad light is not Israeli dis-info. It's more than likely true.

Skeptic that I am, I seriously doubt that every bad thing said about Hezbollah is any more true than doctored photographs.

All sides of this war use propaganda as a tool of warfare, and knowing this to be the case, there's no way I'm going to take anything coming out of Lebanon (or Israel) at face value.

We see enough of this sort of thing here in the U.S.

Propaganda imported from overseas is still propaganda.

P.S. It occurs to me that I'm sometimes lax about separating my official pronouncements from my opinions. In my previous post, the first part (Cooperating With The Staff) is official, but the second part (In War, The First Casualty Is The Truth) is just my opinion.

PTS, like ATS, has no official opinions on any story, and I apologize if I have mistakenly given anyone the wrong impression about that.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:36 PM
The issue of propaganda is no new, over and over here in ATS we have been warning and talking about the same issue not only coming from Lebanon or Israel but also from our own government.

Why is propaganda so good? How propaganda influences the minds and opinions of the populations that is targeting, that is the question we should be answering.

We all knew about the propaganda and we all knew that is wrong when we can not even make a good account of the realities of the situation in the Middle East.

Will fixing some photos change opinions of what is going in Lebanon? Yes it gives more ammunition for the supporters of the conflict and Israel.

Yes more propaganda is generated from the unveiling of another propaganda.

Now Israel supporters can justified and exploit what the meaning of finding out that the photos were enhanced and tampered with.

But we should take our times and understand that one issue is exploited so other issues can be brought forward in an effort to yes once again manipulate public opinion.

Should we forget that people in Lebanon are dying in greater numbers than in Israel? Just because somebody lie about photos?

That is the desirable outcome of this new propaganda.

In a world in which public opinion is as valuable as gold, when it can make or brake careers or nations, it is becoming a very powerful tool for unscrupulous groups.

[edit on 7-8-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Astronomer70
makeitso you bring up a very important point concerning the current (and growing) influence of so-called blog sites--and I include ATS in that category. For essentially the first time in about 60 years media audiences are again exerting meaningful influence over the media and it is all due to the Internet/WWW.

I know! Ain't it great?
There are fewer and fewer places for lies to hide now, all thanks to the net and the bloggers.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Mdv2
To keep the US economy running Iran needs to be prevented from opening its Oil Bourse, which it is going to open at the end of September. It’s so damn crucial for the US economy, but most people have a lack of knowledge to understand its threat, or they still think the US economy is superior and cannot be harmed in anyway while it actually is the US Achilles heel, and thus the crucial point enemies can hit it the best. Wake up, it's about whether you'll be able to buy a bread tomorrow. I have written several threads on, founded on trustworthy sources. Articles and essays mostly coming from people within the US government, not just from some US bashers.

You are quite right about the Iranian Bourse. I was following the issue last winter, and the last I heard was that it was supposed to open in the spring time. Well, spring came and went, no bourse, and it dropped off my radar.

It has major implications, should it become a reality. But we hear so very little about it - maybe the MSM doesn't want to incite financial panic?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 06:25 PM
I don't see the fake photos as much of a surprise. The media reports only what it wants to, or what fits their agenda.

They have been doing that to Bush for years.

Who really trusts the mainstream media these days anyway?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Originally posted by Mdv2
To keep the US economy running Iran needs to be prevented from opening its Oil Bourse, which it is going to open at the end of September. It’s so damn crucial for the US economy, but most people have a lack of knowledge to understand its threat, or they still think the US economy is superior and cannot be harmed in anyway while it actually is the US Achilles heel, and thus the crucial point enemies can hit it the best. Wake up, it's about whether you'll be able to buy a bread tomorrow. I have written several threads on, founded on trustworthy sources. Articles and essays mostly coming from people within the US government, not just from some US bashers.

You are quite right about the Iranian Bourse. I was following the issue last winter, and the last I heard was that it was supposed to open in the spring time. Well, spring came and went, no bourse, and it dropped off my radar.

It has major implications, should it become a reality. But we hear so very little about it - maybe the MSM doesn't want to incite financial panic?

I just found this article on the Iran Oil Bourse which argues against it being a danger to the U.S. Economy. Interesting read if you want to get a different perspective on the story. The site itself should be a bit of fun to explore. I'm not vouching for it's credibility, but the subject is thought-provoking.

No, the Iran Oil Bourse is not a casus belli…

A number of writings have recently appeared with the thesis that the announced plans of the Teheran government to institute a Teheran Oil Bourse, perhaps as early as this month, is the real hidden reason behind the evident march to war on Iran from the Anglo-American powers. The thesis is in our opinion mistaken for many reasons, not the least, that war on Iran has been in planning since the 1990’s, as an integral part of the US Greater Middle East strategy.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 09:34 PM

I got more for you, since 9/11 US has been arming Israel for possible conflicts following up after the Iraq invasion.

The goal to make the middle east so unstable that theocratic radical rule nations would crumble specially one as Iran that like Iraq holds vast amounts of oil.

The end result . . . no only a more agreeable and safer middle east for Israel but also a good strong hold by the US of the oil in the area.

Killing two birds in one shot.

Now the amusing part of the whole deal is how the propaganda has been played to gain the US approval within the population in supporting Israel.

Now we are able to see how the plan has been unraveling.

Looks like it was not as easier as planned but nerveless is going on schedule.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 09:40 PM
its about as wrong as you can get. they should be forced to work for minimum wage at fast food resuraunts for the rest of their life.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 10:29 PM

It's not quite as innocent as you make it out to be. It's a lot more serious than that. Israel has been accused of intentionally killing civilians. World opinion, which was initially supportive of Israel, is now turning against them. Incidents like this only serve to erode what little support they have left. This could have long-term implications in the peace negotiations.

Plus, this same phony was responsible for some fishy photos coming out of Qana.

It's more than a "Big deal, so what, who cares?" issue.

I know there is a lot more photo's of Isreal's bombings of Lebanon and the results of such, but this, to me, is like Al-Quada or Al Jazeera infiltrating the news we hear.

This is something that doesn't sit right with me.

How many more things have we heard from Afghanistan or Iraq that may have been tainted?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 10:50 PM
Keyhole I wish I had ironclad facts and figures for you, but I don't. I suspect though that a lot of both slanted/biased material as well as bogus material has been pouring out of both places since day one.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
wow so I guess this means theres no war an no one has died. The Children are safe. Whew. I was scared there for a minute I gotta admit. This guy faked everything.

The bombs weren't actually being dropped because the smoke and flares were added, the buildings are still there because the smoke was made blacker and those destroyed building that lady was in front of are still standing because they used the lady 2x for different photos (Even though it could just be they followed her around for her reactions on different streets)

Oh! how surprising...justification of systematic lies people of your particular Ideology.

yet you have the NERVE to suggest 9/11 was an "Inside" job!!!!

:SHK: I guess "white" little lies never hurt huh?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:17 PM
And the plot thickens, this time adding 5 more photos that appear to have been staged by Hajj. As the article points out, isn't it interesting that the photo editors at Reuters didn't care that two different pictures of two different bridges had the same name? Interesting, too, that they didn't notice that the same players were given different titles depending on the photo.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan

Oh! how surprising...justification of systematic lies people of your particular Ideology.

yet you have the NERVE to suggest 9/11 was an "Inside" job!!!!

:SHK: I guess "white" little lies never hurt huh?

First of all let me say I've never even seen the photos that were doctored so to me it doesn't matter what he did. I was judging from what I read not from just pictures I saw. I never saw that bombing picture or the one with the lady or the smoke picture. I did see the Qana pictures and I did see the ones with the same rescue guy, which means nothing since there are only a handful of rescue people and we are not talking about huge distances between targets, this guy was probably present at quite a few disaster areas that were only a few Km apart or maybe even blocks apart, so that line of thinking is foolish. Only a handful of rescue workers even stuck around, the rest fled and didnt go to work.

If the guy was taking a gun and shooting people in the head just to take a picture I could understand, however he didn't. They were actual dead people that Israelis killed, actual buildings that were in the background and actual ambulances that were targetted with Missiles. He could have used 10 bodies 2x and it still doesn't take away from the fact in black and white and in reality, those children died, those buildings were bombed to hell and the ambulance was blown to smithereens...without having to see pictures of it.

I guess in Vietnam one of the most famous pictures was of that naked Vietnamese girl running down the street in terror and yet instead of taking the picture he could have went to her and threw a blanket around her instead of getting the shot. That picture was a Time magazine cover shot and is still to this day a shocking photo of war.

What about the WWII prisoners that were rescued from the Death Camps? They just all got together for a shot by themselves or were they hand picked and put together for a shot? Maybe they chose the most decimated looking people for the shots?

Some people think that this excuses them from what they have done. A photographer touching up his photos does not take away from the fact that almost a 1000 people are dead.

I don't see where a government cover-up would be the same as a photographer touching up his pictures would be. One is paid to take photos that will get peoples attention and the other is a paid civil worker that is supposed to work for and represent the public and not hide facts from the people they are supposed to serve.

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