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Reuters admits photo manipulated.

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posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Mdv2
In this specific case, just an ordinary journalist manipulated a few pictures to make it look worse. Whether the pictures are manipulated or not, it's wrong, but it's not a big deal.

It's evidence

To prove what? There's enough evidence of Israel's brutal crimes.

Why shouldn't we just call it a tragic accident like Israel time after time does?

It's not quite as innocent as you make it out to be. It's a lot more serious than that. Israel has been accused of intentionally killing civilians. World opinion, which was initially supportive of Israel, is now turning against them. Incidents like this only serve to erode what little support they have left. This could have long-term implications in the peace negotiations.

Plus, this same phony was responsible for some fishy photos coming out of Qana.

It's more than a "Big deal, so what, who cares?" issue.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 01:57 PM
makeitso you bring up a very important point concerning the current (and growing) influence of so-called blog sites--and I include ATS in that category. For essentially the first time in about 60 years media audiences are again exerting meaningful influence over the media and it is all due to the Internet/WWW.


posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Mdv2
Some of you doesn't seem to understand it. Israel is part of America's strategy to defend itself now an in the future. Sometimes the best defense is an offensive strategy, Israel is part of this strategy. As soon as this or another war escalates Israel will be used as a long term strategical basis.

The US gives israel 3+ billion dollars in military aide per year. Israel uses some of that aide for weapons to blow up a palestian electricity plant which puts the US on the hook to pay 46 million dollars to rebuild the palestian plant. US taxpayers are footing the bill for the destruction, the occupation and the rebuilding of iraq. I can hardly wait to hear how much more that the US tax payer will be paying to rebuild lebanon.

Explain how this so called strategy is good for americans. It strikes me more as long term stupidity rather than a long term strategy.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by df1

The US gives israel 3+ billion dollars in military aide per year. Israel uses some of that aide for weapons to blow up a palestian electricity plant which puts the US on the hook to pay 46 million dollars to rebuild the palestian plant. US taxpayers are footing the bill for the destruction, the occupation and the rebuilding of iraq. I can hardly wait to hear how much more that the US tax payer will be paying to rebuild lebanon.

Explain how this so called strategy is good for americans. It strikes me more as long term stupidity rather than a long term strategy.

When examined from the perspective you have presented it df1 there is not much of value in foreign aid. However, if you look at the new schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, canals, etc. that foreign aid permits--and that really is the bulk of where such aid goes--then it appears to be a good and nobel thing. Now if we only had responsible executors of such aid that could distinguish the good from the bad.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:23 PM
Well I'm glad the photos were pulled and the guy was exposed.

It doesn't change the fact that Israel is killing plenty of civilians in Lebanon however.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
It's not quite as innocent as you make it out to be. It's a lot more serious than that. Israel has been accused of intentionally killing civilians. World opinion, which was initially supportive of Israel, is now turning against them. Incidents like this only serve to erode what little support they have left. This could have long-term implications in the peace negotiations.

Generally, the world opinion hasn’t been effected or influenced by some pictures of one single journalist. Plear bear in mind this particular journalist wasn’t the only journalist reporting in town [Qana].

To be honest, the two pictures we’ve seen aren’t that extremely manipulated. Of course we cannot judge the other pictures he made and possibly manipulated. The two examples are in my humble opinion quite harmless.

In addition, the countries that initially supported Israel didn’t base their position towards Israel solely on those pictures. The fact Israel [deliberately?] attacked an UN outpost, and Qana V.2 were two issues, in combination with its disproportional use of aggression, that made Israel loses the little support it once had. The issue itself was crucial for both leaders and the world opinion in general to say: ‘’Stop, we don’t want this any longer’’, not some stupid manipulated pictures of one single person.

Originally posted by df1
Explain how this so called strategy is good for americans. It strikes me more as long term stupidity rather than a long term strategy.

To keep the US economy running Iran needs to be prevented from opening its Oil Bourse, which it is going to open at the end of September. It’s so damn crucial for the US economy, but most people have a lack of knowledge to understand its threat, or they still think the US economy is superior and cannot be harmed in anyway while it actually is the US Achilles heel, and thus the crucial point enemies can hit it the best. Wake up, it's about whether you'll be able to buy a bread tomorrow. I have written several threads on, founded on trustworthy sources. Articles and essays mostly coming from people within the US government, not just from some US bashers.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Mdv2
We, especially conspiracy theorists, are eager to find out the truth. In this specific case, just an ordinary journalist manipulated a few pictures to make it look worse. Whether the pictures are manipulated or not, it's wrong, but it's not a big deal.

...there is more than one issue and event…the staged “Dura Affair”, “Jennin” (along with the faked martyr funerals), the AP stringer Hussein’s staged photo’s in Iraq, “Houla Massacre”, “Kana II”…to name a few…now the Hajj photo’s. All, each and every one are meant for sympathetic mass consumption…and it works!

This particular type of ‘junk’ gets plastered (often on the front page) as fact first, with-out question and when later revealed as a hoax, staged event or pure propaganda etc…it is simply passed off as an ‘anomaly’….especially worse is that this continues to be passed-off even when provided proof time and time again.

This is it part of a broader campaign…a campaign of disinformation, bias, manipulation, fabrication…by sympathizers creating, conspiring and disseminating disinformation for the all too eager sympathizers waiting for a morsel, any morsel at which to point toward the US and/or Israel as ‘evil’...ergo, the 9/11-Pentagon-Kennedy statement is even more relevant and can not be passed over so easily…


posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Mdv2
Israel has been accused of intentionally killing civilians.
Israel [deliberately?] attacked an UN outpost

Even in a thread about Reuters faked photos, Israel gets slammed and turned into the subject. Good call! Never miss an opportunity to poke, prod, or belittle Israel. They probably own Reuters or paid the photographer to manipulate these photos.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:42 PM
Yes, all Israel's Arab casualties are staged.

Israel has magical bombs, and when you drop them in a middle of a crowded city, nobody dies except "terrorists"

This guy was caught doctoring a photo.
To extrapolate that into a blanket claim that all the casualties in Lebanon are being faked/staged is beyond absurd.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:45 PM
So, if those photos were faked, what about the videos of the field day shuttle runs carrying clean, unbloodied people to an ambulance over, and over, and over, prior to the heavy bombing. No blood. No dust. Nothing. Does this not also shed some light on those antics as well? I won't hold my breath, though.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:46 PM
While I cannot disagree with the general theme of your argument missed_gear, I think in fairness it should be pointed out that those on the other end of the stick are just as guilty of manipulating the media. It is now accepted policy around the globe to manipulate the media for the futherance of one's agenda/policy(ies). The media left themselves more open to such attempts as they drifted away from pure journalism and into editorializing. Not to mention that it's a damned sight easier to edit pictures and such than it was just a few years ago.

[edit on 7-8-2006 by Astronomer70]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by xmotex
It doesn't change the fact that Israel is killing plenty of civilians in Lebanon however.

Yeah, they should start fighting in a more noble manner, like Hezbullah is.

How dare Israel attack its coward enemies who like to hide in civilian populations! They should just take rocket attacks directed at their civilians by their enemies, say thank you, and ask for more!

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Captain Obvious

Even in a thread about Reuters faked photos, Israel gets slammed and turned into the subject. Good call! Never miss an opportunity to poke, prod, or belittle Israel. They probably own Reuters or paid the photographer to manipulate these photos.

Pretty obvious huh? This thread is all about the the Israel - Lebanon conflict. For some people reality is (too) hard to handle. Learn to deal with reality.

Watch on your own responsibility WARNING EXPLICIT IMAGES:
[Mod Edit: link removed]

I guess your answer will be that those pictures are also photoshopped, ey? Or Rather it has been faked by Hezbollah

[edit on 7-8-2006 by Mdv2]

[edit on 8/7/06/07 by junglejake]

[edit on 8/7/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:03 PM
Way to dodge the bullet, MDV2, post sensationalistic pictures as proof that Israel's the ultimate evil in the universe and Lebanon and Hezbullah the innocent victims in this conflict.

Now, speaking as a mod, do not post links like that without some sort of disclaimer letting people know there are explicit images there.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:07 PM

They should just take rocket attacks directed at their civilians by their enemies, say thank you, and ask for more!

This flareup was not launched in response to rocket attacks, the heavy rocket bombardment only started after Israel started bombing Lebanon, remember?

As for the event that actually triggered the current confrontation with Hezbollah, it was the attack on an IDF patrol and capture of two Israeli soldiers. But claims that this raid was entirely unprovoked are kind of ridiculous, the Israelis had been sending patrols across the blue line into Lebanon on a daily basis since their "withdrawal" in 2000 according to UNIFIL (nop wonder they got bombed). They've also been using the Lebanese for a little cross-border target practice, for instance Israeli snipers killed a 15 year old shephard this February.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by curme
It just goes to prove you can't trust anyone in the media these days, from whatever side you are on.

I've pretty much given up on watching the news. It's all just entertainment anymore. Nobody provides unbiased opinions, because it doesn't have "drama." Unbiased reporting generally makes both sides look stupid, and that is not good for the war business.

Mainstream news coverage has bludgeoned me into being apathetic. Admittedly, I was 3/4 of the way there to begin with, but they didn't do anything to stop me.

Oh, fighting and killing and dying is just so boring. And for what? So you can be proud of your country or religion or ethnic heritage? Who freekin cares! In these days of global conglomerates, a "country" is only a designation given a place where you can get labor at an established rate.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Way to dodge the bullet, MDV2, post sensationalistic pictures as proof that Israel's the ultimate evil in the universe and Lebanon and Hezbullah the innocent victims in this conflict.

Now, speaking as a mod, do not post links like that without some sort of disclaimer letting people know there are explicit images there.

I did not have any ''sensationalistic'' intentions at all. It's already shameful enough that a a so-called civilized state commits such crimes. The fact that some people think they can use this scandal to suggest that the Israeli attacks on innocent civilians are in reality less worse than the pictures show, made me post some real evidence.

[edit on 7-8-2006 by Mdv2]


posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Astronomer70
if you look at the new schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, canals, etc. that foreign aid permits...

It would be a noble cause to construct new schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, canals, etc for the benefit of americans rather than for the benefit of foreign countries. Perhaps if these other countries would stop blowing up each others infrastructure then it would not need rebuilding so frequently. As it stands, what do these countries care? America will pay to rebuild it.

Take away US foreign aide and the citizens of these countries will be forced to make difficult choices on the guns versus butter issues. As it stands now, they will opt for the rockets with no financial penalties, secure in the knowledge that america will pay for those other things. This creates less incentive for the conflicting parties to arrive at a peaceful resolution.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:38 PM
Holy Photo'chop' Batman!!!

As a Photoshop user, I can tell you that those are some of the WORST Photo'chops' I have ever seen.
I can't believe some of those passed, and were posted! I can do better with my eyes closed (not really, but you get the point.
) Doesn't it seem a bit odd that the smoke looks quintupled?? Since when has smoke formed in exactly the same way twice, or as much as five times?! Check out the rockets, they're exactly one and the same. He used the clone tool, and didn't bother taking out a piece of the jet he accidentally cloned right below. This has got to be a joke on the part of the guy who manipulated these images. He must have been laughing to his friends; "there's no way they'll leave these up". I'd love to see the other 900 he had posted. If they're as bad as the two I've seen, I weep for those in charge of Reuters.

Anyway,.... Magazines such as National Geographics has been manipulating photos for years. They may not make a political difference, but they've been known to photoshop animals in and out of pictures, manipulate landscapes by ridding the scenery of some brush, tree, mountain,....etc. etc. just to make them look "better". Who's to say I want to look at pretty pictures instead of "reality"?? In fact I recall seeing a film in class showing a nature photographer taking pictures of what was supposed to be a Polar bear. This thing was,..literally,.. a guy in a suit. Looked very real, but was definitely fake. Reason given? Too dangerous to get that close to Polar Bears in the wild. I'm not saying there are no nature photographers willing to photograph real Polar Bears, I'm just giving an example of one guy here. Nothing new. I'm 99% sure (my opinion) that there are thousands of manipulated political photos floating around in the world, and you certainly wouldn't be able to tell the difference looking at them.
Someone mentioned "Wag the Dog" earlier. Great movie.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:42 PM
Well, add Reuters to:

Daily Mirror:



Pretty soon, the only unbiased news source the pro-Hez folks will have is Aljazeera.

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