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The "Call them terrorists" Fad.

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posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 05:42 PM
The US has been blatantly labelling pretty much anything it doesnt agree with, or anyone who doesnt agree with them, a terrorist.

I have a question, I was thinking about it, and I couldn't name one person...

Since the beginning of this "war on terrorism" has there ever been one muslim who stood up to the US (physically), who HASNT been labelled a terrorist?

[edit on 2-8-2006 by johnsky]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 05:51 PM
I agree. I am soooo sick and tired of every time someone stands up for a different point of view they are labelled a terrorist. Gosh we're probably gonna be called terrorists for saying our points of view on this site.
If the meaning of terrorist is to insite terror in another, you could realistically say that my boss at work is a terrorist (she scares the # outta me some days:duh


posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 05:53 PM
It's even more ironic when considering the United States stance it had with regards to the IRA. During its hayday the IRA was receiving financial aid from the Irish community in America. This was not stopped by the United States until President Clinton. Funny how that now America has been touched by terrorism everything is terrorism. They're even shutting down Cheyene Mountain because terrorism is the focus of the American military, not nuclear armed nation states such as Russia or China.

We're living in a complete replication of the MacCarthy era of the United States. But instead of Communists, and Communist sympathizers it's terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. The United States needs enemies, it's economy and political power hinges on the premise, has done since WW1.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 07:00 PM
With this being said, and pretty much any muslim the US does not like, is labelled a terrorist.
And the war on terrorism raging.

That would mean they are in fact waging a war on muslims, and merely calling them terrorists to cover their behinds, am I correct?

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 07:10 PM
Not just muslims, but it seems any US citizen with an "alternate" view as well now...

Now us enviromental activists up here in the pacific northwest are being labled as "terrorists" also, just because we are trying to take a hands on approach to saving our gem of nature...It makes me sick to my stomach.. Im a terrorist for sitting up in a tree, or for having a local produce co- op.. soon im afraid anyone in this country with an "alternate" view will be rounded up as a "terrorist".

[edit on 2-8-2006 by lucidvisions]

[edit on 2-8-2006 by lucidvisions]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 07:34 PM
Tribunal : "Are you, or have you ever been, a terrorist?!"

Me : "Technically no, but you keep calling me one."

I would probably be labelled a terrorist as I attended the peaceful Anti-Bush demonstration in Ottawa... you know, the one where we tore down his statue.

... what right did that prick have in erecting a statue of himself on our soil?!

Though... it was nicely timed. Placed there in perfect time for his visit to Ottawa so we could destroy it while he was here.

[edit on 2-8-2006 by johnsky]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by lucidvisions

Now us enviromental activists up here in the pacific northwest are being labled as "terrorists" also, just because we are trying to take a hands on approach to saving our gem of nature

of course it wouldnt have anything at all to do with said "environmentalists" burning parking lots full of suv's or anything like that, huh?

i, too, want to protect the environment, but not by terrorizing people just trying to make a living.

Main Entry: ter·ror·ism
Pronunciation: 'ter-&r-"i-z&m
Function: noun
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
- ter·ror·ist /-&r-ist/ adjective or noun
- ter·ror·is·tic /"ter-&r-'is-tik/ adjective


by the by.....exactly how much toxic gas is expelled into the air by a burning suv i wonder?

[edit on 2-8-2006 by snafu7700]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by lucidvisions

Now us enviromental activists up here in the pacific northwest are being labled as "terrorists" also, just because we are trying to take a hands on approach to saving our gem of nature...It makes me sick to my stomach.. Im a terrorist for sitting up in a tree, or for having a local produce co- op.. soon im afraid anyone in this country with an "alternate" view will be rounded up as a "terrorist".

[edit on 2-8-2006 by lucidvisions]

[edit on 2-8-2006 by lucidvisions]

You mean the envirowhackos that "spike" trees? Yes, I would classify them as terrorist

I think we have a little too much "terrorist" sympathy going on around here. That is what is making me sick.

[edit on 2-8-2006 by RRconservative]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 08:06 PM
Maybe it has to do with this. What a sad state.... we have turned into a mirror image of Israel. Everyone that doesn't agree gets labeled as a terrorist and whoever is targeted is obviously a terrorist or miliatia member. We are in for some trouble.

White House Proposal Would Expand Authority of Military Courts

By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 2, 2006; Page A04

A draft Bush administration plan for special military courts seeks to expand the reach and authority of such "commissions" to include trials, for the first time, of people who are not members of al-Qaeda or the Taliban and are not directly involved in acts of international terrorism, according to officials familiar with the proposal.

The plan, which would replace a military trial system ruled illegal by the Supreme Court in June, would also allow the secretary of defense to add crimes at will to those under the military court's jurisdiction. The two provisions would be likely to put more individuals than previously expected before military juries, officials and independent experts said


posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 08:26 PM
I don't think the environmentalist extremists qualify as terrorists, except for people whose ideological position is so extreme that anyone who disagrees qualifies as a "terrorist".

Terrorism is a tactic that involves the use of spectacular acts of violence to spread "terror" - IE make people fear their lives. What even the extreme radical environmentalists have done doesn't come close. So far I have not see even one documented fatality at the hands of so-called "eco-terrorists". Property damage is bad, it's certainly criminal and ought to be prosecuted, but doesn't IMHO make the cut as "terrorism".

On the other hand, extremist Christian terrorist groups like the Army of God have been behind fatal attacks, and typically target people, not property. So do neo-Nazi groups like the Aryan Nations. Of course, neither is a type of terrorism the right is particularly keen to draw attention to.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 09:23 PM
It is a scam man...
If every one can be a terrorist then anyone can be imprisoned with out a just trial.

Do you guys really believe the govenment is so dumb they think they can have a war on a crime?

War on drugs.
War on terrorisim.

War is a state of open, armed, often prolonged conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.
These are crimes. What next war on vandalisim?

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
Maybe it has to do with this. What a sad state.... we have turned into a mirror image of Israel. Everyone that doesn't agree gets labeled as a terrorist and whoever is targeted is obviously a terrorist or miliatia member. We are in for some trouble.

White House Proposal Would Expand Authority of Military Courts

By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 2, 2006; Page A04

A draft Bush administration plan for special military courts seeks to expand the reach and authority of such "commissions" to include trials, for the first time, of people who are not members of al-Qaeda or the Taliban and are not directly involved in acts of international terrorism, according to officials familiar with the proposal.

The plan, which would replace a military trial system ruled illegal by the Supreme Court in June, would also allow the secretary of defense to add crimes at will to those under the military court's jurisdiction. The two provisions would be likely to put more individuals than previously expected before military juries, officials and independent experts said


Wow this blew me away.

That is seriously messed up if its true.
Great find, here is another extract from the article.

To secure a death penalty under the draft legislation, at least five jurors must agree, two fewer than under the administration's earlier plan. Courts-martial and federal civilian trials require that 12 jurors agree.

I use to believe the whole police state thing was just exaggeration for along time, untill i saw this article. I know it doesnt directly saw 'we are now a police state' but the fact that the military court is going to be expanded to judge people who are not directly involed in international terroism i think clearly depicts that they want to start trying other 'home terroists' as im sure they will call them, to trial under the military court. As people have stated befor, being called a eco-terroist for sitting in a tree could get your tried in a military court.

Btw you get a WATS from me pieman, never been so suddenly shocked by a article.

[edit on 093131p://upWednesday by wang]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by johnsky

Since the beginning of this "war on terrorism" has there ever been one muslim who stood up to the US (physically), who HASNT been labelled a terrorist?

pretty much the entire iraqi army.

personally, i'm more worried about the "support the terrorists" fad. do you have any idea how many threads and how many posts are supporting organizations that intentionally attack civilians? seems like the real fad is to support anybody anti-american regardless of what they stand for.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 06:25 AM

do you have any idea how many threads and how many posts are supporting organizations that intentionally attack civilians?

You mean the IDF?

Cause they've certainly blown up more civilians than Hezbollah has.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by snafu7700
do you have any idea how many threads and how many posts are supporting organizations that intentionally attack civilians? seems like the real fad is to support anybody anti-american regardless of what they stand for.

I'd rather define it differently.

If you don't fit in the Bush ideology most Americans have been indoctrinated you are being labeled either a terrorist or an Anti American.

Furthermore, Bush is the creator of the misery and the anti American feelings many people have these days. If anyone dares to criticize the great US of A or its foreign policy you are immediately labeled as an Anti American or in my case, a stupid Euro.

Before Bush became president much more people respected and admired the USA for its democracy, its way of dealing with conflicts as a super power is ought to do. Nowadays, it's more like ''I [US] don't care what you think, we're gonna do it like we want, if you disagree, fine, but then you die''. Foreigners lost and are losing the respect they once had for the US, and I can tell you as foreigner, Bush and his supporting gang are the major contributors of this change.

But hey, the average indoctrinated American would say on my comment: ''I don't care what you think''

And no, I am not an anti American, I have many American friends living here in Europe as exchange students and they are great. It is the government ruining the US name.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by Mdv2]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 08:01 AM
It's not just you Europeans, plenty of us here in the US are sick of the lunatics running the asylum. But as you can see on this board, they do have their supporters. Even if they're a vocal minority, they have perfected the technique of shouting down & shaming the opposition - if you don't support them, you must be a "pro-terrorist traitor"... it's absurd, but short of shooting them, there's not much you can do, it's like dealing with the brownshirts of the SA. There's really no point trying to talk to them, though I still try.

As for elections... well as they say, it's not who you vote for that counts, but who counts the votes. With e-voting and Diebold machines becoming the norm, I don't expect my vote to count for much. Not that the Democrats are worth much either, but they're not quite as awful.

[edit on 8/3/06 by xmotex]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by xmotex

do you have any idea how many threads and how many posts are supporting organizations that intentionally attack civilians?

You mean the IDF?

Cause they've certainly blown up more civilians than Hezbollah has.

read it again.....intentionally target civilians. you know, like fire katusha rockets directly into the most populated civilian areas.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 10:43 AM
So we can't label terrorists even though they clearly stand for the destruction of Western Civilization? Just because you don't find it convenient or politically correct? So if we have it your way, the hijackers of 9/11 were just freedom-fighters, right? Pul-ease. I live in the USA and I have no issue with the way our government defines terrorists and I'm thankful for it.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 11:00 AM
I don't know snafu7700 to kill 477 civilians and kill what 30 or so of the hezbollah seems to me they have to be targeting some of those civilians

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Kramthenothing
I don't know snafu7700 to kill 477 civilians and kill what 30 or so of the hezbollah seems to me they have to be targeting some of those civilians

and youre getting those number from where exactly? as far as i'm concerned you cant believe either side in regards to the numbers as it is an ongoing war. we wont know for certain until after this thing is over.....and even then we will probably never know how many "civilians" were actually holding ak47s or firing rockets into israel.

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