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What is the soul/awareness?

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posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 08:01 AM
Hmm, I didn't say some of us don't have souls. I think we all do. But some of us don't see it as that. But thinking about it now, maybe some of us don't see it as that, because those who don't, do not have souls. But I highly doubt that.
For instance; I'm very spiritual(Not religious), but my brother isn't. He thinks that we live, die & the end with it all. I on the other hand, believe different.
My brother does not believe in heaven or hell, so he undoubtedly doesn't believe in the soul.
I have a strong background in science & a firm belief in it to a certain degree. But because of things that have happened to me & others in my life, I am driven to what you might call, deeper beliefs.

I remember when I was younger, my father(Who very relgious at that time) told me that he thinks we aren't all God's children. Infact, he thinks that some of us were made specifically to do the work of evil, or opposed to God. He called them weeds. Lol.
But that idea doesn't sound too far feched.

I mean, there is no way of proving, or disproving something like that, but it's definitely something to think about.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by sdrawkcab
Hmm, I didn't say some of us don't have souls. I think we all do. But some of us don't see it as that. But thinking about it now, maybe some of us don't see it as that, because those who don't, do not have souls. But I highly doubt that.
For instance; I'm very spiritual(Not religious), but my brother isn't. He thinks that we live, die & the end with it all.

Cool, thanks for breaking it down for me. Seems we're similar in this regard.

Originally posted by sdrawkcab
I on the other hand, believe different.
My brother does not believe in heaven or hell, so he undoubtedly doesn't believe in the soul.
I have a strong background in science & a firm belief in it to a certain degree. But because of things that have happened to me & others in my life, I am driven to what you might call, deeper beliefs.

I remember when I was younger, my father(Who very relgious at that time) told me that he thinks we aren't all God's children. Infact, he thinks that some of us were made specifically to do the work of evil, or opposed to God. He called them weeds. Lol.
But that idea doesn't sound too far feched.

I mean, there is no way of proving, or disproving something like that, but it's definitely something to think about.

Gotcha. I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind expanding on this part here: "But because of things that have happened to me & others in my life, I am driven to what you might call, deeper beliefs" and think it would help us in understanding how you've come to believe what you do. Would you mind sharing?

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 08:09 AM
If we are to ask a questionof this sort it is a key to understand the meaning of the Key words in the question. In this case we must have a definition of the spirit. In asking this question if we do not know what "Spirit" is then we might as well ask: " What is -----"
But we have indeed asked and are trying to answer "where is proof and what is the human spirit?"

We can define "spirit" as something that can control matter but has no definite characteristics or physical properties. The eaisest example I can give you to understand this is your own self. Think about how your mind works. You yourself canont see your mind. Can you feel its presence? It is where you think we do not actually feel our brain and to us it has no shape. To you you can not feel the shape of your brain you can not feel when the impulses fire off. In fact you really do not know where it is if it wasnt for modernt science (thought that is) philosphers of ancient times thought that all thought and feeling happend in the heart. This is just backign up what is my statment that an example of a spirit is your mind. You mind, to you, has no definite characteristics. We do not know anything about OUR minds physical properties except what has been revealed to ous by medicine (but for this example we are playing dumb) In your body the mind controls everything. Your mind is " a spirit" (example not real spirit) We have no shape but it controls matter or our bodies. It is not your arm which decides to move it is your mind. YOur body does not feel pain your mind interperts and registers it. Its your mind that percives the pleasure you get for life. Your body is what the mind works through . Now Our spirit is something much akin to our example of the minds contrl over the body. Without the mind the body is nothing the body does not feel the mind feels the mind controls. The spirit is what controls and the spirit is what feels.

Now onward to proof of the spirit...

(I am no longer refering to the mind as an example it is now the object of reason... I think thats the term)

The main thig the spirit produces is thoughts and ideas. Our thoughts and ideas have no definite shape. Thaought has no color, thought is not something we can touch it is not something we can measure; but we have it. But what is it that makes us creat thought and ideas? How can we have the ability to create something that is untangable? How can us physical matter creat something that is not matter? Our ideas and thoughts resemble nothing that is material and fromt his we can infer they are direct products of the human spirit. Our Ideas have no shape, they have no weight or color. Just as the spirit has not shape no weight no color no definite properties this is becasue they are a direct result of the spirit.

But now you are saying to yourself "Uh no.... thought , Ideas and just a property of the mind its called thinking its how it works its just mand brain!"

The prain producing though is like saying matter can produce soemthing that has no attributes or charicteristics of itself. (note) Matter is three dimensional with length width and heght. Our thought is non dimensional. It has no difinite characteristics. You canont say "This thought is pink at three centimeters." to say that the threedimensional body can create something that is in no way like it is close to a human giving birth to a cattle. You cannot support it. This is the evidince of a human spirit. Our Ideas do not resemble our body they resemble our SPIRIT.

Now onto morea bout the spirit. A spirit has no parts. It is intself id does not have other parts for different functions. Our bodies have hands and feet all differnt parts that serve different roles. The spirit is not like this it is capable everything at once. It is one in itself. It is capable of knowing love and in our case animating our body but it does this from a central one persepctive. The spirit has no shape, if it did then it would be some form of matter and then this whole argument would be off. The spirit is nothing but it is what allows us to love and to have ideas.

NOTE- Just as humanity can create and control and comprehend two or one dimensions because we are three dimensional. In essence these otehr dimesniosn make us up. However we cannot comprheend the spirt but it can control us and we are part of it because it is higher than us it is on a higher plane of being. The spirit is not made out of anythign but it is everything.

on a closing note. All living thing posess a spirit but humanity poesses a soul which is an eternal spirit.

If you are a spirtual person this may be hard to grasp but it makes sense and you can come to believe it. If you are a person of the material world then this is all a cute little idea that mysterously flows but is terribly wrong.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
Gotcha. I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind expanding on this part here: "But because of things that have happened to me & others in my life, I am driven to what you might call, deeper beliefs" and think it would help us in understanding how you've come to believe what you do. Would you mind sharing?

Okay. There are alot of things I can tell you, but I am going to be very brief, as this may take quite a long time. I'm going to tell you what happened to me when I was three yrs old. I cannot remeber any of it, but my parents & relatives says it happened.

When I was that age(3), my pops, mom & I(And a few of my aunts & cousins) used to go to a pool house not to far from where my mom, brother & I lived at that time. The only thing I can remember is the pool house itself. I can remember going there a couple of times, but it's very vague.
One time in particular, my father left my brother & I to play near the shallow end of the pool & told our older cousins to watch after us(They were about 12 at the time - And yes, it was somewhat negligent of my father). My father went to the receptionist to pay the the bill for use of the pool & came back. But when he did, he couldn't find me.
He asked my cousins if they saw me & they said no. Hearing that, he went about the compound looking for me, asking various people who knew us both if he saw me.
My aunts did not see me, nor did my slightly older brother. Note that my mother came after the incident happened.
My pops says he spent approximately 15 mins searching the compound for me & he couldn't find me. He eventually came back to the pool, baffled as to where I was. He stood there thinking for a while where I could have gone. A few moments later he saw a brown thing to the bottom of the pool & something compelled him to dive into the pool, clothes and all, for it. He thought it was me, and he was right.
He swam to the bottom of the pool, took me out & got out.

Strangely though, nothing appeared to be wrong with me. They said I cried for a short while, then went back to my normal "giggly" self, then we went home. They didn't carry me to the ambulance or anything(Which I would have done if that were my child). The point of this is, I was probably at the bottom of that pool for lets say, even 10mins. I know there are grown folks that drown in much less time than that. There are babies who drown in there tubs in a 5min period, yet nothing was "wrong" with me after it happened. My pops always talks about this from time to time. And it always makes me wonder, what exatcly happened. If, maybe I fell into the pool minutes before my pop saw me or what. I'm just telling you what they told me.

Also, some other strange & bizarre things have happened to me. I'm not going into all of them right now. If you want, you can do a search on my posts & you can find some of the other stuff that has happened to me. I don't too much post, so it should be less than difficult. But my life, like the many other people on this site, is very interesting.

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