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OP/ED It Isn't About the Oil After All

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posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 10:51 PM

But the question is in who's hands the oil is . . .if the oil barons care so much about the American people we will not be paying what we pay at the pump every day.

Is all about greed, control and power struggles . . .

REPLY: What part about "Oil companies profit only 8 to 12 cents per dollar invested" don't you understand???

Housing is needed as much as oil, by every country. Your bank/mortgage company and credit card companies charge 6% to 23%, compounded. So..... who's raping who??? To complain about that low a percentage means you have never been in business, 'nor do you know anything about basic economics. No insut intended, but, geez........

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 11:00 PM
I was turning the radio dial in my car and heard a radio host on a Christian Program say, "people have to be carefull wich movies they go to see. Because some of this movies are very powerfull". He said and I quote "Some of this movies will make you think" explaining that it is Imposible for the reality of his religion to coexcist with the physical reality. This People have lost their Minds :puzz: They would take this world to the edge and then push it down the abyss while still celebrating the descend of the Lord.

I will rather go to hell than follow a bunch of fools in to heaven.

[edit on 1-8-2006 by LoKito]

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by LoKito

".......I will rather go to hell than follow a bunch of fools in to heaven...."

REPLY: That is your choice, and you just might be one of the fools. To paraphrase a quote from Star Wars: "May the Anti-Christ be with you."

I would rather be a believer and be wrong, than a non-believer and be wrong.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 11:43 PM
I watched the Senate Foreign Relations Commitee meeting on C-SPAN several weeks ago.

Chairman Richard Lugar flat out admitted that it was in our strategic interest to secure an uninteruptable flow of oil from the Middle East reagion.

We also know that in military terms, it was in our strategic interest to have bases in Afghanistan
and Iraq.

I'll leave it up to your imagination how we accomplished those 2 goals.

[edit on 1-8-2006 by FallenFromTheTree]


posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by zappafan1
What part about "Oil companies profit only 8 to 12 cents per dollar invested" don't you understand???

How many people in the ME are you willing to kill to increase oil company profits by 1 cent? The oil companies & their shareholders reap windfall profits and US soldiers that put their lives on the line to secure oil resources receive substandard care at VA facilities. And this from the guy that claims he is all for our troops... I think it is you who dont understand.

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 06:20 AM
this is my theory..

the white supremicist royal families of europe,
who were shipping opium and slaves around the globe,
genociding native populations, colonising,
have always wanted the whole planet,
used the first world wars to gain money and power,
gained control of the religious leaderships,
tested out IBM technology, tested out new eugenics programs,
experimented with 'pure race' as well as mind control and torture,
to form the state of israel, and begin doing to the middle east what they did to africa,
as well as forming the league of nations and united nations,
in order to legitimise their actions,
and to work their problem-reaction-solution,
magic tricks.

i wouldn't be surprised if i'm right.

with the royals on top not giving a hoot which religion is right.

they believe they are destined to have their 'united kingdom.. of earth'


this book is right up your alley:

"A Century Of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order"
by F. William Engdahl

from one of the reviews:

"There are so many revelations that are so well documented that one has to slow down and completely reorientate his or her conception of and attitude toward recent history. His tone is neither particularly vindictive nor is it conspiratorial. It looks at people and events and provides plausible motives and methods that are not part of the conventional awareness. For example, (fact) the British navy decided in the late 19th century to change their primary fuel source from coal to oil, thereby (objective) needing to secure access to oil reserves, basically in perpetuity. (result) British agreements for oil resources with the Sheikh of Kuwait date from 1899. (fact) Oil then comes to supplant coal as the primary energy source for all of the industrializing world, and a decade later Germany threatens to become the leading industrialized nation in Europe and (objective) needs a secure source of oil, so they begin construction on the Berlin to Baghdad railway intending to capitalize on agreements to import Iraqi oil. (question) How does Britain meet this emerging geopolitical threat. (objective) Block Germany's access to Middle East oil. (result) Curiously WWI begins with an out-of-the-way assassination in Croatia that just happens to occur near the route of that railway. War ensues and not only is the B-to-B railway cut off, but Germany loses all colonial power in the Middle East.

Shortly after WWI the leaders of the seven major western oil companies meet and agree to not compete with each other but to cooperate, and in 1928 drew up the Red Line agreement that gave virtually control of virtually all Middle East oil to the Anglo-American cartel. Even France's portion was minimalized to Turkish reserves. The Anglo-American consortium came to be known as the Seven Sisters and over the course of the ensuing decades become more and more infused with global banking and financial interestes, i.e., Rockefeller, J.P.Morgan, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds, Brown Harriman, etc., coming to dominate the world economy by controlling the primary energy source. It is "all about oil" and has been since the turn of the century."

[edit on 2/8/06 by stoneskull]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by zappafan1
To complain about that low a percentage means you have never been in business, 'nor do you know anything about basic economics. No insut intended, but, geez........

Really . . . you don't know nothing about me and you will never know . . . Yes I feel insulted. . .

And . . . I am ashame for talking to much. . . darn me.

Yes is a dark side to the oil wars and the power within and behind our own government.

[edit on 2-8-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:48 PM
I would like to think the world is not run by people so stupid. A holy war.... no I can't agree with it, it may be part of it but not the whole thing, or even a majority. It is about oil, or possibly about generating a staging ground near China and Russia?

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 01:36 PM

by marg6043:

Really . . . you don't know nothing about me and you will never know . . . Yes I feel insulted. . . And . . . I am ashame for talking to much. . . darn me.

Yes is a dark side to the oil wars and the power within and behind our own government.

REPLY: Marg, never feel ashamed for talking "too much" about anything..... be glad you live in a country where you can do so; as I'm sure you do.

No, I may not know you, as I can only go by what I read.
Having said that, though I had no intention of insulting you, feeling "insulted" or "offended" is a personal choice. No-one can make another feel that way unless they agree to do so.
One can always find a "dark side" if they look hard enough at anything, but they have to be pre-disposed to looking for it, especially if it fit's with their views on how they wish things to be.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by zappafan1]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 01:40 PM

Chairman Richard Lugar flat out admitted that it was in our strategic interest to secure an uninteruptable flow of oil from the Middle East reagion.

REPLY: While I don't agree with Lugar on a few things, I'll admit that having sources in the ME has a few benefits as it relates to allies. But, if the Dems and enviro-nutballs would allow us to drill here, on our own land, it could only be a benefit to us all. There's enough oil in Colarado, alone, to last us 400 years. Add to that Anwar, and there's another 100 years...

By the way, stability in the ME is a benefit to every country, not just America.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:48 PM
I think religion and media are the smoke screens in this ww3 blinding even the most capable thinkers from knowing the whole picture.

On one side you have gwb blaming his terrorist acts on alqaeda so he can encourage support to fight the east. And on the other side you have islam using the aggression of the west to gain support to fight back in a holy war.

It seems both sides are being set up by there leaders - religion possibly but i dont think either side believes they could be worthy of god after such blatant attrocities.

I believe the set up is both sides of world leaders are working together to turn east against west the hatred is growing on both sides illuminati, nwo who ever want to rid 80% of the worlds population so maybe this is how they intend to do it by lighting the fuse and getting the hell out of dodge - i dont know for sure as you guys dont either but it is an interesting hypothesis.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
I would like to think the world is not run by people so stupid. A holy war.... no I can't agree with it, it may be part of it but not the whole thing, or even a majority. It is about oil, or possibly about generating a staging ground near China and Russia?

REPLY: It's actually more of a war of civilizations along with a religious war.... a religious war that's been going on for around 1400 years.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 04:25 AM
Oil or Bust

You can bet your sweet crude dependent hind ends that it is about control of oil resources. The BTC pipeline completion and Israel's invasion into Lebanon is no mere coincidence. They will play on your egos, paint morality all over it, and label dissenters as evil in order to sell it.

Excerpted material, click links for full articles:

The Smokescreens of War
Moral Superiority, 9/11, Islamic-Fascism

The conflict in the Middle East is getting cloudier by the minute. As America continues to unilaterally support Israel's offensive, they are also deploying a variety of smokescreens in order to justify this war. We are seeing a trend of politicians who are trying to paint an environment of moral superiority over the rest of the world, while opening wounds from 9/11, and finally creating a Nazi-like image for their purported enemies. The average person who is relatively ignorant about world-affairs is the most susceptible to fall victim to these distractions. While it is their hope to gain unconditional support from the world by creating these smokescreens, we must do our best to avoid these temptations. Rather than just being deferent to the politicians and pundits, we must question the status quo. Listed below are three of the main smokescreens that have been employed to further justify this war:

• The Smokescreen of Moral Superiority
• The Smokescreen to Remind us of 9/11
• The Smokescreen of Islamic-Fascism

One Ring to Rule Them

Destroy Lebanon, and destroy Hizbullah, and you reduce Iran's strategic depth. Destroy the Iranian nuclear program and you leave it helpless and vulnerable to having done to it what the Israelis did to Lebanon. You leave it vulnerable to regime change, and a dragooning of Iran back into the US sphere of influence, denying it to China and assuring its 500 tcf of natural gas to US corporations. You also politically reorient the entire Gulf, with both Saddam and Khamenei gone, toward the United States. Voila, you avoid peak oil problems in the US until a technological fix can be found, and you avoid a situation where China and India have special access to Iran and the Gulf.

The second American Century ensues. The "New Middle East" means the "American Middle East."

And it all starts with the destruction of Lebanon.

Israel, Oil and the "planned demolition" of Lebanon

Israel's "economic freedom" depends in large part on its ability to become a central petroleum-depot for the global oil trade. In Michel Chossudovsky's recent article "Triple Alliance: US, Turkey, Israel and the War on Lebanon", the author provides a detailed account of the alliances and agreements which underscore the current war. As Chossudovsky says, "We are not dealing with a limited conflict between the Israeli Armed Forces and Hezbollah as conveyed by the Western media. The Lebanese War Theater is part of a broader US military agenda, which encompasses a region extending from the Eastern Mediterranean into the heartland of Central Asia. The war on Lebanon must be viewed as 'a stage' in this broader 'military road map'". Chossudovsky shows how the recently completed Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline has strengthened the Israel-Turkey alliance and foreshadows an attempt to establish "military control over a coastal corridor extending from the Israeli-Lebanese border to the East Mediterranean border between Syria and Turkey."

Former US ambassador James Atkins added, "This is a new world order now. This is what things look like particularly if we wipe out Syria. It just goes to show that it is all about oil, for the United States and its ally."

The Middle East is being reshaped according to the ideological aspirations of Zionists and the exigencies of a viciously-competitive energy market. Behind the bombed-out ruins of Qana and the endless sorties laying Lebanon to waste, are the tireless machinations of the energy giants, the corporate media, the banking establishment and Israel.

Don’t expect a quick return to peace. This war is just beginning.

A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ "Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000." The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.

Securing the Northern Border

Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon, including by:

• Striking Syria’s drug-money and counterfeiting infrastructure in Lebanon, all of which focuses on Razi Qanan.

• Paralleling Syria’s behavior by establishing the precedent that Syrian territory is not immune to attacks emanating from Lebanon by Israeli proxy forces.

• Striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper.

One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them.

~John Ronald Reuel Tolkien~

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 08:46 AM

Thanks for that post I knew about it, is some that are death scare of the power within the oil grasp coming from our own backyard.

They will stop at nothing to control the biggest reserves in the world.

Even killing for it.

But people in the US can no even grab the horrible truth about it. . . US is a good nation with good people. . . they will never think what the power of corporate greed can do in other to get what it wants.

You are right the region has been worked out littler by littler, take away the control of Saddam in Iraq destabilizing that nation, who cares how many people are dying is all going just fine. . .on schedule. . .

Now Iran's power has been worked on, Lebanon, Syria . . .who cares who dies as long as the propaganda has the American people in the positive Israel only targets those evil terrorist and hell punish all the people for supporting them they are all terrorist, propaganda, propaganda and more propaganda.

But is a littler problem. . .will china defend his investments in Iran. . .

Will our nation dare to take them on if they decide to take sides? will greed be more powerful than common sense?

We will see, so far everything I have seen since the beginning of this war on terror has been prove true. . .the conspiracy about the oil grab is real, very real.

[edit on 8-8-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 09:01 AM
I do believe you are on to something.

I've seen more and more evidence of those with political power also harboring a religious fervor to rival any.

And fanaticism of any belief system is dangerous - especially for those subject to the fanatic with power.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 10:53 PM

Who Was Tolkien? John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) was a major scholar of the English language, specialising in Old and Middle English. In the 1960s he was taken up by many members of the nascent "counter-culture" largely because of his concern with environmental issues.

So, the guy's a Writer/Author, and scholar of language. Then he became an enviro-whacko about the time '___' became very popular. He also knew nothing about politics or economics.

By the way, your map is wrong, as there are 3 TRILLION barrels of shale oil in Colorado, alone; more than Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq and Central America combined.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 03:32 PM
these days it seems weapons sales are quite key.

is the american economy based on military?

the usa keeps creating and shipping out weapons of mass destruction

the cost is passed to the tax payers

because of the debt they have to work harder and for less

there are more poor people, more services are needed, more charity

some have no choice but to JOIN the military as a pawn

it's a horrible cycle that oil is just a fuel for.

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