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OP/ED It Isn't About the Oil After All

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posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 11:25 AM
This is my theory. This is my opinion. This Conflict in the Middle East is a Holy War. Make no mistake; what's happening in the Middle East with the total involvement of the US is a planned Religious War that's been set up over the past 10 years. At least. Jihad isn't just for Muslims anymore...

Many think that the US government was complicit or even behind 9/11. The reasons vary. Some think it's all about getting the oil in the Middle East and up until recently, I thought so, too. But when Israel conveniently got involved, I began to ask myself questions about the oil motive.

I have since pulled back on my perspective and I have seen what I think is the true motivation for this war. And it's all about religion. It's about the extremists of the Christian religion in an End Times battle with the extremists of Islam.

The Christian extremists (basically a covert section of the US government for the past 20 years) believe that the End Times are coming soon and they want to be on the side of Israel when the time comes. They want it to be clear to God and all concerned that the US stands in solidarity with Israel so God will look upon the US (and its government) with favor.

But how would the US get the support of its people (and tax dollars) to join with Israel and fight along side her in the largest military battle this world has ever known (if indeed this turns into the Armageddon they're hoping for)? How could the US justify taking up arms with Israel against the entire Middle East?

Well, they could make the Muslim countries out to be the bad guy… They could set up the biggest attack this country (the US) has ever experienced and blame it on the Muslim nations. That would justify the US's full involvement in the Middle East Conflict. We'd have to go over there and whup some Muslim ass. And while we're there… what's this? Israel has trouble with Muslim "terrorists" too? Hezbollah and Al Qaeda have a common enemy. Israel. And our fight with Al Qaeda makes us an ally of Israel, naturally. See??? Muslim terrorists really ARE the problem in the world today! We must fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here…

The connections are being made between Al Qaeda and Hezbollah every day. From the first link below:

In a video released on Thursday on Al-Jazeera television, Ayman al-Zawahiri called for all Muslims to join the fight against Israel and “rise up seeking martyrdom and attack the crusaders and Zionists.

So, the US has set up the chessboard perfectly and many of the US citizens, not to mention the rest of the world, have bought right into it. We have to fight 'terrorism'! It's the battle cry! But it really has nothing to do with the battle. This battle is of 'righteousness', of being in favor of God when the time comes.

And we are about to enter into the bloodiest jihad ever. And we started it. On purpose. In the name of God.

Related News Links:

[edit on 31-7-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

[edit on 31-7-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]


posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:07 PM
Oil is clearly a factor in the ME military action, though only in part. Wars have been used by western governments periodically down through history to stimulate failing economies. The ME is no different. The only religion involved is christian rhetoric for the purpose of gaining the support of the masses. The muslims rhetoric is quite a bit different in that the fighters/suicide bombers live an extremely poor quality of life which makes them easy for the muslim clergy to persuade.

Have you ever seen a fat suicide bomber? A well fed population would not produce an end less supply of fighters and bombers.

[edit on 31-7-2006 by df1]

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:31 PM
i too found it hard to believe it was all about oil. i mean, i can buy that partly. but there is something much deeper, i havent figured it out yet. i also think most of the chritian rhetoric is just designed to win support of the masses. i think gwb is about the farthest from a religous man that you can get. i find it hard to see how gwb or whoever, thinks that by waging war they will get on gods good side.
btw, i have never seen a suicide bomber period, let alone a fat one.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 02:36 PM

Have you ever seen a fat suicide bomber? A well fed population would not produce an end less supply of fighters and bombers.

Funny that something so simple would evade so many otherwise cleaver folks...

Or perhaps they are jealous of our freedom?

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Trash_Bag_Helmet
... but there is something much deeper, ... i think gwb is about the farthest from a religous man that you can get.

Think about the 'religious' Muslim extremists and the insane things they do in the name of religion. They, too are about the furthest thing from 'religious' that a person can get, but they USE the religious dogma to justify their actions. That's where I think GWB and his cronies are coming from. I really think it's a form of insanity. Religious fervor taken to the extremes.

You say something 'deeper' than oil and that is exactly my point. The feelings that religious extremists have about their justification is DEEP. It's ingrained deeply enough that they commit horrible acts in the name of Allah or in the name of God, that a true holy person would never even think to do.

And I do agree with df1 that oil is a factor, it's just that oil is not powerful enough to keep people fighting with such PASSION for so long. The passion is coming from the religious fervor.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Trash_Bag_Helmet
i too found it hard to believe it was all about oil. i mean, i can buy that partly. but there is something much deeper, i havent figured it out yet.

You are underestimating the importance of oil then. Without a ready supply of oil, there is no economy, no military jugernaut, hence no world domination.

I personally belive the armageddon battle will be between Anglos and Asians, not Middle Easterners.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

They, too are about the furthest thing from 'religious' that a person can get, but they USE the religious dogma to justify their actions.

For me, I would change "religious" to "spiritual", because they are definitely far from any kind of spirituality. But religious they are, IMHO.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 09:18 AM
BH : Some of us agree with your opinion. But, how does it make you feel
knowing this? Religion-less? Duped? More religious?

I don't know how I feel from one day to another. I find myself getting upset with
both sides sometimes. I see nothing but violence all of the time.
No compassion anymore from anyone.

Christian extremists versus Islamic extremists? Bah, I wish they'd all dry up and
blow away. (But we know they won't) They've got to have their holy war!

And of course, the oil is there.

You were right saying people have "bought" into it. They have.

It's a set-up, . . . . .again!

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by SIEGE
BH : Some of us agree with your opinion. But, how does it make you feel
knowing this? Religion-less? Duped? More religious?

I'm already without religion.
So, I'm neither more nor less religious-oriented. I'm not anti-religion particularly, I know some people get a lot out of it, I'm just against people who USE religion (or anything) for evil, which is what I think is going on here.

Do I feel duped? No, not now. I supported going into Afghanistan and even Iraq at first because I believed what the gov was saying about WMDs, the threat, etc. It was only when I realized that we had been lied into this war that I FELT duped. But I'm no longer surprised at how the governments of this world are corrupt and insane to a degree I never thought possible 5 years ago.

So, I don't feel surprised, just a little more enlightened.

The reason I wrote this OP/Ed is that it occurs to me yet another layer of the onion is being peeled back. The reason for this war (as regards most of us non-supporters) has been oil. Greed. Money. But that never sat completely right with me. Now that the Israeli participation has suddenly come on the scene, it occurs to me that this is all part of the plan. It makes SO much more sense to me than oil alone being the motivation.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 10:00 AM
I think y'all would find this article interesting:

Bush's Plan for "Serial War" revealed by General Wesley Clark

"Winning Modern Wars" (page 130) General Clark states the following:

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.

...He said it with reproach--with disbelief, almost--at the breadth of the vision. I moved the conversation away, for this was not something I wanted to hear. And it was not something I wanted to see moving forward, either. ...I left the Pentagon that afternoon deeply concerned."

Or should we start and read da Project for the New American Century?

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 10:08 AM

I,ve seen more critical thinkers on ATS in this last week ALONE.Than I have in the last 20 years of the farce that we call world governments

It was why I renounced my vote,It was why I refuse to accept government authority should they ever try to impose their indoctrination upon me..

Only since I have been following some of the comments in the ATS political board do I feel a glimmer of hope for dragging this useless %^&*(%#$ planet,s population out of the quagmire it seems to have intentionally thrown itself into..

Now it is coming to the time we need to act rather than simply discuss these agenda ridden buffoons.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 10:35 AM
I believe is both, BH, just in case that the Armageddon/end of times and rapture never happen after all . . .US big money interest will secure the future energy last vast resources in the region . . .

Yes we know that our president feels himself touch by god to bring righteousness and the end of the evil Theocratic rules of Islam in the Middle East.

But at the same time the power behind all, wants to make sure it holds in its hands all the oil in the Middle East and beside the administration will be killing two birdswith one shot;

Secure Israel from evil regimes . . . and control the middle east resources . . .

Remember US interest groups in oil controls Saudi, now controls Iraq, is only one more country that can not possibly falls in the hands of China . . .the next big competitor for oil. . .

China is planning on tapping into the automobile markets. It’s more than meets the eye . . .

I think that Bush sees himself as the man that will go into history as the one to bring control of the middle east for future purposes and save Israel . . .at the same time.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 11:35 AM
Is this the Decline of the WEST?

The Current Administration either lied or made an honest mistake in going to Iraq. The results are 100,000 Iraqi citizens dead, 2,700 or more American soldiers dead, a trillion dollars spent and more anti US sentiment across the world than ever before.

The Bush administration deserves all the support possible from the American people at this difficult moment. As much as I will want to believe that Bush is evil and that he does not care about our troops or the Iraqi people is very likely that he does. The truth is we don’t know all the facts. The President does.(or at least he should) And he decided to go to Iraq and to support Israel’s policies in the Gaza territories.

No matter how do you feel about what our policy should be in the Middle East. The Bush Administration has gone through some very interesting shortcuts to accomplish their goals. The Fact that we are at war gives the Administration Especial but not Unlimited powers to protect the country. Some may say they trust the President’s determination to end the threat of Islamic Extremist. Others emphasize the importance of Accountability in the decision making process.

November is around the corner and I see very little hope that either DEM, REP, or IND will be able to address the issue of Accountability in our GOP. Not without an uproar of the citizens calling for the people responsible of our current position in the Middle East to either apologize for their mistakes and step down or give us the real facts about the current situation and why we are to spend all this recourses and lives in this voyage.

The way it looks to the world is very simple, a powerful country (US) wants to install Puppet GOP’s in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Iran friendly to foreign investment and economic relations, and end the tribal control of territories by religious leaders and militias.

For people in the westernize world is easy to see that a puppet GOP is “better” in general for the common people of the Country than a Theocracy. Arabs will argue that they trust the wisdom of their Religious leaders better than a dubious elected official in a close election on a very imperfect election process.

I can se both sides have a common Problem: Accountability.

IMO if President Bush is not impeached for either the implementation of torture programs in the different facilities across the world, the domestic spying program, or the 911 attacks the West will loose this WAR, not military but Ideologically bringing down what this country is supposed to stand for : Justice and Freedom for all.

[edit on 1-8-2006 by LoKito]

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 11:41 AM
The idea that America wil dominate the world through control of oil is ludicrous, as many countries have direct contracts with producers.

In the next two years China will increase it's demand on oil over 1000%, and India will not be far behind.

many might disagree, but America is still among, if not the most, moral countries in the world, and in less that 300 years has raised the baseline of human existence above any other method/economic system ever tried.

This muslim war is not new; it's been going on for about 1500 years.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1
The idea that America wil dominate the world through control of oil is ludicrous, as many countries have direct contracts with producers.

No really is not American per say . . . because we American citizens still have to pay the piper at the gas pump . . . but is about oil interest in the world and US oil companies rule . . .so far.

In the next two years China will increase it's demand on oil over 1000%, and India will not be far behind.

!!!!!That is the point you know it but still can not see it . . .

Is about control in the middle east zappafan, China is estimated to have plans to invest billion of dollars on Iranian oils they want the rights to drill.

Can you see it? is that is the point US and its oil interest barons Do not want to share with China, or India or any other nation . . .

They want to be able to hold the entire middle east and so far half of it is already in the oil barons hands . . .

At the same time the excuse of Getting rid of evil theocratic nations is just the bait to get their Propaganda and actions approval from the American public and the majority that thinks Armageddon is near and the rapture will follow.

The propaganda is just sickening.

America morality stops when it comes to corporate greed and power just because US citizens hold morality to the highest grounds supposedly it doesn't mean that our corporate rule government has to do it too. . .

This Muslim war is not new; it's been going on for about 1500 years.

And if you know your history you will know that the struggles in the middle east has been the fault of greedy nations taking away whatever they have precious in their lands they also know what the western power wants to do to their lands . . .

You are a smart person but it seems that while you know something is true about the greed of our nations corporate power the point still eluded you, but you are getting there.

[edit on 1-8-2006 by marg6043]


posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by LoKito
Is this the Decline of the WEST?

It is the decline of the west and the rise of china. The chinese think in terms of decades and centuries, whereas the western minds think in terms of weeks and months. Of course the west could always use nuclear weapons to slow the rising chinese tide.

The truth is we don’t know all the facts.

The question is, why dont we know all of the facts? All of this national security nonsense is to protect the guilty and to keep the facts from the american people. Opposing foreign governments already know these facts.

Accountability in the decision making process.

The problem is that the government has not been held accountable at any level including accountability for where the money is going. The large pink elephant in the room that the media and the government refuse to address is the impact that this unbridled military spending is having on the domestic economy today and will continue to have for years to come.

Gw bush will be remembered for a long time, much like my grandparents never forgot herbert hoover.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 01:13 PM

".... greedy nations taking away whatever they have precious in their lands they also know what the western power wants to do to their lands...."

REPLY: Taking away???? Those resources are paid for, at a price the sellers agree to. They sell it willingly.

If the Left would allow us to utilize our own resources, America would still wish to spread the ideas of democracy and freedom, which would take away the main talking point of many people.

In Colorado, alone, there are an estimated 3 TRILLION barrels of oil. Allowing for only a 50% recovery, we have more oil than Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Russia. 50% equals about 400 years worth, long enough to allow technology to advance alternate fuels.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1
In Colorado, alone, there are an estimated 3 TRILLION barrels of oil. Allowing for only a 50% recovery, we have more oil than Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Russia. 50% equals about 400 years worth, long enough to allow technology to advance alternate fuels.

zappafan1 we are the third producing country in the world, you know that I know that and many Americans know that . . .

But the question is in who's hands the oil is . . .if the oil barons care so much about the American people we will not be paying what we pay at the pump every day.

Is all about greed, control and power struggles . . .

The government lie, corporate America lie and we the people suck up to them because the propaganda that has been pushed upon us for the last 25 years has done a great job in brainwashing America.

The American oil companies already own, through their drilling rights, a lot of the oil that gets turned into gasoline. Are they repricing their oil day by day to reflect the world price? In other words, are they using the international market as a means of gouging American consumers?

You bet they do.

And they want more . . . they want the rights to drill in the middle east in the lands that already through propaganda are the lands of evil regimes and terrorist, evils like Saddam and terrorist states like Iran.

We have been drilled that we are a Christan nation that evil Islam wants to take over our way of life and religion, that they want to kill us.

Playing the religious supremacy wild card that Christianity is good and anything else is not . . .

So when wars are fought the population in our nation would feel redeemed.


[edit on 1-8-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 03:41 PM
It's an interesting piece, nevertheless. I just tend to think that greed is a part of GWB's reasons for invading Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention pushing his interests toward Iran and Syria. I also think that people have to look at the nature of the colonizing country.

Colonizers not only use the resources of the country they invade, but also try to "rewrite" the historical and cultural leanings of the occupied nation. In GWB's case, it is to eliminate the belief system and instill the "occupied" populace with a new pattern of beliefs, to gain a financial and political foothold in the Middle East via Iraq and to also restructure the political system with one more "suitable" to the position of the "occupier". "Democracy" is not only a ideology to GWB. It is also used as a religion, so much so that he is trying to force the idea of "freedom" in particular regions that would benefit his own interests financially.

Let's just face it. The POTUS does not have a moral bone in his body. He doesn't care so much about religion, except to have it as another part of his arsenal to gain potency for the powerful people who want these changes to be so in that region in the world.

Ultimately, money is GWB's true religion. It is written all over his actions and words.

Religion, in this stance, begins to be a form of propaganda to make people who support the war feel better on moral grounds. After all, GWB has had a corner market on Christian supremacy and uses it to the hilt to justify even his most heinous acts. He seems to forget that there is "freedom of religion" in our country. To him, every other religion is one of "hate" as highly touted in a lot of his speeches.

[edit on 1-8-2006 by ceci2006]

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 06:22 PM
What's funny to me is that the Christian extremists who are causing the problems inorder for the "rapture" fail to ask what happens if Jesus did come. Won't they be the ones who would be punished for the evil acts and murder they've commited?

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