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'Lost:' Season Three Discussion...

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posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 09:21 PM
I read today that Michael will return for the next season. That ought to be an interesting reunion. No word if Walt will be with him though.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 09:33 PM
Comicon 2007: Lost Season 4 Panel, with Carlton Cuse, Damon Lindelof and Harold Perrineau...


They won;t close the door on the possibility of having another Lost Experience.


They intend on telling the Rousseau's story in a flashback, and we'll see it either this season or next season.

The monster's origin, everything, will be answered definitively at some point.

ABC's Lost Finds PC, PS3 and X360 in Q1 2008...

The game inspired by ABC and J.J. Abram's ever-mysterious Lost will crash land on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in the first quarter of 2008, publisher Ubisoft announced this morning. A trailer of the game will debut at today's San Diego Comic-Con panel on Lost season 4, which begins at 5 PM PDT.

Developed by Ubisoft Montreal, the Lost game puts players in the role of a survivor of Oceanic flight 815, which veered off-course and unexpectedly crashed on a remote Pacific island. As players explore locations from the show and interact with its main characters, such as Kate (Evangeline Lily, pictured left) and Jack (Matthew Fox), they will learn more about their character's past, which will likely lead to previously unrealized connections with other survivors. Along the way, players will face puzzles and many of the same challenges seen on the show, including the angry dust cloud-esque smoke monster.

"Ubisoft has worked closely with ABC Studios and the show's producers to create a compelling storyline that has the same mystery, adventure and intensity fans of the show have come to expect from the Lost brand,” said Ubisoft senior marketing director Helene Juguet.

Originally posted by DJMessiah
Wow! I shouldn't judge it so soon, but the game doesn't look too good, judging from the trailer.

It looks like it's going to be a puzzle game (Locke's character), a "out run the monster" game (Jack's), and probably a "try to get everyone to like you and calm down" game from Hurley's side.

well, from what i have read, players will play a redshirt character (an unknown, background character)...

Originally posted by mrwupy
I read today that Michael will return for the next season. That ought to be an interesting reunion. No word if Walt will be with him though.

old news...

i have been reading about his return for a while now...

it was first confirmed at the abc press tour and then at tonight's comic-con...

you can read about both events in this thread

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Couldn't find the LOST videogame thread sooo I'm gona post here....

It looks to me like Jack will in fact be the main character (much to my annoyance), however the graphics look AMAZING and it did a good job of teasing me.

I'm interested to see whether it will be considered 'canon' or not as it looks like there's another hatch there. And when John sits at the computer the screen flashes with writing...

Writing which says "Find us and we will show you the way"


[edit on 26/7/07 by JackofBlades]

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 05:59 AM
Bah, the character models look terrible.

I know we want this game to be good.

I'm telling you, it won't be.

TV and Movie adaptions NEVER are.

I don't want to be a hater. I want this game to be good. Its just that it won't be.

Hopefully I'll be proven wrong.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 11:15 AM
Post Coverage...

Tapdawg here!

I'm back from the crazy day of comic-con and I have photos and information to share with you so keep on reading beyond the jump.

HD Screencaps from Lost Game...

Here are some HD Screencaps from the Lost Game that was previewed yesterday at Comic-Con. (Click to enlarge)

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 12:57 PM
Lost Ninja Offers more Comic-Con Details...

As promised, here is some additional Comic-Con reporting from Lost's most dangerous blogger, The Lost Ninja! Surprisingly, after Tapdawg's amazing coverage, the Ninja was almost defeated, but thanks to a few well slung Dharma-symbol shaped throwing stars, the Ninja was able to use his signature stealth to bring back a few scoops from the Lost Comic-Con panel!

I chatted with Lost Ninja just moments ago. The first insider bit he lavished was from a bit of conversation he had with Carlton Cuse. Carlton had told the Ninja that Sydney would explored further in season four. I assume this to mean, we are going to find out why that place was so important. I couldn't miss the opportunity to demonstrate my ignorance of Australian geography so I said "...Hmm, could it have something to do with Uluru?" to which the Ninja promptly paralyzed me with a nerve strike and said "... Uluru? Dude, thats like, 5 days by car away from Sydney."

Most shocking was Ninja's report on the Orientation film. Apparently, it had a hard PG-13 moment when Dr. Hourwax (or whatever) cried out 'What the f*ck,' which apparently delighted the crowd in attendance.

The Orchid Video...

Hats Off to DarkUFO for snaring the Orchid Video!

posted on Jul, 28 2007 @ 08:22 PM
The Lost Comic Con Panel Q&A...

Special thanks to FlyingFetus for passing this along! The full panel, minus Orientation film! Thanks FF!

Lost Season 4 Preview (?)...

The question of whether or not the Orchid Orientation film is canon has been answered. ABC posted the video on its site and titled it "Lost New Season Preview." Are we going to see the finished "Orchid" video to find out more about what the purpose of this mysterious station is?

As TabulaRasa pointed out, one possible application of the 'Casimir' effect mentioned in the clip is stabilizing worm holes. And what is that we see? A duplicate? Hmm, has my duplicate theory been avenged in some manner after all? Stay tuned.

It is still possible that the film is an 'inside' joke. There are many Lost staples in the film, freeze frame moments, whispers, as well as the stuff of legend and conjecture: is Candle/Wickmund/Eurawachs a scientist or an actor, hints of cloning, even more subtle hints of time travel applications.

Lost Moving To Friday!?...


So here comes my ranting on the topic. Friday is bad. The only reason Friday is bad, is it is a low ratings day. With the unprecedented move of scheduling out the remaining 48 episodes of lost in three 16-episode 'Events' deserves a spot where it can get the ratings numbers it deserves.

Another problem I have with this is the public perception of what friday night means. We already went through that ridiculous "Lost is losing it" phase at the beginning of season three. A move to Friday is going to generate even more negative press, which will lower viewer morale, and ultimately lead to viewers dropping out; just like with the hate campaign that assailed Lost at the beginning of Season three.

Here is what will happen. The media will use the fact that Lost was snubbed for outstanding series, combine it with the fact that Lost has been moved to a day known for low ratings, and make a big hate-pie to send out on the airwaves. Of course, the articles will be full of notes on how Bionic Woman has failed on Wednesday, reinforcing the death of interest in genre shows (I've seen the pilot, its ugly), Moonlight will have croaked ON Friday already, reinforcing Friday as the mass grave for ailing or hopeless shows, and of course if it is still going strong Heroes will again be put on a pedestal as the example of "how to do it right."

Comic-Con 2007 - Spoiler Summary...

Thanks to all our bloggers who attended last nights Lost Panel at Comic-Con and who bought us all the live updates. I will try to make a summary of all the spoilers from last night.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:58 AM
Spoiler Chat: Lost Flashes, Heroes Journey, Lights Up (for Love)...


Ruby in Antwerp, Belgium: Any scoop on Lost?
Executive producer Carlton Cuse and line producer Jean Higgins appeared at the LATV Festival last week, and E! Online spoke with them exclusively, getting answers to your questions. As for the for the future of the show in general, here's what Carlton had to say: "Some people speculated that [going forward] the show will be set in the future and then flashbacks to the present, but no, we aren't changing any of the format of the show. We are just adding the flash forwards as an element. They have made a radio call to a freighter, and there are people on that freighter, and it might be logical to imagine that that storyline will continue... The situation is going to be very intense this year. Charlie wrote on his hand not Penny's boat, and the message he wrote on his hand was very important. It was really funny because [the clip at Comic-Con showed] Mr. Friendly saying, 'by the time you see this, I'm gonna be dead, but I am telling you it's a shame because whoever is going to come after the Others is going to be a hell of a lot worse than we ever were.' Damon and I were listening to him and sort of nodding our head going, 'That's pretty prophetic.' "

John in Spokane, Washington: There are rumors of a new Lost set being built along the lines of a temple or ruins. Have you heard anything?
According to Ms. Jean Higgins, "I don't expect any [permanent sets] for season four."


Pyotr in Moscow: Good news that Michael is returning to Lost, but what about Walt?
Again, Carlton Cuse, "Walt will be back also. But we're not going to get into any details about that."

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:29 AM
LOST Game site now live...

Thanks to Dave for alerting us to the fact that the Official Lost Game site is now live.

here is the link...

Two new characters...

Thanks to Lyly for alerting me to the first casting tidbit for Season 4, from secretagentman.

Who do you think these two new characters are and who are they related to?

here are some details from the source:

Two new characters begin in eps. 2, possibly extending the rest of the season, and perhaps next season. Russell, a brilliant mathematician in his late 30's and Charlotte, an attractive, athletic academic. Names may change of course.

from: linky...

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 10:15 AM
Jack Bender to direct first 2 episodes of Season 4...

Disney Confirms 'Lost: Season 3' Blu-ray Release...


Now, after all the twists and turns in the 'Lost' Blu-ray saga, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment has finally confirmed that the third season of the hit series will indeed debut day-and-date on DVD and Blu-ray December 11 in a deluxe box set dubbed 'The Unexplored Experience.'

Though final specs have not yet been released, look for a six-disc set sporting all 23 third-season episodes in full 1080p and uncompressed PCM 5.1 surround.


Disney has set a $124.99 list price for the set.

don't worry about the price, fellow losties

with (and its discounts), one can pre-order the set for $86.95 ...

though, i wish the set would be released in simple HD-DVD format...

i don't want to buy a DVD player just to be able to play blu-ray :shk:

[edit on 2-8-2007 by they see ALL]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 10:26 AM
Official Podcast Up with Comic-Con Panel Extras Audio...

Nice crystal clear version of the Comic-Con Panel including the audio from the DVD Extra that was screened. Unfortunately no Dr. Holowax f-bomb.

Lost Casting Rumor Confirmed...

Thanks to Andreas for this tidbit. Actor Peter Stormare confirmed to Swedish news-outlet Aftonbladet that he has been offered a role on Lost. The role will last for at least one season, and details of his character are not known.

Apparently, Stormare has until September to decide, meaning his character would appear relatively early in the fourth season.

Stormare appears hesitant to accept the role, recounting his difficulty in getting written off Prison Break when he got bitten by the big screen bug again.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 03:13 PM
Nowhere excerpts - Lost pre-pilot concept...

Click on the links to read excerpts from Nowhere, the precursor to the pilot episode of Lost written by Jeffrey Lieber. These excerpts are part of a long article with Lieber which can be found HERE.


Leiber: "In my draft of Lost, I was working off a Lord of the Flies model, wherein a small group of people, cut off from the real world, are forced to reinvent society. What version of law and order who they create? What kind of morality would win out? Would the people who rose to power be benevolent, or is power itself corrupting? At the center of the society I imagined two half brothers, connected by their father, but raised very differently. This is their introduction."


Lieber: "The biggest challenge with the show was removing, for the most part, the idea that these people would be saved any time soon. One doesn't want to have to spend every episode dwelling on "rescuers" or plans of escape. This scene that follows was my attempt to get the viewer to buy into the survivors' permanent residency."

Full Casting information on Russel and Charlotte...

Thanks to my source SL for this info.

Late 30s, a brilliant mathematician and deep thinker who is capable of great insights and has a tremendous knowledge across various scientific fields. He sometimes struggles socially by being too direct and disconnected in his interpersonal relationships. While an empiricist by trade he is humbled and fascinated by the magic and mystery of all in this world that cannot be explained by science.
Starts with Episode #401 -August 19, 2007 in Hawaii).

Late 20s. Very attractive in a naturalistic, athletic way, her looks are only one
small part of charms. Precocious, loquacious, and funny, Charlotte a very successful academic who also knows how to handle herself in the real world. On a personal level it is hard to crack the hard shell of poise and certainty around her, but when it DOES crack its like an egg; lots of repressed and pent up emotions spill out.
(Starts with Episode #402 - August 29, 2007 in Hawaii).

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 08:08 PM
How 'Lost' almost went 'Nowhere'...

Chicagomag ran an interesting article on a guy name Jeff Lieber. You probably know who is he is, because he is 'listed' as one of the creators of LOST. It's a situation that has been handled diplomatically for, I think, way too long. (It's times like this I start to wonder how much trouble my mouth is going to get me into.)

The fact is, Lieber did not create Lost. He created a similarly themed show called 'Nowhere' that had some similar characters. There is another pieces of fiction that has similar characters as well, its called The Stand by Stephen King, but we'll come back to that.


Lieber was with Spelling, yes as in Aaron Spelling, when ABC took its first shot at developing Llyod Braun's concept for a "Castaway the series" project. He developed a show that was ultra realistic. If I understand correctly, one episode would have revolved around the survivors attempt to catch a fish. There was no monster, no Dharma, no healings, and definitely no 'others.'

'Lost': The Return of Michael Dawson...

When it comes to Lost, it's never easy distinguishing between rumor and fact, so despite fans' claims that Michael Dawson was returning to the show, it was mere speculation until the official announcement at the TCA press tour last month. Actor Harold Perrineau says he knew he'd be called back one day, but because the producers never reveal any plot details — even to the cast — he had no idea when exactly that might be.

Now that he knows he's heading back to the Island for Lost's upcoming fourth season, Perrineau talked to about the level of secrecy at the show, who he thinks was in the coffin in last season's finale, and how suddenly landing on TV's A-List was a bonding experience for the cast.

Clearing up Confusion - Isabel is dead...

There have been a lot of comments and emails asking about Isabel and her apparent death. Hopefully we can clear this up finally.

At Comic-Con, Damon Lindelof stated that Isabel was deceased when showing a clip from the S3 DVD. It was also mentioned in the Podcast that you can hear HERE. She was killed as part of the raid on the beach along with Pryce, Tom and Aldo in the Season 3 Finale.

posted on Aug, 8 2007 @ 04:03 PM
Kristen Bell a possible regular on Lost...

According to Ask Auseillo, Kristen Bell may have been approached for a regular role on Lost. At least, it is confirmed that she has been talked about for the role of Charlotte. This character is described as in her late 20s, attractive in a naturally athletic way, "precocious, loquacious and funny... a very successful academic who also knows how to handle herself in the real world." And, like many of our Lost characters, there are "lots of repressed and pent-up emotions."

Kristin Bell as Charlotte?...

Question: Have you spoken to Darlton about having Kristen Bell on Lost? If you pull this off, I swear (and you have this in writing, with AA witnesses) that I will send you one case of Diet Raspberry Snapple for every episode of Lost that Kristen appears on. Hope you're up for the challenge!— Erin

Ausiello: You better get busy clipping them there Snapple coupons, Erin. And while you're at it, slap on a pair of Depends, 'cause this is the kind of exclusive casting prattle that causes mass piddling: I can tell you for a fact that Kristen's name has been brought up with regard to the new role of Charlotte, the hot twentysomething who is said to be "precocious, loquacious and funny... a very successful academic who also knows how to handle herself in the real world." Yep, sounds like our Kristen! The only question now is whether my in-demand BFF is ready to jump back into another series. And, if so, will the financial toll wrought by all those Snapple purchases force Erin to declare bankruptcy? Please, God, let the answer be "Yes!" to all of the above!

No Fridays and No Storemare, so sayeth the Jensen...

Whether you were wild about the idea, or not, Peter Stormare is not up for a role on Lost. Why would Stormare say this if it weren't true? Who knows. Why did Natasha Henstridge do the same prior to Season 2?

Also on the chopping block, that big bad Friday night rumor that we started. Well, we didn't actually start it. The whole thing came from what our man on the scene thought was a comment by Lindelof on watching Lost on Friday. Our response was to pursue that as hypothetical 'audience reaction gauging' and spreading the response to our good folks here who were not in attendance. Of course, one thing led to another, now we know that apparently Lindelof made NO reference to Friday night. Then again, he and Carlton did admit to being drunk at the panel. (Just kidding guys.)

For more rumor control and the usual zaniness, visit our good buddy Doc Jensen's fresh and unexpected entry at Entertainment Weekly.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 02:14 PM
Sky Behind the Scenes Newsletter...

Thanks to Doc Waxman for the following info about Sky One's weekly behind the scenes photo and recap. I'll be posting these from now on.

This week it's The Glass Ballerina and A Tale of Two Cities

More Scans from Lost Magazine...

Season 4 Filming Starts Thursday...

Thanks to Lyly for find a post over at The Fuselage where Jorge Garcia confirms that filming starts this Thursday. Hopefully our network of Hawaiian based spies can start to bring us some spoilers to keep us busy until next Feb. Be sure to check the Spoilers section for new news and information.

Kristen Bell Won't Be Getting Lost...

Is there even a boat?...

Carlton Cuse and Damon Lidelof reveal: Who is on that frieghter and are they good or bad is a significant part of next years' show. [...] If Naomi was lying about working for Penny... who says there even is a boat? Source: The Official Lost Magazine, Issue #12

Source: Lost Magazinne #12 via SpoilerFix

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 02:56 PM
Season 4 Filming Starts Thursday (*Updated*)...

Update: 13th August
We recieved a personal update from Jorge Garcia to let us know that filming will be start a week later, maybe next Wednesday/Thursday.

New Character - Arthur Stevens...

Also appearing in 401 and 402, with possibly more eps down the line, is Arthur Stevens. He is a ruthless corporate recruiter, tall and thin, with a chilling prescence.

Source: Sectetagentman

Easter Eggs In the New "Lost:The Video Game" Trailer?...

Well, We're all in Comic Con hangover mode, but there is some news concerning, "Lost: The Video Game."

To be specific, there are some "Easter Eggs" to be found in the trailer and Ubisoft has launched a new website for the game. I haven't had the time to search through the site yet to find if there are any hidden goodies to be found. That is where you all come in. Search the site high and low and find out if Damon and Carlton along with the brilliant software designers have given us something to digest over the long hiatus.

Click on the link to keep reading this post and I'll point out some of the "Eggs" you may have not noticed the first time through.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 03:14 PM
has there ever been such secrecy, such hype and excitement surrounding any tv show like we have seen with lost?

with every series lost has got better and better and bigger and bigger, with new characters, plots, sub plots, thrown in left, right and center, we can only guess what possibly there is instore for us in the 4th 5th and 6th series.

definatly the best tv programme in it's genre ever, and one of the greatest shows ever created.

posted on Aug, 13 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by shaunybaby
has there ever been such secrecy, such hype and excitement surrounding any tv show like we have seen with lost?

i don't think so...

however, in this scan from 'lost magazine,' terry o'quinn was asked if there was a similar level of secrecy (in terms of the scripts) regarding such shows as 'the x-files,' 'alias' and 'millennium'...

his answer was more or less no, but i would say that, yes, there are / were shows with secrecy, but i am not sure that any has had such secrecy that 'lost' has...

but i am not an expert in television shows...

with every series lost has got better and better and bigger and bigger, with new characters, plots, sub plots, thrown in left, right and center, we can only guess what possibly there is instore for us in the 4th 5th and 6th series.

filming starts soon...

thus, there may be a huge wave of spoilers coming in...

i don't want to spoil the show for me (that's why i stopped reading / posting spoilers in this thread about two weeks before the show was to return to the airwaves)...

i am not sure about what i am going to do now...

i might read some, but if it gets to the point where every episode is spoiled to the smallest detail, then i will have to stop...

i am pretty happy about myself...

i didn't read any spoilers during season three (i did, though, read them during season two, as i wasn't a huge lostie back then)...

definatly the best tv programme in it's genre ever, and one of the greatest shows ever created.

yes and yes...

this is the only show that i plan to watch on a weekly basis...

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 05:35 PM
Behind the Scenes Photos...

Thanks to the excellent LostVirtualTour site who have taken behind the scene set photos from last year. Below are are couple of the more interesting photos. All the photos and additional info can me found on their site.

More Lost Magazine Scans...

Jorge Garcia asked to be careful with his blog...

As some of you know, a few days ago Jorge Garcia himself posted some comments on DarkUFO to let us know that Filming had been delayed by up to a week. He very kindly created a Blogger account just to post on this site. As a result he thought it might be kinda fun to create a Lost Diary blog, however it appears that TPTB have become a little concerned and it looks like he won't be posting too much Lost related spoilers but his blog will still make interesting reading.

posted on Aug, 22 2007 @ 10:16 AM
A New Tall, Thin Character Joining "Lost"...

During his weekly online "Ask" piece, Michael Ausiello of reports that there has been a new casting call put out by the Lost crew for a character named Arthur Stevens. According to the report, Mr. Stevens will be a recurring role for the upcoming season. The character profile is for someone who is "a very tall and thin corporate recruiter who is smart, capable and ruthless."

So, the question arises, how will he fit into the "Lost" storyline?

Is 'The Tall Man' going to play The Tall Man? Lost Spoiler...

This is getting a little spoilerish so I will poke this behind the fold. On a separate note, I have heard your pleas. No more front page character or casting rumors. You'll be pleased to know the new design will take care of that issue in a creative way. Coming soon, as always.

Rumors are circulating that Horror legend Angus Scrimm (Phantasm, and Alias) may be in consideration for the role of Arthur. Angus is actually over 60, which was the maximum age, but definitely meets the sinister requirement, as any horror fan knows. He also has a minor Bad Robot connection through his Alias work. Is it true? My gut instinct is "probably not," however, I would be insanely pleased if it were true!

On the speculative side of things, observant folks - or fans with a gift for spotting the obvious - have pointed out that Arthur's description is very much in the same vein as Richard Alpert. Replacement Alpert? Very unlikely. It would not be like Lost to replace a character with a carbon copy. I'd assume they would just write their way around his absence in order to introduce whatever plot point

How Spoiled Will Lost Season 4 Be?...

My position on spoilers has gotten me into a lot of trouble over the years, so I figured I'd kill too birds with one stone in this post. For spoiler phobes, don't worry, there will be no spoilers here.

How spoiled will Lost Season 4 be? Plenty spoiled. Why do I know this? Because I have twice been offered a list of shooting locations for 4.01 in case I had folks on the island that might want to try to snag pics. For the record, I have not turned down the offers, but accepting the information would not be used, by me at least, to get my Hawaii spies laying in wait for the film crew. Mostly because, ta da, I don't have any.

Season 3 started a whole new approach for me where spoilers were concerned. Up until Season 3 I was a bit of a spoiler hound. I'd publish anything I could get my hands on. When I published Michael was going to kill Ana and Libby, I got a chill when it actually happened. Mostly because I sat and considered how different the experience of watching the scene would have been if I hadn't known.

This Just in from Ausiello! LOST Casting Scoop!...

TVGuide's Michael Ausiello has just passed along word of some breaking LOST casting news. Since this classifies as spoiler, jump through to get the info, or disregard to protect your virgin brain.

The casting is in regards to the Character of Russel, who you spoiler hounds are all very aware of by now. It turns out that Russel will be played by The Soprano's Ken Leung. TV Guide's Michael Ausiello broke the scoop today. For more info, read Ausiello's piece here.

Lost did NOT Lose Bell to Heroes...

Wow, the inanity never ends. It is absolutely true, thank god, that Kristin Bell will be joining the cast of my other Favorite show, Heroes. What is not true, as it is being reported everywhere, is that Kristen Bell chose Heroes over Lost. Simply. Not. True.

The part Bell was offered for Lost was a full time regular position. I'm not sure of episode counts, and the people who are sure aren't going to tell us, but there was without a doubt a commitment involved or Bell would never have mentioned a problem with the move to Hawaii.

If you follow the story back to its source on, it is very clear that Bell just barely made it onto Heroes. In Heroes' showrunner Tim Kring's own words:
“This was not easy to pull off, but since we're an ensemble show, with many arcs playing out through the year, we found a way to jump into a small window in [Bell's] schedule.”

Lost Blu Ray Artwork Hits...

Yes, it is very.... blue, but it is Lost and that is all that matters.

The official box-art for the Blu-Ray set hit Amazon recently, and it looks, well, basically the same as the standard DVD box. I was hoping for some green foil leaves, maybe a gold foil Lost Logo, but hey, at least the extra fifty bucks gets you over 200% of the standard DVD resolution, or does it?

Lost Spoiler! The Tall Thin Man is... and Russell Isn't...

The actor who will play Arthur, formerly rumored to be Alias alum Angus Scrimm, will be Lance Reddick. Reddick has been a regular on The Wire, and has also worked with Harold Perrineau (Michael) before on Oz!
He's a terrific actor that really exudes that 'dangerous' vibe when he wants to. Another one knocked out of the park!

In the same article, Ausiello refers back to his Ken Leung scoop with a major update. As it turns out, Leung may not be up for the role of Russel as was suspected, instead, he may be taking on a top secret role that only Darlton know about.

Hmm... a young Dr. Candle, perhaps? There must be a very good reason why Darlton do not want us to know the nature or name of this character. Then again, what do they want us to know? Lost is a cruel mistress.

Sky Behind the Scenes Newsletter - Episode 3...

Lockdown - Lost Convention UK...

Lost Con - Germany...

E!Online Awards...

Hunting for Aaron's...

[edit on 22-8-2007 by they see ALL]

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