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Papoose Lake Installation doesnt exist

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posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by LAES YVAN
Racist?? Do you even know what a race is? It has nothing to do with where you live.

It means I'm done with your "Mood: Skeptical"... You are the type that does nothing but disagrees, and them makes some wild excuse.. It's like you are jealous the USA has a secret underground base, and you doing your best to deny it has one, to make your United Kingdom feel more powerful.

You say a door to a tunnel underground doesn't exist in Area 51. Then I show you a tunnel opening that does. A tunnel opening that you have never seen before, so your first guess is "oh its a piece of junk in the bone yard, oh its a piece of large tubing, oh its a section of aircraft fuselage, or old unused fuel tank." Shooting guesses out of your ass left and right. God forbid, there is actually an underground tunnel, in one of the most secret bases of all the world!

Then I give you proof, the US AIR FORCE has their very own 13 million dollar Tunnel Boring Machine, and you still think there is no underground bases.

What proof do you need? What proof are you looking for? It is right here, in front of your face:

So what did you mean by your comment that now you know Im from the UK you know what my intentions are?

God you have a serious inferiority complex. Not everyone wishes they were america. Not everyone strives to be more like you or have bases similar to area 51. In fact most people are glad of the opposite.

If I was jealous I would have brought up my country or nationality. I didnt. YOU DID!

What really winds me up though is your complete lack of understanding of the word PROOF. It means beyond doubt what you are claiming is true yet there are a hundred different versions of your story that dont result in an underground base at area 51 or papoose lake.

What Im looking for is proof, or for those of you who dont understand what that means "evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true". Your proof is not proof. Its evidence of a possibility but its not proof.

You are so stuck in your rutt that this can only be a tunnel entrance that you pick up on every statement I make even though I back up every one with sources. I think it is clearly a tank. Ive shown you evidence and you are yet to give a rebuttal, instead you have shown me animosity and been quite rude.

Originally posted by LAES YVAN

Originally posted by gfad
WRONG The M2-F2 crashed on the dry salt lakebed of Rogers Lake at Edwards Air Force Base.

Wow you are finaly correct for once.

Then why did you say it? Testing me? Its pretty rare that people like you admit you are wrong.

[edit on 26/8/06 by gfad]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by gfad
What Im looking for is proof, or for those of you who dont understand what that means "evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true". Your proof is not proof. Its evidence of a possibility but its not proof.

Now sit down kid..

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 02:45 AM
If i post a picture of an area 51 / s4 security pass, can some one verify its authenticity??

I got the image from a captured still from a video about a scientist. that man is now dead (2002) and it was he who came forward to tell about tunnels from area 51 to S-4 and the underground labs and such at S-4.

Heres the picture, and I leave it out there for people to mull over.

I have no knowledge of US security passes, so i'll have to ask advice from those here that do...many thanks,


posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by LAES YVAN
Now sit down kid..

Patronising, but yet again that is neither a rebuttal to any of my arguments are any kind of proof. You dont know that that TBM was ever at Area 51, you dont know who built it or when, you dont know what kind of mission it was bought for. The source that you got that image from wasnt v good, try and find a reliable a source.

I think that photo is clearly staged for publicity purposes, probably for an official AF photographer. That means that the photo probably came from an official source, so what was the official excuse for the AF owning a TBM?

ALso dark knight, I dont think the base at groom lake is referred to by the name area 51 so I dont think they would have that in the security passes. Although you never know, the cammos dudes did used to wear badges that said "ARea 51 security force" or something of the like!

[edit on 27/8/06 by gfad]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by gfad
that is neither a rebuttal to any of my arguments are any kind of proof.

Your very first post on this thread questioned the existance of underground bases. And when I show you a Tunnel Boring Machine that the US AIR FORCE owns and operates from the the US Department of Energy, and a possible tunnel opening in Area 51, you deny it. I expect nothing else from a horrible skeptic.

Originally posted by gfad
so what was the official excuse for the AF owning a TBM?

To dig large holes underground maybe?? Why would then need an excuse for a machine that digs underground? Why is it so damn hard to believe in underground base's??

Originally posted by gfad
ALso dark knight, I dont think the base at groom lake is referred to by the name area 51 so I dont think they would have that in the security passes. Although you never know, the cammos dudes did used to wear badges that said "ARea 51 security force" or something of the like!

Dark Knight... don't even bother with this kid. Even if you have evidence and or proof, and shoved it down this kids neck, he will still deny it.

Like I said this skeptic will have you going in circles. He needs proof, of the proof, of the proof.

I'm putting this kid on ignore. He's still a teen.


[edit on 27-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 03:34 AM

From the Air Force them self...

ETL = Engineering Technical Letter
TT = Trenchless Technology

1. Purpose. This ETL provides general information and guidance on the use of TT in
constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating, renovating, cleaning, inspecting, locating,
and detecting anomalies around underground pipelines, utilities, fuel hydrant lines, or
communication lines crossing under Air Force pavements, including runways, taxiways,
aprons, overruns, and roadways.

7.1. Size Range. TT can be used to create almost any size range, from a tiny conduit
for a fiber optic cable to a multilane vehicle tunnel.

Hmmm, multilane vehicle tunnels under US Air Force bases.....

[edit on 27-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 03:43 AM
If the TBM is being operated on behalf of the DoE then it could conceivably be used at the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Storage Facility or, now that all nuclear tests in the site are done underground, it could be used to prepare test sites.

Originally posted by LAES YVAN

What? Do you have nay sources for this? The white house isnt a military base. I think a basement is in a different league to what you are talking about!

Originally posted by LAES YVAN
I'm putting this kid on ignore. He's still a teen.

You know nothing about me. Dont you dare judge me. You have already discounted my opinion on my nationality and now on my age!

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by gfad
If the TBM is being operated on behalf of the DoE then it could conceivably be used at the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Storage Facility or, now that all nuclear tests in the site are done underground, it could be used to prepare test sites.

The DOE is where the US AIR FORCE tunnel boring machine picture came from.. nothing more.

Originally posted by LAES YVAN
What? Do you have nay sources for this? The white house isn't a military base. I think a basement is in a different league to what you are talking about!

Are you kidding me? You don't even know the White House has an underground bunker with the ability to operate the entire US Military from that spot? That has been well known knowledge forever! It is a protection bunker for the Pres. and Vise Pres. Do some research!! If the Pres. and Vise Pres. can operate the entire US Military from this bunker, it is technically called a base.

Originally posted by LAES YVAN
You know nothing about me. Dont you dare judge me. You have already discounted my opinion on my nationality and now on my age!

I said NOTHING about your nationality. Only your place of origin. And I know you are 18 or 19 and just got out of high school.

[edit on 27-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 04:00 AM

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by LAES YVAN
Are you kidding me? You don't even know the White House has an underground bunker with the ability to operate the entire US Military from that spot? That has been well known knowledge for centuries! It is a protection bunker for the Pres. and Vise Pres. Do some research!! If the Pres. and Vise Pres. can operate the entire US Military from this bunker, it is technically called a base.

No I didnt know that. Incredible that its been known for centuries even thought it was only built during WWII, exageration anybody? And I dont think it classes as an underground base.

Originally posted by LAES YVAN
I said NOTHING about your nationality. Only your place of origin. And I know you are 18 or 19 and just got out of high school.

My plac of origin is only relelvant to someone who clearly has false misconceptions about other countries.

And its been three years since I was in high school. Since then I have done A-levels in physics, chemistry, maths and further maths getting top marks in each class and am now in the second year of my physics degree at one of britains top universities. Theres my back history. Does it make any of my points less valid?

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by gfad

No I didnt know that. Incredible that its been known for centuries even thought it was only built during WWII, exageration anybody? And I dont think it classes as an underground base.

Yes I did exaggerate, and I even changed centuries to "forever" before you posted. It just seems like I have know this information for many many many years.

Anyway, your lack of knowledge is making me want to go to the shooting range. I'm finally putting you on ignore right now.

B.T.W. You should have majored in English. Get some reading comprehension skills.

[edit on 27-8-2006 by LAES YVAN]

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by LAES YVAN
B.T.W. You should have majored in English. Get some reading comprehension skills.

I prefer science ... a subject undeniably linked with the true concept of proof and evidence. Something which alot of posters on this forum should learn about, instead of making ludicrous leaps in logic.

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 10:04 AM
Readers will no doubt notice how the debate has broken down after the trading of accusations and assumptions.

Too bad, since this is an interesting topic and that the abilities of the participants in the use of 'web tools' is quite evident.

This thread, although it is very well constructed and should enable the readers to make judgements on the evidences provided, leaves me and undoubtedly many others, shaking their head in the manner of its deterioration through an obvious frustration and unwillingness to aid or give credit, rather falling to discredit instead.

I take neither side in this debate, only taking the material presented so far under consideration, and waiting to see further proof.

It saddens me, though, that such a brilliant bit of investigative work should be in jeopardy due to emotional outbursts and negative personal observations.

This thread is now a testament of why we should not allow our frustrations to take throttles the flow of information to death.

My 2 cents

posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 06:47 PM
The badge looks like an official ebay item. ewItem

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 12:40 AM
Well, I love how Thoese two filled up two pages with non-sencical data...
I mean it was intersting but in the end it proved nothing...
Although the seeing through things is a interwesting notion, one which has all ready been executed. One being "T-Rays", the abuility to use these "T-Rays" as a sort of background radiation, to subjectiveley peel away lawers of material in realtime w/o using harmful radiation. It's effects are questionalbe at best, with both range and thickness of amterials, yet through a realitiveley well shielded hanger, and average construction materials, it wouldn't be too much trouble to determine a building, or in this case, a hangers contents. Another detail I wish to contribute is a little device called GPR. "Ground Penetrating Radar", as of yet the United States Governement is the only one in known possess of such technology, as well as utilize it. Just as well, it's inherent technical abulities are realitiveley unknown. Although from information gathered from relaitively reliable sources, at about exo-atmospheric altitudes, say about 434.959mi. Such a GPR device would easily distinguish both Ground, as well as sub-terrainian structures. Granted they would appear as only glowing outline of the underlying structures, but it would be enough for, "proof" of existance of such structres. As this technolodgy becomes more public, as well as refined we may very well have the abulity to look at Groom Lake in a "differnt light", as so to speak. But ultimateley if Area 51 is after all so advanced, they could have built S-4 with simply Nanites. Molecularly transforming the rock and minerals around it, into an entire base. Structure, wiring, furntiure and all. I know it will probably be the next breakthrough since electricity with it's capabulities, as well as inevitable hazzards, simply put they are endless. (to make myself more exact, i'm talking about Nanites with "Nano-Assembler" technology) As for S-4 it could also very well be this "special" research, has simply been moved elsewere like Dugway Proving grounds, or such. Althought yet again If they do have extremeley advanced technology, there could be people beaming daily to Mars, and thats where the research is being conducted. Far, far away from any suspecting, or prying eyes, who knows? I sure as hell don't, and certainly none of these people here do. The people who really do know whats going on, lets be honest, they arent going to talk. Not now, not in fifty years, one day the shrowd of secrecy will fall, when who really knows? All I do know for sure about Area 51, S4, The United States Governemnt, and any Secret Orginizations prying for more Power and money should know. There will soon will come a day when Secrecy, Power, Wealth, Injustice, and Evil will cease to exist. One should never be surprised when a Serpent devours it's own tail. Inevitably a Higher Power intervines, higher than any could have ever concieved.

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