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Papoose Lake Installation doesnt exist

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posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 02:24 PM
I have been researching Area 51 and other installations for a while now and from what i can gather there is no evidence what so ever about the S-4 base near Papoose lake. Even though Groom Lake is never discussed with the public, researchers have managed to gain a lot of information about the base. The only eveidence we have of the S-4 installation is hear say from supposed workers. I dont believe that S-4 does exist, Primarily because there is no point in the base being there and because there is not 1 slight peice of evidence. Anyone disagree?

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 02:33 PM
*shrug* Perhaps there is no evidence that S-4 exists because it a few levels above top secret? If it was an underground facility then it wouldnt show up on satalite images. Its not un reasonable to suppose that S-4 may be connected to the main base by an underground tram system or some such.
Just my 2 pence.


posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 02:41 PM
So because theres no information means it cannot / doesn't exist ? fair enough, but laugh all you want, but bob Lazaar was well on the money on alot of things, and he and others are adamant that its there.

For white world peeps, well we will never know one way or the other - Look for high res sat images of the area and have a good long look - some of the natural areas are too natural - they look forced or staged, like they were made that way .

Im all for S-4.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 02:52 PM
Its exactly what me and a couple of other posters have been saying for a long time.

I think the best question is WHY? Why would you spend millions if not billions of dollars on building a brand new base into the mountain (without a runway BTW) for testing "alien craft" when there is a perfectly good base just a few miles away designed especially for testing secret aircraft.

The same applies to people talking about underground bases ... why build an underground base to hide aircraft when normal buildings and hangars do it just as well at a fraction of the cost. What cant be hidden in a hangar that can be hidden in a cave/underground facility. Building an underground facility for secrecy is superfluous and financially stupid.

Lets ignore for the time being antigravity craft (which I dont believe to exist), and ask the question, how are these super secret airplanes going to take off ... and dont anyone dare to say the word Cheshire to me!!

And as you said ... there is NO evidence to show that there is a base. Theres more evidence to say there isnt a base, such as the lack of tracks and roads to the supposed S-4 site, no signs of above ground ventilation shafts, no sign of hangar doors etc ...

Oh come on GSA ... show me some natural land that looks TOO natural, then explain to me HOW it looks too natural! And BTW I dont remember Bob Lazar being right about a single thing he said, plus the fact he is a proven liar.

[edit on 26/7/06 by gfad]

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by gfad
And BTW I dont remember Bob Lazar being right about a single thing he said, plus the fact he is a proven liar.

[edit on 26/7/06 by gfad]

Indeed. His university attendance claims have been proven lies by Stanton Friedman among others(not to mention there is not a single person at MIT or Cal Tech that remembers ever seeing him), and his claims about Element 115(Uup) have actually been proven wrong since he made them.

Of course, when you can conveniently claim that the gov't erased your entire past and that an element is different because it's different in other galaxies, it's hard to prove these facts to the true believers.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 11:08 AM
Well there are roads that lead into the supposed area in which s-4 is claimed to be....not saying that is definitive evidence, but it does suggest that there is some kind of activity out there...Y build pointless roads to no where?

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Skeptik1st
Well there are roads that lead into the supposed area in which s-4 is claimed to be....not saying that is definitive evidence, but it does suggest that there is some kind of activity out there...Y build pointless roads to no where?

Any photo evidence of these roads?

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 11:24 AM
Maybe S4 is more of a Post World War 3 fall out bunker? Maybe they're not done. I should really begin to look into S4, sounds interesting

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Skeptik1st
Well there are roads that lead into the supposed area in which s-4 is claimed to be....not saying that is definitive evidence, but it does suggest that there is some kind of activity out there...Y build pointless roads to no where?

Do you have any satellite pics of these roads? Last time I checked I remember not seeing any ...

Originally posted by random hero
Indeed. His university attendance claims have been proven lies by Stanton Friedman among others(not to mention there is not a single person at MIT or Cal Tech that remembers ever seeing him), and his claims about Element 115(Uup) have actually been proven wrong since he made them.

Of course, when you can conveniently claim that the gov't erased your entire past and that an element is different because it's different in other galaxies, it's hard to prove these facts to the true believers.

Exactly ... I love the fact that everyone who has turned up a yearbook for any of the years he claimed to be at either of the colleges he went to has apparently had their yearbooks swapped and their memories erased ... he doesnt appear in any.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 05:40 AM
If the base does exsist and has what is said to be inside, Then the government are hardly going to put it in an easy place to be found. Just like Area 51, No one even admitted that it exsisted until quite a few years later when more and more people found it, And all that does is test flight and produce aircraft.

They arent going to install a facility which has such valuable information that can easily be found on foot or by satellite, Of course they are going to keep it as hidden as possible in the hills etc.

To be honest, I don't believe all of what Lazar claims like his previous jobs and where he studied, Because yes that has been proven wrong. And I don't believe anymore that he has actually worked at that so called base but I do think he does have some inside information about the craft, And other certain things.

I think personally that there is a facility somewhere in the NTS that is similiar and does the same research on ExtraTerrestrial craft like Lazar claims but I dont think it's in or near the position that it is said to be in.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by CTFL
If the base does exsist and has what is said to be inside, Then the government are hardly going to put it in an easy place to be found. Just like Area 51, No one even admitted that it exsisted until quite a few years later when more and more people found it, And all that does is test flight and produce aircraft.

Why wouldnt they just build it out of normal hangars and buildings ... as long as no one can see inside then there is no issue.

Cheyenne mountain was described as the most secure place in america and that had visitor tours around it. Also Groom Lake is hardly in an easy place to find, infact its in one of the most desolate and remote places in America if not the world.

As far as I know no one has ever got any real info on an active black project from observing Area 51. As far as I know no one has ever infiltrated the actual Area 51 facility. This means that although it has had such huge media coverage it is still supremely secure and one of the best places in the world for testing secret aircraft.

Basically what im trying to say is that there is no reason to hide a base in the side of a hill for secrecy ... as long as no one can see through the roof of a hangar or building and it cant be infiltrated or observed then a normal military base will suffice for a fraction of the cost.

posted on Jul, 31 2006 @ 07:15 PM
Yes but you are testing technology that you are trying to keep covered up. If we're honest here, There is always people near that facility trying to get a glimpse of a project or strange lights. It's nearly always being watched by someone from a distance.

Also, Groom Lake has over a thousand employees, That is alot of people to keep under control and to keep quite when they were to see something like a test flight of one of these craft.

A so called base like S4 has a great deal of purpose and if there is an installation like it, Then it is better to be kept away from main and popular bases where people arent trying to get a glimpse of stuff.

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 10:31 AM
S-4 was born from the "Lazar Tales". Until Bob Lazar started with his stories, no one had even heard of the place. I can't find any proof that Lazar isn't lying. I even wrote to George Knapp, in Las Vegas.


posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 10:58 PM
I think the so called underground base (if it exists) is a storage area for lethal and toxic chemicals. I think the lawsuit by the ex-Area 51 employee has forced base commanders to possibly transport in drums the toxic material or toxic equipment to an underground area much like they are doing with the planned nuclear disposal at Yucca Mountain.

I have heard rumors of another area that is being used to test that doesn't have a name. The guy I talked to who works near the area said it was known by some that there is another place. Maybe not on the scale of Area 51 or as obvious with jets flying workers out of Vegas...but he was very confident in saying (much like Yoda in Empire Strikes back...ha!) "No...there is another". I say that in an unserious way, but this guy's job responsibilities wasn't one that allowed him to run around telling tall tales. I'm sure someone will track it down in the next 5 years.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Atomic
I have heard rumors of another area that is being used to test that doesn't have a name.

I love this idea of working at a place that doest have a name!

Even the most top secret places have to have names.

posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 12:41 PM
i'm not too sure about S-4, all seems to far fetched to me although i will keep an open mind on this one for now but a few things spring to mine when i think of this place, one thing i think of is why didnt anyone see any type of construction going on, even tho its sposed to be underground we would of still seen ALOT of activity above ground, construction workers, machinary, truck fulls of dirt being transported away, there would of been tons upon tons of soil/rocks/sand ect, where did all the concrete come from or are they just sitting in a hole in the ground surounded by dirt walls and floors

i think there could be a chance of something underground at A51 but it would be more like a basement, 1 or 2 levels at most and they'd probably use it like we use our basements, fill it full of junk thats never gonna get used

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 04:45 PM
im not sure wether it exists or not but im sure i saw a video where they tested a circular shaped hover craft (i fogot the name of it) there becuase it was in a program about bob lazars claims, but i could be wrong.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by gfad

Originally posted by Atomic
I have heard rumors of another area that is being used to test that doesn't have a name.

I love this idea of working at a place that doest have a name!

Even the most top secret places have to have names.

I'm sure it has a name, but not a name that this guy is telling me. I asked him a very very very round about way so as not to have him think I was prying too much and his answer was "north of where everyone thinks". Good luck with that one.

I'm more of a believer in Australia being a better place to hide and test some things. Canada may have a benefit in being dark so much of the winter that hiding from satellites and spyplanes may be easier, but Alaska would be too. I don't know if this guy is still talking Nevada or I said someone will figure it out.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 04:37 PM
You guys kill me! Does it really seem too far fetched to you for there to be underground facilities out there? I mean I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to blend into the desert!

Billions of dollars can build an awful lot! And the tunnel machines are able to do it. I think some of you look too far into these day light satellite images that aren't going to show you anything because they know when satellite images are being taken.

[edit on 22-8-2006 by classified material]

[edit on 22-8-2006 by classified material]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by Atomic

Originally posted by gfad

Originally posted by Atomic
I have heard rumors of another area that is being used to test that doesn't have a name.

I love this idea of working at a place that doest have a name!

Even the most top secret places have to have names.

I'm sure it has a name, but not a name that this guy is telling me. I asked him a very very very round about way so as not to have him think I was prying too much and his answer was "north of where everyone thinks". Good luck with that one.

I'm more of a believer in Australia being a better place to hide and test some things. Canada may have a benefit in being dark so much of the winter that hiding from satellites and spyplanes may be easier, but Alaska would be too. I don't know if this guy is still talking Nevada or I said someone will figure it out.

"Canada may have a benefit in being dark so much of the winter"

thats just stupid of you..

But yes Canada has tons of property to test stuff, and I wonder if its actually in use for this type of work.

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