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Britney's Black Helicopters

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posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 12:51 AM
A very intersting article regarding the NWO/Gun cult. Definately applies to people here. Read, enjoy. That's an order.


A few years back I discovered the joys of posting on computer message boards. It was not long after the Columbine killings in Colorado, and the subject of guns and access to them was a frequent topic of conversation on the board I posted at. The board was populated by a number of, er, very devoted NRA types, and although I had known many gun owners - and even some who were ardent advocates of what they felt were their Second Amendment rights - I wasn't at all prepared for some of the things I found out from the online gun advocates.

I discovered that there were people who were really convinced that America was headed for a civil war between the gun owners and the confiscators. They were obsessed with the Waco and Ruby Ridge incidents and truly believed that they too would one day have to be holed up in a compound somewhere in Idaho or Montana or some similar remote area where they would have to fight off the evil agents of their own country who had strayed from the true path of the Constitution.

In their world there was always a fleet of black helicopters heading their way bearing the SWAT teams who would spearhead the New World Order's final push to disarm them. (The New World Order, as best as I could determine, was a conglomeration of the UN, the media, the universities and a group of disloyal Constitution-haters who all had government jobs). The last chopper, of course, carried Hillary Clinton, who would be there to lead them to the gunless Gulag once the SWAT teams had done their jobs.

I was reminded of my old cyberspace gun friends the other day when I came across the NRA blacklist, a fact sheet that the National Rifle Association offers to all visitors to their website. It identifies individuals, organizations and corporations that apparently suffer from the twisted, un-American delusion that the Founding Fathers didn't want all Americans to be able to defend themselves with fertilizer bombs. The list is a full nineteen pages long and can be printed out and duct-taped to the wall of your trailer in case you forget who the enemies of freedom are.

Don't forget to read the NRA Blacklist. Is there anything these people aren't threatened by?

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 05:21 AM
Good post.If nothing else it should stir up debate.

I was initially confused as I misread it and expected to see a list of WACO(We Ain't Coming Out)type ppl and organisations when I linked to the NRA site.
But,of course the NRA don't blacklist and publically shame those that are overzealous in their love of guns.They instead blacklist those that have advocated gun control.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 09:44 AM
That has to be the biggest pile of steaming dog # I have ever read.
Yeah, us NRA members are all looking to carry anti-aircraft missiles and tow howitzers behind our cars. Yep, you caught us.

This just shows how clueless the hardcore left has become. When you can't provide any real evidence or argument just make up some bull# to try and scare people. Classic.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 09:53 AM
This leaves me to wonder why Heston granted Moore an interview for Bowling for Columbine..?

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 12:36 PM
I like Chris Rock's idea. Have bullet control. Make bullets cost 5grand. No more innocent bystandards. If someone gets shot, they deserved it.

I am for some sort of gun (its not the word I am looking for) control. The criminals are still going to get the guns. The only way to keep guns off the street is to not make them anymore. Which is not a solution. But think about the world without guns. People would still kill each other though, thats the bad part. Certain things just make it easier.

[Edited on 10/29/03 by crayon]

[Edited on 10/29/03 by crayon]

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Fry2
That has to be the biggest pile of steaming dog # I have ever read.
Yeah, us NRA members are all looking to carry anti-aircraft missiles and tow howitzers behind our cars. Yep, you caught us.

This just shows how clueless the hardcore left has become. When you can't provide any real evidence or argument just make up some bull# to try and scare people. Classic.

Ah good, exactly the reaction I was hoping for. Thanks for the confirmation.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 01:26 PM
Confirmation of what? That your presented "article" is indeed a steaming pile of dog #?
No problem.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 01:37 PM
Funny the hypocrisy of socialists and stalinists like some of the people around here..,

they came to power via the power of the gun and they exist to this day because of it...,

the countries they admire Russian and China and NK and other regimes pray day and night to the god of war..,

yet they want the disarming of the US and other first world citizens..,


because they do not want to be shot when they come to kill you and take what you have. They desire to control you and run your very life because they are better qualified to do it than you are, according to them that is.

stand up to them and FIGHT!

[Edited on 29-10-2003 by THENEO]

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:21 PM
Come on, we can get more than that! What are you waiting for? There's got to be plenty more people with a....comment.

Someone, tell us how the liberals are conspiring with the NWO to take away our guns and make us all give our money to welfare and worship satan.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Fry2
Confirmation of what? That your presented "article" is indeed a steaming pile of dog #?
No problem.

Do you want to elaborate on what part of the article is dog #?

How about this part?

"I discovered that there were people who were really convinced that America was headed for a civil war between the gun owners and the confiscators. They were obsessed with the Waco and Ruby Ridge incidents and truly believed that they too would one day have to be holed up in a compound somewhere in Idaho or Montana or some similar remote area where they would have to fight off the evil agents of their own country who had strayed from the true path of the Constitution.

In their world there was always a fleet of black helicopters heading their way bearing the SWAT teams who would spearhead the New World Order's final push to disarm them. (The New World Order, as best as I could determine, was a conglomeration of the UN, the media, the universities and a group of disloyal Constitution-haters who all had government jobs). The last chopper, of course, carried Hillary Clinton, who would be there to lead them to the gunless Gulag once the SWAT teams had done their jobs. "

It may not be true of you Fry, but it is true of many "gun people" (who may or may not be in the NRA). Especially a hell of a lot of people on this board.
What's made up? What's dog #? Where's the fearmongering? It's true. That's what alot of these people believe. Maybe you should read the article before dismissing it as liberal crap?

If you want crap made up to scare people, look towards the US government. Terrorists are crawling though our victory gardens in middle America after all. Every accident that happens whether it be a forest fire or car crash is caused by terruhrists. You want unwarnted fear, watch the evening news...

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:33 PM
I like the idea of bullet control.

Automatic weapons would cost a fortune.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:42 PM
Personally, I support gun ownership. I do, however, believe that some people are a bit extreme in regards to gun ownership-and that goes for both (pro/anti) parties.

Take away guns from law abiding citizens and you're left with unarmed 'good guys' & armed 'bad guys'. That's the simple truth.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:50 PM
Guns made us a free country.

Our right to own weapons, is not to hunt squirrels or shoot bambi, or protect our own homes, individually.

It is a right given us by our founding fathers, planted in the Constitution with a meaningful purpose, lose that right, lose the right to fight for your countries freedom, or against a rogue government.

Gun control is populace control. Not crime control.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:55 PM

I like Chris Rock's idea. Have bullet control. Make bullets cost 5 grand. No more innocent bystanders. If someone gets shot, they deserved it.

This is actually a rather ingenious solution...I love it!!!

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Flinx
Come on, we can get more than that! What are you waiting for? There's got to be plenty more people with a....comment.

Someone, tell us how the liberals are conspiring with the NWO to take away our guns and make us all give our money to welfare and worship satan.

Flinx this is the first thing you have said that I actually agree with. Couldn't have said it better myself if I tried.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by smirkley
Guns made us a free country.

Our right to own weapons, is not to hunt squirrels or shoot bambi, or protect our own homes, individually.

It is a right given us by our founding fathers, planted in the Constitution with a meaningful purpose, lose that right, lose the right to fight for your countries freedom, or against a rogue government.

Gun control is populace control. Not crime control.

Two things the first one is fairly obvious as it seems that on the contrary the right to have a gun seems to be a better form of population control in the same way contraception is.

The other point is the average Americans treatment of their Constitution as almost a religious text.

I may not get the quote right but I think it was Thomas Jefferson(In my view the smartest President the US has ever had)who said that a consitution should be rewritten every 25 years.Americans now treat the constitution as untouchable and they are in danger of becoming like orthodox Jews who don't drive their pregnant wives to hospital because it's Friday evening.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:06 PM

oh so we should change it like changing the color of the paint in the living room or cause you want it changed?

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:12 PM
short bull# list

un-American delusion that the Founding Fathers didn't want all Americans to be able to defend themselves with fertilizer bombs

The NRA has nothing to do with explosives and never has.

James Madison may have worked tirelessly to guarantee that every schizophrenic who gets released from a mental institution can buy an Uzi on his way home

Once again a bald faced lie. The NRA supports better inforcement of existing firearms laws as well as reasonable background checks to prevent this from ever happening.

there are, incredibly, many in the news business and even professional and religious organizations who are out to deprive us our sacred right to own rocket propelled grenades.

See steaming pile #1.

This is pure scaremongering, Nothing less.

I do see your point about there being some complete whack jobs out there but you will find very few of them are members of the NRA. I'm just soooooo sick of these liberal whiners bitching about us as if we were all headed out the door to slaughter a girl scout meeting.

Don't persecute us because we are actually doing something to preserve your freedom now and in the future. You may find yourself eating some healthy portions of crow in the future.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:13 PM
I just quoted Jefferson.Surely you respect the man??

Listen to yourself you really do sound like you are going to lecture everyone about not have contact with a woman while she is menstrating if the US constitution and not the Torah said so.

posted on Oct, 29 2003 @ 03:23 PM
You have little to contribute to this since you already gave up your rights.
Tell me how your crime rate is doing there in britain...

Maybe you could enlighten us as to how the gun ban in Washington D.C. has brought the murder rate down.

As far as Jefferson, here are some for you:

That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

A little rebellion now and a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.

Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...

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