Not to shoot your link down , Grady, but between receiving handouts and doing business on equitable terms, I'd rather much prefer the latter.
The former would appear like a bribe to me if on one side the foreign power is giving me these handouts and on the other side they're raping my
economy. Like appeasement money.
You are free to draw your own conclusions from my posts and the associated links. Likewise, you are free to express those opinions and post links to
support them, as well. To some the US can do no right. Perhaps, you are among those, but that is your prerogative.
Of course the US can do right. I sincerely hope the US can do right, coz if not, who else? It's not like there's another superpower.
It just seems that lately they're not doing much right. Note that I said seems, as in, it appears so. Just as it appears that muslims are