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400,000 Muslims in Texas Equal 400 potential Terrorists

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posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
If we go by statistics, we are much more likely to be killed in car wreck than by a Muslim suicide bomber.

Let's hope you feel the same way when the whole US power grid is taken down or NYC bombed by one of them acting with Iranian or Hez backing. :shk:

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by wellwhatnow
I met countless radical, "Christian", KKK members.

What has the KKK done in recent memory to hurt anyone?

It is true that the Muslim community is considerably more pacifist than elsewhere and there are plenty of instances of the Muslim community aiding law enforcement in capturing would-be terrorists.

What shots is saying, and this should not be too hard for anyone with a fifth grade education to comprhend, is that given the numbers of Muslims in America, even a small percentage of jihadists is a very large number.

I don't see anything racist about doing the math.

[edit on 2006/7/25 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

What shots is saying, and this should not be too hard for anyone with a fifth grade education to comprehend, is that given the numbers of Muslims in America, even a small percentage of jihadists is a very large number.

I don't see anything racist about doing the math.

[edit on 2006/7/25 by GradyPhilpott]

I guess I was more interesting in other subject in school than bending to racism when it comes to the muslin community . . .

But what is the use to make my mind and lose sleep over how many muslin are in my street . . .

This is the way our nation was build . . . our nation's politicians are not very worry because they have done nothing to ensure to stop the growing migrant and muslin will be terrorist. . .

See if they are not worry why should I lose sleep over it . . .

After all Is nothing I can do to stop them as one person . . . but our elected politicians can occurs if somebody else is not paying to get their needs attended first.

So what would be a good way to keep track of the growing muslin population in Texas?

Perhaps they should be round up and send to Guantanamo. Right?

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Perhaps they should be round up and send to Guantanamo. Right?

That's an interesting proposal for a liberal, but honestly, marg, I don't think that would work. People get queasy when it comes to sending illegals back to wherever and Gitmo is such a small facility.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 09:33 PM
I understand that it will be a very controversial issue and one that our politicians rather address but don't touch.

But the same way that we know that we have a problem with migration and muslin growing communities so are our political leaders aware.

But does it matter?

BTW I may be a liberal but I can be extremist when the situation can affect me directly or a family member.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by shots
While surfing the net for stories today I came accross this Google Video that alleges there are 400,000 Muslims in Texas and I find that very hard to believe since Mich is said to have the most at 300,000.

It should be noted if this is true we could have a potential 400 potential terrorists just in Texas assuming that just one percent turn fanatic, which is not good.

Frankly I think the site that put up the video is just pushing the figures high intentionally and this source more or less backs up my logic by stating were only
approximately 140,000 -- in Texas 1990 estimates

My question is this; Do we have a brewing Religious social problem in Texas based on this claim?

[edit on 7/25/2006 by shots]

It seem, that Math is not your strongest subject (goes for others, who reply on that tread, since nobody noticed), but 1% of 400,000 will be 4000, not 400.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by PopeyeFAFL
It seem, that Math is not your strongest subject (goes for others, who reply on that tread, since nobody noticed), but 1% of 400,000 will be 4000, not 400.

Thanks for the math lesson, but really, does that make the issue any less disconcerting?

I think most US Muslims are very happy to live in America where factional warfare is nonexistent. Our problem lies in those of the rebellious age, who are easily influenced by radicalism.

[edit on 2006/7/25 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Let's hope you feel the same way when the whole US power grid is taken down or NYC bombed by one of them acting with Iranian or Hez backing. :shk:

Yes, I will still feel the same way: That statistically, the chances were slim and that Muslims are not the largest threat to my welfare.

Will you still feel the same way when there is no Muslim attack on the US tomorrow, but there are hundreds of fatal car wrecks?

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
What has the KKK done in recent memory to hurt anyone?

To my knowledge, they have engaged in no direct violence. They have encouraged hatred and inspired fear, yet some feel the same way about Muslims.

However, we are talking about potentialities. The point I am attempting to make is that any group, especially an extremely hateful one, has the potential to do violent harm. The same could be said of almost any human, given the right circumstances, so profiling is not the answer. To paint everyone in a group with the same brush is destined to do more harm than good.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 02:46 AM
So who cares?
This is meaningless nonsense because there is nothing you can do about it. What are you going to do lock them up, deport them, kill them even? Obviously not this is America after all. All you can do is prevent the alienation that turns people into terrorists.

How do you stop this alienation?

Stop treating Muslims like lepers to be isolated and accept that they are everybit as American as you are.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 04:15 AM
isn't texas the third most populas state?

right after new york

wouldn't it be easy to believe that 300k in a smaller state would look like more than 400k in the third largest state?

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
400 potential terrorists? Thats it?

Given the fact that there are WAY many more Christian extremists in Texas, Id say Im more worried about the Christian nutters. Where as Muslim terrorists have not struck Texas yet, every day Christian nutjobs and moralistic extreme rightwingers legislate away rights and liberties.

Way scarier than a handful of MAYBE suicide bombers.

ahahaha OMG you are so right. Plus they already have weapons too. There are a lot of White Christian Converts to Islam in Texas. I don't think they are all of arab descent.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
There are a lot of White Christian Converts to Islam in Texas. I don't think they are all of arab descent.

That was exactly my point and I assume those that are implying this thread is/was intended to be race related apparently could not read what I wrote and I was very specific, yet they still want to make this an issue of race when it is never intended to be one.

Now for those that missed it, here it is again.

"My question is this; Do we have a brewing Religious social problem in Texas based on this claim?


Sorry for the math problem Popeye, you are right that would be 4000 not 400 which could make it worse if some of those converts turn radical Jihadists.

We also have to remember that it has been stated and proven that the fanatics have already started to recruit home grown members from the countries they want to attack. Great Britain would be a good example to use, Canada would be another. There have also been reports of suspected groups in the US lately the alleged planed attack on Chicago is what I am refering too in the US.
Chicago Seven

And that is just for starters.

[edit on 7/26/2006 by shots]

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 08:47 AM
Regardless of what numbers predict, the fact is that there are extremist groups organizing and training in the US. Both of these links are to non governmental sites, but the information is simlar, though somewhat less complete, than what is circulating through the law enforcement community. The pdf file on homelandsecurityus has a fairly up to date map of activities. Also, this group just finished up a conference in Red House VA, and instructions went out for how LE should adress these people in case there is some need to interact.

The man who started this group and created the first compound in NY has been photographed with Bin Laden in Pakistan. This is the group thought by most to be associated with the murder of Daniel Pearl, though they deny it.

So, part of the reason that we don't see lots of radical Muslims walking the streets is because in the US they use compounds. There's lots of land and privacy. In other countries you'll find the same thing, like in... Afghanistan. In countries without the land, you have enclaves, like in Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands. But there are still some radicals out in public. In my area there is a guy who throws a party every year on the anniversary of 9/11.

Waco was mentioned earlier, and this is what makes me angry. There is a "war on terror", yet these compounds are allowed to flourish, and even operate outside of local laws and ordinances. Take a radical Christian that is doing the same thing, and the federal government burns them out. I am was in no way supportive of Koresh, but the differences smack of political correctness, and a sucidal level of cultural sensitivity.

Also, look at the FBI hunt for the fundamentalist Morman, Warren Jeffs. The FBI inflitrates the KKK and other hate groups. Clearly native born extremists are much more at risk of prosecution than these Muslim enclaves. As for the percentage of being a possible victim of rape or murder, of course its going to be higher. There are more rapists and murderers, and they don't act as a group. The very nature of extremest groups require that they remain low profile and when they do act, to make it count. Therefore, the danger is much greater to a mass of people, than to one. And there are methods of prosecuting regular criminals. What I am not seeing is a method or effort to drive these extremists out into the open.

Thank you Shots for bringing this topic up. I just wanted to make it known that if you don't see the 400 terrorists, there is a reason why, and it isn't that they don't exist.

[edit on 26-7-2006 by hogtie]

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by shots

"My question is this; Do we have a brewing Religious social problem in Texas based on this claim?

I'm sorry I missed it in my last post, by I would say that we have a religious social problem growing throughout the country. For those on this thread, who cast a critical eye on the armed "christian fanatics", I have no problem with that. But please use that same critical eye on every other group as well, especially Islam. What is lacking in this country right now is the ability to openly challenge belief, without being branded "intolerant".

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by hogtie
Thank you Shots for bringing this topic up. I just wanted to make it known that if you don't see the 400 terrorists, there is a reason why, and it isn't that they don't exist.

I was certain it would be a thought provoking topic that is why I started it and I take that as a complement and want you to know it is very much appreciated.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 09:59 AM
It was, indeed, a compliment. There are many people in the US who need realize that extremists are using our own tolerance as a weapon against us, and this is just what countries in Europe are finding out the hard way.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 10:03 AM
Back to your original post, shots, 1% of 400,000 is 4,000, not 400.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 10:41 AM
I never was good at my guzintas. You know... 5 guzinta 10 two times.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 11:11 AM

What has the KKK done in recent memory to hurt anyone?

The first one is in the news today, sure anyone can burn KKK in to a lawn but the fact is this was done in the Klan’s name.

FBI investigating hate crime after 'KKK' burned into family's lawn

Vandals reportedly shot holes in the copper dome of the mosque, broke a number of windows, and etched the letters "KKK" on a sign

KKK leader was convicted of manslaughter in June 2005.

Rape Suspect May Have Ties to KKK

Sniper suspect's hero "KKK."

Beyond the KKK, look at all the terrorism by others who are inspired by Christian beliefs.
Eric Rudolph (who bombed abortion clinics, gay bars and the Atlanta Olympics), the Lambs of God (violent abortion opponents who have shot doctors), Timothy McVeigh.

All the boys molested by priests. The pope who won’t apologies to these boys.

What percentage of Christians should be feared?

The whole idea of judging people based on what percentage does what is ridiculous.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 09:14 PM
The KKK is to be abhorred, but the real threat of the KKK as an institution is pretty minuscule these days. You might note that the conviction of the Klansman in 2005 was for a murder committed in 1964. The Klan, so far as I know, is not devoted to destroying America.

Some Christians commit crimes, it is true, but no Christian sect or denomination that I am aware of has made the destruction of the nation or any nation its supreme goal.

Millions of Christians donate billions of dollars each year to feed and clothe the poor and starving of the world.

Christian Charities

[edit on 2006/7/26 by GradyPhilpott]

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