what do you NOT SEE???
its been PROVEN that our government,
was FULLY AWARE that there were (4) airplanes diverting from their course....
its been proven that they also knew about the 1 hijacker ever since he was at flight school...
and reported his suspicions about it, then bugged them about it
again they did NOTHING
its been proven that our military was at FULL ALERT doing drills for terror
at the same time.......that the hijax took place
they even had fighter jets in the air (with the capability ) of shooting the planes down
from OVER 150 miles away!!!
again, they did NOTHING
and after the first airplane hit and they KNEW about it
HOW LONG was it BEROFE the 2nd plane hit
with news helicopters and fighter jets in the air around it
and still they did NOTHING just sat and watched the second one hit it
then how long was it after that, that the pentagon got hit........???
how long do the aircraft control towers let planes divert from their course,
before they call them to see whats going on????.......or
how many miles off course????
why havent they RELEASED the communications from the control towers????????
why did they ship the steel the whole way to china????
america is fully capable, and i'm sure we would have wanted to
USE THE SAME STEEL for the replacement building.......
amd i am POSITIVE that the recyclers' in the us would pay a HIGHER PRICE
for the scrap steel
dont you think it would COST quite a bit of money to ship 3 whole buildings worth
of steel and on how many barges ten thousand miles away to china??????
im sure since it WAS the wtc,, our recyclers would CUT A VERY GOOD DEAL FOR IT
you know to show their support!
you see all theese questions and more, have came up, in this investigation........
and apparently they will not OR cannot give us answers........why is that....?...
because the truth will hurt them??
when the president was told that wtc was just hit, HE DIDNT EVEN FLINCH..
you..i and everyone else was like,,,, whaat??????? are you serious?????????
he didnt even ACT surprised!!
any other leader of a country would have been up and making phone calls
i have to be careful now this is getting a little sensitive,
the thread will be moved or 50 new extremely stupid threads will make this one
vanish tooooo