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Propagandists....paid professionals on ATS?

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posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 11:44 AM
I say let the propaganda, disinformation, whatever you want to call it flow forth. If you want to debate it / debunk it, the effort any of us puts into arguing our point pays out in spades, especially if the opposition reply is a slightly more verbose version of "oh yea?". The truth is, some come here looking for confirmation of what they already believe, and if it is about UFOs, NWO, or the gas station down the block tampering the meter on its pumps, they will cling to what already floats their boat. As far as worrying about the swayable fence sitters, hell, they have been a part of the landscape since people have had the freedom to speak and act, and they have been deftly manipulated since, by stump speaches, pamphlets, and flyers prior to technolology. Nobody who is unafraid to use their own eyes, ears, and typing fingers should be afraid of disinformation, because it makes us work harder. Besides, like signatures of a serial killer, disinformation is can be another clue to track down, even if you have to move in the opposite direction.

Is someone getting paid to do this? Does it really matter? There are plenty of folks out there who can bury me in a debate, and do it for free. Does the fact that they proved their point, or that I conceded mine, change just because money changed hands? If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Or so my boss tells me.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 03:22 PM
I can see paying someone to monitor this sight to get a feel for what kind of thoughts are driving peoples actions to help plan better strategy. I can not see paying someone to participate to try and change opinion. It could not be clearer that to do so would just alienate people further. I believe to do so would guarantee the reverse of what they would like to achieve. It would make the radicals even more radical so to speak.

There does seem to be many on this board that believe someone who disagrees with their opinion and sticks to there guns must be some kind of “disinformation” agent or a plant of some kind. I think that is due to an inability to believe that anyone else looking at the same evidence could come to a different conclusion. It happens to me and I’m sure it happens to everyone here. It’s easier on our frail human sensibilities to simply dismiss what they are saying than to deal with the fact that there is not enough evidence to reach a conclusion on either side. Our personal prejudices take over and when we can not force others to “see things our way”, we have to find something to blame our failure on. It’s just easier for our minds to deal with it if we can ascribe it to someone being a “paid propagandist” or a government “disinformation” specialist.

There are conspiracy theories on this board that seem to be Holy Grail’s to the core membership. Anyone who does not immediately agree or who does not interpret the evidence the same way is labeled. Then there are those who have a genuine bias against another group of people, for whatever reason, that will immediately attack anything they have to say as false. Facts don’t enter into the equation with this crowd they just hate ___________?’s and will take any opportunity to attack them. (There are a couple of veiled attacks on this thread.) Hating someone just because of their beliefs is the antithesis of what this board should be about. The truth can never be found under those circumstances. Hatred only blinds people to the truth.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by The Parallelogram
isn't it possible that these "propagandists" are really just people with opinions different than your own?

just because somebody expresses an unpopular point of view doesn't mean that person is a Government agent, even if the opinion expressed is the gov't party line.

i'd have to see a hell of a lot of evidence before i'd believe that ANY of these threads, no matter how bone-headed or off-the-wall, are the product of federal funding.

Excellent post parallelogram!
It's funny actually. I know I have been labeled a Bush lover simply because I don't believe Titor

I've also been labled a Jew, because I spoke out against Hezbollah.
I know people will say having a different opinion is encouraged, but.......

Anyway, as far as paid propagandists, where do you sign up!? I mean, if you can get paid just to post on a website...who wouldn't want that job?

Really though, I don't know about that. I would think it would be just a waste of time, no? What exactly would be the point? On a conspiracy site, people gather to discuss conspiracies......would these people's job be to try and change people's mind? What are the chances of that happening??
Because of the issues discussed on this site, I'm sure it's probably monitored, but to actually have paid don't know...

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 05:28 PM
I'm not paid for it, but I do 'lobby' for my wiew of things. Peace does not pay. My impression is that it would not be worth it to spread propaganda on ATS or other messageboards. It's alot more effective to have it printed in newspapers. Newspapers go home to people, ATS does not.

Also, ATS might have a million readers, but they are all spread out over the whole planet. Thus propaganda for this or that political wiew here might go home to people, but unfortunly those people does not live in the same town or continent as the one who need their vote...

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 01:59 AM
wish i got paid to post here
it'd quit my job and just post all day long!

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 03:14 AM
If you are honest in seeking the truth than you should try your darnest to be as psychic as the famed "sleeping prophet" who died in 1945 oddly enough. There are a lot of books on the subject and so it shouldn't be hard to root out any such perversion in one's life. You should do yoga and mediation anyways, but inevitably, like all things useful, you can scale-up so to speak and make more use out of such practices of maximum efficiency. Oh and by the way, if biases and the like actually worked than Al Gore would have surely won the elections since it is common knowledge that the major networks are staunch supporters of the Democrats.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 02:18 PM
FlyersFan says

"Working for Boeing doesn't make a person a spook. My husband signed up
here about a month ago. He works for Boeing and he's no

OMG!! Another Boeing agent!! I work for IDS Rotorcraft in Mesa, and am Heritage McDonnell Douglas

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 03:54 PM
OMG...a Boeing sleeper cell!

We did a contract design of a part of the target recognition system for a certain unfortunately discontinued helicopter!

How come all my really GOOD work gets discontinued, while the humdrum stuff gets approved? Hah? It's a plot I tells ya, a plot!

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 03:57 PM
Wait a minute.... If all you folks are posting on line then.........

Who's designing the airplane?!

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by hogtie
Wait a minute.... If all you folks are posting on line then.........

Who's designing the airplane?!

It's all contracted to Airbus!

Nah, we have the good fortune to do some offbeat contract avionics now and then. Always fun. The bad side is that a lot of those projects die in infancy.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam
We did a contract design of a part of the target recognition system for a certain unfortunately discontinued helicopter!

Would you by any chance be referring to he beautiful RAH-66? Its for another thread, I know, but I’m just curious.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 05:42 PM
You are correct, sir. It was the data preprocessor between the cameras and..something.

If you are in fact a USMA grad, you understand that even though the thing's in the open you still are bound by NDA, so I can't explain what or how, though it's probably been published by Aviation Leak.

Oddly, the really interesting part of the system (a little ball of advanced physics about YAY big) was "invented" and is now sold over the counter by an Israeli company, about ten years after the real thing. Not something like it, the very thing, plastic molding and all. It is quite distinctive in appearance. I've given it a lot of thought but still haven't figured that one out.

ps: And I'm not sure I'll ever really understand why that beautiful work-of-art project got discontinued, when other crap I've worked on lives on forever in infamy. Thus do fate and destiny conspire to do us dirt.

[edit on 26-7-2006 by Tom Bedlam]

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Tom Bedlam

It's all contracted to Airbus!

That does it! I'm taking the train.

posted on Jul, 26 2006 @ 09:06 PM
If these "agents" are "here" and paid, I wish to report to them that their clientele is not getting good dollar value as many ATS folk are well-equipped to waste their time - kinda like a cat playin' with a mouse that thinks it's a lion... "Repo-man 'got all night!" - paid disinformation specialists - such an affectacious cute and shiney hood ornament of a cause. Less than truth but a "truth" unto themselves nonetheless. Kinda funny if they weren't so sad.

Victor K.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 02:28 AM
Victor K. Should let Mariah Carey sing "Fantasy" and should stop postulating what simply isn't happening.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 06:21 AM

Seems like this is going off topic a bit.

Mariah Carey is NOT on this menu.

*nudges back the Mariah Carey Fan Club from flame fest*

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 07:33 AM
If anything, the few posts above masqua's demonstrate -- exactly -- a tactic or skill that a net - advocate might utilize. We might call it de railing a thread. However, when a thread is heading towards areas that a net-advocate might have contracted to prevent. Given that the net-advocate has not been able to literally, "take over" a line of conversation, he might take the avenue of simply starting side conversations or even a conversation that helps to dissolve a meaningful dialogue into chaos. Keep in mind that a net-advocate can work in teams or even have used several IPs so as to be able to have several identities on a site such as ATS.

I am not saying that the people who began a side conversation about Boeing are paid net-advocates or anything but a few folks who recognized a common interest or knowledge base. These things do happen. It is, sometimes, difficult not to go off topic on a thread when the opportunity to say something funny or something meaningful only to a few. Like I said, "it happens". But it does, indeed, demonstrate one aspect of what a paid professional can isn't difficult...because amateurs can do it inadvertantly. The net-advocate has focus and deliberateness.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 06:16 PM
I too believe there are people on ATS who have some 'agenda' or something to disprove - I'm specifically speaking about the 9/11 forum here actually.

The 9/11 forum seems to attract a LOT of new members (people with very little ATS, BTS points etc) who basically join to refute the allegations that members like Slapnuts (whom is someone who truly denies ignorance IMO) make.

I mean - think about it - you come on a conspiracy website, to read about conspiracies. If you thought these theories were wrong, or just plain stoopid, then most people would just laugh and move on.

But the amount of new posters who specifically make a point in posting on the 9/11 forum to refute these allegations and who seem to know the 9/11 Commission Report like the back of their hand, seems dubious to me.

You join a conspiracy board SOLEY to post about how the 9/11 Report was right, without question, not by providing your own evidence but by making weak assertions about the valid research (IMO) of others?

9/11 theories do deserve a fair and balanced argument, but has anyone else noticed this influx of new posters in the 9/11 forum?

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 06:23 PM
An idea I'd like to float is that ATS also works the opposite way. There's not just people here with agendas: I believe that people monitor ATS for ideas. I see a lot discussed on here that shows up as talking points on a news show later. I think some people use ATS to get a pulse, see ideas put together, and info references. So, in a way, ATS is The Man. That's kind of cool.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 06:27 PM
Influx Meets Outflux

Originally posted by Easy Tiger
9/11 theories do deserve a fair and balanced argument, but has anyone else noticed this influx of new posters in the 9/11 forum?

Yes, and I've commented at length -- and woefully -- about how 9/11 topics are routinely derailed.

The only feasible way to eliminate organized disruption is to eliminate all disruption.

Although I'm focused on PTS right now, it is subject to the same kinds of problems, so I'm rolling everything into a nice tight bundle.

These threads help explain some of what I'm up to:

Courtesy Is Mandatory

If You Have Been Post Banned...

Members who are willing to engage in courteous, relevant topical discussion in accordance with the Terms And Conditions Of Use will always be welcomed with open arms on all ATS family domains, regardless of their opinions.

Members who are not willing to do so will be banned.

An outflux of such members is in progress and will continue as long as such members remain.

I'm trying to make things as easy as possible for everyone by eliminating confusion on the issue.

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