posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 12:07 PM
I made a thread about this skyline ad that is blocking ats content.
Its hard to explain properly in words, but this huge animation floats down and covers the posts, and you have wait until it finishes, you can't turn
the page, or read anything. If you turn the page, it happens again. It only happens when the skyline ad is in the box at the top, but it can happen
over and over, and feels like forever until it goes away.
I reallly hope this ad disappears. Its so annoying. When marketeers, I call them pirates, are that invasive, i will never buy their products. That
kind of aggression does not get rewarded. In fact, if corporations really want my money, they would be bending over backwards to demand disclosure,
and redistribution of all goods, to end war, and bring out the technology and cancer cures and side with the people. Thats how they earn my respect.
I can't think of any offhand that are doing this.
I really hope this ad, will not continue to do this floating animation any longer.