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Questions for John Lear

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posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Yes, I just found 6 of the farside that I sent to Springer and asked him to post. Actually I sent him 4 and I have 2 more to send to him as soon as I can figure out what the heck is wrong with U-Send-It. Springers average time for posting someting I send to him Priority Mail is about 14 weeks.

Alright, John. Very nice.

Springer, sooner is better...right?

Have you posted any parts of them, or are they all new (at least for the most part)?

Regarding the mine thing:

I appreciate that you understand the role/purpose of life so deeply. Regarless of if you believe it as Sleeper says, or Rampa, or who ever, the key thing i think we should understand is that we are here for the challenge. We are not here for the good times, but rather for the hard times. Our response to the hard times, the negative things, that is what defines who we are and what we did with our lives. That is our purpose.

Your accountability of self for the whole incident is admirable. Wish i had more employees that were similar. I still have to hear about how it isn't their fault they can't get a ride to work.
Go figure.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:09 AM
Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

Have you posted any parts of them, or are they all new (at least for the most part)?

I posted parts, but I emailed Springer the hi res versions. They are scanned at 300dpi out of "The Moon As Viewed by Lunar Orbiter" SP-200 NASA 1970. They were probably airbrushed to some extent but not with the anticipation that in 37 years they would be looked at on home computers with imaging processing software that hadn't even been conceived of.

Regarding the mine thing:

I appreciate that you understand the role/purpose of life so deeply. Regarless of if you believe it as Sleeper says, or Rampa, or who ever, the key thing i think we should understand is that we are here for the challenge. We are not here for the good times, but rather for the hard times. Our response to the hard times, the negative things, that is what defines who we are and what we did with our lives. That is our purpose.

Just let me say that we can make the best of the hard times. We can even make the hard times 'good times' if we can finely hone our sense of humor.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 01:30 AM
Hello John

Looks like a tidy mine operation...must have been a disappointing turn of events for you. I think it's great that you referenced Sleeper as a source inspiration. I frequently read (mine) his thread myself...lot-o-nuggets there.

Thought I'd throw-out a few links where you can list your equipment, mill etc. You probably already considered the possibility...and discounted it...thought I would post them on the slight chance that you hadn't.

Infomine is a popular site:

A few others:

An alternative approach might be to contact small-cap explorers/producers with advanced properties. One of my favorites is ECU Silver Mining Inc:

They have plans to expand their mill operation near Velardena, Durango Mex.

Appreciate the yeoman's effort here on ATS. If I hadn't heard your interview on C2C one night, I may have never encountered ATS...or Sleeper

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 10:15 AM
How ya been doing John Lear, I know you've been asked this question countless times but do you have any info as to why NASA is building a base on the moon,which I've seen in the new york post a while back,if they've already built one in secret. Is it a plot to try to start false disclosure to the public or has it been planned out to be similar to project serpo.I was wondering all this since your the "old man" with the knowledge and cred to back it up,just kidding,I was laughing when I read the past post where you said that they could put their grandma in the back of the plane an you would'nt give a darn.Even I would if I were getting payed by the hour the ammount you said,hope you reply and thanks for responding.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Originally posted by steve-o

How ya been doing John Lear, I know you've been asked this question countless times but do you have any info as to why NASA is building a base on the moon,which I've seen in the new york post a while back,if they've already built one in secret. Is it a plot to try to start false disclosure to the public or has it been planned out to be similar to project serpo.

The reason you see all of this information coming out about bases on the moon is that someone figured out that eventually they are going to have to account for the bases, the mining and everything else that is already there.

So what they are probably trying to do is start a 'public' program of going to the moon and building a base there that they can 'dovetail' into the program that is really going on there now.

So then you ask "Why don't they just keep it secret forever?" The answer to that is that at some point in a program as big as our 'Secret Moon' program too many people have to be included to keep it secret. So they have to create a diversionary program so that the new people being brought are told, "Yeah, thats for NASA's new moon program".

So you ask "Will it work? Can they really keep the secret?"

My answer is, they've done a pretty good job up to now.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 12:47 PM
Thanks again John Lear for answering my questions,as I was walking around and ran into a friend of mine who doesn't believe in any of this "secret base" stuff saying that if we had built any of this up on the moon or anything of alien origin up at area 51 that today's satelites could of showed us whats out there,saying that it was all bs. He said that he even saw the NASA airbrush video on youtube and was'nt convinced.Could you help me get any info on this subject to help change his "millitary-like" attitude.So I could help him from his "desease" of listening to the only" gas planet" known as NASA , who has fed us on the subject of planets. It would be great so I won't have to beat him over the head with a bat like in "GoodFellas",Just kidding around . Hope you have a great afternoon and get in contact with new first hand wittnesses.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 01:43 PM
Originally posted by steve-o

Could you help me get any info on this subject to help change his "millitary-like" attitude.So I could help him from his "desease" of listening to the only" gas planet" known as NASA , who has fed us on the subject of planets. It would be great so I won't have to beat him over the head with a bat like in "GoodFellas",Just kidding around .

One of the most difficult things to accept in the quest for knowledge is that you can't tell your friends.

I mean, you can tell them, but they aren't going to believe you. Leave them alone and don't discuss the information with them. Nothing, absolutely nothing you can say will change their minds.

I have some incredibly informed and knowledgeable friends who just turn glassy-eyed when I talk about 'moon stuff'. Just when I think I have hit them with the most incontrovertible, iron clad evidence their eyes roll up into their heads, they start spinning around and they have to 'get going'.

I know what you are going through. You want your best friend to be as informed as you are. Believe ain't going to happen.

The best thing we have going for us is where we can discuss these issues with those like-minded. Of course we have to put up with a few 'glassy-eyed spin arounds' but they are here for our amusement.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 02:27 PM
Thanks for your "words of wisdom" John Lear,I was wondering if you saw the movie "transformers".The reason I'm bringing this up is that in this movie the army has a robot held captive in a secret installation that they named "MBE-1" which is similar to the account of an alien held captive called "EBE-1" and another thing that made me laugh was that there was a secret agency called "sector-7". That seemed to have known about the alien robots and were'nt phased by their arrival. It seemed to me that the people in charge of making the movie wanted to enforce the idea of alien life elsewhere being hostile when in fact we should be afraid of our own race. This was all too similar to some accounts that I've read on ATS of aliens being captured and the tech that was reverse-engineered , which your friend Bob was envolved with in the late 1980's. I keep on saying this but thanks for all the replys to me, and the rest of the folks on ATS who are thankful for you being on this forum on a daily basis.

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 11:20 PM
I've been looking at some websites and stumbled upon one of Stanton Friedman's websites where he rants about your bud Bob Lazar saying his scientific terms make no sense and saying that Lazar's theory is bs.This guy's just jealous of the fact that he never held the clearances that Bob had or seen the classified documents.I would like to hear your take on Friedman,on whether he's doing the right thing as a ufologist or is he just ranting his mouth with no facts to back up,you might be wondering why I posted this at this time,the answer is that I'm still in party mood from the 4th of july celebration, hope you have a great day in the morning so aliens won't abduct you at night,just joking around with ya "old wise man".

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 12:53 AM
Originally posted by steve-o

I would like to hear your take on Friedman,on whether he's doing the right thing as a ufologist or is he just ranting his mouth with no facts to back up.

Stanton Friedman has done some excellent work in trying to expose the coverup, particularly with his research on the MJ-12 papers and information contained therein.

Stanton has never talked with or even met Bob Lazar. Stanton worked on projects with the government about 40 years ago and to my knowledge has never held, at any time, any of the high level clearances Bob held. Nor was Stanton involved in or read in to any of the projects that Bob worked on. Therefore Stanton would not be in a position to scientifically comment on any of the information that Bob has brought forth.

Stanton bases all of his discrediting comments on Bob Lazar on the fact that he cannot verify Bob's college attendance or degrees. It is a fact that none of us have been able to verify Bob's degrees or attendanace at MIT and/or Caltech.

The offer I made to Stanton, and an offer which still stands, is to kiss Stantons butt, at high noon, at the intersection of Tropicana Blvd. and the Strip in Las Vegas if any of Bob's information about gravity and space travel is ever proven to be wrong.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
The offer I made to Stanton, and an offer which still stands, is to kiss Stantons butt, at high noon, at the intersection of Tropicana Blvd. and the Strip in Las Vegas if any of Bob's information about gravity and space travel is ever proven to be wrong.

What a guy John, why you’ll even let him come to you!

Of course you already know that will never happen, Bob already debunked himself.
I think his first mistake was thinking you could help him make some cash on the UFO circuit.

For someone who lives in Vegas you’re not much of a gambling man are you? Then again, maybe that's your secret,

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 01:38 PM
Thanks for all the replys "old wise man"/John Lear,I was wondering if you could enlighten me on what PROJECT GRUDGE is all about and if it is still going on in '07.Another thing I would like to know is if you think another terrorist plot may occur over the next few years ,so I could get a ticket to fly out of New York where most of the targeting seems to take place. Hope you have a great day and an even greater weekend ,'till then see ya later.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 07:51 PM
Mr. Lear,

I must admit I am a new member here. I like other have been searching for along time for answer to things we can't explain. After reading most of your post, I am totally confused, and wondering what is real and what isn't.
While this isn't a question for you. I appreciate you taking the time to explain things as clearly as you can. Again, Thank You.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 11:20 AM
Mr Lear
I see on another thread that you have stated you have 18 pictures of different types of Alien.

Are these pictures publicly available and if not would you post them here?

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Chorlton

Mr Lear
I see on another thread that you have stated you have 18 pictures of different types of Alien.

Are these pictures publicly available and if not would you post them here?

Chorlton would you mind posting my quote? I can't seem to find it. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 02:01 PM
Thanks for the reply

It was posted in this thread, admittedly by someone else.

I apologise if you were misquoted by the poster

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 07:29 PM
Hi John, I have been meaning to ask u something for quite some time now, but

every time I log on to ATS there is something on the homepage that snags my

attention and I forget...
so yea! I was wondering what was the

fastest plane you ever flew? and what have been the most G's you ever pulled?

I'm a student pilot and I think its hella cool you flew back in the cold war days.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Clandestino

I was wondering what was the fastest plane you ever flew? and what have been the most G's you ever pulled?

I'm a student pilot and I think its hella cool you flew back in the cold war days.

The F-104 Lockheed Starfighter at Mach 1.7. Never pulled many G's.

posted on Jul, 12 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Howdy John,

I recently experienced a surreal moment of 'it's a small world' ,
and was wondering if you could confirm a tale,
recently related to me, by my visiting B in Law, from Reno.

It's an, understandably forgettable, and benign incident, but the synchronicity,
compelled me to ask, anyway.

The topics that night, weaved from current politics, to immigration to, Arizona, to Nevada,
to Pahrump to John Lear.

He mentioned that, while living on S_ _ _ _ _ Lane, in Verdi, years ago,
he had a neighbor, named Lear, call him one day, about a lost dog.

This peaked my curiosity , since I vividly remember, that awe- inspiring view, of the mountains
rising up, across the field from his house, while there on a visit, years ago. (mid 80's?)

The 'fugitive' in question, was a lovable, overly friendly, golden retriever, named Asia.
This day she ended up down by the river, hence, your call.

Anyway, the fact that my B in L, didn't initially make the connection between 'neighbor Lear',
and 'pilot Lear', (until I helped him) seemed to lend creedence to his story.

So I logged on to your ATS forum to show him your Avatar, and he said,
"yea, that's him", without hestitation.

Just thought I'd share this anecdote, and ask, if any of this, rings a bell.

Did you ever grab a cheap breakfast, or a morning paper at the 'Gold Ranch'?

Thanks in advance,
- J'

posted on Jul, 13 2007 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by Chorlton

Mr Lear
I see on another thread that you have stated you have 18 pictures of different types of Alien.

Are these pictures publicly available and if not would you post them here?

Chorlton would you mind posting my quote? I can't seem to find it. Thanks.

Hi John I found your actual quote here on the Coast to Coast website

You said:
"These are 5 second slides of the 18 different alien species we are looking at. That one there is the most gruesome looking. The guards at one facility are carefully indoctrinated over several months being shown pictures similar to but not exactly like the alien. Only when he'd been acclimatized, so to speak, of the horrible looking beings are they allowed to stand in security positions. Before these acclimatizations were done, we had two guards die of a heart attack as the aliens came down the hallway unexpectedly. "

So would you post these slides please? I really would be interested in seeing them.

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