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Aliens. No Proof Required.

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posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 10:00 PM
Firstly, Hello to all, I am very happy to be here and hope you are happy to have me.

I have spent a loooooong time reading pretty much everything, including massive (now infamous) threads. It is sometimes difficult to wade through the quagmire of threads and posts finding the type of information that each poster or OP is interested. There are posters (and quite a few) on this board that probably need no mentioning that would appear knowledgeable about Aliens and can perhaps help satisfy my hunger for theoretical thought food of which even the largest thread didnt answer all of my questions.

I would like to start if I may by posing these questions (and if I get a response, I have an inexhaustable supply) and would be grateful for any theories a member may have regarding their take on the answer.

Q1. Lets assume for a moment, that Earth is a prison planet or a planet that was created by Aliens to serve one or more purposes but that our soul is on a journey to higher things depending on it's performance here. Lets also assume that everything here is by design or is monitored or controlled including our advancement, technology etc etc Lets say, ET is waiting, biding its time before disclosure.

What I don't understand, if I assume this theory to work, is why have us advance into space at all? Why have us advance at all? Why not just keep us at a certain level, wouldn't it just be easier? It seems that they are complicating things for themselves.

Q2. Lets assume that religion WAS indeed an alien invention and always was part of the process. Why is this so recent in comparison with the age of the planet or our current understanding of how long sapiens have walked the planet?

Q3. It would appear that another opinion/theory is that mankind can't handle disclosure so it is done gradually. I also understand the theory of the economic impact. If so, why didn't they disclose from the beginning or when we were more primitive, surely it would be far more easy for us to adjust. Secondly to that, doesnt disclosure at all upset the whole purpose of the planet in the first place. I don't understand why some of these things are necessary.

Thanks for listening.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 10:06 PM
Im gonna add some more meat...

The reason for my title is that I have found many of the posts regarding aliens, souls (which also touches on life and the universe) totally and utterly fascinating only to be derailed by people who do not seem to understand the (theoretical) big picture or the nature of what is being posted, therefore this thread is not for any of those people so no need to post.

I would also like to make it clear that I neither believe nor disbelieve in anything specific but I what I do enjoy is mulling over and thinking about the POSSIBILITIES, I just like things outside of the box.

For the record, I have never (to my knowledge) had contact with ET...ever...of any kind. I have never subscribed to any religion of any kind and Im still trying to figure out what my perception of God actually is (if anything).

All I ask is that should anyone wish to answer my questions here, I really dont want people telling me how stupid I am. I am comfortable with my beliefs, my IQ and my ability to decide what I think is fact, fiction, delusion or otherwise.

I just like free thinking. An open mind is a healthy mind.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 01:27 AM
cuz mankind has been created and destroyed several times.All those previous civ like the rama empire,atlantis were all destroyed cuz they reached a certain tech level in which they could travel to other stars but the annunak or dracos,our creators didn't like that.Read the lacerta files=we are the 7 creation even the vedas says that also read jaguar mikes post.Our creation is supposed to end in 2012,either we would again destroy oursevles(the illuminati would do it or we would ascend to the 4th density)

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 01:56 AM
Hi Warthog

Thanks for your reply. I will look up and read the lacerta files. For anyone thats interested, something about that take is here;

Lacerta Files

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 02:53 AM
Beware of Jaguarmike, he's a Scientologist. Not that it's a bad thing, but he won't listen to reason or anything that goes against his beliefs.

I personally don't think Earth is a prison planet. But I do pose a question about life outside of this planet.

Earth does have life on it. If the universe is infinite, and still expanding with new planets and stars being created every year... Wouldn't the chance of us being the only life in the universe be pretty much slim to none? I mean, if life can develop on one planet then it's probably going to grow on others.

As for spirituality, I believe we do have spirits etc. But I don't believe that we're prisoners. I think re-incarnation is possible, and that life is a process where we learn and move on to higher beings.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 03:29 AM
Ugh...I hate it when people bring up that ridiculous so called testimony. What BS people believe in now days.
Let me give it to you in simple terms:
We are all prisoners of this planet, at this time... without it we wouldn't be here. We will remain prisoners to the laws of this universe for as long as we exist in them.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Prote
Im gonna add some more meat...

Shouldn't have done that... we might pick up the meat and toss it in the fire to slow roast it...

therefore this thread is not for any of those people so no need to post. SNIP
All I ask is that should anyone wish to answer my questions here, I really dont want people telling me how stupid I am. SNIP I just like free thinking. An open mind is a healthy mind.

That is very confusing You say if we disagree with you, don't bother posting, but you support free thinking and an open mind? Seems to me a tad contradictory?

I would also like to make it clear that I neither believe nor disbelieve in anything SNIP I am comfortable with my beliefs


And Jaguar Mike......... oops someone already covered that

Posting a speculative topic is fine, I have too, but you seriously expect people here to not refute it?

The Lizard
has it right... it is a prison planet, but only because we trapped ourselves here until the soul wises up enough to graduate from kindergarten

[edit on 10-7-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 04:12 AM
Also about the prison planet thingy.Read Mr john lear's post at guest speaker events forum.I am having a hard time locating his post about human souls being farmed,zapped to a base in moon for new memory implant and zapped back again to earth and earth being a prison planet.Can anyone look up for me ?

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 04:16 AM
Here you go i did a thread on that.

I wonder if John himself has a comment on this?

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 04:49 AM

That is very confusing You say if we disagree with you, don't bother posting, but you support free thinking and an open mind? Seems to me a tad contradictory?

What do you disagree with?

I think you misunderstand, perhaps.

I don't intend to post anything I would claim as fact but others may. Any such responses in previous threads are met with posts saying such things me a photo, wheres your proof blah blah boring.

I would welcome an open discussion with any contactee or someone wishing a discussion on the subject without any derailers and to view any such responses not as fact but theories or ideas based on that persons experience.

The point here is that I am not interested if someone comes on here and says, this is the way of the universe and aliens and I speak the truth. That is fine in my book, I dont care if what they say is fact or simply delusional, I just want to hear it, to ask questions and consume the alternatives that are out there without silly show me a photo nonsense.


I agree!

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 04:52 AM
sorry, denied beat me to it.

[edit on 10/7/06 by Prote]

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 05:35 AM
OK, so I have familiarised myself with the Lacerta Files. One of the least convincing things Ive read on this subject but Im not here to judge it just try and understand it.

I don't know if anyone has ever come into contact with this "philosophy" or alien or feels they have a deep grasp of the concepts but Im happy to discuss these principles if anyone is prepared to enlighten. laiguana perhaps?

In terms of the Prison idea, not really what I was getting at but the responses simply mirror my own non alien human ideas. Of course we are metaphorical prisoners on the basis that if an asteroid were on its way, we have nowhere to run, contained within our atmosphere. Perhaps I will revisit John Lears ideas on this but the catching mitt slingshot thing is a cool idea. Not one I like but nevertheless.

I actually like the idea that earth is fairly low down the enlightenment ladder. It would kinda suck if we were near the top with further to fall than to rise.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 03:14 PM
Does anyone believe themselves to havea geniune insight into these questions. Everyone that has been good enough to join in here is clearly not privvy to any joyrides, or at least aren't aware they are. I was hoping to be able to provide a flame free environment for someone that wishes to share knowledge with the question posers not calling them insane or demading pictures. Im still interested in the questions if someones willing...I know they are out there....

Q1. Lets assume for a moment, that Earth is a prison planet or a planet that was created by Aliens to serve one or more purposes but that our soul is on a journey to higher things depending on it's performance here. Lets also assume that everything here is by design or is monitored or controlled including our advancement, technology etc etc Lets say, ET is waiting, biding its time before disclosure.

What I don't understand, if I assume this theory to work, is why have us advance into space at all? Why have us advance at all? Why not just keep us at a certain level, wouldn't it just be easier? It seems that they are complicating things for themselves.

Q2. Lets assume that religion WAS indeed an alien invention and always was part of the process. Why is this so recent in comparison with the age of the planet or our current understanding of how long sapiens have walked the planet?

Q3. It would appear that another opinion/theory is that mankind can't handle disclosure so it is done gradually. I also understand the theory of the economic impact. If so, why didn't they disclose from the beginning or when we were more primitive, surely it would be far more easy for us to adjust. Secondly to that, doesnt disclosure at all upset the whole purpose of the planet in the first place. I don't understand why some of these things are necessary.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 03:43 PM
Oh, certainly there are some people here who know the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, because they, themselves, have been privy to the information firsthand. They talk to aliens and demons and angels frequently, and have long conversations about the place of mankind in the cosmos. Some people here have been taken aboard alien spacecraft, given a quick spin around the space neighborhood, and returned much the wiser. Others haven't been quite as lucky to make the cook's tour, but have seen unexplainable things and have sensed the reality of them. Some have heard the STRAIGHT POOP from other people, but people they know and trust and who would never, ever lie to them in a billion years, and that's good enough for them!

So I guess it's MY problem that they can never come up with enough evidence to convince ME that any of this stuff is real. It's not a problem on their end; they've experienced the truth! They're not all that worried that their version of the truth is not the one held by a consensus of people. Nobody's locking them up in an asylum, like they used to do in the old days. So they don't have to fret about drumming up some evidence that would objectively prove to me that they're not just caught up in a fairy tale web.

All of which leaves us on different sides of the fence. So you can happily and seriously debate about what the aliens have in store for us, down to specific little details, while I have to wonder what you're even talking about. Aliens? What aliens?

But there is one thing that I can comment about, even from my position. IF there were aliens (and I have experienced nothing for me to conclude that they do), then I really doubt that they would have anything even remotely resembling human motivations and reasoning. When most people talk about aliens, they are almost always conceptualized as beings like us, but just a little different. So they have all the negative and positive aspects of human beings, like greed and cruelty or kindness and love, just in a different package. IF there are aliens, I think that they would be so alien as to be essentially incomprehensible. Alien. Really alien. And we would have practically no way to communicate with them or understand them or vice-versa.

I think that's where all the alien talk falls short. Nobody thinks alien enough.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 05:07 PM
Hey Prote, im going to try to answer those questions with my theories, I don't pretend to know more than i think i do.

aswer to Q1= I find it interesting that you don't pluralize the word ET it's not that ET is bidding it's time for disclosure, it's Human intervention that's preventing that from happening.
Advancement spiritually and sociologically is encoded in our DNA so it's not something you can stop,maybe slow it down, but not stop it. The fact that you're asking those questions proves evolvement of our understanding of the truth.

My answer to Q2= I dont think it was an Alien invention, i believe it comes from ancient symbology hyeroglyphics,cuneiform, and ancient texts hidden from public view that tell you the real story. The ancient teachings were transformed by man to create social divide and social order. It's just easier to control and gain from that.

answer to Q3= Once again it comes down to "who" is gaining from the public "not" knowing, for eg. Isn't the Vatican the richest "bank" in the world? aren't all these recovered technologies making some people and companies extremely, extremely rich? etc... and you're right about one thing, it would upset the whole purpose of the planet,but Not everyone believes we 'shoudn't' know, that's why there's all this information on thenet, tv etc.. and that's where we are at this moment.

[edit on 10-7-2006 by incunabula]

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 05:08 PM
Hi Enkidu,

I can see you are very grounded, as I myself am but I can also see that Im not really communicating myself very well.

I read a lot of these threads in many different subjects but the majority of posts seem to be directed largely at ridicule or proof demands. I will try to explain...

So I guess it's MY problem that they can never come up with enough evidence to convince ME that any of this stuff is real. It's not a problem on their end; they've experienced the truth! They're not all that worried that their version of the truth is not the one held by a consensus of people. Nobody's locking them up in an asylum, like they used to do in the old days. So they don't have to fret about drumming up some evidence that would objectively prove to me that they're not just caught up in a fairy tale web.

Its not your problem at all but perhaps many of the members posting here are confused as to what it is exactly they are looking to achieve by hanging out here. I would be highly surprised if in my lifetime I will see proof that will convince me of pretty much every single topic on this forum but conversion is not what I seek and conversion to anything is unlikely (for me anyway).

I think that when I die, I will find out more and I've got more chance of winning the lottery in the next month than I have of getting a ride in a spaceship and receiving the proof that I need that will convince me and I think the same goes for most people. As a result, trying to be convinced of most of the claims and topics on these forums is a tad futile.

Of all that I have read, NOTHING has changed my mind about ANYTHING and perhaps it won't but boy, is it interesting.

All of which leaves us on different sides of the fence. So you can happily and seriously debate about what the aliens have in store for us, down to specific little details, while I have to wonder what you're even talking about. Aliens? What aliens?

Any aliens you think you have a knowledge about. How would I know, Im not one of the priveliged few that has access to such information. Im firmly on the fence and I am not looking to fall in either garden but I do want to enjoy the view while im up here.

You mention the word debate which implies two people or groups one on either side of the fence trying to get their point across. I want to sit atop my fence having a Q&A with anyone who firmly believes they have seen both gardens.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 05:10 PM
That last reply was mine, prote. dont know how to snip the quote,sorry.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 05:30 PM

Q1. Lets assume for a moment, that Earth is a prison planet or a planet that was created by Aliens to serve one or more purposes but that our soul is on a journey to higher things depending on it's performance here. Lets also assume that everything here is by design or is monitored or controlled including our advancement, technology etc etc Lets say, ET is waiting, biding its time before disclosure.

Hey, make all of the assumptions you want. How many do you have here?:

Aliens exist.
Earth was either created by or used by Aliens as a prison for us.
Souls exist.
Souls somehow "develop."
Souls have someplace "higher" to go, depending on development.
Everything is designed and controlled for our advancement.
The aliens are in hiding.

Man, those sure are a lot of assumptions!

And you're asking:

What I don't understand, if I assume this theory to work, is why have us advance into space at all? Why have us advance at all? Why not just keep us at a certain level, wouldn't it just be easier? It seems that they are complicating things for themselves.

Okay, here's the real answer. Ready? The "aliens" are interested and working hard for our advancement, because the ultimate goal of the aliens is to incorporate every particle of matter in the universe into a single, living construct. Just like each tiny little cell in our bodies incorporates matter and energy into itself, and has a consciousness which becomes us on a larger level, so do we as individual beings reach out and transform dead matter and energy into living matter. The goal of all living beings in the universe is to incorporate everything into life. At that point, we create and become God, which moves backwards and forwards through time to create itself and the universe.

Simple, huh? That's the whole motivation. It's not easy to take disorganized matter and energy and transform it into something that lives. But it has to be done if we ever expect to exist in both the past, present and future. The only really huge difference between the Aliens and us is that we normally don't have an awareness of the enormity of the process, and we still primarily exist as separate conscious entities, with no sense of connection with all of the other life in the universe. Until we develop that ability (which, unfortunately, can't be given, only nurtured), we're stuck on Earth in the dark, a piece of the Grand Plan waiting to be incorporated into God.

There you go.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 05:30 PM
Hi incunabula, thanks for stopping by.

I must say I agree with you. I have never subscribed to any religion because I always suspected that it was some sort of man made invention to provide rules for life and instill an amount of fear to achieve some form of poulation control.

I have read opinion that actually some alien race created man and most things are created, perhaps for man, including religion.

I personally don't have a problem with any alien race interfering with man, if you buy into any of that as a theory, one would like to think that our best intentions are at heart, whatever is going on.

However, there are differing opinions, even by those who claim to have been partial to that knowledge which is probably why I won't hear from any of them here, you rarely see any of these posters involved in the same thread but as enlightened as they seem to be, I still have many questions.

for example, you say;
Advancement spiritually and sociologically is encoded in our DNA.

Im not sure about this. Who encoded it in the first place? Man is easily manipulated and I think all outlandish unprovable claims are possible. The very nature of the fact that they can't be proved makes them possible.

it's not that ET is bidding it's time for disclosure, it's Human intervention that's preventing that from happening.

If ET or ET's are contolling humans, then what? From what I understand, a radically superior being and the power they hold over us (i.e. we can't stop them from doing anything they please), how does human prevent anything, so why are things the way are?

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Enkidu

Thats a very good point. Just look at the sitution here on earth, when aliens[read immigrants] come to this country. Many countries in the world have different ideology and habits. Most people have difficulty even understanding those diversities. Most of our human wars and squabbles are because we don't understand the other guy...
So how can anyone say we understand what the aliens[ET this time] could possibly think or want

[edit on 10-7-2006 by zorgon]

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