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Summoning? Seriously?

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posted on Jul, 6 2006 @ 02:46 PM
Okay, I'm definitely not a paranormal expert, nor am I a magic practicioner, but I was wondering.

Have any of you magicians/sorcerers/(whatever) actually (and seriously) succeeded in summoning something?

I know this may come off as stupid, but I'm really, really curious.
The practices of summoning have shown up in almost every major religion and there are tons of old stories about people summoning all sorts of stuff.
Stuff that we just don't see anymore (not that I'm saying that I've seen the stuff, but you get what I mean).

So how 'bout it?
Anyone summon anything?
Any proof?

posted on Jul, 7 2006 @ 08:22 PM
I dont think its actually possible..
But if someone really believes they have summoned cant break their reality

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:15 AM

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[edit on 9-7-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by 2 SPEED

Seriously? Ok then tell us how did u do it if it's not a secret and have u been to any of those dimensions? Thanks.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 09:34 AM
Well that depends what you see as a succesfull summoning? Those who work with the Necronomicon, Goetia, Enochia, Heptamaron etc are workable systems. However within the community there are differences in view.

One half sees the summoning of a being as actually focussing on their own psychological aspects which the summoned being re-presents. So these magicians see a succesfull summoning as manifesting their own psyche outside themselves and thus work with their unconcious aspects. In this case it is more a psychological analitical task then magic as seen from most ideas about the practice.

Then the other half sees summoning as actually calling forth a being, or an aspect of The one which is represented by this being. In this case the manifestation of a true being that can be viewed only by those who have a working 3rd eye and such. Through these beings one can achieve certain tasks and the succes of those tasks are also seen as proof of the entity that most can not see.

I'm someone who is in the middle. Depending on how I perform the ritual I can either focus on the psychological aspect or the summoning of a Goetic spirit.

Proof of the psychological path is quite simple. One will see the outward projection of the self and work with it in order to understand oneself. In this case there is no more proof needed, no more then that of a psychological thesis and paper presented to a tribune.

The summoning of a spirit is difficult to proof as well to those who can not see it. When I scry and see it in the mirror, water, oil or such...or see the smoke or other things move without practical and logical reasoning while sensing there is something in the room. How do you proof such a thing? The only thing you can investigate is the smoke moving differently then the air current and try to come up with a solution which might not even be true, but still seen as a fact to science.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 10:02 AM
Once as an undergrad in anthro., four of us [2males,2 females] decides as a class project in ethnology, we would try to summon some voodoo spirits. Our ritual consisted of rum, cigars, drumming on conga drums and dancing around a symbol drawn on the floor. This was more of an excuse to party than a serious attempt to summon spirits.

Not 5 min. into the "ritual" one of the female participants, fell to the floor and started speaking in a language unknown to the rest of us and seemed to be having some sort of seizure. I don't know if she was actually possessed but we abruptly ended the experiment; shaken with the realization that maybe we were playing with something we had absolutely no business messin with and maybe were in over our heads, spiritually speaking. My GF eventually came out of the "trance" with no recollection of what had transpired.

I'm convinced there are forces that can be accessed thru esoteric means.
As a youth, I also had a very weird experience with a Ouiji Board.
I also talked to Mescalito, but T&C forbids drug talk.

[edit on 9-7-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 01:10 PM
I think you can summon spirits, a few religions seem to have a history of it. In Taoisum, priest often call upon deities or spirits to inhibit their bodies to do certain task.
Wicca practicers are also reported to be able to summon spirits to do their bidings, lend them powers or to aquire information from them, same with voodoo practicers.
Christian priest call upon angels, holy spirits and their God to assist them in their rituals.
There are probably are lot more religions out there with the same claims.

posted on Jul, 9 2006 @ 01:32 PM
I am no summoner or anything like that.
But, I think therefore I am. Get it?

Seriously, though. I was once told by someone that the manifestation of beings is not literal. That means, what is summoned is the energy from the being.

This could be in the form of your will. For example, summoning a deity to give you the power to invent something. Then you have this unrealised ability to invent.
It could be in the form of getting someone to do something. For example, falling in love with you. Then, they have a renewed liking of you after your summoning.

I would be interested, however, if anyone actually summoned and saw a physical being. If one person saw summoned demons - wouldnt anyone else see the same thing, for example, if it decided it was done entertaining the summoner and left to explore the world?

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 04:41 AM
A "demon" can't leave after he is done "entertaining" the magician. This is due to the environment created in which the demon is summoned. When the magician is done he will banish the entity back where it came from. If the magician didn't do this then it is a friggin amateure and I hope he'll have a lot of trouble for the rest of his life.

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Enyalius
A "demon" can't leave after he is done "entertaining" the magician. This is due to the environment created in which the demon is summoned. When the magician is done he will banish the entity back where it came from. If the magician didn't do this then it is a friggin amateure and I hope he'll have a lot of trouble for the rest of his life.

ok, of all the amateurs out there, not one has ever failed to do the banishment?

where do these demons go and what do they look like?

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 09:41 AM
Not one has ever "failed", because all have done so under supervision of one who knew. Failed is marked there, because the first few attempts usually get botched up and the supervisor will take care of it in the end. At least the ones I know and I've learned it as well under supervision before I started to do so myself.

Demons are christian concepts. Let's talk about Daemons for a second, specifically those form the Goetia seeing I work with those. They look like animals in most cases, but I've also had them appear in egyptian style...meaning part animal, part man.

When banishing they go where they came from. Where this play is depends on which type of summoning you did. If it was from the psychological aspect then it would return back into your mind. If it was a entity then it goes where it was before you summoned it and who knows where that was seeing I'm not a daemon stalker who knows 24/7 where all 72 Goetia are.

In this topic I've explained what gods and other such things are. In global terms though.

[edit on 10-7-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Jul, 10 2006 @ 09:41 AM

where do these demons go and what do they look like?

U.S.A. Congress some even become prez......they look like you an me. without light in there eyes.

Honestly i bet you can create a porthole in which a being can enter.. i mean a demon is merely a being who chooses to act out evil... so in the whole deal your just creating a landing strip for being(s) to head to..... know the being? then you can make a more personalized landing strip....

[edit on 10-7-2006 by Tranceopticalinclined]

posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 02:40 PM

When someone actually (successfuly) summons something, is it summoned from another plane of existence (another dimension) or from somewhere else on this plane of existence?

posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 02:55 PM
You still need to clarify which type of summoning you're talking about.

Summoning a deity itself could be from another dimension. It depends where it was at the time of your summoning. It could very well be in this physical realm at that time or on the other side of the universe or at some higher plane of excistence. Who knows...if you want to know where it was before you summoned it just ask it.

But what would it matter? As long as it fulfills its task whether it is gaining new information or asking it to do something for you.

posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 04:36 PM
Enyalius, you sound like you are very well versed in magic.
If you don't mind, what exactly is the extent of your ability?
What disciplines have you studied?
Whom have you studied under?

I am curious, as I would like to begin learning taoist alchemy; there are, as far as I've read, many types of techniques to summon local gods and spirits to garner information.
I'm not really interested in having spirits and such do tasks for me, I seek knowledge.

Would local spirits fall under the heading of mind or other-worldly?
(now, you certainly have piqued my curiousity...)

posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 04:49 PM
I am very interested in this topic and have attempted some web research. The two sites I found most useful Alchemy FAQ and Levity.

In doing my research however I have found that many of the circles and other symbols have lost their true meaning over time. If any of the sucessful summoners on here would please report on what symbols, circles, or items used sucessfully it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 04:51 PM
I second that motion!

And to Organic Shadow:
good looking out!
I'm going to start reading this right away!

posted on Jul, 11 2006 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by wu kung
Enyalius, you sound like you are very well versed in magic.
If you don't mind, what exactly is the extent of your ability?
What disciplines have you studied?
Whom have you studied under?

I am curious, as I would like to begin learning taoist alchemy; there are, as far as I've read, many types of techniques to summon local gods and spirits to garner information.
I'm not really interested in having spirits and such do tasks for me, I seek knowledge.

Would local spirits fall under the heading of mind or other-worldly?
(now, you certainly have piqued my curiousity...)

My "abilities" are limited to working with kaballa and Goetia as well as many new age systems like reiki and energy work for the past 5-6 years. So I'm still very much a beginner. Started with the basics under someone in the area and after that I went solo seeing that groups are not for me. I'm studying a lot of the occult streams, which also includes alchemy to some extent. Very scholorary learning about almost anything there is.

Alchemy uses the point of view in which it is all mental work. At least from the western and thelemic alchemy. I assume this is the same for Chinese/Taoism alchemy. By going inside yourself you'll be connected with what the Budhists call the Universal Concious and thus you'd gain all the information you seek.

Local spirits depends on your point of view. To me ghosts are very real and see them regularly. Spirit guides and other form of entities truly depend on the situation and needs to be reviewed case by case. One time they'll be outward manifestations of your unconcious giving you the information you already knew, another time it'll be an energetic conciousness you interpretate as you feel comfortable with and it aids you. The next it is the true entity you were trying to contact. I learned it depends on how you perform the said ritual, because each can be performed in several ways and each way with its own final result. Gathered a few links there with information.

[edit on 12-7-2006 by Enyalius]

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 07:08 AM
Actually, I definitely believe in ghosts as well.
In fact, dealing with ghosts has become somewhat of a speciality of mine (I'll not elaborate further, just in case. If you want to know, u2u me...)

I believe that all alchemy, regardless of the part of the world it comes from, is essentially the same.
Transformation of one thing (energy at its most basic) to something else.
To me (and I know I'm not the only one), all things in their most basic form are data.
In order to make an alchemical transformation, one only needs to re-arrange the data.
Sounds easy, yes?
Well, it's not.
It requires much discipline and self-control.
Looking inward for knowledge and spiritual fortification is the ultimate journey.
That's why I believe that the systems taught in Taoism are probably the best suited for my disposition.
A lot of it simply has to do with your perception of reality.

How authentic are the Lesser & Greater Keys of Solomon?
Is that stuff real, or is it another red herring?

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 07:24 AM
The keys are as real as anything else in this world, the origins are hardly discredeting the workings of the system one works with. Within Chaos magic I even heard people using the pokemon as an elemental pantheon to work with. Or the Necronomicon by Simon or the fictive workings of Lovecraft.

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