Mostly on COD MW2 but also play halo, gears etc. Feel free to add and give me a shout about a game as long as not some screaming little 14 year old
who screams nonsense abuse down the mic because he hears a scottish accent.... Sorry kinda half rant there
the games i play online the most are COD: mw2 and Frontlines: Fuel of war. my all time favorite games are Fallout 3, Oblivion, mw2, and Morrowind. add
me if you want. thanks =D
I think i posted on this thread earlier that my GT was JS the Kansas. I got a new one, since that one wasnt actually mine..
Anyway my GT is WrOnG hOnKiE
I pretty much only play Cod MW2 online.
Offline i play Oblivion.
Hit me up.