I usually have a few open spaces, so feel free to send me a friend request or message if you play Halo 3, GTA IV, PSU, Team Fortress, or COD4 on a
regular basis.
ill be back online in one week and ready to whoopasss however my profile is still viewable through xbox.
i am searchable through google due to my elite gaming profile where almost every game i think except maybe two have 1000 points and every achievement.
i like gaming online and pwning noobs in my spare time when not being a super scientist, haha and then med school in the fall!
hell yea soon il be a real doctor just like the mengeler!!!
watch out world cause here i come!
GT: James 099 (Kinda based on a Halo novel, the character exists but doesn't have an number attached)
GTA 4 (urban warfare training)
Halo 2 and 3 (don't play these games much like I used to)
Mercenaries 2 (I like destruction, especially having 40 nuclear warheads handy)
Tom Clancy's Endwar (WW3)
Halo Wars (want to sell it)