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What is wrong with us Americans these days???

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posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 04:30 AM

The fellow who posted above you is quite corrrect. Ignorance plays a large part in what's going on today. I was beating this drum for two full years before joining ATS. While I share your enthusiasm, I've got to caution you about that whole "now" thing.

For each person who posts on these boards, there are a million who choose to remain uninformed. For each person like me, who publishes pro-reform ficiton, there are still a million people (statistitcally) who go out of their way to hide from this. The truth is that things will have to get much worse than they currently are before the majority are forced in to action.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 04:49 AM
Yes RR, its here. The battle is for your mind. I use the FPS rule...Faith, Practice, Study. They can't get you then

Every one must have something to believe. Live by it, and educate yourself and everyone around you. Then your mind is yours.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 04:57 AM
Where we are in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, usually determines how we react to the world around us. For those unfamiliar with this framework, this hierarchy of motivation was developed by Abraham Maslow and has five levels.

1. Biological / Physiological Needs: Our basic survival needs such as oxygen, water, food and shelter.
2. Security / Safety Needs: Our need to feel safe.
3. Social (Love and belonging) Needs: Our need to love and be loved. Our need for affection and belonging.
4. Ego / Esteem Needs: Our need for self-respect and the respect of others.
5. Self-actualization: Our need to be involved with something outside of our selves.

How involved we are in the world around us is directly related to where we fall in Maslow’s framework. Most people are stuck in the bottom of the pyramid. It is difficult to be concerned with the Sudan problem when you are worried about where next month’s rent is coming from.

Where a person falls on the hierarchy may change from time to time. In an emergency, a self-actualized person will jump in to help others only after their basic needs are met. For example, if my plane crashed, once I realize I’m ok I will help others. If I am not ok, my help is limited by the amount of pain, fear, etc. that I experience.

Many teens and young adults appear to be selfish or self-centered. In fact, they are involved in stage 3 or 4. Some reach stage 5 before others. Some never get there. Having achieved stage 5, most people’s lives will not be too disrupted by a setback that sends them to a lower stage. However, none will reachieve stage 5 until the needs of the lower levels have been met.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 06:29 AM
slavery through the economy? raise the living standards in every country, increase the price of food, water, eletricity, oil, health care, rent, housing, etc, etc. People will have to work harder, longer and become to tired to be concern with anything else and become ignorant.

Governments, companies and banks are encouraging people to spent more to float the economy..."GREED IS GOOD". Money and the economy are our new god.

next, use properganda and carefully controlled information/news in the media to influence the thinking and control its citizens. seems to be happening all over the world not just America.

maybe its a plan of the NWO, which government doesn't want total control over its citizens. I got a bad feeling most of us are missing the bigger picture here. Some bad political agenda is happening to the world but i dont know what it is.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Urizen
This is a great thread!
All the posts are great in showing what is going on and the state people are in. Every post here is priceless. It shows a lot of things.
Changes will start to happen very soon.

I know it looks that way, but dont expect it anytime soon. The community of ATS are normaly more informed, logical people (except for a few) but this doesnt accurately represent the populations beliefs. I can say one thing from my end of the world (Australia) i have noticed a tend towards a social democracy, people do believe that our neo-liberal values have gone to far, and that we need to again lean to the left. But with our corrupt media, and voting system it is difficult for the more independents to get voted in.

Whole in whole america's self-abosortion is not anything new, and has existed since pre WW-2. Do not expect anything to change while all of our major media networks are controled by the "elite". Information is power. We will be ill informed and will probably protect the establisment even if they were poising us daily *cough* *cough*.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 07:22 AM
they control the media and they know how the mind works. education has changed so much over the last 20 years. they are educating people so differently, so that we take in information in a different way, and we have like a short attention span.

american tv is a big problem, and is causing alot of the problems in the short attention span area. people do not use there minds like they used to, we all have tv's music, everything to keep us busy. while years ago there was no entertainment.

americans are taught to do what you want to make yourself feel good. this is usually based on material things and the consumer market, which is massive today.

what was that saying in that movie gladiator, the emperor gives the people games to keep them amused and happy and keep there minds of anything important.

APATHY, APATHY, APATHY, amercians must love that word.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 07:35 AM
Consumerism is something that has grown into something wild. We now base our lives on material objects to define ourselves, we judge how good our life is by how much material wealth we have gained. This is directly influenced by capitalism, but it is rooted in human greed. I do believe unfortunately that greed is something that is genetic and it have been crucial to human survival, but i also believe it is a trait that can be condemed and surpressed, just like agression is.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by wang
Consumerism is something that has grown into something wild. We now base our lives on material objects to define ourselves, we judge how good our life is by how much material wealth we have gained. This is directly influenced by capitalism, but it is rooted in human greed. I do believe unfortunately that greed is something that is genetic and it have been crucial to human survival, but i also believe it is a trait that can be condemed and surpressed, just like agression is.

yep, the corporations love the greed apset of humans, otherwise they would not be here. society is based on greed and dog eat dog principles. how many reality shows are there in american now, showing people laughing at others misfortunes.

i admit the people running this thing are smart, but it is a fact that people have thrown away there brains for some material goods, and the feel good factor of having everything today.

how many kids in america get everything they want now, while many of us grew up in a time when the consumer market was not that big and we accepted that out parents could not afford this and that. i dread to think where the kids of today are bringing this society to. just how bad will the apathy get.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 09:42 AM
Those who blame capitalism for failing schools are incorrect. Public schools are failing because of a number of issues. One being the increased spending on social projects (welfare...etc) instead of where the money needs to be spent.

New Jersey is a perfect example of this. NJ has the largest public school in the country with over 5,500 students (high school) and ~ 800 staff. It has the largest drop-out rate, has 46 different languages spoken (more that the UN). This school is what all the schools are based on.......there are much more better schools that this one, yet financing is taken from the successful schools to prop up failing schools like these...adversely effecting the 'good performing schools' and raising taxes again and again and again.

In the case of NJ the main fault of the 'school system' is the democrats.....that is the party who consistanly breaks promises [Corizine], increases spending and just throws money at social programs without trying to help the people.

People will be lazy in they can get money or items for free............

[edit on 26-6-2006 by ferretman2]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 10:01 AM
There is no reprieve on Earth or in Heaven from willful ignorance.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 10:13 AM
Americans are ignorant of the world??

I think you need to find a different circle of friends. The majority are not as you claim.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 11:21 AM

[edit on 26-6-2006 by opensecret1150]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 11:24 AM

[edit on 26-6-2006 by opensecret1150]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
I am new here but read posts extensively on here.

I am American obviously, and I have noticed, more than ever, Americans seem to be incredibly ignorant about everything. I asked a friend of mine who is in their 20's, if he thought the situation in Sudan was horrible. His response, "You mean Sudan Hussein?". I asked another friend, and she responded, "Ummm, I guess". I then asked, "Do you know what the Sudan is?", she responded, "It is a country, right?"...

This is just the incredible ignorance that Americans seem to have for issues, especially looking at the ENTIRE world. My mother still thinks China is very poor, and Russia has absolutely nothing because of the break up of the Soviet Union 15 years ago. Most of Americans are as isolated mentally from the world as Antartica is physically. They just don't care.

Has any other Americans noticed this horrifying trend?

You seem to be suffering from the Recency Effect.

I find your analyis of the "trend" to be utterly without substance. If you base trends upon your immediate family and friends without doing any critical thinking or research your conclusions will be, with almost 100% certainty, to put it bluntly, wrong.

I challenge you to back up the following statements:
1. "I have noticed, more than ever, Americans seem to be incredibly ignorant about everything. ". First please define "ignorance" and "everything". These are impossibly vague terms. What is the level of "ignorance" compared to 50 years ago? 10? 5? On what do you base this?

B. "Most of Americans are as isolated mentally from the world as Antartica is physically. They just don't care". By most you mean over 50%? Are they less engaged with world affairs than other people? In what way? How do you know this?

By the way, in my circle, I don't know anyone without a passport! Also everyone I am close to has travelled extensively worldwide. I have been to four continents myself. So if I based my worldview on what see in front of my face, I would conclude Americans are cosmopolitan, engaged world citizens, constantly popping off to Mubai, London, Tulum, Paris, Tel Aviv, etc.

Maybe you just need to get out of the dunghole you are in and move to LA or Chigago, or New York, or heck, why not Sydney or Tokyo??

[edit on 26-6-2006 by opensecret1150]

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by RetinoidReceptor
I am new here but read posts extensively on here.

I am American obviously, and I have noticed, more than ever, Americans seem to be incredibly ignorant about everything.

most americans arent incredibly ignorant about everything, its only the USA'rs that are.

Main Entry: 1Amer·i·can
Pronunciation: &-'mer-&-k&n, -'m&r-, -'mar-, -i-k&n
Function: noun
1 : an American Indian of No. America or So. America
2 : a native or inhabitant of No. America or So. America

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
Sometimes I actually envy them. Imagine what it must be like to believe everything is and will be alright.

I can't tell you how many thimes I've thought that!! reality I would still choose the red pill damn everytime.....enquiring minds just want to know

Yes, I have majorly noticed how far we've fallen even since I was a kid. I toltally agree too about the Gay/ abortion agenda....POP-ulation control at it's finest
And they really think it's about things like ...a womans right to choose....BS!!!
If that were true....then prostitution wouldn't be illegal....I mean if a woman wanted to be a professional whore....wouldn't it be her choice if she really had a right to choose??? Not that I'm for it, but it's BS to think it has anything to do with choice! And we all know the other side doesn't reproduce, unless they take other measures to have children.

Yeah we are in a sad state of disrepair.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by ferretman2
Those who blame capitalism for failing schools are incorrect. Public schools are failing because of a number of issues. One being the increased spending on social projects (welfare...etc) instead of where the money needs to be spent.

New Jersey is a perfect example of this. NJ has the largest public school in the country with over 5,500 students (high school) and ~ 800 staff. It has the largest drop-out rate, has 46 different languages spoken (more that the UN). This school is what all the schools are based on.......there are much more better schools that this one, yet financing is taken from the successful schools to prop up failing schools like these...adversely effecting the 'good performing schools' and raising taxes again and again and again.

In the case of NJ the main fault of the 'school system' is the democrats.....that is the party who consistanly breaks promises [Corizine], increases spending and just throws money at social programs without trying to help the people.

People will be lazy in they can get money or items for free............

[edit on 26-6-2006 by ferretman2]

REPLY: I have yet to find these two things to be proven wrong:
1- "The Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of it's stated intent."

2- "The amount of economic growth in any area is inversely proportional to the number of Democrats running it."

You are correct as to the problems in your state, and in the school systems. Geez, Asbury Park looks like a war zone now, and I remember what it was like 30 years ago (I lived in Ohio then).

End the war in Iraq? I'm still waiting for a timetable to end the war on poverty. $6 TRILLION dollars spent in the past 40 years, and all we have are ruined inner cities, just about the end to the black families, and an out-of-control welfare system.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 01:06 PM
If you want to get extremely depressed about things in America, read "The Twilight of American Culture" by Morris Berman.

A recent study showed that more americans could name more than two members of the Simpson family, than could name two of the freedoms gauranteed by the first amendment of the U.S. constitution.

One out of five americans polled thought the "Right to own a pet" was one of the five.

The right to own a pet.

National Geographic did a poll of americans between the ages of 18 and 24. Of those polled, 11% were unable to locate the United States on an unmarked globe. 29% Could not find the pacific ocean. 58% couldn’t find Japan, while 65% could not locate France. And an unbelievable 69% could not locate the United Kingdom.

So yes, I agree that american culture has cultivated a lifestyle that breeds ignorance of the world at large. The largest problem, is the government likes it this way. They intentionally foster an environment of laziness and inactivity, because it makes their job just that much easier. They can be lazy, solipsistic, and asanine, and most of us will never even notice.

For example, the situation in Darfur. I think if most americans really grapsed the concept of what is occuring, that genocide is happening right now, as we speak in that country, we wouldn't be satisfied with the rhetorical garbage thrown at us by both sides of our government, and we would demand some sort of action be done to stop the genocide. But because we're lazy and ignorant, and unimaginative, we just pretend these problems don't matter, or that theirs nothing we can do about them.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 01:15 PM
I challenge you to back up the following statements:
1. "I have noticed, more than ever, Americans seem to be incredibly ignorant about everything. ". First please define "ignorance" and "everything". What is the level of "ignorance" compared to 50 years ago? 10? 5? On what do you base this?

By the way, in my circle, I don't know anyone without a passport! Also everyone I am close to has travelled extensively worldwide. I have been to four continents myself. So if I based my worldview on what see in front of my face, I would conclude Americans are cosmopolitan, engaged world citizens, constantly popping off to Mubai, London, Tulum, Paris, Tel Aviv, etc.

Maybe you just need to get out of the dunghole you are in and move to LA or Chigago, or New York, or heck, why not Sydney or Tokyo??

[edit on 26-6-2006 by opensecret1150]

What is the level of "ignorance" compared to 50 years ago? 10? 5? On what do you base this?"

REPLY: America used to be number one in education and technology (about 40 years ago). Now we're number 18 or so, in education, out of the top 30 industrialized nations, and just barely hanging on to number one as far as technology.

Maybe you just need to get out of the dunghole you are in and move to LA or Chigago, or New York, or heck, why not Sydney or Tokyo??

REPLY: Local politics is one reason; those areas are bastions of Marxist/Socialist ideas, for another. High taxes for yet another. Oh..... and way too many people, too. I used to live in an urban metropolis. No thanks.

By the way, in my circle, I don't know anyone without a passport

REPLY: How quaint. Many people (not enough) base their lives on needs, not wants, and most have no "need' to travel that far from home. Every type of climate, people and/or ethnicity is right here. Money traipsing around the globe is put to better use donated to worthy causes. But I'm not knocking you; it's just a matter of choice.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 01:19 PM

It is difficult to be concerned with the Sudan problem when you are worried about where next month’s rent is coming from.

Your whole post is excellent and I believe roght on the money. As a personal example to back this... on the way into work on 9/11 I heard the news on the radio. Before the shock set in that this was real... my first thought when they said planes were grounded was "Oh no, my paycheck won't get here today" [ I was short on my mortgage at the time and really need that check]

Yes we do think about our immediate problems first. Those on the bottom of that pyramid might not even be able to afford a tv to watch the news. A farner in the mid west works sunup to sundown plowing those fields. What need has he to know or care about Somalia.

As a foot note, my company actually sent those checks out the next morning by Fed Ex ground express! I think it shows a great sensitivty on the part of the owners to recognise those basic needs of their employees.

As to the teenagers today, I think the biggest factor is the computers and video games. Never before in history have people been able to so effectively tune out the rest of the world. Chat rooms, video games and ipods. Even cell phone ads are more about plugging into your music than using it as a phone.

When I was a teenager we went scuba diving, rally racing, skiing. Couldn't wait for friday afternoon to "get out of town" on some adventure. Games were things like D&D where you got together and socialized. At social gatherings you were more likely to get info on the world around you because people like to talk. Now they all hide in their rooms glued to the screen.

Brainwashing on a massive scale to breed ignorant passive citizens... Ah maybe on to something here....

As to our South African friend... money and sex... well that has always been a pursuit through out the ages
[whats wrong with that anyway?
] but the computer world has replaced that healthy pursuit with online casino's and cybersex!

Wake up World! Turn off the computer! Its a plot. Go out and see the planet before we wipe it out!

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