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US Plans To Begin Massive Spraying Of American Population With Bird Flu Vaccine

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posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 10:20 PM
Concerning Bird Flu Vaccine and someones DDT comment, I found some interesting reading here....

In September 2006, almost 30 years after it phased out widespread indoor spraying of DDT, the World Health Organization has announced that DDT will be used as one of the three main tools against malaria. WHO is hence recommending indoor residual spraying (IRS) in epidemic areas, as well as in places with constant and high malaria transmission.[5] The USAID subsequently announced that it would fund the use of DDT.

As far as a "Live" virus being sprayed...get real. They don't use live viral particles. They will use attenuated virus cells.

Most research into stopping H5N1 is based on disabling the H componet protein spike from attaching to human epitheal cells in the respiratory tract.

Anyway, I wish more posters would research their "opinions" better, using real research studies instead of the local 7-11 "Daily Star" as their source.

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